9 4 I Vol. 2 Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, Friday, June 24, 1904. No. 7 ' i lie Dunsmuir store. She will hereafter confine her attention to her Jackson­ ville store and »lie will greatlv enlarge the stock that she may more fully meet demands of her trade which has stead­ ily increased since she began business here. Miss Chapman lias d< nionst rated that she is a milliner of fine taste and good judgment ami thus la-ing able to cater successfully to the wants of her customers has enabled her to build up a profitable business in Jacksonville. turn home this Saturday. This is their Kiddle, Iz< Grande, grand senior deacon; first visit to Jacksonville and they are Worshipful Otto F. Heil born, Astoria, greatly pleased with the Ireauty of the grand junior deacon; Worshipful George Hon W. M. Colvig, 1 is now at va’lev. | Wall, Cottage Grove, grand orator; Wor- Chattano >ga, leiim-sce, attending the The graduating exercises in the nurses »hipful James F. Stith. Kerby, senior sup-erne lodge of the A. O. U W. of training school of the Good Samaritan gram! steward; Worshipful Thomas M. America, is ex|>ected home ulanit the Hospital of Portland, took place in . ' Baldwin, Prineville, junior grand stew- Portland Tuesday at which li tsrviA time ea a class . ... .. f , . nrst of July. ard; Worshipful Henry Jones, Heppner, of fourteen trmned nurses were given Representative elect D. H Jackson, of diplomas, among the list being Miss bi grand standardbearer; Worshipful Will- Ashland, was in Jacksonville Sunday Louise Huffer, of Jacksonville. Mis- ■ iam J. Church, La Grande, grand sword- girt ting bis friends and taking ill tile Huffer has been in the training depart- bearer; Worshipful Norris R. Cox, Port- ment for the past two years and gradu- 't,T„ luill game between the Ashland and I land, grand marshal ; Worshipful John ales with high standing in her class. lacksonvdle trams. Dukhart, Portland, grand tyler. Grand Civile ami Lester Davidson left Satur­ Frank Plymale has taken the position S R Taylor went to Portland to st- Chaplain Rev. J. R. N. Bell, bears the day for Williams creek where they will lend the Oit gon Pioi.eers Reunion held of cutter in Orth’s meat market, he tak- distinguished honor of having served in in tli ttii ,y this week This will be Mr. work during having forC. <>. Biglow. I ing the position lately held by Tiny that office longer than any other grand lay hr s nrst visit io Portland since 1 n 52 Mrs. Otis Krause, after spending a n which year he passed through the mouth in Jacksonville with her mother, Cooper who has gone to Klamath Falls. chaplain in the United States, this term Mr. Plymale is an exjierienced man at then village on his wav to Southern being his 31st. Mrs. Max. Muller, left Monday for her Oregon where I.»- has since resided, the block and having been in the Orth home in Klamath Falls, where Mr. Woodville Whispers. <• I*, ihrashcr. who spent last sum* shop previously be is well acquainted Earl Peter of Jacksonville is staying on n er in the Blue Ledge copper district, Krause is in business. with the customers and knows how lxrst the Birdseye ranch for awhile. F. D Duval am! his son Orin will to serve them. ■end » nee last fall has been ill Portland Mrs. O. P. Randall, who for the past ■ nd in mining districts of the North, is leave this Saturday for Klamath Falls Of the Jacksonville Masonic delega­ several weeks has been in the Willamette back hi Jacksonville; ami w ill pul in the where liny exja-ct io secure w<*rk for tion to the Grand Izxlge which was in valley, returned home Sunday. summer developing some fine copper themselves and team on a hay farm in session in Portland last week Jas. M. John B. Hair is hauling a large quan­ ' laiins that hr hold» on (.'|>|>er Apjdr gate. Klamath county. Cronemiller arrived home Sunday and tity of baled hay'to Grants Pass mer­ The annual school meeting for Jack Mrs. S. A. Cantrail of Uniontown was C. C. Beekman and Theo. Cameron ar- chants winch is bringing a large price sotivtlle was held Monday afternoon nt in Jacksonville Monday making pur- rived home Monday, Tins was the 54th per ton. P. R. Robinson is visiting at Duns­ the school house. There was a small chases at the stores and for a brief visit atom il comrniiiiic it on and was one of muir at the home of his son Howard, who attendance and no special interest was i with her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Dow. the largest attended and most successful is employed by the S. P. Cotnjiany at manifested in the meeting, C. P. Briggs ' She was accompanied by her son,John- of any yet hele present at and to as- Huffcr, who having served f«»T six years young farmer. Cameron has been the only Mason in -ist in the dedication of the new Presby­ declined to longer hold the Jsisitioil, Vance Colvig came in from Union­ Jacksonville holding that high honor. terian church next Sunday. and Gus Ne wbury was elected clerk. town when he had spent a week at the The reserve building fund having be­ Geo. Esiell returned to Woodville re- Charles Purer!, «U|>ervisor of the home of Wilbur Cameron. Master come latge enough to justify the under ently from the Jump-off-Joe country Upper Ajiplegate road