Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 3

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Frank Mengoz came in Friday from
WEEK. his mine on Elliott creek to meet his
partner, Lewi» Wagner on business in re
gnrd to installing a quartz mill on a mine
C maxlkx M kbkmvb
K uitox
which they own in the Blue River district.
Garden Seed
Miss Gertrude Allen, of Ashland, has
Kntrred In the pustoffice ut Jacksonville,
Jack «on County, Oregon, as secou<l<laM matter. been in Jacksonville during the week at
Rolled Barley
the home of her uncle and aunt Rev. ami
Hi-HavairrioN M at »»
Mrs. S. Snyder. Miss Allen is a dress­
One year
Fresh Candy
SI.M) maker aud has been doing sewing for her
Six moni ha
Soft Drinks
"hire mouth«
Comb Honey
Elder J. J. C'ark, of (»rants Pass, arriv­
Saltine Biscuit
ed in Jacksonville Friday and held Ser­
C lchmimo Tan ms
Fresh Bread
vices that evening in the Advent church.
The Hentinel amt the Weekly Oregonian will He will also fluid services this Saturday
oe wilt to one address lor
a year The Henti
nel gives the lacksoil connty news and the Ore-
(»Ulan gives the state, national anil world news, lhe general public is invited.
thus a reader Is able to cover the eutirc new»
Chas. M. Wood and his wife arrived
held at about the price ut but one paper.
last week from Nuiton,California,and will
is a
hi Sac Mimo Na The Jack-oiiviUr hrntlnel Spend the summer here. Mrs. W
will Iw wut to any a«h!re««, at auy (MMloflicr in «laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Reeve.
Ihr l'iiitr
Stale«, tor lour week« tor 10 venta. .»it. rtoixl lias »ciuied a position in the
All anliacriplion». regular or trial, will lie prompt­
ly «topped at the «Iste of expiration, unie»« a re­ Iowa Lumber Company's sawmill.
newal I» receive«!
Mrs. Amelia Elmer has had herdwell­
ing house mane mure comfortable and
\\ edntsday the marriage took place at
Rev. John W. McGhee, of Walia Walla
more cozy by hating a large bay-window
Friday, April 29, 1904
residence of Mr. ane Mra. Oliver
uuilt tu tiie pa«iur room and new paper
.mo |Mint to ti.e rooms.
The work was a week with his daughter, Mrs. S. J. Day Busell on the Jacksonville Central Point
The Sentinel will soon l?e one year old dune by Fjtd i* ch, a guarantee that it is after which he will resume his journey to road of Miss Ellen Burse 1 ann Mr. Frank
I,os Angeles, where he will attend the Na­ L. B« n-oii. Rev. Sanford Snider officating.
ami from an uncertain lieginning, fo «A Mfst'LiMS» jt/D.
Conference of the Methodist Epis­ Mias Burst 11 has Ixen one of Jacks
there were many handicapps to the pajier's
Hans lloc eijos, fourth assistant mali­ copal Church. Rev. McGhee is one of the county’s most successful teachers and she
* * & Co's. Ing drygoods earliest pioneers of Rogue River Valley. is a young lady of fine accomplislimem-«,
success, it has overcome ull obstacles and nger < f F. K. i/u
was in Jacksonville He first was in the Valley in the spring popular in hercircle of acquaintances and
has come to Ire one of the leading |>a|>ers
> noay afteiuuun on business for his of IM51 when a party from the Willam- well worthy of the l*>ve of lhe man that
of Jackson County, troth in influence and ii. use. H.«n- .» a origin hustling boy
Valley he passed through here on was so fortunate as to win her for hi-wile.
in circulation. Its subscription list has an-, lias the making in him ot a success atte
on his way to Yreka, near where he spent
Mr. Benson is from Minnesota and lias
grown steadily from the date of the first
lhe summer in mining.
