Number of Vote* Registered. Rcgi»trnti<>n of voter* i* proceeding very *!«>wly mid up to Thursday of thia week but 2191 names had Ix-en filed with County Clerk Orth. A* there are alxive VMM) vote* in Jackson county mid the re giatery book* close May HI there will have to l>e a hurrying up in the register­ ing or a large number of voter* will lie [»nt to the great inconvenience of secur­ ing mx freeholders to »wear in their vote for them on election day. This registra­ tion will hold for two years and the laiok* will not again lie otien until March, 1 IM Ml and those on the 1904 list can vote at the presidential election this fall and all *pcci*l elections without again registering. The following is the registration by precincts: South A»hlan Big Butte .............................................. 30 Clima*.......... ......... 13 Central Point.......................................... 94 Eagle Point .......................................... Ill FlCuncc Rock ...................................... H Poots Creek .......................................... 27 Gold Hill .............................................. 204 Lake Creek .......................................... 24 South Jacksonville .............................. 151 North Jacksonville................................... 112 East M.dford ...................................... SM West Medford ...................................... 214 Mound .................................................. 23 Meadows ......................... 12 Phoenix.................................................. 130 Rock Point .......................................... 27 Ruch Happenings. Miss Maude Bryne returned home Monday on the 1-ewis stage after visit­ ing a few days with friends living in Jacksonville. Miss Della Throckmorton visited home folks over Sunday, she was accompanied home by Esther Warner of Medford. Mrs. Marlow an«l son Walter arrive«! at Ruch Wednesday on a visit to her son, who has sjient the winter here for the benefit of hi* health. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dow, of Jacksonville, visited Mr. am! Nrs. M. F. Cantrall, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Breedon spent a «lay in Jacksonville last week. C. M. Ruch was in Medford Tuesday oil business. Messrs Scbrimp and Mrs. Schrimp, of Provolt, visited Mr. and Mrs. Breedon Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H, Bostwick and daughter Lena, visited in Medford Tues- day. Cured Hi* Mother of Rheumatism. RYAN’S Quality of Goods, Selec­ tion of Stock, and Reason­ ableness of Price are factors always considered in dealings with customers so that they may be satis­ fied with their purchases “My mother lias been a sufferer for many year* with rheumatism,*’ say* W. IL Howard, of Husband, Pa. “At times she wa* unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I present- e«l her with a ixrttle of Chamberlain'» Pain Balm ami after a few application she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she ha«l ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times Roxy ............................................................................ able to walk. An occasional application Sams Valley .......................................... 54 of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that St- rlmg................................................. 22 »lie was formerly troubled with.” For Trail.............................................„....... 13 sale by City Drug Store. Professional Carpet Weaver Talent ................................................... IM Has a new Flying Shuttle Loom A Sure Thing. and is prepared todostrictly first- Antioch.................................................. 20 It is said that nothing is sure except claaa work on carpets ana rug» Union..............................................___ 32 death and taxes, but that is not altogether - - OREGON Dr. King's New Discovery for EAGLE POINT Watkins............................................... 13 true. Consumption is a sure cure for all lung Wimer.................................................. _ 4 and throat troubles. Thousands can tes­ Woodville.............................................. 43 tify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Willow Spring*..................................... 20 Shepherdtown, W. Va., says“I had a se­ vere case of Bronchitis an«l for a year Total...................................................... 