Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 13, 1904, Image 5

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    Jatksnvillr School Report«.
Watkhi Item*.
Th«- following 1» the report of the Jack­
P. J. Sullivan was a pleasant caller in
sonville public school for the month end­ this place Saturday and Sunday.
ing Friday, Muy, «th:
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Louden are the
happy parents of a fine baby boy,
Bov« enrolled 27. Girl« enrolled 23.
who arrived at their home May 4th.
fottìi enrollment fill. Days attendance «70.
David I lorn who had the contract for
Days absence 71.
Time« tardy 3.
that portion of the new road
filose neither absent nor tardy,viz.:
and Seattle mines has
Blanche Applegate, Bruce Force, Eva
anil the road has been
llufler, I.loyil Miller, Emma Ilcckert,
l.loyd Duncan, Adarel Elmer, Billie
Dr. Bowersox was summoned to this
Force, Roland Mitchell, Louis Mitchell,
last Tuesday by the serious illness
Charlie Mitchell, Stella Swagerty, Ellis
Etta Jeldne»«. We are glad to
Davidson. Karl Niedermeyer, Otto Nic
young lady is much better at
dermeyer, Elsie Miller, Geòrgie Buffer,
Earl Wilson, Zoe Corliss. Martina May­
The men at the Blue lx-ad mines are
field, Oval McClanahan.
looking for an expert mining man who
Mrs. Mary Peter,
will lie here in a few «lays, to inspect the
mines of that locality.
No. of pupil« enrolled: Boys 19. Girls
Carroll Byrne left last Sunday for
IB Total 3ft Day« attendance 677. California, where he expects to lie during
Days «I nciicc 99. Times Tardy 2. Names the summer.
of those neither absent nor tardy during
The mail was taken to the new post
the mouth:
office last Monday for the first time.
Rav Marsh, Fleta Ulrich. Earl Conk­ Our postmaster being A. E. Collins
lin, Clifford Dunnington, Rowell Hines, with Miss Mary, his sister, as assistant.
Chester Wendt, George Wendt, Mabel Mr. Faucett our former postmaster,
having resigned sometime ago.
Frances Donegan,
Mr. John Spiker, who spent the winter
in Colorado, is with us again.
G rammar D epartment .
Mr. Ezra Arnold made a trip to Med­
No. of pupils enrolled : Boys 17; Girls IB;
last week, he was accompanied
Total 33. No. days of attendance 694JÌ.
by Mr. and Mrs. Thurman, rela­
Days absence 2N)i. Times tartly none.
the family.
Those neither al*M-nt nor tardy are:
Denver Marsh, Gladys Shaw, France«
Kenney, Guy Pruett, Wilber Swagerty,
Nettie Snyder, Ruth Peter, Harold W’il
cox, Dav <1 Cronemiller, Della Wilson,
Merveyna Kenney, Eva Davidson. Carl
Garrison, Emma Margreiter, Lizzie
Margreiter, Harry Snyder
F. P. Robbins,
H igh S chool D epartment .
No. of pupils enrolled: Boys 12; Girls 14;
Total 2B. No. days of attendance 471 5^.
No. day« of absence 1«%. Times tardy
none. Pupils neither absent nor tardy:
Rota rt Finney, Richard Gaskin, Lean
Hanna, Mary Peter, Ben Plymale,
Mabel Pruett,Minnie Thompson. Almond
Wilcox, Clara Elmer, George Birdseye,
Mary Colvig, Eddie Doneg.ni, Mvrl
P ter, Leona Ulrich. Holman Peter.
S ummary .
Pupil« enrolled: Hoys 7ft; Girls BB; Total
144. Davs attendance 2513. Davs absence
217. Times tardy 6. 1‘upils neither tardy
nor alrscnt BO.
No cases of tardiness in the grammar
or high school departments
E. E. Washburn,
furnished Hotel At A Bargain.
