Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, July 15, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. 2
Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, Friday, July 15» 1904
H. W. Morris, who has Rev. Robert
Shorty-Hope Mine*.
Ennis' fruit farm leased, states that he
A gang of men arc at work felling and
will only have a fair crop of fruit this peeling timla-r for a complete rebuilding
year. This orchard is located on the hill i of the Shorty shaft, from the surface
It is stated that quite a nutnla-r of men
land west of Jacksonville, and the un­ down to the Golden Spike level—this
are leaving this valley for the vicinity of
usual frost of this spring cut short the will lx: a compartment shaft—a station
Klamath and Lake counties where they
peaches and the gra|x-s on the lower will be erected at the intersection of the
are promised $2 oil ¡a r day and lx»ar<l in
levels. Of Crawford and Globe jieaches Shorty cross-cut and necessay machinery
tin- harvest fields.
he will have a full crop, in fact he had placed at this point for rapid sinking
Frank Ennis the well known capitalists I to thin the fruit, and of Miners, a half a i several hundred feet on the ledge, which
liow residing at Calistoga, Cal .is to ar­ crop, anil none at all from the Solway is nearly vertical. It is intended that
rive in Jacksonville the first of next week trees. The orchard ison aneastslojie and the shaft repairs will be completed and
to visit his old time friends. While here Mr. Morris thinks that if it had been on sunk to the Golden Spike level before
hr w ill la- a guest of Theo. Cameron ami a west slop- the frost would have gotten that tunnel reaches the intersection. Mr.
the last of next week they will leave for off lx-forr the morning nm reached the Sanford has recently returned from an
trees and that a full crop of fruit would inspection of neighboring mines, where
a fishing trip in Josephine county.
be had each season. That is the ex the most modern appliances are in use
Carl Hvrne came hi Saturday from Joes
perience of California and Eastern grow­ and where interchangeable water and
Bar. where he hurl been working on the
ers and it has l,eeii demonstrate«) that in steam power have lieen successfully ap­
trail that the Blue Ledge Company are
Rogue River Valley that the western plied to for compression for drilling,
having built from Joes liar to the Blue
slopes arc the Ijest for tender varieties of hoisting, pumping, etc.—Tidings.
Ledge copper mines. Mr. Byrne ex­
peels to remain tn Jacksonville vicinity
Grounds in
Arthur Wells, who was with IL C
ami get a job in one <>f the sawmill* or
or* a farm.
Shearer in the draying business in Med­
This week the final transfer of deeds
ford for several vears, but who for the to the terminal grounds for the new rail­
Miss Annie Jeffrey was in Jacksonville past year has l>een a resident of Ix»wer
road through Grants Pass was made, the
Saturday calling on friends. Miss Jeff­
Applegate, was in Jacksonville Wed­ deeds being desposied with the First
rey closed two weeks since a successful nesday on his way home
from Medford National Bank of Southern Oregon,
ti rili of school in the Forest Creek dis­ where he has been on
a short business with instruction to lie haiaded over to
trict. For the j>ast week Miss Jeffrey trip. Mr. Wells has a
fine tract of IMO said road, the California ami Oregon
was visiting friends on 'he Applegate and acres of land. He has
only -to acres as Railroad, as soon as it was ready to start
Tuesday she will leave Medford for Ash­ yet in cultivation the remainder living
cars over the line.
land where she will attend the Chautau­ to timber of which he has over a million
Col. Drajier. when hist here, assured a
qua assembly.
feet of fine saw tim’ier. Mr. Wells number of our citizens that this sum­
There is a ho|»e that |ack*<>nville will ex|>ects to go into the fruit berry buriness mer there would l»e some members of the
yet have presentable, passable sidewalks. ami last fall planted out five acres to railroad company up here, at which time
Within the past tear several sections have fruit. He is well satisfied w ith his farm­ I he felt sure, he would receive instructions
Iteen put in lirstclass conation ami venture and thinks that he will make to commence work ujm » ii said road, and
about the first thing to t>e done bv said
several more of the property owners have more money than at draying.
slated that they should have their side­
Jtldgr H. K. Hanna wrnt to Grants company will I m - the construction of the
walks rebuilt. Mr. P. J. Ryan to keep ! pass Sun lay sn<l Monrlav tie coi vened bridge across Rogue River.—Oregon
up with the procession of progress ha* | the July term of circuit court for Joseph- Mining Journal.
The Southern Pacific Co. have recently
had this week a new ami well built plank ine county. The term was quite short
a contract to the Pacific Coast Con­
sidewalk put down in front of his brick there Ireing no important cases on the
building accupied bv the Sentinel office. | ducket, hence no jury was summoned. struction Co. to have two high trestles
Wednesday evening the judge adjourned west of Grants Pass filled in. They are
Rev. H. C. Brown pastor of the M. E. |
court until August 12. and returned very high and ex|>ensive fills, but will
Church South, in Medford, is a fir st cl ass
give employment forseveral monthtstoa
home to Jacksonville on Thursday.
draughtsman in addition to being an able j
large number of people.