In the fall he been a resident of Jackson county for the
issue, though no special canvassing has tations tnai ueset the pathway of a town returned to Rogue River Valley and he I past three ye r- and he is a young man of
and his partner, named Jackson, took up high 11.tegre y, industrious and of g< od
been done ami not a week has passed but
Mr». Addie Colvtg, Grand Chief of donation
above Table Rock, he standing in the c mmunity. Mr. and
what the list was larger than for the pre Honor ,of the Megice of Honor, re­ having the claims
land now owned by W. R. Mrs. Benson lef Wednesday evening 1 r
vious week. The incr< as« has been very
Their plan was to put in a Minnesota where th
* y will visit his re a-
large of late, from Gold Hill alone 21 new ><ip linough a.e northern jsirt of the ferry on Rogue river but fear of hostile tives after whnh they will attend he
-tu e on work in tire interest ut ihe Degree
subscriptions were r«-<«-ive
«luring the * 1 Honor. Mis. Cuivig vi-ited a number Indians caused them to abandon their World’s Fair at St. uouis and then return
to tak« up their residence
|sist ten «lays, and equally flitterii g gains of I xige» 1 n ..ng them all in a prosperorus claims and go to the Willamette Valley. o tbi- coui-
Rev. McGhee married in the Willamette on a (arm near C
* ntra) Point.
have laen made at many of the other
Valley and resided there for many years
will m«ve to Asin.end
vtitiuu 01 Dcg.ee oi Honor lodges oi afterward moving to Walla Walla.
postoffices in Jack-on county. The p o
Y.uuuiii and *• asliii.gtun counties that was 63 years old Friday but he is yet hale next week where she has bought prop-
gressive element of the < o n.tv have com wa i.e.u at McMinnville last l-rnlay and
e rtv anti will hereafter reside.
. e-
anil hearty and able to carry on his cler­ moval of .»«is. Neil will be a loss ser.ous-
to r< < ognize the Sentinal as the champion ¿Saturday.
ical work. Sunday morning by invitat­
Mr», ilattn aiuore wid leave Tuesday ion of R« v. Snyder, he will preach in the ly ieit in musical circles in Jacksonvi-.e,
of all measures that tend for the upbtrld-
i>oth as tul.tr »ereice tea a leohe mid
ing of the county. The general public fui hci hutne a Baker City alter spenb. MethodistChurch.
tieijer in puboc enterta. 1.merits an tier
1 g three months in Jacksonville, being
have learner! that the Sentinel is reliable »uinuiuiied here by lhe serious illness of
There being no school convenient the 1 ttle daugthe . Marion,
ill u.s be
d for het remarkable 111 s cal ta. nt
in its statements of facts Ixith erlitorial her ui >.ucr, Mrs. B. r, Newberry. Mrs. to the Stansell mill on Coleman creek tuiss
Uigely to the must al
local ami that it |*
ossesses the in«le|a-n Newberry is now in her usual good health the settlers of that vicinity engaged Miss ha-contributed
.vbbie Henry
of this place to teach a pri­ natures of various pub ic gathering- fur
deuce and the courage of its convictions
b -nd, wiiu is ui.e ui lhe .e«ding attorneys vate school for their children which she *s a pianist »lie has w«>nd riui genius i«l
to stand by any measure that is for the oi Baivei City.
* cacy
Mrs. Muore was for ID began last Monday. Miss Henry is a pla- s with a <i< 11 1 ot fee i . and <ie
e juale be p s n • »a
general gotxl and appreciating thia quahtv years a teacher in lhe Jacksonville school graduate of the Jacksonville Highschool of touch s. xloti
and she is an indusrious, talented young tur ea » an 1 1 **
g t a.ning. .'*rs
is why the paper's subscription list ba­ * <1 wa- one * ftm most popular teacher's la«iv who will do her best for her school | and
little M r on iiave ui best wish s of
llad such a steady growth au<l its perm­
C. P. Buggs iiisix/ugbt the house and and lie quite certain to make a success of a h-n>i 01 J acks uvillr fr ends fo 1. * ir
anency as our of the lea«iiug newsfiaper» wu lots on the corner of Fifth and C ner work.
continued -uccess in th« tie *1 of mu al
of Southern Oregon is now an assured >
County court will meet next Wednes- en leavore r.