district, is doing Vance had several lively experiences taking it was voted to begin the erection where he has been engaged in mining some substantial improvcuit tit work t«< while on his outing, one of which was to of a Masonic Temple in Portland. To the past winter and spring. Jas Evans an I family are soon to move the roadsuf that section. A ¡»art of the lie hi at the killing of a coyote which entertain visiting M is > is at the Lewis & work that lie is doing is to pert in a new A'ilbur Cameron shot on a lull near his Clark Fair next year f 1000 was appropri­ from Miller Gulch, where they have »een living duri* g the winter, to their bridge at Mule Hill on the Watkin» road I lace. ated. The following are the office's cf old home near th mouth of boots creek. This bridge was built years ago and Married at Wo.rdville, at the Presby- Mr. anil Mrs. E A. Ashman arrived in the Grand fxxlge for the n uing y tr badly decav rd that it lies become hurch. on June 20 th, 1904 at 7 o'clock Thomas Gray, p rtland, most worship ­ a> ksonv lie Monymg life- at Hilt» fo Roseburg they went by train to Ashland Lot L. Pearce, Salem, right worshipful Hustleville, where he has been condut- ing a general merchandise store for the he- sa s he may not la- home for the Fourth junior grand warden; Henry Roe, Port­ «st three years, and has removed to Last Sundav he with i parly of friends where they visited with Mr. Ashman’s made the a-cent of Pilot Roc k, a high mother, Mrs. W. T. York. .Mrs. Ash land, right worshipful grand treasurer; ‘.I i.-nville. The old stand is upto the butte six miles (tom Hilts. He- re|ai.*ts man 1» a grand-daughter of Papa ami J ones F. Robinson, Eugene, right wor­ >r sent time untenanted. the trip a bird one bill that the view A very large number of Grants Pass shipful grand secretary. The appoint from the summit is grand, the coi it.r» Mama Schmidt anl at'i nded the “Holiness” meetings ive officers named by Most Worshipful w«re delighted to meet her ami especial­ tor mile» altout 1« ing spread otit I k a the tabernacle on Evans Creek Sun- great pallor ima, the even o mg able t ly her little daughter which is the only Grand Master Thomas Grav were: Wor a< ,t 2:30 p. tn. special sermons were see it part of Hogue River •' illev. cached to the women and girls in the great grand - child that they have. Mr. shipful and R<^v.(J. R N H 'I, ’’ake \\ ith the close of the school year ti' ami Mrs. Ashman will leave on their re- City, grand chaplain; Worshipfu w n ta ernacle nd to the men aud boys in a a .joining wood. St. Mary's Ac.ulcmv, the Sister» take On July 1st Mr. Thos Townsend of their annual vacation, The Si*trr R »seburg will close a very satisfactory perior an I S k U. i Mat y Marg'er ta term of school in Woodville Mr. Town Sister Mary Henry wiL leave this sen l is one of those enthusastic young men who,not finding a vacency in Douglas for Portland where tln-y will spell 1 county came to this county last fall and week in iittcml.iiicr al the aur.u il nt < a was successful in securing his present of their orik-r. Sister Mary M The average man buying a suit position which he has filled admirably Sister M iry Fides will r> main ill well. __________________ of the co ivcnt. < M th • student» of clothes is all at sea. Perhaps R. Benedict came in from Applegate Academy all have gone to th- ir Wedn« s lay to bring to the county hospi­ he knows a little about the goods. tal J. Barnum an age 1 miner whois so except three who mike their lioim .■ crippled with an injured foot that be is the Academy. unable to work. Mr. Barnum has been He must depend upon the man The Jacksonville telephone centnii >n Applegate for the past nine years. office now has a hello girl in-l< ad of - Prior to that he had mined in all the that sells him the article. Here districts of the Coast deing in California hello lx>y, Louis Elwoo i h -v ng resigned and will return to Medford, mid Mi » is the moral: BUY WHERE YOU .n 1850. Luill Jolies succeeds t> the {Mistion Chautauqua 1904. Manager Warren Willi.mis who h 1» CAN PLACE YOUR CONFID Remetnlier the Chautauqua dates for charge of the Company .» business (or ENCE. We want you to come this year are July 13th to 22d, inclusive. Jackson county was down from Ashland Great speakers, fine schools, good music. Tuesday mid arranged f< r tin- change here with the confidence that you Miss |< ncs will la- quite certain to 111 ik< Special Offer: For the next 10 dws a competent operator for she is 1 careful, I will give 24 stanfp pictures F ree with can depend upon the quality of imltislnoiis young lads . each order for cabinet photos of the baby. Don't miss this chance. We will be with our goods and what we say you Mt»» Catherine Chapman, left untill Monday, May,9th. ne in Jacks mville ami one in Dun» on for full particulars* until, but she iimlsit too great a task to LOCAL NOTES. EVERYDAY UTILITY THE NUNAN-TAYLOR CO. projx-rly look after her business win n so sepaitiled and she has decided to accept a good offer which she litis received for X v H.NATHAW Ca THE-HARVARD • / CLOTHIERS and IIJRNISHLRS Jacksonville, Oregon. To get perfect rest use one of those silk floss or cotton felt mattresses, Thev are the best. C. W. Conklin.