Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 13, 1904, Image 6

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    work has lieen handled In the govenor
who appoints an aaauciate council to dis­
trict attorney and who represents the
state hi all the legal proceedings which
FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. may cover a period of 10 wars, for heirs
have that length of time in which to file
suits to gain poaaesaion of the property, i
Kntemt in the poMoffice ot Jacksonville. This special attorney has to lie ready at
We will soon replace our Planing Mill
Jackaon County. Oregon, as secvnd claan matter.
any time during the 10 years to ap)>ei«r
in the circuit and defend the title to the
site with a full and complete stock of
HvBscairrioN K atbs
ti w state of the estate from alleged heirs
One year
Six month»
’hree mouth*
a> and to sustain the case in the supreme
court if the heirs appeal, which they
usually do. As escheat cases are handled
C limbing Tims
The Sentinel snd the Weekly Oregonian will through the circuit court the Woods es­
ae sent to one address lor fj a year. The Senti­
nel gives the Jackson connty news and the Ore­ tate was paaaed on by Judge Hanna and
gonian gives the state, national and world news, he allowed Colvig & Durham £1,000
We wish to thank the people of Jacksonville
thus a reader is able to cover the entire news
compensation. As the rule in all tin-
held at about the price ot but one pa|>er.
and vicinity for their patronage in the past
state courts is to allow a fee of 10 per
TniAL Si nacairTioxB -The Jacksonville Sentinel
and trust that we will see our old customres
will be sent to any address, at any post office in cent he could have allowed Colvig & 1
the United States, tor tour weeks tor 10 cents. Durham £12,000 as the estate will yield
as well as new ones when in need of any­
All subscriptions, regular or trial, will be prompt­
ly stopped at the date ot expiration, unless a re­ £1,200 to the state uf Oregon, but the
newal is received.
thing in the lumber line
:: •
attorneys were quite willing to place
their fee at £1,000. This is in effect a re-'
Friday, May 13, 1904
tamer fee at £100 a year for the next 10
years for this law firm and they to |>ay
all their expenses should they tie requir­
Through a lack of knowledge of the ed to appear on behalf of the state in the
case on the part of the Ashland Republi­ court at Jacksonville or in Salem. None
can papers aud wilful misrepresentation of the parties concerned in the settle­
on the part of certain Democrats, a report ment of the Wood estate can lie fairiy
The Republican« at their convention in
Principal E, H. Washburn, assisted l»v
has deen put in circulation to the effect charged with doing anything dishonest
Hill declared tn favor of good foods Miaa Frances Donegan, Mrs. Marv Pi ter
that a big graft had lieen worked in the or of working a graft, they taking only
and Mrs. C. L- Reames is rehearsing n
John Wood estate while being settled up what was allowed them by the law and and their candidates for County Judge cantataentitled “The Merry Picnic Partv”
and escheated to the state of Oregon, and common useage and this cry of "grail” and Commissioner were chosen largely in winch over forty of the public achiad
on their through knowledge of and inter­ scholar* take fmrt. The cantata will lx-
while political capital was trying to be is raised for political effect only.
in good roads. Both are practical given at the m -I hxi I assembly nxiill oil Mat
made out if by a number of Republican
mm who have made a study of 27 and the proceed* will la* uard to defrat
and Democratic candidates and politician*,
Hon. R. M. Watch, Democratic nom­
the expenses of th«- graduating excrcisi «.
and they mnv I* deprnd-
serious injustice was done by the reflec­ inee fur cungress for this district, spent
Conklin, the house-furnisher, has re
tions that were cast upon Judge Hanna, a part of this week in Jackson county ed on to use their liest judgement in ceived atiotner shipment of car|>ets and
Governor Chamberlain, District Attorney while making a tour of this district. handling the road problem which has lie- rugs that are the equal of uny ever
Reames and the law firm of Colvig & Thursday evening he spoke to a fair come such an im|x>rtant matter to the brought to Southern Oregon, embracing
many Ix-autifiil designs hi Axministers.
sized audience in Gold Hill. His date fanners and businessmen of jnt k «on Btxlv Brusaclls, Ingrains and Velvets.
In regard to the facts in this case there in Medford Friday was complicated by
Call mill see them The prices are right
was nothing unusual nor illegal in the the circus that was there and he was un­
The cantata. "A Merry Picnic Party”
Everybody an«l their friends went to
fl,000 fee allowed Colvig & Durham nor able to give his speech in the afternoon
Medford Thursday afterncxin to attcml at High School Fridav evening. May 27.
the the £046,15 fees allowed the adminis­ as was advertised, but h“ gave a short ad­
the opening ball gameon the new athletic
Quwk Arrest.
trator, Ben Haymond and his attorney, dress in the forenoon at the depot to the
grounds in that town, Jacksonvilie for the
J. A. Gulledge of Verlwna, Ala. wa*
Judge J. R. Neil. Briefly outlined the crowd that was waiting for the circus
«lav living practically deserted.
The twice in the hosptlal from a ss-verecnsc «<f
history of this now famous case is that parade. In the evening he spoke in
game was between Medford and Jackson­ piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors
John Wood, an aged Irish Itatchelor re­ Ashland, but only to a small audience
ville teams and was a lively game and »nd all remeilies failed, Btu klcii'* Arnica
siding at Woodville died leaving an by reason of the meeting not being pro­
Salve quickly arrested further inflama
closely contested the score standing at tton and cured him. It conquers aches
estate in land and money of the value of perly advertised.
Mr. Veatch is a the close eight for Jacksonville and seven an<l kills pain. 25 cents at C ity Drug
£12,000 and no known heirs to receive it. good speaker and he made a grxxl
for Medford.
Another game will lie Store.
