Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 26, 1904, Image 4

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Fred Witcher, of Griffin creek, tarried
a few hours here Sunday.
Mr. Price of Sterling was in Jackson­
ville Monday on business.
Latest News As Gathered In From
Various Sections of the County
By Our Able Corps of Corre­
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tracy, of this place,
have become residents of Ashland.
Buyer’s Guide
James Eaton was at the Bleecher farm
one day this week purchasing hogs.
To Profitable Bargains
Max Luchenbauch who has tieen im-
ployed at the Mill is uow in Medford.
Mr.and Mrs. J. F. Crump,of Applegate
pissed through enroute to Jacksonville,
Watkins Items.
IL G. King, Vance Wolgoinott and
John Louden has returned after an
Thos. Margreiter were Medford visitors
absence of some months in California.
Mrs. Fortune of Oregon City is here
Geo. Walter administrator
on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Bleecher estate was a Medford visitor
Arthurs of Seattle mine.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthurs, Otto Jehlness
Mr. Morris and family left Tuesday for
and Eric Anderson returned last week
Cresent City where they expect to spend
from an outing at Cinnabar Springs.
a few weeks.
Mr. Langley and Mr. Terry have shut
Hon. H. K. Ankeny went to Sterling
down their stamp mill and are at present
doing some prospecting work on Dutch one day this week to look after his min­
ing interests.
Mrs. W. F. Yocum visited in Jackson­
Mrs. Marlow and Miss Faucett who
a few days last week with her
have been visiting their brother E. C.
Mrs. Metcalf.
Faucett of this place returned to
last Tuesday.
Mid Carpenter, a hustling young far-
Upper Applegate, was in town
Mr. Ed. Spencer who has l>een doing mer
assessment work on some of his mines recently on business.
up in the Siskiyou Mountains has re-
Rmlolph King who has been iniployed
turned to this place.
at the Jackson County Lumber Co’s mill
Phoenix Locals.
Owen Dunlap left Monday, on a bus-
iness trip to Lakeview.
The Wilson—Roberts party, returne»!
from Pelican Bay Wednesday.
(3. w. ihmlnp. nf Applegate, vfsitvd
relatives here the first of the week.
Fred Pratt, left Monday for a several
day's outing at McAllister’s spring.
District Attorney Reames and wife of
Jacksonville, visited relatives here Sun­
Sheriff Rader was out from Jackson­
ville Tuesday, subpoening jurors for the
Septemlier term of court.
Miss Minnie McCollum, of Tweed,
Calif., visited her sister Mrs. James Mor­
ton, the first of the week.
Misses Frances and Julia O’Toole, re­
turned Sunday, from Dunsmuir, Califor­
nia, where they had been the guests of
their Uncle Michael McGrath.
James Morton, returned from Klamath
his mother-in-law Mrs. McCollum, who
will visit here for some time.
Mrs. Ries, died at the home of her son,
J. B. Ries, Saturday, Aug. 20, 1904, age
74 years. She had been ill for a long
time with cancer.
ln connection with a Complete Line of Furniture the
following articles may be found in my stock:
Picturos Framod and Furnituro Rupairnd.
The Up-to-date House Furnisher and Undertaker
Third Grade—Second reader, element­
for some time. retiirne»l to his home on
arithmetic, introductory language,
Medford Sunday.
tablet and pencil ami drawing book ami
Quite a numlier of the people who have writing book No. 3.
been locate»! at the mill, have left for
Fourth Grade—Third reader, element­
their former homes, leaving the lumber ary geography, elementary arithmetic,
camp quite deserted.
language lessons, primer of health,
A. J. Stevens, manager or the Jack son speller, tablet ami pencil and writing
County Lumber Comj any's mill on I’o»?r- liook ami drawing book No. 4.
Fifth Grade—Fourth reader elementary
mans creekT'fs In Medford at present
geography, practical arthmetic intro­
looking after business affairs.
ductory language, a healthy laxly, s|x-l-
John Christopher the pioneer farmer
ler, mental arithmetic, drawing book ami
has t>een on the sick list for some time
writing book No 5.
but we are glad to state that he is on the
Sixth Grade—Fourth reader, advanced
way to recovery again.
geography, graded lessons in English, a
healthy body,elementary history. sjsdl-.-r,
mental arithmetic, practical arithmetic,
Central Point News.
writing book No. tl.
(To late for last week's jiaper.)
Seventh Grade—Fifth reader,advanced
John Stidham of Wheeler county is geography, practical arithmetic, mental
visiting his mother Mrs. D. Stidham.
arithmetic, U. S. history, speller, graded
Mrs. E. Ross who has l>een seriously lessons in English, writing No. 7.
Eighth (>rade—U. S. History .civil gov­
ill for some time, we are glad to sav is
practical arithmetic, higher
lessons in English.mental arithmetic fifth
The Misses Maud Clulla ami Edith reader and writing Ixxik No.H.
Calev are in Mount Sterling, 111., visit­
High School text books announced at
ing relatives.
opening of school.
School will open Sept. 5.
J. S. Marsh who ha»l his leg broken
I will lie at the Public School building
last week is recovering rapidly under
»luring the forenoons of Sept. 1st and 2nd
the care of Dr. J. II. Pleasants.
for the purpose of examining and classi­
Mrs. Stella Purkevpile took Friday
fying new pupils.
morning's train for Portland to spend a
A. J. H anhv ,
week visiting her sister Mrs. Lizzie Ross.
