Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 05, 1904, Image 8

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Reduced I xcursion Rates.
On ami after June 1, 1WU, the Southern
Pacific, in connection with the Corvallis
The hippie Mine Yields An Inorinoti»
N Eastern railroad, will have oil »ale
Suqqet. the Value of Which i» found
round trip tickets from point* on their
to be Ncarlv $500.
i lines to Newport, Vaquina ami Detroit
I at very low nites. X« mm I for return until
The biggest gold nugget which was Octolwr 10, 191)4.
ever brought into Grants Pass and the
Three-ilay tickets to NewquTt and
largest which Southern Oregon has pro- Vaquina, good going Saturdays and re
duced in modern times, comes from turning Mondays, arc also on sale from
the Klippel mine on Mac Donald gulch, all East Side points. Portlaml. to Eugene
a tributary of Boland creek, ami is now inclusive, and from all We»t Side points
at the First National bank
Th« nugget enabling ¡xuple to visit their families
is a big. irregular chunk of gold, some ami spend Sundav at the svasi<le.
four inches long about two inches wide
Season tickets from all East Side |x»ints,
at one eml and tapering to an inch, ami Portlaml to Eugene, inclusive, ami from
about an inch ami a half thick
In val­ all West Side points, are also on sale to
ue it is just a few dollars short of $500. j I>etroit at very low rates, w ith »top-over
In shape it resembles an old slipper ' pri vihges at Mill City or any ¡mint ea»t,
about as nearly as anything to which it enabling tourists to visit the Santiaiti
might be compared. It is perfectly simx»th ami Breitenbiish hot springs tn the Cas­
an«! solid am! nearly pure gold. The cade mountains, which can be reached in
place where this nugget was found is one day.
only a few miles distant from the Briggs
Season tickets will l»e g«xx! for return
Eldorado and is located on the same spur from all points until October 10. Three-
of the Siskivous, the long divide which day tickets w ill be gtxxl going on SutUJ-
divides Sucker creek from Althousc. «lavs ami returning Mondays only.
—Grants Pass Courier.
Tickets from Portlaml ami vicinity will
l»e goo«l for return via the East or West
John Anderson is fitting up a home on Side at option of passenger.
the lot he bought last spring adjoining from Eugene ami vicinity will lx- g<»«xl
Judge Day’s property that is entirely too going via the ¡.ebanon Springfield branch
fine and comfortable fur a bachelor's re­ if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets
treat and it is rumored among the boys checked through to Nv »|<»rt; on Vaquina
that John is contemplating committing tickets to Vaquina only.
matrimony. To the small house he
Southern Pacific trains connect with
built last spring he has added a kitchen the C. and E. at Albany and Corvallis
and a dining room. A woodshed ami a for Vaquina ami Newport. Trains on the
well are other conveniences that he has C. and E. for Detroit will leave Albany
provided that would be appreciated by a at 7 a. tn., enabling tourists to reach
housewife and to give the premises a there the same day
neat appearance he has given the wtxxl-
Full information as to rates, w ithlx-au
work a heavy coating of whitewash. tifully illustrated booklet of Vaquina bay
John has done the work in the odd and vicinity, timetable, etc., can be ob­
times when he was not employed in work tained on application to Edwin Stone,
about town, being an expert gardener manager C. ami E. railroad, All«any; W.
and general utility man at a number of E. Com an. G. P. A., Southern Pacific
the homes in Jacksonville.
companv, Portland, or to any S. I’, or C.
and E. agent.
Jacksonville has been well represented
0. R. 4 N. Summer Book.
of late at Colestine. the contingent t>eing
The handsome 191)4 summer book,
made up of Mrs, J. Nunan. Mrs. Joseph­ ‘•Restful Recreation Resorls,” issue«! by
ine Russell and her son Donald, Miss the Passenger Ih-partment of the Oregon
Railroad & Navigation Company, is just
Frances Nunan. Chas. Nunan I>eputy out. Tells all alxnit the summering
Sheriff Oris Craw ford, Mrs. Crawford and places of the Columbia River Valley; a
little «laughter Jau’iita. Mr. and Mrs. brief description of the trips up and down
C. L. Reames, Miss Campbell and two the Columbia River, to the mountains,
beaches, inland resorts ami fountains of
children. Miss Ella Orth, Miss Margaret healing, where they are and how to
Krause, Superintendent P. H. Daily, reach them. The book has a special de­
Mrs. Daily, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Fretl. signed front cover, printer! in two colors,
Of this delegation Chas. Nunan was only an«l the inside ¡»ages are splendidlv illus­
trate«! by costly and beautiful half tones.
a temporary member he going and re­ A copy of this publication maybe obtain­
turning Monday. Mr. Reames and Mr. ed by sending two cente in stamp» to A.