This Pacific
pulpit orator, he having worked at that | Keep your floors clean by the use of Coast Construction Co. have their outfit
vocation forseveral years in the east lie-| I Justine. Sold at Conklin's furniture of cars and small donkey engines to do i
fore lie entered the mimstery. This week Store.
the work.—Oregon Mining Journal.
Rev. Brown finished making a new plat of
the Medford townsite for Judge S.J. IJav.
The line work and lettering an- executed
in a very clear ami accurate manlier.
'Ibis plat is one of a set that Judge I Jav
has in his abstract office ami the old one
has liecame damaged ■><» that it was not l<g-
i Ide.
Postmaster John F. Miller and his
mother, Mrs. Mary Miller, who own h
tract of land on the lelt fork of Jackson
creek from which much placer gold has
lai n taken in years past, arc now likely
to have a quartz property that will yield
ns much or more gold than ever their
placer claim yielded. The land is in the
famous Jackson creek gol'l district,
where gold bearing ledge» arc found in
evetv hill, but Mrs Miller had never had |
her land prosjieeted and did not know of
this ledge. Other parties have known
of this ledge before and it has lieetl i
opened up and examined ami then cov­
ered up ami concealed again, the parties
hoping to secure the ownership liefure its
value become known. Through Mack
Johnson, a well known prospector of
this place, Mr. Miller recently learned '
of the ledge ami he has employed Mr.
Johnson to open it up. Surface samples
that Mr. Miller has secured show it to be '
a free milling ore and to carry good
values. The ledge is four fret wide and i
is quite extensive and is in an accessible
location. There is every reason to believe
that this ledge will prove to be a valu­
able one and that it will be another factor
to the mining prosperity of this district. I
“Economy” jars in pints
quarts and two quarts.
“Mason” jars in pints,
quarts and two quarts.
Capsand Rubbers to match.
Mrs. A. D. Fleury has changed her
boarding house from the Ryan building
to her residence on Fifth street north of
the Court House. She will now have
more rooms for lodgers than in the former
location and she will continue to furnish
table lioard to transients, who will find
the home cooked meals of Mrs. Fleury
first class in every respect.
The Sentinal has received a sample of
copper ore from P. J. Sullivan who is
opening up a ledge on the west side of
Cook & Green creek, a mile south-west
of the Blue Ledge mine. The sample is
of mica-schirs, the formation of the ledge
and it is brilliant with flecks of purple
and blue peacock copper. Mr. Sullivan
is driving a tunnel and though in but 12
feet the ledge is showing up quite rich
in copper and he has every expectation
that it will prove to be a rich copper de-
I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
on the recommendation of one lady here,
who first bought a box of them about a
year ago. She never tires of telling her
neighbors anil friends about the good
qualities of these Tablets.—P. M. Shore.
Druggist, Rochester; Ind. The pleasant
purgative efiect of these Tablets make
them a favorite with ladies everywhere.
For Sale by City Drug Store.
Dr. J. F. Reddy returned Sunday from
the Blue Ixrdge. While at the mine
Dr. Reddy superintended the building
of a new trail from Joes Bar to the mine.
The old trail had to be gotten over
by pack animals, some of the grades being
25 jier cent, while by the new route no
grade exceeds eight per cent and the
distance is but very little greater. As the
Blue Jardge is just over the line in Siski­
you county, Dr. Reddy will shortly visit
Yreka and submit a proposition to the
county commissioners, to establish a
county road from the county line below
Joes Bar, up Elliot creek to the Blue
Ledge. By the present road the creek
has to lie crossed three times by fords
that, during freshets are very dangerous,
and in high water, entirely impassable.
By pnting the road on the south side
of the creek, two of these fords would
be eleminated and a fine roadbed se­
cured. The cost would not exceed $44*1.,
a part of whi h it is quite certain the
miners would bear. Dr. Reddy states
that development work is progressing sat­
isfactory atthe Blue Ledge and the tunnel
has reached ore that is running as high as
20 per cent copjx-r. The Doctor brought in
about 50 pounds of specimms to show the
character of ore they are now working
in, and placed two fine specimens in the
Sentinel mineral exhibit. As to future
plans of his Company the Doctor has
nothing to give out at present, but in the
near future their plans will be more
definite and then the different lines to
their proposition will lie given out.
Judge and Mrs. Prim and their daugh­
ters Missess Maud and Bertha and son
Charles will go to Cinnibar Springs next
week to spend a month at that famous
mountain resort. Miss Lelia Prim will
remain at home to review her studies
preparatory to taking the August teach­
er’s examination, she having the laudable
ambition to make the best average pos­
sible and to raise the grade of her certif-
' icate.
[ class fruit jars
AU Kinds Of
No. IO
Mr. Thos. Townsend who recently
closed a term of School at Woodville is
up from Roseburg in connection with
the Rice and Rice School Supply House
of that place. Mr. Townsend is an honest
and upright fellow and represents one of
the best houses on the Coast.
Cabbage, fresh and crisp and all other
vegetables fresh from Maury’s gardens
at Learned's. Fresh fruits of all kinds.