Mrs. J. M. Moreland has moved to
Galena, Kansas, where she expects to
Woodville Whispers.
make her future home,.
Mr. M. V. B. Soule, has resigned his
position as station and express agent,
Mrs. J. H. Kincaid has rented the Car­
having held the former position for
Vance De Bar Colvig is visisting rela-
eighteen years. Albert Smith will fill ney Hotel and will have it ready for the
tives here.
the vacancy.
traveling public in a few days.
Roy Evans is up from the Greenback
Mrs. J. M. Gibson who has been visit­
fora few »lays.
ing relatives in Montana and Washing­
Poormans Creek Items
John an»l Milton Carter were in
ford Thursday.
Ba ml kio Furniture,
Sewing Machines,
Extra* and Oil,
Canvass and Wire Cots,
Camping Sttxils,
Glass and Putty.
Sew mg Tables mid
Chairs, Wall Paper,
“Dustine” Car|<et Sweep-
ere. Mirror*. Baby
Carriage*, Feather Dusters,
Washing Machine*
and Step Ladder*.
Car|>et*, Rugs, Matting*,
Art Squares, Portiers, Opaque
Shades. Couch Covers,
Table Covers, Lineolums,
Oilcloth*. Lineolum
Varnish, Carpet Felt,
Building Pa|x.-r,
Picture Frames,
Room Mouldings.
Brass, W»xxl and White
Cottage Pole*, Paspitute
Binding and Brass
Ornaments, Wal)|Mx*ket*,
ton during the past tw»i months, return­
Two hay balers are at work in this vi­
ed home last Sunday.
cinity. and the hay crop promises to be
Prof. L. L. Freeman an»! family of very much heavier than during the sev­
Red Bluff, Cal., who lias been spending eral years just past.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rose of Sterling were his vacation with his brother W. J. Free­
Miss Theodora Birdseye of Los Angles
in town Tuesday.
man, returned home Monday.
arrived here Sunday from Jacksonville
Miss Elizabeth Margrieter visited in
List of books and supplies retjuired in and after visiting relatives left for Seattle
Tuesday, where she has a position in the
Jacksonville last week.
the Central Point public school:
schools of that city.
Chart Class—Slate ami pencil.
Frank Duval an»l wife were at the Mill
First Grade—Wheeler's primer, slate
Champlain Co. resumed work this
Wednesday on business.
ami pencil, writing book ami drawing week after having spent two weeks in
Geo. Andrews of Griffin Creek spent book No. 1.
completing their arrangement? for the
Sunday on this Creek.
Second Grade—First reader, slate and winter. The boilers and all of the steam
Jas. Fielder, of Jacksonville, was on pencil, writing book and drawing book fixtures connected with the dredger have,
Poormans creek Sunday.
No. 2.
during this time, been covered with a
prepared coat of n*la-*to* one inch thick
over which has la-en spread a till» k layer
of asbestos cement and the whole has
been given a coat of w hite paint, ami all
has been secured by narrow brass Imnds.
These improvements add ninth to the
ap|>eariinie and duribilty of the huge and
intricate mass of machinery.
A J. Cambers, a prominent resident of
Aslilaml ami owner of the famous sum-
mer resort of Buck Lake in Klamath
county, was in Jacksonville over Tuesday
night to attend a m ssioii <,f <iregon Chap
ter No- 4. R A. M
Mr. < handier*' Buck
Lak«- pro|>erty embrace* 2.INMI acres, on
which i* situated Buck lake, a pretty
body of water of 500 a« re*. the remainder
of the tract Ix-Iiig fine grazing land and
handsome grove* of timlier that make
the place a natural jwirlc of great lieaiitv
and many attractions. Mr. Catnlx-r* will
adil cat fish raising a* a side venture at
Buck Lake arid he has an order for 100-
(MIO cat fish placed with the United State*
Fish Commissioner and he expect* the
tanks containing the n -wlv hatched fish
to arrive in Ashland within the next
week. The fish arc in equal number*
yellow and blue catfish, the varieties that
are the leading food fish of the Missis*,
ippi valley riv« r*. To prevent the es< -ape
of his fish Mr. Camla-rs has built a wier
across the outlet of the lake, and as the
lake i* a shallow body «if water with
rushes an») other growth about the border
that will afford good feeding ground* for
the catfish it is ex|»ecte«! that they will
thrive and multiply until there will |M-
fish for the fishermen in countless num­
bers. As catfish will be something m-w
to the markets of Southern Oregon and
Northern California M r. Cambers expects
to have a goo«| demand for his fish.
These varieties of catfish are esteemed a
favorite food fish in the Middle States
and in the cool, pure watei of Buck lake
they should lx- of good quality. The
meat of these fish is white and readilv
separated from the bones and when roll-
cd in flour and fried a rich brown it is a
tixithsome »lish for even an Oregonian’s
CHOLERA infantum .
This disease lias lost its terrors since
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar-
rhoca Remedy came into general II sc.
The uniform success which attends tile
use of this remedy in all cases of bowel
complaints in children has made it a
favorite wherever its value has become
known. For sale by City Drug Store