Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 12, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. 2
Jackionville, JacKson County, Oregon, Friday, Augu»t 12, 1904«
No. 13
the street from the j.o) and disappeared
these franchises would give to the town
la-tween the railroad woodpile and the
for the first two years 5 per cent of its
Kareuski barn. Deputy Sheriff Crawford
gross receipts; for the succeeding three
saw them as they disap|>earcd and follow­
years 10 per cent of the receipts and 15
Prisoners Overpower Deputy Sheriff ing up he mw one running for the hill Council Meets Last Tuesday Night per cent for the last five years. Payment
The other one had disap,»cured.
Eo Consider Light and Water to be made on the 10th of each month.
Crawford and tour ot them south.
Mr. Crawford thinking he had hid in the
E. B. Dufur, ot Gold Hill, attorney for
Propositions—Meet Again Early the
Escape but I wo Are Cap* barn left him mid pursued the one mak­
Company then marie a short state­
Next Month.
ing for the timber. He had no revolver,
ment in which he said his Company
lured and Returned.
but hopefl to overt ike him, but though |
would give ample and well secured bonds
Mr. Crawford gained on him he had too DEEINITE ACTION IS
DEFERRED carry out the terms of their contract.
IWO ESCAPES SJIII AE IARGE much the start and reaching Rev. Ennis’
He recommended that the council take
yard he jerked off a picket from the front.
time to look into the standing of
Another special meeting of the conncil
Jacksonville was thrown intoan excite­ fence and ¡xissed through the yard going was held Tuesday evening to consider his Company and of the condition and
ment Thursday evening quite equal to likewise through the back fence diaap- . the light and water question. Mayor terms of their offer they having no desire
pioneer days when an Indian attack was i ¡a-ariiig in the dense growth of chaparral 1 Britt and Councilmen Cameron, Orth and to rush matters. Manager H. Schaeffer
ex|a*cted, with men, women and children and madrona. Mr. Crawford, from his Huffer were present. Councilman Nun- of the Company made the same state­
racing through the streets with the struggle 1,1 the jail mid the long run an was alrsent but will return from ment and in reply to a question by the
county juil as the rallying point. And was tiM> exhausted to follow the man, | Cinnabar Springs thejast of this month Mayor in regard to when he could begin
all this commotion was caused by the re- and he returned to the Kareuski barn to J and lie present at the next meeting. A. light and water service iiaid they would
¡Mirl that a jailbreak was on at the county search for the other man. The follow 1 E. Reames stated he had no new propo­ put in light before the expiration of four
jail and that Duputy Sheriff Oris Craw­ liaii hid in the hay and told afterward sition to offer, but reports are out since months but as to water could not say as
ford liarl been killed and the prisoner* that Mr. Crawfind stepjied over him, , the meeting that Dr. Ray will have a bid he had not investigated the scource of
had broken out ami were fleeing to the but not finding the man he returned to in at the next meeting of the council. supply but would be prepared in the near
the court house for hi* revolverand help. •
hi ¡Is.
Mayor Britt then read the amended pro­ future to give a date when the water ser­
There were six prisoner* in the jail Henry Orth and Peter Deisch driving up position of the Gold Hill Development vice could be supplied, E. L. Gurnea
and at 7:06 o'clock Ik-puty Sheriff Craw-1 Fifth street by the court house heard the , Company. The first offer of this Com­ electrician for the Company was then
ford took them their supper. Mrs. shots mid the shouts that marked the pany was to furnish to the town, light asked to explained the technical terms
Craw ford accompanied him to the door i progress of the flight of the prisoner* current at three cents per kilowat hour and the manner of installing the light
of the jail and to her lusty scream for ! drove up town at a furious pace and delived direct to wires of the town light­ service which he did in reply to
lielp when the prisoner* attacked Mr. I secured a revolver at Neul»cr’s saloon and ing system without extra charge and questions by members of the council.
Craw ford is probabl v due that he was hurried l»ack to the scene of action. |>ower current at ¿5 !«-*r hoisepower for No further discussion of the subject was
not seriously hurt or killed. He went ' They went to the barn where they were 24 hours service to a pumping station. had and the whole matter postponed until
into the outer corridor and, ordering the I soon joined by Prof. G. R. Ccrlocr, who The second offer was that the company the regular council meeting the 6th of
prisoner* into their cells, pulled the lever came at a college track gait, though he lie given a 10 years franchise for a light September.
that throws the bar that lock* all the cell weighs 260 pounds. They not binding and water system. For the light service
door', and went into the inner corridor i their man, Henry Orth returned to the I they would maintain 441 incandescent 32 Teachers’ Examination Being Held.
