ceased and >400 to Mrs. Orwin Yocum, a sister and >400 to Ilelbert Yocum the six year old son of Mrs. Yocum. Friday, Hear the liasebull Mascot sing. High Mr. Reynolds and Mrs. Yocum came to HENRY W. ORTH, PROP School, May 27. town and signed up the necessary papers, C. W. Palm, a well known real estate Recorder Wilson apportioned the money «Iruler, of Medford, wan in Jarksonville to them and the Workmen added one [ ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS riiurMluy on land busimaa, more to its large list of prompt pay merits :: WHOLESALE and RETAIL :: H you want your watch cleaned or of death losses that have Leeu made in yout clock put in order, take it to the 40 years since the oader was founded. Hickel, the Jacksonville Jeweler, who Rich Gulch, which is a ravine opening I will do a gootl job at reasonable charge«. Special attention given to orders from a distance for into Daisy creek in the south-west part Frank Middleton, a reporter on the Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in of Jacksonville, was rightly named for at Oregonian, but now in the employ ol the time gold was discovered in it in the fir st-class condition. the Oregon Liquor Dealers Association, fall of 1K51 it was a marvel of richnes» and making a tour of the state working against the pronosed local option law was and many fortunes were taken from it, and as many as 300 miners being at work ’ in Jacksonville Thursday organizing an at a time in that famous locaity, but fur opposition to tlx- adoption of this law, the last tew years no more than half a Capt. J. E. Thornton, of Ashland, re­ dozen men in any one winter have ever publican nominee for sheriff, was itt) Jack­ worketi it» stray pay streaks. The gulch sonville over Wednesday night and the is washeil out and torn up as though sev­ following fori noon t<» take note of the eral Kansas water spouts had been operat­ politicana situation in this part of the ing in it. Along the rim of the gulch are county. The Captain met with a heart ly many prospect holes and a tunnel over We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon ot welcome and will puli the full republican a quarter of a mile long, was run Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands, vote of Jacksonville as he is certain to do in the year 1H54 from the head of Mining Bargains and Town Property. in all |M«rts of the county- Rich gulch under the divide to the Hr. Bowersox was called to the Jackson bead of Dutch gulch, passing under Cher­ Dealers in County sawmill Friday evening to set a okee Flat, so named from Hicks Brothers ' and Shingles. Qaclured ankle for R. W. Cheever. Mr. who run the tunnel and were quarter Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement Cheever hauls lumber from the mill to breed Cherokees. The Hickses followed Medford and while riding home on the tlx bedrock and for the greater distance running gears of his wagon his foot was their tunnel was from 30 to 40 feet iielow caught between the break-beam and a the surface. They made the venture pav •tump resulting in an injury to his left for in the old channel of Jackson creek, leg that will lay him up for three or four which they fol lowed th< y found a number weeks. of rich depoidts. The Hicks Bios. Con­ Win. M. Colvig was in Ashland Mon­ cluding that the diggings were worked Office one block south of Courthouse day when* he was joined bv his law ¡»fi­ out left for other fields and their tunnel JACKSONVILLE, • • OREGON Will conduct a gene­ ner Geo.H. Durham,of Grants Pass,their was aboiidoned for years. It was driven ral Blacksmith bull- business lx-ing to confer with some Ash­ through cement gravel and has stood ail UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER Filing- and final proof made on homesteads noss at the old land property owners who have retained th* »e A0 years with but little caving of its and timber claims. Corrected plats showing ORQNEMILLER STAND them to handle a suit that they propose walls. A b w years ago August Petard all vacant land.. NOTARY PUBf.yj AND CONVEYANCER. t<> begin against the city of Ashland to and his sons August and Albert bought Legal papers of all kinds made out. Special enjoin the city from creating nuisance 20 acre» of land about the heaeing washed out through the tunnel and I return in alaiut two weeks. flown Rich gulch. While they have AND Henry Kubli was in Jacksonville a made no big strike they have found the short time last Monday while on his wav gravel sufficiently rich to pay them good to the Golden Standard mine on Ga Is wages and there is a prospect that they creek of which lie, Judge E. B. Watson. may find a |>ocket on the bedrock that K. K. Kubli and his mother Mrs. E. J may yield them a handsutne lot of gold. Racycles, Ramblers and Kubli are the owners. Mr. Kubli is hav­ A Stsrtlmq Test. other standard bicycles. ing the mine and quirtz null put in shi:|e To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, No. for work ami he expects to lie mining ore Mehoo|iauy, Pa., made a startling test in a short time. This mine has been a 1 resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, Repairs made to bicycles UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. profitable investment to its owners ami I •‘a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the sewing machines, guns there is every likelihood that it will tie- stomach. I had often found Electric Bit­ In Posing and Finishing my Pic* come one of the l»cst paying mines of ters excellent for acute stomach and liver tvres cannot be excelled. Orders and all kinds of small troubles so I pre«cribe«l them. The pati­ that section. Filled Promptly. ent gained from the first, and has not had machines. H. E. Foster, of Foster & Gunnell, of an attack in 14 months" Electric Bitters Grants Pass, managers of the Oregon are |x»sitively guaranteed for Dyspepsia. Belle mine return« d to Grants Pass Tues Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney Over Miller’s Hardware Store day, after spending several «lays at their troudlea. Try them. Only 50 cents at ' City Drag Store. Medford, - - Oregon mine on Forest creek. As to his com­ MEDFORD, - OREGON pany putting in a quartz mill at the Ore­ NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. gon Belle in the near future Mr. Foster Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. May 5, 1961 stated that he had nothing to make Subscribe for the Sentinel and Weekly Oregonian. Notice is hereby given that the following­ public on the matter but that it was cer­ namefl settler has filed notice of his intention to Good clubbing inducements offered. make final proof in support of his claim, and tain that their mine would lie oj»eratee made betore John S Orth, hu eearly «late, as their development County Clerk, at his office at Jacksonville. Ore . on June 29, 1901 via: II. K. No. 9242, John It. work had fully satisfied them that it Letteken. for the N wy Sec IS. T :« S.. R. 1 W. lie names the following witnesses to ptove his Contained a large liody of high grade ore continuous residence upon and cultivation of that would yield good returns on the in­ said land, viz: John T. I.ayton, of Applegate. Oregon, Wm. Sorensen, of I’rovolt, Ore., E. N. vestment. Provolt, of Murphy. Ore., J. T. Payne, of Pro­ Rigs on short notice for timber cruisers, com­ Recorder Jas. A. Wilson of Banner volt. ore. J. T. Batrx'.KS, mercial men, mining men, sawmill men, all Register. Lodge No. 23, A. (). U. W. receive«! Wed li-13, 6-24 kinds of men or parties. Horses fed at rea­ nesday a check from the grand recorder To get perfect rest use one of those sonable rates. for the Oregon jurisdiction for >2,tMM) the silk floss or cotton felt mattresses. They are the best. C. W. Conklin. amount of lieneficiarv ¡xdicy held in the LOST—On Jacksonville - Steamboat Workmen by Hie late Thad2,000, >1,200 is to go to road a revolver. Finder leave at Helms Edwurti I. Reynolds a brother of the de­ saloon, Jacksonville, and get >5 reward. ~ LOCAL NOTES. CITY MEAT MARKET W hite & T rowbrioce THE BIG LAND AGENTS MEDFORD. - OREGON We buy wool and mohair. ¡CHAS. H. BASYE SILAS J. DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BICYCLE STORE FINE REPAIR SHOP CABINET ¡-PHOTOS— $1.50 a Dozen TED KELSO G. W. MACKEY Union Livery Stables Geo. N. Lewis, Prop.,