V JACKSONVILLE Vol. 2 SENTINEL Jacksonville, Jackion County, Oregon, Friday, Auguit 5. 1904- SEARCH FOR GOLD favor College Work Entire No. 12 This Friday being the ninth anniver­ sary of the ordination of Rev. Father Arthur I^me into the priesthood of the Catholic church the Father will celebrate this important event in his life by spec­ ial church services which will tie held to­ day at M:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. in St. Joseph’s Church to which the public is cordially invited. Sunday will be Father Lane’s regular appointment for Ashland and he will hold services at the Catholic chapel in that place at 930 a. m. Year. At the recent meeting of the Board of Regents of the Oregon Agricultural Col­ Hills Near Sucker Creek Teem With lege an interesting resolution was offer­ Hdppeninqs In and About Jackson ed by Regent John Daly. Tbi« resolution ville During the Past Week. Prospectors dnd the Search for provides for making the work of the col­ — All the Doings About the lege continuous throughout the year. treasure Continues Inabated. County Seat Given In Detail. The professor» arc nut to la- deprived of vacations, but these will lie taken in TIND AITRAGTS GREAT ATTENTION such a way as not to interfere with the ONLY PAPER PRINTED IN THE CITY continuity of college work. Mr. Daly Thomas Keaton left Stiudav in com- 1 said that under the present plan of work­ Camping can be made comfortable piny with hi» >.Id time mining partner, ing nearly one-third of the year is wasted Ice Cream at the Mcxlel. and be a healtful recreation if the camp is E. I*. Bauer, who had come to |ack»on- in vacations. The resolution appeared Fine job work at the Sentinel Office. supplied with the necessary conven­ ville la»t week from Chico, California, to to represent the sentiment of the Iroard. iences. Conklin, the housefurnisher, can join Mr Keaton in a pros|x?cting trip hi It doe» not apja-ar, however, that the Slabwood in stove lenghts ¿1.00 per supply these conveniences and at prices the hills we»t and Mouth of Jacksonville. change will lie made at once, ft will load at saw mill—Iowa Lumber Co. that are right. Wire mattresses, with or Tlii-v will devote some lime to the Elliott take a little time to accustom the |<-ople Rev. Father J. D. Murphy is now at without legs, canvas cots, wool slabs, Creek district, which Mr. Keaton thinks’ to the new idea. The proposed change Santa Cruz, where he will spend a month and pillows. Hammocks in which to must contain some rich ledge», a» much 1» in line with what is lieing done at at that famous California seaside resort. take life easy and small mirrors to tell co->rsc gold wa* found in carl v day» along many of the liest educational institutions Chris Ulrichand hitsons Louisand Roy you how fat and brown you are getting tTis creek. Mr, Keaton wa» a pioneer of the country. The vacation svstem is z * I miner of Southern Oicgpu but in recent unknown in the great educational insti-| made a fishing trip to Little Applegate to be. ye irs has been in inanv of the other lead­ tutions of Germany, and it is the opinion i Sunday and that they caught a goodly Billy Deniff, George McCune. Fred ing mining districts of the country but of some of the leading educational autho number of fish is proven by the dozen Fick and Oscar Lewis who are rusticating he thinks this section now offers the beat ritie» that vacations are much more of a fine trout that Mr. Ulrich presented to at Squaw Lake have sent word to their inducements of any section of the West detriment than a benefit to students. By I the Sentinel force. Jacksonville friends that they are hav­ lx»th to prospectors and investors ami he abolishing the vacations, the students can E. T. Staples, who bail been to his ing the time of their lives in their outing is now going to try his luck once more save a year in the time required to secure home in Ashland for a week, passed at that famous sporting resort. They here where he made plenty of money a college education.—The Oregon Ancul- through Jacksonville last Saturday on his have killed tour fat deer and caught fish y< ar> ago. turist. way to the famous Briggs mine on i in number, too many to count. Fearing Mr. Keaton came in last wick from a ; Sucker creek which he has bonded and that thev will get the gout from high Campers will find the best of canned prospecting trip in company with Deb living the boys are coming home this is now preparing to develop. McKee, of Upper Applegate, and Mr. meats, oysters, clams ami canned fruits Saturday. E. 1>. Briscoe of Upper Trail Creek was M< Kee’s sons Bert and Arthur, during pickets syrup and other lunch basket Miss Gertrude Allen, who has been necessities at Miller & Bailey’s. Fresh in Jacksonville Wednesday on business at which they traversed the hills alaiut the bread daily and cakes furnished loonier. the court house. Mr. Briscoe and his spending the past week in Jacksonville headwaters of the west forks of Apple- . G. Briscoe operate a sawmill w*lh her uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. The traveling public can secure first