Cra..tord returned Sunday as did Miss L. Craig. General Passenger Agent «4 the
Josephine Donegan, who came home that Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company;
her mother Mrs. P. Donegan could take
a trip to Colestine, she going to that re
Renders the bile more fluid ami thus
sort Wednesday.
helps the blood to flow; it affords prompt
elief from billiousm-ss, indigestion, sick
Special Excursion Rates.
and nervous headache, and the over-
The Southern Pacific Company­ will ndulgence in food and drink. IJerbine
sell special excursion tickets to St. Louis acts quickly, a «lose after meals will
(•ring the ¡»atient into a g«xxl condition
or Chicago, and return as follows:
To St. Louis both ways through Port­ in a few «lavs.
G. L. Caidwell, Agt. M. K. ami T. R.
land $77.50, one way through California
Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes. April 18.
via Ogden or ELI Paso $81.00.
To Chicago and return both ways 1903; “I was sick for over two years
through Portland $82.50, one way- with enlargment of the liver and spleen.
through California via Ogden or El Paso The doctors did me no g«xxl, and I had
given up all hope of being cured, when
To Chicago with return from St Louis my druggist advise«! me to use Herbine.
It has made me sound and well.” 50c.
or to St. Louis with return from Chicago
Sol«l by City Drug Store.
both ways through Portland $80.00, w ith
o».e wav through California via Ogden or
Teachers’ Examination.
El Past'» $83.50.
Commencing Wednesday August lit at
S alk D ates .
nine o’clock a. tn., am! continuing until
May 11. 12, 13; August 8, 9, 10;
Friday, August 12 at four o’clock.
June 16, 17, 18; September 5, 6, 7;
«.RADF. ■
July 1, 2, 3; October 3, 4, 5.
Limit 10 days going east of Oregon
an«l California return at any point within
W ednesday —Penmanship, history,
orthography, re-tding.
90 «lays from sale date.
S. M. W ilcox ,
T hursday —Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
F riday —Geography, mental arithmetic, '
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition.
physiology, civil g«»verntnent.
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
W ednesday —Penmanship, orthogra- !
round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates to St. Louis and Chicago account phy, arithmetic, reading.
T hursf . ay —Art of questioning, theory j
the St. Louis Exposition on the following
dates: June IB. 17, 18: July 1, 2, 3: Aug. of teaching, methods, physiolgv.
P. H. D aily ,
8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7: October 3, 4.
County School Superintendent. [
lewis and (lark Centennial.
International scop- is assured to the
Lewis mid Clark Centennial Ex|x»sitmn
! to lx- llcld at Portlaml, Oregon, from
Jun«- 1st to Octolx-r I«’», I9D5, I»v Pt« *i«lcnt
I R< h > s < veil's approval of the act of Cotlg
Woodville Whispers.
' rvss making an appropriation lor the Ex
Vance Dr Rar Colvig, of Jacksonville, ' (»osition, and Ills invitation to foreign
I countries to ¡sai ti< ipule Portland's E x | mi
visited hrre Saturday ami Sumin« .
sition will retires» nt a total oiitlav of over
riiough covering lo.”» acre»
Ned and Rm Evans have gone over to $'»,INN),<NM)
of lami ami naturili Ink« . it will I m - com
tin Greenliack mine to work.