*r ets,
aiai south * f the court house, of
The Repub ic ms of Jack-on i
.vlrs AUsie Ned no he will move his fam- •iay. The principle buisness, other than
irv tm
_ i- Saturday *nd et cted
.ly to their new Uome this ¿Saturday. His •.he usual rotine order, will l/e a number \ their prim
Hood Riv« r is decidedly in it this year pur
nase is une oi the most disnable resi of roa«l petitions. One is for a change in Th * . Cam- * n, John Huff r, Jr. A inur
m Jacksonville and the the road from Anderson Creek to Phoe Lewis and Phil. Gleve delegates for
as a convention city. The first we« k in deuce properti
|»aiiii and repairs to the six. This road is about three miles in South Jacksonvi 1 e and Dr. J. \V, x..bin-
June the Northwest Nurserymen's Ass«»
house ml fence tbut be will mikewil length ami the change'was asked for at a son, \V. G. Kenney, Fred Fick, S. P. l ) c
iation will hold their annual meeting in giv
previous term of court was defeated by a Rot'oam r f** North Jacksonville de e*gat. ■»
the pro|xr ty a modern aj
Hood River. The third week in June pi ic in k«eping with the progressive rem« nslratice bv reason of faulty pitition. to he- cou t con ention a Gold .>i
A change of a quarter of a mile in length
th«' tow n will entertain the state encamp -pur. ol 11« w Jacksonville.
One **
the best attractions to come to
The t neral of the late Emanuel King in the Jackson Creek road just below Jack­ the Opera Hutl-e this season will lie lie
ment of the Oregon G. A. R. and the last
f u v** want to laugh, till is
held from the family residence in sonville will be asked for and a new road, 4 Georges.
week in September the Oregon Editorial
Metliord Sunday at 2 o’ ciock P. M. and half a mile in length is wanted to connect jus. what you ’lave lieru waiting fot.and
Association will meet hi ¡local Kiv> i on wa» alien
by a very large cuncourse ol the Mt dford Jacksonville and the Med- ’lie specialties are the l*est that have been
the date on which the Hood River Frui Irieiids. 1 he funeral sermon was deliver- forl-Grilfin Creek road. This road is a giv
n here. The 4 Georg« s come to the
mi e and a half west of Medford and is U. S Hall f. r one night only, May 7.
Fair is hcl<l. The citizens of Hood Riv« r ' by K« v. \\ . F. Shields and interment now traveled as a pritvae road
all the companies on '.he road his season,
fulls realize the value to their town of was 1 lhe Odd Fellow» cemetery where
A. H. Brailsford who recently arrived none h ive g ven beit<r sa i-f ic ion tl
* 1
tile exercises were held bv the Odel Fel­
public gatherings l»otll as a cheap and lows anel the Grauei Army, both orders in Ashland from Buffalo, New York, with the 4 Georg« * i_o. The Eastern ] res» are
highly successful method of advertising ut w hi» h he was a member.
A delegat­ h - t mnly, was in Jacksonville over Thurs unanimous in stating there are no letter
Aiuiy men atteneled from • iay night, while on his return from a trip a tists in the business. Price- 35 & 50
the town and the adjacent country and ion ot Gr
through Applegnte Valley and Josephine cents. Children 25.
of adding to the bi sincss of the town Jacksonville composed of Chris Keegan, c*
Mr. Brail-ford left the East
Frank Kasshafer, John Renault, Alex untv.
