New Real Estate firm. Union Livery Stables Pig* on short notice tor timber cruisers, com­ mercial men, mining men, sawmill men, all kinds o! men or parties. Horses led at rea­ sonable rates. Geo. N. Lewis, Prop., jacKsonvui« CITY MEAT HENRY W. MARKET ORTH, PHOP ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS :: WHOLESALE and RETAIL :: A new firm opened up its office in the McCully building on Fifth and California street yesterday and will lx known as Daily & Elmer, dealers in real estate, i The members of the firm are P. H. Daily the present county superintendent of Jackson county and E. F. Elmer, a young man of sterling integrity and considerable business ability who has resided, here with his parents for a numlxr of years. Both of these young men are hustlers ami believe that there is a splendid opening here for au office of this kind, and that, with the proper . amout of hustling, they can soon get into I a good, paying business. They expect to write insurance, make collections handle ; mining properties, etc. etc. Together ' with their many friends here the Sen- j tinel wishes the new firm abundant suc- cess in this field. I Special attention given to orders from a distance for Mining Camps and Mills. Meats ship[ted promptly and in first-class condii ion. YELLOW NEWTOWN PIPPINS SPITZENBURGS, JONATHANS Also a full line of all kinds of Nursery stock. Delivery grounds in rear of Warner & Davis’ store. FOR SALE BY L. B. WARNER, w .......... - — I ORTH NEWBURY W. W. EIFERT The City Tailor | W. H 1 C K E L CHAS. DUNFORD Office ill Orth's Building. Hours: 2 to ft and 7 to H p. in. Jacksonville - • Oregon J- H. Messner, Veterinary Surgeon. Medford, • Oregon A fine selection of glassware at Nunan- Taylor Company’* to be sold with baking power at no additional charge. JACKSONVILLE • • TRANSFER Dray i ng and heavy team work. Light ex press t ransferred. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Ohargos Roasonabto W. C. Deniff, of the Criterion was a Medford visitor Thanksgiving. Miss Cora Cameron, of Union town was a Medford visitor last Friday. P. Ensele has recently moved onto his place near Jacksonville. Judge Dunn and family spent Thanks- gving with relatives in Ashland. Supt. Daily and wife visited Climax and East Medford friends last week. Deputy Sheriff Oris Crawford and family ate Thanksgiving turkey at Gold Hill. Tlia Redding papers print the form the contract used by Harry W. Miller, AU work n|uat to the best to lx hud in Fortlniid Wm the timber land operator who must now Puhi, Prop Crowns, Hridijr work end Artificisl Teeth answer to the federal authorities in two ou either rubber or celluloid plater Jsck.onvlll* • • Oregon states for alleged illegal timber land op I'p-to-Bate Shop entrions, in his dealings with Shasta Three Line Chairs county people. It is as follows: "Office of the Washington Mill & Lum­ Good Workmen. I NITRI» VITI- II STATES sTATI-S LA I. NI» COMMISSIONER f ber Company; D. C. McWhittier, president: H. W. Miller agent. Filing* *ii00.00 I I ive Hundred Dol- Orders Taken for Suits tars* ) and upon the assignment of said • JKWBI.KR claim to us we will pav the said................. From $12.00 up. Watches and docks repaired ...................... the remainder of said money. promptly and all work? guaran­ Eifert, The Tailor. This agreement to be signed by said....... teed. MEDFORD. OREGON. .................. and countersigned by the com­ Office opposite U. S. Hotel. Oregon pany's agent and deposited iu escrow un­ Jacksonville, til the day of transfer. "In witness whereof we hereunto set PHYSICIAN and SURGEON our hands and seals this, the.......... day of F. 1«. IMIWEHKOX, M. 11. .......................... 190... QUS NEWS WHILE IT IS YET NEWSY It seems that among the multitudes of j bright, sensible girls in Ashland there is I at least one who is afflicted with that maudlin sentimentality which prompts the sending of flowers and billet doux to criminals. Among the packages put on the express car at this depot, Saturday, was one addressed to Adolph Weber, at Auburn, Cal., the young man who is charged with murdering his father, mother and infant brother, and then burning the family home to destroy evi­ dence of the crimes. The package be­ came unwrapped for some reason, when its contents were exposed to view. A bouquet of flowers, a photograph of the girl sending the package, and a letter comprised its contents. The sender ask­ ed that a reply might lie sent addressed to "Weber,” care of the true name of the young lady. The articles were re-wrap­ ped and sent on to their destination. —Ashland Tidings. DENTIST S T. Notes Regarding the Events That Take and Near the County This the Only Paper. T. J. Kenney made a trip to the Blue Ledge mine Tuesday and Wednesday. nR. T. T. SHAW 0. K. Barber Shop ....... IOHN Brief, Breezy Various Place at Seat, By Sends Howers to Weber. An Alluring Contract. *—/ LOGAL HAPPENINGS Locators. "Washington Mill and Lumber Com­ pany, by................................. Agent.” lype writers. For sale or for rent. New and second hand. Cash or easy installments. All makes repaired or remodeled and work fully guaranteed. If vou need a machine, write us. J.E. Huxley, 82 Fourth St., Portland Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swan returned to Jacksonville last week from the Blue Ledge mine. C. W. Conklin, the furniture man, and Geo. N. Lewis, the liveryman were Medford visitors last Friday. When you want a pleasant laxative take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets. For sale by City Drug Store. Ernest Elmer, of the new real estate firm, visited the Willow Springs neigh­ borhood Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. B. Cesalta and Mrs.Bertha Faucett were married here by county Judge G. W. Dunn on Wednesday November 23rd. Mrs. David Linn returned home from Portland last week where she has been in the hospital. She is much improved in health. Geo. O. Van Natta and Mrs. Ida M. Griffin were married at Jacksonville by county judge G. W. Dunn, on Wednes- — day Nov. 23rd. The Congregational Cadet Corps of Eureka, Cal., has set plans on foot to combine healthful exercise and secure profitable training, experience and knowledge’ by marching, 100 strong, to Portland next June to attend the Lewis and Clark Centennial. President Goode will present the boys with a hand­ some silk banner commemorative of their visit. CURED PARALYSIS. W. S. Bailv, P. O. True, Texas writes: I "My wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm. when I was persuaded to use Ballards Snow Liniment which cured her all right. I have also used it for old sores, frostbites and skin eruptions. It does the work.” 25c 50c bv Ci tv Drug Store. $1.00. Sold “ Death Forstalls Court The trial of murderer Shoemake, which was to have been commenced in the next term of court, has been unex­ pectedly set aside by the grim reaper. As stated in our last issue, the aged crim­ inal had been very ill during his confine­ ment in the county jail, and last Satur­ day evening, he was taken suddenly worse and at 9:30 died. His condition was noticed at once by his companions in confinement but as they had no means of summoning aid from outside, the old man passed away without medical at­ tendance. The body was turned over to the undertaker and his relatives notified of his death, but no one claimed the body and it was accordingly buried at the expense of the county. In view of the prospect of a long and exsensive trial with the plea of insanity as a - ground for contention, the sudden death may be cosidered fortunate.—Mining Journal.