nOVLIGÄ DURHAM An Enjoyable Birthday Party 25,000 LAWYER* Wednesday living a birthday for Mrs. Chris Ulrich a numlier of her friends gave W M Cel »l(. Jackaaavllla. üaa. H Ourhaai, Gra*lU*Mi. her a surprise party in honor of the day, ■ and a complete surprise it was for she was in blissful ignorance of the affair until the friends, who had gathered at d IIF.NTIHT Mrs. Mary Miller's and marched in a All work c<|ii*l to the bc*t Io lx- had In body to the Ulrich house, gathered in Por I la mi Crown*. Bridge woik amt Artificial Teeth her front yard and Ix-gan to sing a rol- on either rubber or celluloid pluler. i licking chorus. Mrs. Ulrich was quick Jack.on ville» « • Oregon I to recover from her surprise and inviting > the friends into her house fully sustained ' her well known standing as an accomp­ d PNITF.II STA I i s LAND COM MISSIONE« lished entertainer and a most delightful social evening was passed. The guests Filing* and filini tor homratrad* mid tiinlxi claim* made. brought with them a generous supply of eatables and a delicious lunch was served Jackaonvlll« Oregon that added a goo lly jxirtion to the pleas­ ures of the event. Remembrances for many more birthdays that should bring happiness and health to the host were ^d • LAWVF.K left by the guests consisting largely of office opposite Court Houie. Chinaware, the pieces being many and • Or «gor» both useful and ornamental. Those tak- I J acktonvilla ing jiart in the evening's entertainment were: Mesdames Alice Ulrich, Rose Ken­ ney, Emma Dunford, Lizzie Cronemiller, ATTORNEY AT LAW (•race McDaniel, Katie Hooks, Harriet Will practice in all courts of the Thrasher, Augusta Helms, Effie Prim, state. Office on California street one Mary Miller, Alina Conklin, Daisy Voyle block south of the court house. Amelia Elmer, Ik-lia Barbe, Minnie Ob Jacksonville, • • Oregon enchain, Frances Luy, Tliresea Prim, Amelia Schmidt, Anna Broad, Ella Cook, Berta Haney, Hattie Neither, Elsie Rand­ ‘-J • JKWKLKK les, Edith Harrington, also Misses Emma Ulrich, Levcna Ulrich, Laura Neuber, Watches and clix-ks repaired Frances Kenney, and Fiet# Ulrich. promptly and all work guaran­ teed . Office opposite U. S. Hotel. Will practice in nil the Court* of Ihr Ulate. P)R. T. T. SHAW IOIIN S. ORTH R. NEIL fTUS NEWBURY YELLOW NEWTOWN PIPPINS SP1TZENBURGS, JONATHANS Iso a full line of all kinds of Nursery stock. Delivery grounds in rear of Warner & Davis’ store. aim L. B. WARNER, w 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Bring Your Friends 1 To W. H. MILLERS CONFECTIONERY STORE W. HICKEL Jacksonville. ... And give them a treat of the Best Candy on the Market, Nuts that are Fresh. Fruits that are of the Best Quality and Drinks that are Refresh­ ing and Healthful. Oregon PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 1 Kahler Blk, Jacksonville ./• H. Messner, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Miss Chapman has proven that Jack­ sonville is a good millinery town. At 1\ H. IMIWEKSOX. M. 1>. her begining she ordered light least she office in Orth » Building might not sell all her stock, but the high Hour« 2 to & and 7 to M p in quality of her goods and the right prices Jacktonvill* • - Or*f(on she gave so met the approval of the ladies of this town mid vicinity that she sold her first invoice and had to place the sec­ ond order for goods and the same has been her experience this fall. Though Ueti'rinary Surgeon. ordering a much larger stock than last spring for her fall trade, Miss Chapman Oregon has placed a second order and this week Medford, places a third order for goods, This last order is largely of street hats and ready- to-wear hats anil all are of first class qual­ ity an 2 <1* ........... Eugene .................... 1 1'2 3:00 a. in .......... Roacburg.................. 10 10 .......... Grant* l‘u*»............ ft:2ft .......... Gold Hill................. 4:50 ........... Central Point.... . 4:21» M rdford.................. 4 1» pm 11:4ft «:1ft 5:30 .ft 04 4:52 ftflO Io 43 1111 11:36 11:4 ft 11 2H 11:3k p.m 12 3ft 4 2ft H III ft III K;ftft Lumber at Low Prices. a in 12.462 ........... Phoenix .................. 12 12 ..........Talent...................... .. 4:10 1 !«. 4:41 4:3f IJftfi ......... Ashland.................... 4 :» ...........Montague............... 3:35 12:03 4:24 12:20 am p.m ...... Sacramento ........... 1 SO ft: 10 7 Aft Ar.....San Francisco...Lv 2 22 p.m 11:50 8 OS Ticket* *ol«l to nil point* in the United Slate* Sleeping car reservation* made on application. Freight house open* at * a tn and clone* nt I. JU p. m. SCOTT M. WILCOX, Agent, Jackson County Lumber Company, having cut out their timber and prepat- ed to move their mill have a large quantity af good building material in their yard that they will sell at bottom prices. Farmers will find this a good opportunity to purchase lumber at their own price. typewriters. For sale or for rent. New and second hand. Cash or easy installments. All makes repaired or remodeled and work fully guaranteed. If you need a machine, write us. J. E. Huxley, 82 Fourth St., Portland Oregon. To St. Louis. The Southern Pacific have made addi­ tional sale dates for the sale of World’s Fair tickets, as follows: October 27th, 28th and 29th. W. E. COMAN. A Homey Magaxine—each month helpful practical and inspiring. Full of fascinat­ ing feature* Beautifully illustrated. A tniilion readers! $1.00 per year. 10 cents a copy. City Drug Store A FREE »ample copy to all requesting. AGENTS WANTED G ood H ovsekkeping want* a subscrip­ tion representative in every city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offer* attractive work and pay* exdeedingly liberal com­ mission*. It will pay you to investigate. A postal card will bring particulars. Write at once so as to be the first in your field. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO Pacific Coast Office, fl* Columbian Builcing, San Francisco. Cal. AN ILLUSTRATED FOR ALL THE MAGAZINE FAMILY GHAS. DUNFORD JACKSONVILLE :: TRANSFER Draying and heavy team work. Light express t ra nsferred. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Ohargos We carry a full and well assorted line of Fine Stationery, Per* fumery, Toilet Soaps Sponges, Magazines Blank Books and School Supplies. Roasonable SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PRESCRIPTIONS J. W. ROBINSON, M. D. PROPRIETOR, JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON H. C. MACKEY Photo Gallery Second Floor, Adkins Block, opposite Postoffice. Medford - Ore The Rogue River Creamery, Medford, wants your cream and guarantees to Fine Photography a Specialty. meet any prices on an average paid by Special attention given to posing any cream concern buying cream. Gaddis Bros. C. E. Gaddis, business of children. JUl work guaran­ teed. Prices reasonable. manager.