1 iMict hi form, and tile average i«-rM»ii will
Will. Hiatt left Moudav for a few duv'* lx* able to -ve ami compri Itemi it all m a
The « ream of
visit with hi* mother who rrsidrsat Buck few «lays ul ii «<«1< tal« <■<•»!
the foreign olid domestic exhibit» to lx-
eve, California.
inaile at St. Louis this »«-ar will lx- tr.ni»
I«» Portlaml at III« close- ol the
Mr. and Mr*. J. B Hair visited rela
Louisiana Pun ii « m - Exixmitiun
lives ill Grants Pass the first of tin w«-« k I 'nit« «I States ex hi bit will I m move« I cut I ri­
and spent Tuesday ami Wednesday at to Portlaml and ill-tailed in building to lx-
Central Point with Mr. Calc» ami familv s|x-ciall\ erected Till« exhibit will be
worth $sm>.(Mlii
In addition Partial «I
Mr. and Mrs N. Ritter. A. Sizemore, w ill have mam 1« at lire* which w ill m»t In­
Mrs. Clara Birdsye and Geo. BirdM-ve serii at St. I.ouis, such as » xhibit «lemon
were among those w ho attended the fune­ slrating tli< life, customs ami imltistries
■ >f China, Japan. Hawaii, Sitarla. Russia,
ral of Dr. Caine at Rock Point last Tues Alaska. Australia New Zealand, th« Phil­
ippine* ami Imita
fh< Lewis ami Clark Centennial will
Edward and I.e»tcr Boling have pur lx* the first international cs|«>»ition under
chased the property known a» the Colvig Government |uitr«»i»age rvrr held outlie
Pacific Coast. It will lx in ever % wax a
place which is situated on Birdaevr creek Western ex|x»»itioii. The railroad* will
and also a forty acre tract adjoining it make low rates from Missouri .«ml Mis»
The former Ixdonged to Win. Colvig and i j issippi river point* to Portlaml, and ex
ceptionallv low rat«* will lx tn «Heel I»
the latter to Mrs. C. S. Bird nevr.
tween Portland ami the R<«-k« Mountain
Mr. Joe Cox and fail ily left for fort region.
land Monday
Mr. Cox. lor the I-*'»
five years has lieen section foreman at
this place but received the otter of the
Portland section which he has act « pt« d
He will have charge of that portion of
the S. P. track at Portland commencing
at the depot and extending six mile»
south. Ge«». Ziflers, who for some time
past has l»een tn the employ of the com •
pany here, has been teniporanlv appoint-
e«l to fill the vacancv with the proba bU
ity of being appointeil the regular fore­
Kuch lldppcninqs.
Miss Emma ITrich is visiting friends
at Ruch.
J. D. Fletcher spent a few
Ruch Sundav.
Elmo Thrtx'kmortori
with home folk-..
hours at
We Have a b'ine
Selection in
Tile Latest
Styles and of the
Bert Bostwick ami Frank Coppie are
at Cinnabar for a short vacation.
Mr». W. II. Boatwick and Mm. Walter
Bostwick visited in Medford iridar .
W. W. Cameron ami C M Ruch sjx-nt
several hours in Jacksonville Tuesday.
The Ruch school otx ned this Mondat
with Miss 1'nderwood of Jacksonville as
Miss Gladys Rost of Applrgatr sjx-nt
Sunday and Monday with her Aunt Mrs.
S. R. Taylor.
Mrs. F. Marlow ami two sons and
Mrs. J. Faucett of Ruch are visiting at
Watkins the guest of E. C. Faucett.
A farewell party was given Saturday-
night ill honor of Miss Ina and Nettie
Matney, of Vreka, Calif., who have been
visiting relatives ami friends at Ruch for
several weeks. The party was well
attend and all report having had a fine
time. The Misses Matneys left Monday,
but befon returning to there home will
visit friends in Medford ami Ashland.
That are Sure to
(rive Satisfaction and
At Prices That ate Right.
J.M. C ronemiller .
In the matter of the guardianship of
Dellx-rt E Vocem.
Notice is hereby given that th« under­
signed has lieen ap|»otiitcd by Jackson
County guardian of Delbert E. Yocum, a
minor. All persona knowing themselves
indebted to said estate sre requested to
make payment of «he amount to tin-
undersigned and all claims against said
1 estate are to lx- presented to the under-
signed guardian.
July 21st 1904.
OR IAN Y ocfm .
Special attcntion gì veti to ordcrs troni a distance tor
Mining Campa and Mills Mcats shippcd promptdv and in
tirst-dass condii ioti.