maker* anti they will be quite certain to make their venture in Jacksonville a »ne­ ws.*. Mr. Hawk ha* conducted th« 'bi■» Judge H. K. Hanna »pent Monday »flop iu connection with T. C. Norn»’ kccond-hand store siuce last fall and has afternoon in Ashland on a business trip. given satisfaction to lus pairui.s. Miss Anna Magreiter returned Sunday Ex-Judge Clinton Tcxlor of Medford, FINE TRIMMED MODELS to Grams Pass, after a two week* visit U iscousin, who has been residing on the with the home folks. NOVELTIES AND NEW IDEAS upper Applegate since last fall wa* m LOST—On Jacksonville - Steumlioat IN MILLINERY LINES Jacksonville ou hi» way to U 1 »1011*111, road a revolver. Finder leave al Helms woere be will icmaiti uulil September to saloon. Jacksonville, and gei *5 reward. attend to some business m-leis. Judge Mr. ai.u Mrs. W. T. Campbell are fextor through oveiwotk and the anx­ happy in the addition of a bright baby­ iety caused lorn by the death of Ins wife, girl that was added to the ir iioim Tues­ luund bis health tailing and after repeat­ day morning. ed failures tu regain his strength lb rough KATHARINE CHAPMAN, MILLINER ju. c.alhouu, the well known Phoenix other means, he- concluded to try out­ «•awttl MluMn, HUM! •» « hmm « real estate oeaier and ihc Socialist candi­ door life iu Rogue River \alley, with MRS REEVE. SALESLADY date for county commissioner, was tu ihe result that he is now quite as rugged Jacksonville Thursday on real estate as In the years gone by and *o well business aud iucidently to look over the pleased is he with ¿southern Oregon that political situation. ue will out bis business iuterrsts in Prof. A. F. Armstrong, principal ol tue East and retuiu to Jackson county- the Portland Business College, came up Uiis fall. He ha* two boys in school in from Portland Thursday and nmaimi' Milwaukee,\\ i*., and he will bring them until Sunday tu -ook -Her business with him aud may place them 111 the matters conuected with LaureiasU ra.ui Jacksonville high school. 01 which he i» the owner. A. B. Saltmarsh wa* in Jacksonville Uihiani Hea.ey, A. G. swansun and Wednesday from his ranch on Little Hermann Kummer, who have beeU doing epplegate. Mr. Saltmarsh each summer I lacer mining mar Purse, have .eased operates a packtrain to Cinnabar Springs some placer ground of Robert Cameron his place aud he expects to be able located ou Kittle Applegate just above .» make the first trip for this season in ANY TOOL THAT THE FARMER. GARDENER the font on the Applegate road, and they «bout two weeks, as the snow is rapidly AND ORCHARDIST MAY NEED wih beg.n work on it next week. melting off the Siskiyou mountains, but judge S. J. received a renewal of ms first trij« will be by way of Squaw He does not his notorial commission Tuesday from Lake and the Low Gap. Govenur Chauiberuuu. The Judge 1» « xpec t the trail over the mam divide to a Unite«! Scale Commissione r, wliicu open to travel before the middle of June. I Hardware Store, Tinning and enables him to transact al kinds