Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 06, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. I
JacKsonvIlle« JacKson County, Oregon. Friday, May 6, 190*.
The !.)emocratic candidate* are unite rick Donegan, Mr. and Mr*. S. P. DeRo-
a giddy, frolicking lot of boy* and the baum, and Mr*. Mary E. Jones, the mother
ballroom i* of late proving to lie a great of the bride. Mr. Orth is on«, of the
The Jackson county Repiblican con­ attraction to them even Junge Neil sedate most popular voung business men of
vention wnaheld ut Gold Hill thin Friday. dignified old gentleman that he is, vic­ Jacksonville and bi*bride isa young «adv
The attendance wan na large a* was cv< r ing with the younger sports like Sheriff who is equally popular and a woman who
had at u convention in Jack-ton county Joseph Rader, Clerk Johnnie Orth, Judge will do her full part to make their borne
for in addition to the 125 delegate« there Friut and iX-puty Treasurer Robert Dow a home in all that the word implie*. They
were a* many more prominent Republi­ in the pleasure* of the rnazv quadrille and will reside in the handsome cottage which
can* present from all part* of the county. whirl of the waltz, and it is a wily Mr. Orth owns on South Third street.
Moat of the <)elegate* and party lender* lol of politicians are these democratic
Mrs. H. Von der Hellen of Welien
arrived in G >ld Hill the previous < v<n i g candidate* lor they have found that at the came to Jacksonuille Thursday and will
an<l the evening wa* spent in diacusaing ballroom is where they can impress lie the guest of Mrs. J. Nunan for several
men anil ineiaure* and |*rty inters«, the suacept.ibie feeling*of the ladle*, and days.
the twat of good feeling prevailing, and with the ladies woo to their cause their
M. Elwood, who is conducting a large
the »upjairter* of the various candailatr* comest in the campaign i* practi- ally gain
and optical store in Medford,
while working strenuously for their ed for the avenge voter can not n*i«t
favorite* showed no unfairue** or bitter sworn n* wiiching eye* and subtle voice. lias rented the room lately occupied by
nt»« in
cam|aiigniug. * The And here come* a *<rong p ,int aga n*t W. II. McDaniel's confectionary »tore
citiezn* of Gold Hill fully *u*tlined woman'* suffrage for that would amount and will establish in it a branch jewelery
their well known reputation for hospital­ to giving the women two votes, for each store. The Jacksonville store will lie in
ity anil though the crowd was much larger woman would influence at least one man, charge of Ins son Lewis, who arrived here
than they expreted sleeping accommod­ and what would become of the men with this Friday from Grants Pass, where he
ation* were provided for all ami none their destiny in the hand* of the women. has been residing for some time past.
Lewi* Elwood is a practical jeweler and
went hungry.
But the Sentinel started in to tell of that
At 10:30 a. m. Friday the delegate* as­ Eagle Point dance of which the fact* are will carry on that work. He will also
sembled in the fine, new hall of Carter At that these half a «core of Democratic have charge of the telephone office. He
Duffield and the convention was called to patriots report that the event was a great is a bright appeariug young man and is a
order by A E. Kellogg chairman of the success a-id that they had a highly enjoy­ skillful Jewler.
Peter Deisch, book keeper forthe Jack­
county central conimitiee J. W. Mer­ able time.
sonville Gas Company and stenographer
ritt was made lemjiorary chairman and
Joe A. Thomas, one of the Socialist
W. A. Cart« r and J. D. F«y, secretary and nominee* for representative, has inaugu­ for District Attorney A. E.
assistant secretary.
Chairman Merritt rated a crusade against the direct prim­ resided in Helma, Arkansas, several
ap)-oitited a* committee on credentials I. ary law and is w< rking against the old year* la-fore
L. Hamilton, J. G. Marlin, W. J, Free­ rule that if you can not get a whole loaf and wishing to see cotton growing again
man, L. C. Charley, J. T. Miller: On or­ than take a half a loaf, for if he can n--t sent track to hi* old home for some seed.
der of bu*ine*a F. D. Wagoner, J. get a primary law just tokuit him he will Thursday he received a package of cotton
W. Robinson, W. L. Coleman, John have none. The following are the mam and keeping a part to plant on his father’s
Watkins, J. II. McClendon: On resolu­ featnres of the law that he would favor: land in the east part of town he divided
tion* E. D. Brigg*, W. Cameron, C. Vro- A* a change in our political primarv the remainder among several of his
friends. Cotton has been grown before
man, W. G. Kinney, W. H Gore.