father, father, J. J. G. gale extending their travels to Sucker class accommodation* and good home, on a tributary to Trail creek but as thev Sanford Snyder and at the home of Mr. creek where they visited the celebrated cooked meals at Mr». A. I). Flory’s board­ use water power they only ron Dae «,11 , and Mrs. G. S. Epperson, vrill return to Brigg's ledge, the fabulous wealth of ing house on Fifth street two blocks ( during the winter months when the her home in Ashland this Friday. She which lias created much excitement north of court house. stream affords plenty of water. They will be accompanied by Willie Henry, among miners. Mr. Keaton savs that To get ¡»erfect rest use one of those have a fine body of pine ami fir but be* , the little fellow is to spend a week at the the ledge is a wonderful sight, the gold silk floss or cotton felt mattresses, They I ing so far from railroad transportation Allen home in Ashland. living ill the scams of the ledge in almost are the liest. C. W. Conklin. and having but a limited local trade they pure form and is taken out in large Keep your floors clean by the nse of ! do not find it profitable to put in steam Eavors Mr. Vawter Tor Speaker. chunks. He »aw over ¿3,000. in gold Dustine. Sold at Conklin's furniture Hon. H. von der Hellen was in Jack­ power and run the mill during the num- that the Briggs had taken from the ledgr store. sonville Monday from his fine stock , mer months. Mr. Briscoe stated that and which thev had not sold, keeping it If you want to rent a farm or have land : their school will close in two weeks a ranch at Wellen. Mr. von der Hellen is as evidence of the richness of their find to rent see T. C. Norris, Medford. term of five months, which has been very- one of the three representatives from which has prolmdlv netted them ¿10,000 Jackson county in the Oregon legislature or more. They have the ledge opened Trespass notices on cloth sent by mail successful under the charge of Miss Chris­ which meets at Salem next January. tina McTavsh. but three feet deep ami for a distance of to anv address for fl .1X1 a dozen. Already there is much interest as to who thirty feet ami the Ixittom shows as rich i« to be speaker of the house of represen- as it did al the surface, Tnc claim lias taives and several candidates for that lacil bonded bv E T. Staples, of Ash­ ' position are now in the field. Among land, who is preparing to fully develop these candidates is Hon. W. I. Vawter it, with a good paos|*ect of it yielding , one of the representatives for this county. a fortune to him. Of his candidacy Mr. von der Hellen Mr. Keaton says the hills of the Suck­ stated that he should give Mr. Vawter er creek district are fairly alive with his hearty support and he was sure that prosjcctors, drawn thitlii r In the famous ■ Hon. D. H. Jackson the other member Briggs »trike, they seeing from ten to [ would also support Mr. Vawter. From fifteen men each day they were in that information that Mr. von der Hellen •action. He says there are also many had received from other parts of the prospectors in the Applegate lulls ami so state he thought that Mr. Vawter would thorough is the pro»|>eciing being done stand an excellent chance to gain the that some big strikes are likely to be coveted position for which he is so well made this season. qualified to fill. Mr. von der Hellen’s family have been Gold Hill Development Company. spending the past few weeks at McAllister The alx»ve company has completed ar­ Springs where they were camped in rangements to Hist ill a power plant and company with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gass custom smelter at (told Hill, Oregon. relatives of Mrs. von der Hellen. These The lilial survey has been made by J. S. springs are on the north fork of Little Howard, and water sufficient will be Butte, 10 miles from the base of Mt. Pitt available al the lowest stage of the river and being located in the green fir woods to generate SOOfl horse piwer. The re­ where the trees are so dense and tall that gion through which the line will extend the sun seldom shines on the ground and is la-tween Ashland ami ('.rants Pass ami as the delation is nearly 6,(NX) feet the all intermediate points. The company air is very cool and bracing. The water will have about 1MNN) horse power over of these springs is not so foul to the taste and above its own requirements to dis­ as that of some mineral springs and it is pose of, at a very reasonable rate. Con­ highly benetical to persons of low- sumers desiring current for light or pow­ vitality. There is a fine wagon road to er will please address the springs and the streams thereabout II. ScilAHI-T-’KK. afford fine trout fishing. There are now JACKSONVILLE, ORE. Gen. Man., Gold Hill, Or«-. fully 20 tents pitched in the nretty ter­ race above the springs, the campers be­ When bilious take Chamberlain's ing from all parts of Jackson county and Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Sale by a few from Grants Pass. City Drug Store. [ hats SUMMER HATS 4 Biff Reduction In Prices For the Balance of Stock MUST GO NUNAN-TAYLOR CO.