A Ihonghtful Man.
for each gathering will leave from #250 The
\V. R. Hawk ami James n< arlv two months ago and visited a larg
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind.
part of the western states, giving close at­
to #)0<MI in the town.
knew wha’ to do in the hour of need,
c . 4. Davidson, who with W H. Mille r tention to California as he had some His wife had such an unsual case of
Father J. D. Murphy has beeu assign­ ha
* licen succe ssfully conducting a gener­ thoughts of locating in that state but he
ed by Bishop Christie to Eugiiue and will al notion store, has decieled to again take is better pleased with Rogue River Valiev stomach and liver trouble, physicins
leave for his new field of liuior in alxu t up mining in which he is an expert and than any section that he has seen and he could uot help her. He thought of and
two wit ks or so soon as a priest arrive» whnh work is more to his liking than has decided to locate here and buy a stock iried Dr. King’s New Life Pills and she
to take charge of this parish. Tuts lhe confinement of town life and this farm, and take up the raising of fine stock. got relief at once and was finally cured.
change is a prom-di »11 of considerable m- Saturday he transfers his interest in the Mr. Brailsford was a former Colorado stock Only 25c, at City Drug Store.-
ral years past has been
portance and is a deserve«’ re -ogniiion on store to Lester Baily, a brother of his man, but for sev
Cures Coughs and Colds.
ttie part of the Bishop of the scholarly wife and of Mrs. Miller. Mr. Bailee a wholesale lumber dealer in ~
Mrs. C. Peterson. 625 Lake St. Topeka,
ability and faithful work of Father Mur has lain for the past yearm the employ
Kansas, »ays: “Of all cough remedies
Dates to Remember.
pliy, who is a young man that will yet f H
allurd’s Horehound Syrup is niv favor-
* mer Bros groce yinen in Ashland,
attain distinction in his chosen life work and he is a bright hustling young matt
i'e; it has done and will do all that is
and his many friends in Jacksonville anti who will be a w >rtliy addition to tile busi- Saturday. April 30—Republic! n Prim- claime«! for it—to speedily cure all cough
aries for electing dellgates to county and colds—and it is sweet and pleasant to
the other sections of Jackson county, irss fraternity of Jacksonville ami a cap­
convention at Gold Hill.
while deeply regreting his leaving the able partner to Mr. Miller. The business
the taste.’’ 25c. 50c, #1.00 a bottle. At
comity and pleas*
* <1 at the new honor that f the firm is steadily increash g and Monday, May 2—Regular meeting Jack­ C ty Drug Store.
has been given him.
everal new lines have lieen added this
A Dandy for Burns.
sonville Hose Company.
A delega ion of Jacksonville Redmen -pring, until now in addition to a very
Dr. Bergin, Pana, Ills., writ
s: “I have
made up of Adolf Schulz, Fieri Fick. W. complete stock of fresh confections, tobac­ Tuesday May 3—Meeting of Jackson- t’se«l Ballard’s Snow Liniment; always
ville town council.
H. McDaniel, Allicrt Gangwicb, David co, cigars, notions, tropical fruits and
r* commended it to my friends, as I am
Coulter ami Charles H. Paine visited summer beveri ges, their stock embraces Tuesday, May 3—Meeting of Medford confident there is 110 better made. It is
W'eatotika Tribe of Medford Thurrwlay fresh vegetables and fruit, feed and a fuli
a dandy for burns. Those who live on
town couneil.
«•veiling, to assist tlieir neigbor tribesmen due of all kinds of canned goods. The Friday, May 6—Republican
county con- farms are especially liable to many acci­
in the ordeal of making Palefaces into firm has also fitted up a clean, attractive
dental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal
vention meets at Gold Hill.
Redmen, th«
Medford Redmen being yet and commodious icecream parlor and will
rapidly when Ballard’s Snow Liniment is
new to the business. Several candidates have during the warm months, icecream Saturday, May 7, — Special meeting in applied. It should always be kept in the
were put through and the boys report a the equal to the best to lie had in Port­
Medford of Jackson County Stockmen’s house for cases of emergency.’’ 25c, 50c,
land or San Francisco.
j«»lly time.
#1.00 bottle. Sold by City Drug Store.
Kahler Blk, Jacksonville