At New|k>rt. on Yaqina bav. the fam­
ous Oregon summer seaside resort that
is destined to equal the great Newport
resort on the Atlantic coast, a 13 room
hotel, one block from the main busi­
ness section, fully furnished with good
liedding, carpels, furniture, ami kitchen
fixtures, and the woodroom full of wood,
is offered for sale at a bargain for
cash, or will trade for land in
Rogue River Valley. Title perfect, house,
in goral repair and supplied with hot and
cold water on ower and upjier floors,
l»ath room, wood room, closets and all
conveniencics of a modern boarding house
The house is paying property and is only
offered for sale by reason of the owner’s
wife having asthma and not able to live
in a low altitude. Full particulars by
addressing the Sentinel office.
D on ’ t
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon. March 12, 1901
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8,
1878. entitled “An Act f>r the Hale of Timber
in the Htalesof California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washlugton Territory“ as extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4. 1W2,
of Foots Creek. County Of Jackson. State ol Ore­
gon, has this day hied in this office his sworn
statement No «111 for the purchase of the I«ots
3, 4. 6, HEX HEX. SKX
o« Section No 22
in Township No. 87 H, Range No 4 W. M . and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable lor its timber or stone than for ag
ncultural pur|s>se» and to establish his claim to
said land before C has N ickell . U. H. Commis­
sioner. at Ills office in Medford, Oregon, on Satur­
day. the 28th day of May, 1901
fie names as witnesses Carl Phelps, of Gold
Hill. Oregog: Chas F. Young. of Gold Hill. Ore-
fon. William l.ee. of Rock Point, Oregon. Riley
iammersly. of Wimer, Oregon.
Any and all iiersons claiming adversely the
above described lands arc requested to hie their
claims in this office on or before said 28th day of
May, 1904.
8-25. 5-28
In the «natter of the Estate of Mary
Cameron, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has liecn appointed by the County
Court of Jackson County, sitting in pro-
liatr, administrator of the estate of Mary-
Cameron. deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to settle immediately, and
those having claims against the same,
will present them to me at Jacksonville,
Oregon, with the projier verification with­
in six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, April
15, 1904.
T heo . C ameron ,
Administrator of said estate.
C olvig & D urham ,
Attorneys. 4-15- 5-13
fail to see my line before
R oom
moldings to
P late
A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
Orders Taken for Suits
From $12.00 up.
If you desire to keep posted on the
political news of Jackson county during
the present campaign and to get reliable,
impartial news, subscribe for the Jack­
sonville Sentinel. Until June 10 for ’¿ft
cents. Subscription stopped at date un­
Crater Lake scenery at the P ho T o T kn T less otherwise ordered.
railings .
A COMPLETE stock of
C. W. Conklin
The Up-to-date House Furnisher and Undertaker
I have in my hands at the present time a large num­
ber of Bargains in FARM, FRUIT and GARDEN
LANDS, and TOWN PROPERTY, in different
parts of Rogue River Valiev. My commissions are
reasonable thus giving advantage to both seller and
buyer. I can furnish any kind of property that a
new settler may desire.
/ —18 »ere« choicefruit land 1% mile» from
Phoenix. Price per acre............................(35.00
.2 — 10« aerei M mile west of Phoenix; it can
.old in .mall tract, to auit customer. Price
ranging from (35 to (40 per acre according to
NO. 6~Is acre, all in fine young bearing orch­
ard The finest fruit in the country. To be
wild at a bargain. Near Jacksonville.
NO. 8 40 acres on Roxyann. Home timber
and a big spring; fine for Mock and fruit.
JO—1« MO acres, more or lesa, 300 acres
Rogue River bottom land, all fenced, good
house, barn and other buildings. The balance,
at»ut 250 acres, good for timber and pasture
This place is situated on Rogue River, near
town. Land is of fine quality. Price, per
acre................................................................... flt> .00
NO. //—laatract of 1.20 acres, all feuced, 1200
acres good alfalfa land; a stream running
through it of 150 miner's inches of water with
which the whole 1200 acres can be irrigated
The other 320 acre* in higher ground, which
is well situated for resorvoirs and feed ground.
This tract is situated in Klamath county,
about 20 miles from Klamath Falls, a couuty
road running by it and a railroad now within
about 50 miles and building rapidly towards
it and is certain to pass near by it, or cross it
in the near future. A good farm house and
barn and corrals on the place One of the
best bargains in Southern Oregon. Price per
13 —55 acres, house and 2 barns, 12 acres
ttom land, the balance. t3 acres, all good
land. X'tniie from depot: 12 acres under ditch
at the head ol the ditch Price................. (5.500
NO. /6—145 acres on Butte creek. 25 acres in
cultivation, 25 acres to put in; all fenced, fair
buildings. Jackson county. A bargain.