system is essential in order to have the
Adjournment was than had until I:30 voice of the people in their respective in Rogue River Valley au«l made a fair
p m. At that hour the convention again parties and in view of the fact that in the growth producing a filler that was of fair
a*-cinbled and the report* the committees eye* of many intelligent and conscienious length and quality, but the nights are
w< re ado|>t< <1, which made the tenr xirary men of Oregon, that the proposed direct too cool for cotton to attain the growth
otiii e* |M-rmaiient, seated ell the delegates primarv law, Feb. 5, HMM, is not what it do- s in the Southern States. The seed
ami endorsed the resolution* which com- ■the jieople want or need a* a law. There­ Mr. Deisch has is of the Allen variety and
on mbd President Roosevelts administra fore, lie it resolved that a bill lie jmsm d it will grow successfully as far north as
lion, deprecate«! the iliaacntion* that have by the legislature or *ubmitte«l to the Southern Missouri and it may produce a
brought defeat to the ticket in previous people of Oregon emboding these feature*: fair article of cotton in this section in
election*, favored an equable assessment C ouijm -I every political party that obtain* favored localities.
that co-p-rations and individuals should recognition on the general election Ballot,
Circait Court ProceeduMjs.
pay taxe* alike, economy in county affairs to Hold their primaries on the same day
Judge H. K. Hanna and H. L. Benson
and favored macadamised roads. J A and at the «ame hour. Compel those who
Bi»h, F D Wagner and J F Miller were take part at the various primaries to reg­ exchanged lienches for the adjourned
terms of cin uit court, Judge Hanna go­
appointed tellers.
ister their name* and residince and pro
Nomination* tieing than in order J E vide a ja-naltv for anyone repeating from ing to Klamath Falls last Saturday where
Hammersly of Gold Hili and George one primary to another equal to that he bean! a closely conteste«! divorce case
Dunn, of Dunn were nominated for county provided in the general election law. And and returned Thursday, anil Judge Benson
judg< and the liallot gave Mr. Hammers further tie it understood that each and came up from Grants Pass Tuesday and
Iv 37 anil Mr. Dunn 84 vote*. Mr. every party bear their own primary convened court Wednesday.
were grants! to Cordelia H. Ochreider
Haiumcisly thanked his friends and expenses.
f'Oiu Nevin J.Ochreider; to Susie Randall
pledged a loyal «upiairlliy hi* friends
Wednesday evening at the parsonage from J. E. Randall; to F. J. Stockman
tor Mr. Dunn
nomination I m - made unanimous which of St. Joseph’s church occurred the wed­ from Louis Stockman, to Nellie L. Pracht
was < one. Capt J. E. Thornton, of ding of Mr. Henry Orth and Miss Oral from Wm. B Pracht; to Geo. H. Harga-
Ashland, was nominated for sheriff and Jones, the ceremony living performed by dine from Ollie M. Hargadine; to Elie M.
G. L. Davis for clerk each by enthusias­ the Rev. Father J. I). Murphy. Those Heiss from John W. Heiss.
District Attorney A. E. Reames secur­
tic acclamation.
For recorder J. H. present were Mr. and Mrs. John S.Orth,
Huffer of Jacksonville and C. A. Dicker- Misses Josephine and Ella Orth, Mr. Pat­ ed the confessions of the quartet of
son of Sam* Valiev, were nominated and
a ballot gave Mr. Huffer 48 and Mr. Lick
erson 75 votes and on motion of Tbeo.
Came ton of Jacksonville the vote was
made unanimous for Mr. Dickerson. For
commissiner Tho*. Carr of Poots Creek,
Chan. O*< ns of Woodville, and George
Brown, of Eagle Point, were nominated
The average man buying a suit
ami a Irallot gave Mr. Carr 9, Mr. Owen*
50 and Mr. Brown 02 votes. Supt. P. H.
of clothes is all at sea. Perhaps,
Daily, of Jacksonville, and Prof N. L
Narregan of Medford were the candidates
for sujierintendent and the vote gave Mr.
he knows a little about the goods.
Daily IM and Mr. Nairegan 30 ballot* fol­
io weo by a vote that made the i omin. -
He must depend upon the man
ton for Mr. Daily unanimous. For asses­
sor Peter Appligate of Jacksonville;
that sells him the article. Here
treasurer Ivan Huma-xm of Medford; sur­
veyor G. T. Jom * of Medford; coroner,
is the moral: BUY WHERE YOU
Dr. W. L. Cameron, Medford, were each
nominated by acclamation.