to place their food on the table. No [ court house for more help the two with candle power lamps and -two arc lights
The August examination for teachers
sooner had lie stcp|>cd inside the room j Chas. Paine watching the doors of the on the streets for ¿16 66 per month and
Wednesday and will close this Fri­
than (our of the prisoner* threw open . l»arn to see that the prisoner did not additional street lights at the same rate
his assistants on the board of ex­
their cell doors and sprang upon him | escajie. Orth brought a big crowd back each. To individual* t be rate to be 10
Daily has Prof. A. J. Han-
ami tried to force him into a cell ami with him among them big Marshal W. cents ¡»er kilowat hour the minimum
Point and Prof. G. R.
lock him in, they l»eiiig oble to o|>en the G. Kenney and Deputy Sheriff Crawford price to individuals to be ¿1.00 per
cell floors try preventing the lx»lts from ' who had just gotten back from hi* chase 1 month. They would put in a water
The following teachers took examina­
locking, in some unaccountable manner 1 and with the aid of a lantern brought by­ system and maintain 10 hydrants for ¿20
for state papers:
— a mvslerv,
z» when Mr. Crawford threw Jas. Wilson, the prisoner was soon locat- I per month and additional hydrants at the
Norton, Alma Gilham, Ida
the bar to hx'k the doors. However, he , ed up on the beams under the roof. By same rate. The rate to individuals to be
Nason, Della Steward,
did not notice anything unusual ami sup- 1 the pursuasion of half a dozen revolvers ¿1.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and 10
Floy McNeill, Olah
posed the cell doors to l»e securely the fellow climbed down begging his cents for each additional 1000 gallons.
Ida Meyers,
locked. Mr. Craw foul is a young ami captors not to shoot. He was soon in jail Streets to be left in as good repair as
[Htwet fid man and he fought them off and locked in a cell. No trace could be when found.
ami in the struggle closed the floor of the
(Continued on ,»age six.)
The company in consideration for Olive E. Huffer and Zudie Owens.
cell they were trying to force him into.
The following are the applicants for
Not making good progress locking him
up ami fearing his wife’s screams would
Shuck, Anna Colvig, Jennie
bring others to the scene, the prisoner*
Mary Ashurst, Edith Dun-
fieri out of the floor, ami, fearing they
Brien, Nina Kame, Grace
might be intercepted at tile jailyard gate,
Purkeypile, Bertha Peach-
they scaled Hie rear fence.
Clara Terrill, Jessie
Janie* A. Wilson who lives across the
Addie Hay, Kate
street cast of the jail, hearing tile com-
Law, Leila
motion at the jail, secured his revolver
L. Prim, and Flora Thompson.
ami rushed for the street just as one of
the cscaja s ran south for the hills. Mr.
Wilson shot at him but missed him just
Justice Dox Performs Geremony.
as he crossed the railroad and stumbled
Justice Henry Dox performed his first
and fell. However lie was up in an ii •
ceremony this Friday morning,
stunt. mid with living bullets to acceler­
couple undergoing the trying,
ate Ins speed fled towards Gus New
but presumably pleasant ordeal being O.
liurv’simd ran between it ami Mrs. Dox’s
R. Hayes and Miss Sadie Heffner. The
place up to California street where he
Justice, realizing that this was a most
landed up to the muzzle of the guns of
auspicious liegining to his official career,
I’atsey Donegan ami Chas. Cmnpliell,
put on his most winsome smile, and re­
who were returning from shooting
freshing memory, and not his inner self
doves. The voting mcii’sgiins were un­
as was the wont of pioneer justices of
loaded but they looked loaded to the
' Jacksonville, from a book and not from
frightened jailbird and his hands went
I a glass, tied the knot in the good old
Up in a hurry. Clarence Reames was
, ,style, even putting in the obey clause,
with Donegan ami Catnpliell but hail left
and with his best wishes and,—but the
his gun at his house and ran back and
Justice would notacknowledge whether
got it mid assisted in escorting the escape
he kissed the bride or not, though it is
back to tile jail. Mr. Donegan, after
hinted that Governor Beekman, who acted
the fellow hail liecli made to walk up
i as best man,did that with all the gallant­
near, lowered his gun and loaded it tell­
ry of his youthful days—started them on
ing Mr. CamplM-11 as his gun was loaded
I this new section of their life’s journey for
to hold a laud on the fellow. His gun
happiness or sorrow as they and the fates
back in line with the trembling prisoner’s
decree. The young people reside on Big
heart Campliell than lowered his gun ami
loaded it to the astonisliim lit of the jai’«
| Butte creek and are both highly respected
bird at the cool bluff that had been play­
and energetic and are quite sure to win
ed ti,mu him.
I success in life.
Two other of the prisoners fled east on
Figured Lawns
and Dimetys,
White Piques,