County Judge Prim appointed Ben Hay­ impression on his audiences,
but plaved nt Medford this Sunday aftermxin
Dates to Remember.
mond, of Rock Point, administrator he was badly handicapped by the dearth-
between the Medford and A»hlan«l mm«.
and the administrator selected ex-County ness of live issues in the Oregon Demo­
Motidiiv, May 16.—Last daj on which
Manager Neulx-r has so *trengtliene«l the
voters can register.
Judge J. R. Neil as the attorney for the cratic campaign.
Jacksonville leant that it is even stronger Wednesday, May 16— Eighth grade ex
estate which was approved by the pro­
amination for May in Oregon public
Hon. E. B. Dufur, of Gold Hill, was in than last season So far the hoys have not
bate court. There were no heirs, no
school begins.
will nor legal complications of any kiud Jacksonville this Saturday to Hie with lost a single game aud they ax|M-ct to Frulav, Muy 20—Candidates Ball at
to make trouble or expense to the attor­ County Clerk Orth his certificate of nom­ again hold the championship of tne Val­
20. -Jacksonville High school
ney, Judge Neil, or the administrator
entertainment nt Assembly hall to raise
Ben Haymond, the sum total of effort
funds to meet exjieiise* of commence­
lieing for Mr. Haymond to come to Jack­ This honor came to Mr. Dufur entirely Patsy Itonegan, captain: ami second daae;
ment exercises.
Lester pitcher, Billy Barlow* Saturday, May 26.—Socialist meeting at
sonville and qualify as an administrator, unasked bv him in fact he at first declin­ Elmer
the court house to la- addressed bv Joe
Wilner, supstittite pitcher
have the estate appraised, which was
A Thoma«, candidate for representative
placed at £6,000 so his bonds would not
May 26. — Meeting <»f Rogue
lie high, have the first and last notices petition to place him in nomination that rf«ib Kruger shortstop; Chas. Nunan right
River Fruitgrowers Union at Medford
fur annual election of officers.
published in a newspaper and to make he could not well refuse their request, j field: l^-wis Ulrich' center field; E«i Don­
his final report to Judge Prim in probate Mr. Dufur was formerly a resident of The egan, lefr field. Clarence Reames is the Friday, June 3—Annual commencement
exercises of Jacksonville High school
court. The work of his attorney Judge Dalles and was one of the leading attor­ official fcorer and he keep« a lab <m the Motidav June 6—State election «lay for
Neil, involved the filling ont of the neys of Wasco county and represented boys that gives them full credit for all ' Oregon.
Monday, June 6—State election for Ore­
bond and three other legal forms involv­ that county in the state senate. Since they do.
gon i* held.
ing a total expendature of possibly half coming to Jackson county Mr, Dufur has
Special IxcurMon Rates.
a days time and 20 cents fur legal blanks. lieen prominent in business affairs and
There were no legal nor financial diffi­ the legal profession and he is one of the
The Southern Pacific Company will
J<>K. A. T homas ,
culties connected with this estate yet, recognized leaders of his party in South- ,
special excursion tickets to St. Loin-*
Judge Prim allowed Judge Neil £250 at­ ern Oregon and he will poll his party , Candidate for Representative on the
and return as follows:
torney’s fee and Mr. Haymond £396.15 vote for the office for which he has been 1 Socialist Party ticket, will address the
both ways through Port
jieople on the issues of the «lav. on the
administrator’s fee. Considering the nominated.
land £77.50, one wav through California
following dates and places:
size of the estate these fees were not ex­
Judge H. K. Hanna will commence an
via Ogden or El Paso £6| Ot).
Wilson’s Opera House, Medford, Mon
horbitant and were the usual percentage
adjournetl term of circuit court Monday.
To Chicago ami return Ixith wavs
| day evening, May, 23,
allowed by the probate courts of Oregon.
No jury will lie calletl and the term pro- 1
through Portland £62.50, one w
Court House, Jacksonville, Saturday
As to the escheat proceedings District
tnises to lie short there lieing only a few
through California via Ogden or El Paso
evening, May 28.
Attorney A. E. Reames had nothing to
equity cases and some motions to be heard.
Enterprise Schraff House, Tuesday
do with the case, so he can not lie held to
To Chicago with return from St Louis
Jack Tungate who ia farming and st«x k evening, May 31.
any blame, if there is blame. There is no
to St. Louis with return from Chicago
Chautauqua Building, Ashland, Sat­
specific law covering the appointment of raising in the Mt. Pitt section, was in
ways through Portland £60.00, with
of an attorney to represent the state in Jacksonville over Friday on a visit to his urday evening,June 4.
through California via Ogden or
Everybody come.
an escheat case that matter being left parents, Mr. an«l Mrs. F. M. Tungate.
solely with the govenor and it has been Mr. Tungate states that feed on the ranges
Gus II. Samuels, Democratic nominee
S alk D ates .
the rule for years for the govenor to ap­ is extra fine an«l that stock are in prime for school superintendent, was in Jackon
I.’!; August 6, 0, hi;
point the attorney who first notifies him condition. _______________
ville over Wednesday night to look up
June 16, 17, 16; Septemlx-r 5, 6, 7;
uf an heirless estate. As to district at-
July I, 2, .’I; October3, 4, 5.
Miss Doliie Ankeney is in Jacksonville his prospect in this section, Mr. Samuels
tomeys handling these estates they did from Eugene to sjiernl a couple ot weeks ; thinks lie has a good chance for «-lection
Limit 10 days going east of Oregon
so under a former law and got 10 per with her sister, Mrs. J S Orth.
an«l he is going to do hi* best to win oyer and California return at any jicint within
110 days from sale date.
cent of the estate for their fees, but
See the funny "Brownies,” May 27 at I the necessary votes to make his election
S. M. W ilcox ,
since they were put on salary the escheat the High School.