2491 tried everything I heard of, but got no • • relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Geo. A. Dyson, one of the principal Discovery then cured me absolutely." • • owner* of the Yellow Jacket mine on It's infallible for Croup, Whooping, Grip • • Forest creek, was ill Jacksonville Tuesday pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by City Drug Store. Trial fora l<> id of provisions and for powder bottles free. Keg. sizes 50 cents, fl .00. and coal for use at their mine. Mr. Dyson Draying and heavy stated that they are actively proceeding team work. Light with development work at their mine. IRRIGATION. express transferred. Last fall tin y sunk a shaft <10 feet but 180 acres of land, Prompt delivery to such quantitiesof w «ter came in that they 350 inches of water, all parts of the city had to discontinue work, but the depth and irrigation con- they reached prove«) that the rock was try for sale sale. quite rich ami the quantity of ore more Charges Re atonable than met their ex|>ect>eed that can l>e made in the River Valley. Samples should lie of five tunnel. Mr. Dyson has assisting him pounds or more and should be tabled giv­ W. I. McIntyre and M. A. VanGorden, ing estimate of depth of deposit, if over­ laid with other material to what depth, two of the most experienced miners of ami the extent of the deposit. Where this district. The tunnel will reach the located aud distance from railroad. ledge at a joint 50 feet below the bottom Tests of samples will be made free of of the shaft ami an upraise will lie put in charge to the owners and they will be given the results. A good diposit of clav, to give connections. The Yellow Jacket if the clav working industry can be estab­ is one of the most promising ledges on lished in this valley,will lie worth Forest creek and if it proves to be the niotyiy. mine that is now indicated it is the inten­ If trouble«! with weak digestion, belch­ tion of Mr. Dyson ami associates to put ing or sour stomach, use Chatnlierlain’s in a mill this fall and go to working ore. Stomach an«! Liver Tablets and you will get quich relief. For sale by City Drug All Kinds of Base Balls, Rats, Masks, Store. Gloves, Etc., for the Juveniles An Open Letter. The traveling public can secure first From the Chapin. S. C., News: F.arly class accommodations and, a good home, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN in the spring iny wife and I were taken cooke«! meals at Mrs. A. I). Flory’s board­ TO PRESCRIPTIONS with diarrhoea and so severe were the ing house on Thirtl street opposite the U. paius that we called a Physician who S. Hotel. prescribe«! for ns. but his medicines failed Why worry with that old wornout macli-. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D to give anv relief. A friend who had a inc when a small monthly outlay will put PROPRIETOR, bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera in its place the best, lightest running JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave machine made. The payments are made each of us a «lose ami we nt once felt the to suit all. C. W. Conklin. effect*. 1 procured a bottle and before For sale—-a firstclass fresh heifer and a using the entire contents we were entirely SEED POTATOES. good work horse. Address Emil Britt, cured. It is a wonderful remedy and should I k - found in every household. H Early Rose, Willamette Jacksonville. For C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy is for sale BurbanK Seedlings. Job work neatly done at the Sentinel Sale at Nunan-Taylor Co. office. by City Drug Store. Mrs. A. L. PEACHEY REMOVAL to MEDFORD T. C. Norris has moved his store and repair shop to Medford where he will do upholstering, harness and shoe repaii mg and any­ thing in the upholstery line. Mr. W. R. Hawk will have charge of the shoe and flat­ ness shop and Mr. J. K. Nori is the store. I solicit the patronage of the public. Do not forget the location, Halley Block, one door south of Post Office. CHAS. DUNFORD JACKSONVILLE TRANSFER City Drug Store IVe carry a full and well assorted line of Fine Stationery, Per* fumery, Toilet Soaps Sponges, Magazines Blank Books and School Supplies. T. C. Norris S. P. South-B' nd Traijp. R. R. TIME CARD Stations. So 15 No 11 No 12 No 18 p.m 8.30 10:33 am 8.30 Lv..... Portland............... Ar. 11.00 ............ Salem ....... 1105 p.m 12 JO am 1:15 4:55 10:03 10:84 10:57 11:10 11:2« 11:38 - p.m 12:35 4:25 a m 5:10 8:55 p.m t 4:34 8:16 2.08 ............ Eugene .. 5:50 10:43 11:14 11 J* 11:45 North-B'nd Trains. am 7 4* 5 40 4:40 • • • 1:42 3.00 am ........... Roseburg................... 10:0 ...... -..Grants Pass............. 5:25 ............ Gold Hill 4:50 ........... Central Point-........ 4:29 ........... Medford 4:19 pm 11:45 6 15 5:30 504 4:52 •“•••••* a tn 1202 ............ Phoenix .................. 12:12 .......... Talent......................... 4:10 4:06 12:55 ............ Ashland ................ 4:28 ........... Montague................ 8:35 12:03 p.m a.m 5:10 ............Sacramento ........... 1 50 7:55 Ar..... San Francisco....Lv 2 22 4:41 4 3* p.m 11:50 8:« Ticket* sold to all points in the United States. Sleeping car reservations made on application. Freight house opens at * a. m and closes at 4 JO P m SCOTT M. WILCOX, Agent, PECAN LAND. 300 acres famous Bear Orrrtf hofforr art, rlr'ce Pecan, apple, pear or alfal- ft 'ration. Near station. Cheap. BEN A. mprn, Woodville, Or. Suits made to look dressy an like new at the Medford Clei ning Pressing and Dying Works. Fine work a specialty.