For representatives H. Von der Hellen
of Welien and D. H. Jackson of Ashland
were given the nomination getting the
ENCE. We want you to come
honor by an enthusiastic vote. A vote of
thank* was tended to the citizens of Gold
here with the confidence that you
Hill for their hospitality and to tin Girls
Cornet Band for the pleasing music with
can depend upon the quality of
which they bad entertained their visitors.
Editor Sentinel:— In a* much as I
our goods and what we say
came away from the convention nt Gold
Hill on the sixth, la fore the n< initiation
of county commissioner and the conven­
about it.
tion saw fit to nominate George lltoiti
of Eagle Point and not leave him out for
a dark hone. I am satisfied with the
Nomination and will most htatilygive
my *iip|iort to Mr. Brown whom I admire
I Kith as a gentleman and a capable num
for the position of commissioner. I
shall not allow myself to run as independ­
ent candidate as I should have done if Mr.
Brown had been turned down
Capt. T. J. West.
No. 52
desperadoes captured near Ash-
md a few week ago and they plead guil­
E ty outhful
to the charge. Ira Miller, 14 year* of
age, wa* sent to the reform school; Wal­
ter Schultz and A. Gager were given five
yerrs and E. Seifert, the one wounded
while resisting arrest, three ytsaas in the
penitentiary. Sheriff Rader assisted by
johu Murbhy, John cox and Ja*. Garvin
Lf t with the p i*on< r* Thursday fur Salam
Roy Estes, Delbert Buoy,
11 lie Crosby
and Bert Bell, the boy* who were charged
with destroying property near Talent
were each until
and cost*.
Commissiouers Court.
Iu the matter of road petitioned for by
J. Nunan et al. the usual order wa* made
appointing County Surveyor Garl T.
Jones, Chris (Jincb, and chas. Dunford
viewer* who are to meet Thursday, May
12 at 111 o’clock a. m. to make a survey
for this road which i* the road between
Jacksonville and Medford. In the mai­
ler of mail petition««! lor by Jes>-e W
Ailams, Garl T. joue.-, A. Alford and
John Shideler were appointed viewers to
meet .Monday, May 16. The petition to
change road asked for by G. W. Clark
et al., surveyor Jon«rs, j. W. Corum aud
i. j. Neff were apjaiinted
viewers to
meet May 21. Tbe petition ot R. A. Me
Caiisier et ai. was dismissed. Tne usual
order was made in tbe petition of Frank
Davis et al. and Garl T.
Thompson and G. N. Lewi* were appoin­
ts viewers to meet May 19. The peutl-
tion of G. W. ixnce and J. champlin to
change road across premise* wasgr.nte l.
Tbe petition of Joseph Taylor et a . to
vacate tracts in Orchard Home A-s<xia-
lion Tract was continued.
Marriage Licenses.
Mav 2—Calvin Duaenberry, to Grace
May 4—William Henry Orth, to Oral
Mav .»—Fred R. Goddard, -o Mvrt-e
M. Shaffer.
Few Votes Registered.
Regi«’ra ion <-f vo ers s proceeding
verv s’ow’v and nn to Th--rsdav of this
week But 2073 names had been filed w th
County Clerk Orth. As then- are abi’ e
4500 votes in Jaoks-m county and •! e re-
gisterv Itooks Ho-e May 1-5 there w 'I
have «o lea hurrying up in 'he register­
ing ora large number of voters will 1«
put to the great ¡"convenience of secur­
ing six freeholders to swear in their v te
ferr »hem on election dav. This r gis’ra­
tion wil' hold for tw > vears and the
look* w’11 no'
again la- ow" un’il
Ma-i-h 190B and those on the 1904 1i-t
can vote at the presidential election this
fa>’ and all special e’ec'ions with«» <t
again regis’erivg The following is the
registration by precincts:
South Ashland.......................................... 98
East Ashlasd...........................
West Ashland
,.... “ 1X3
H»g Rut'e .............................................
Cen’ral Point............................... ,......... 94
Eagle Point .......................................... lit
Flounce Rock ......................................
Foots Creek .......................................... 27
Gold Hill ............................................. 204
Lake Creek .......................................... 24
South Jacksonville .............................. 128
Norh Jacksonville....................................102
Fast Medford ...................................... 238
West Medford ...................................... 213
Mound .................................................
Meadows ............................................
Phoenix.................................................. 138
Rock Point ..........................................
Roxy ......................................................
Sams Valley..........................................
St' rling..................................................
Trail............................................. _.......
Talent ...................................................
Union............................................. —-
Woodville..... ............................................
Willow Springs.......................................
Total .....................................................