NO. 17~&* acres, all fenced, good 5-room
house, good spring, water conveyed to house
Mining views made on short notice: call
at the P hoto T ent in Jacksonville.
Growing Aches and Pains.
The City Tailor
Try White Pine and Tar medicine tor
that Cough.—City Drug Store.
You can see the World’s Greatest Fair
and return in thirty days for #1 iO.OO (one
Effort, The Tailor.
hundred and fifty dollars). Write at
once to Mrs. P. Rittler of Medford, Oreg­ MEDFORD,
on for full particulars
FOR SALE Wool hags, fleece twine,
Little’s Carbolic sheep dip. Highest
market price paid for wool and mo­
Wall Paper
Mrs. Josie Summer, Bremond, Texas,
writes, April 1ft, 1102: “I have used Bal­
lard's Snow Liniment in mv family for
three years. I would not be without it
in the house. I have used it on my little
girl for growing aches and pains in her
knees. It cured her right away. I have
also used it for frost bitten feet, with
good success. ‘It is the best liniment I
ever used.' ’’ 2ftc, ftOc, >1.00.
At the
City Drug Store.
Made Young Again.
“One of Dr. King's New Life pills each
night for two weeks has put me in my
’teens’ again” writes D. H. Turner of
Dempsevtown, Pa.
They’re the best in
the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels.
Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 2ft
cents at the City Drug Store.
by pipe, 2 good barns, 215 acres of choice land
in cultivation, good for all kinds of grain, 30
or 40 acres would produce good alfalfa. This
is one of the best farms in the valley,
miles from Phoenix Price per acre...... $¿5 00
NO. 18 —W0 acres, 8 miles from Medford, good
house. 2 burqa; 100 acres in cultivation. Price
per acre....................... ............................. ...... (25 00
sc- es on Rogue River, 100 acres of
a-good land as any man could wish for. No
im rovemen n. Thirty acres of it could be
made ready for the plow with 15 days labor.
Price....................... .. .........................................j,<x)
NO. 20 Honse and 3 lots in Phoenix, lots
«¡0x120 each; good house well finished.
NO. 26 -Hou-e and 2 lots in Phoenix, lots are
60x1-1) feet each
NO. 30— acres well improved, house, bam
and other out buildings; one-half in young
ordhard; near Phoenix. Price................. (1100
NO. 34 — 1 *><• acres, 800 acres of it fine plow
land; all well watered by fine creek and
springs Large part under cultivation and
all under fence Will be sold in tracts to suit
purchaser; Convenient to market and in
good neighborhood.
NO. 39— X acres. X-tnile from Medford.
Good garden laud. Good box house.........J3a)
NO. 40 —30 acres on a creek affording plenty
of good water good soil and fruit land; 3 acre«
in alfalfa: good buildings; near school and
other advantages. $1 .100, one-half cash, bal­
ance on time. Is a big bargain.
NO. 41 — woo acres of choice
land selected in
an early day. Will be sold in tracts to suit,
and will make a doxen or20 fine farms. This
is an opportunity to secure a home in the
best part of the Rogue River valley.
NO. 43 'w
acres of unimproved land. Has
some good fir. pine and oak. Most of land
can be easily cleared; good soil, plenty of
water; «¿-mile from school and church. Six
miles from Bybee bridge. Per acre......(10.09
O ffice of C ity T reasurer ,
Medford, Oregon, April 8, 1904.
Notice is lierebe given that there are
funds in the treasury for the redemption
of all outstanding general fund citv war­
rants protested prior to Sept. 1, 1899.
Interest on the same will cease after
this date.
C has . S trang ,
City Treasurer.
Whooping Congh.
“In the spring of 1901 my children had
whooping cough.” says Mrs. D. W.
Capps, of Capps, Ala. “I used Chamber­
lain's Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory- results. I think this is the
liest remedy I have ever seen for whoop­
ing cough.” This remedy keeps the
cough loose, lessens the severity of the
coughing spells ami counteracts any ten­
dency toward pneumonia.
For sale at
City Drug Store.