Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 2

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    Fators Good Roads.
Editor Jack-on vi lie Sentiiml:—As the
Virud States tli>i«runient is now leading
Crater Lake ami other scenerv at the
:h< world in mightv strides of modem
Gilliert K’ Sacket. Medford
tii| foteitunt s « i Oregon is leading the lkua.tr.
states in enterprises and improvement.
Misses. Bertha and Dollie Rose, of
The great city of Portland abounds in Phoenix, were hi Jacksonville Saturday
wealth. As the I’uited State» is able guests at the home of their sister, Mrs
o ap|>reipiate #475,000 tor the- Lew s 'lid Gus Newbury
Clark show so the state is able to give-
The colonist rates on Harrtman lines
yjuuiui. The- city ot Portland promises
The rates arc #25,
>400,1100 a total of #1,37'».OO9. Yes we started on March 1.
Privilege of stop
trv Billh.n Dollar People moclng on
five dollar retails.
Now the question overs at any point in Oregon.
irises will the people of Oregon la- bene
Miss. Ella Parks, of Huuconi. is now
tiled as much by tile exposition al port teaching school near Leland, where she
land as they would be by the same am­ bag.m a three months term Monday of
ount of money being svst< metical I v in last week. Miss. Parks is an energetic an«l
the construction of gixal public roads, hr'ght young women and she will make
wa II graded ami uiacrdamized so the dit a success of her school.
fereut counties of Or.egon. The writer
Miss. Kate Broad, who two weeks ago
is in favor of al! laudable enterprise«.
a successful term of school in the
This is no hobv; It is a vital qu» stion ami
one that appeals to every taxpayer in Thoni|>soii Creek district has been eii
Jacks- n county .
And like Blanco« s gagerl for a thiee months term ill Mine
#25, £10 and #33 Settler*« R ite to lie in effect
ghost, will not down but trails at the fl.strict which she will Iregin on Monday
fluring March and April from Omaha/ St
heels of every one who walks, rides or of next week. Miss Broad has Item at
Paul, St Louis and Chicago to Rogue River
drives on our coniman hard roads. To home in Jacksonville during her short
Valiev will bring a host of settlers and investors to .Southern
construct good permanent pudic roads vacation, but will leave for Iler school
require' money, labor ami brain', either Saturday.
one living powrrl ss without the other
We have as goo«l and ci mpetent county
board as we coul 1 select. but they are
helpless without ’ht- means to do with.
The work of constructing g<Mxi roads
be systemiz«<1 just as < th t public works
and railroads and canals are constructed
ei her by contract or under the supervis
ton <»f -» c>»mpct< nt < v< r-eerer. Now i • it
Th. T
(’’ the time to m -11 your Fruit Farm, Alfalfa
not a favorable time to agitate me quest­
1 u,,!-
"n lStock Ranch, Ton lier
ion. Agitate i' perhaps a str< ng term to
1 t —
rown Property, Quarts Mote»,
use but moligtnant diseases require heroic
PlucerClaims. List them at once with
trei meat, and as candidates are quite
numerous, as well j' active. The q tst
ion arrises will our s< n »tors joint repres
entiuves and represena’ives, l>>’h in
state aud Unt ed States t»e as e thnsi i-’ic
in ipholding the Brown and Litt ner
good road bill when it is again rejx r ed
on by the c* nmutte* on egricultur« at rHREE TRAINS to the EAST
the next session of congress is wa-S nat-
or aiitcheb and otlu rs • n ti e apj rop •
Through l'ulltnan standard ami Tourist
tion < f $475,000 for th< big «ho at Port­ sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
is it a
i i iv r ble tm • i st now Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to
to ;«'k our tepresenta’iv« s to make tip to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
th» > es int« tests of the people. We hear sleeping cars (]>ersf>nally conducted)
At The Jacksonville Sentinel Office
of »ppiopiation- for river and harlxir ini- weekly
provemen w« know that our government ing chair cars (seats free) to the East
gave millions on top of millions of dol­ daily.
lar« to railroad c< mpanies in land grants
to improve th«- country but not one dol­
D epart T ime S chedules A rrive
lar to construct g »od public roads. This
From Portland.
question of good roads is not » local one
by any means but is of a general interest Chicago
Salt I^ike, Denver,
to all alike and it is the nermanent ques- Portland
Ft. Worth . ( irn ilia.
tionof the day.
uires now tiring received from
Kansas City, St. 4:30 p tn
9:20 p. m. Ixruis, Chicago ami
C apt . T. J. W est .
ifornia. Northern Oregon, Washing-
via Hunt­ East.
Brownsboro, Oregon.
; the Eastern States ami Canaria,
from intending investors and settlers.
Suits made to look dressy an like n> w Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
at the Medford Cleaning Pressing and Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
8:15 p. m. Kansas City, St.
Dying Works. Fine work a sp> cialty.
via Hunt­ Louis, Chicago and 10:30 a tn
Ballard’s Horehoud Syrup.
Best Cough Medicine for Children.
Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy
Walla Walla, Lew­
coughs, oppressed, ratling, rasping and St. Paul iston,
When you buy a cough medicine for
difficult breathing. H. C. Steams, drug­ Fast Mail Wallace, Pullman,
small children you want one in which
gist, Shullsburg. Wis., writes:
"I have tl p. nt.
St. 7:35 a m you can place implict confidence.
been selling Ballard's Horehound Syrup
Paul, Duluth, Mil­
Wm. Puhi, Prop
want one that only relives but cures. You
for two years aud have nev» r had a prep­ Spokane waukee,
want one that is unquestionably harmless
aration that has given better satisfacton.
ami East.
You want one that is plesant to take.
I notice that when I sell a bottle they
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all
come back for more. I can honestly rec­
L'p-to-Dale Shop
these conditions.
There is nothing so
70 Hours
ommend it.” 25c, 50c, #1.00. Sold by
g(H»d for the cough and incident to child­
Three Fine Chairs
City Drug Store.
PORTLAND to CHICAGO hood. It is also certain preventive and
(food Workmen.
cure for croup, and there is no danger
No Change of Cars.
whatever from whooping cough when it
It has been used in many ep
300 acres famous Bear Tickets Eaet via all rail, or boat and rail is given.
disease with perfect suc­ Two fine Bathrooms with the
Creek bottom and.
cess. For sale by City Drug Store.
Pecan, apple, pear or alfal­
Real Estate
O regon
S hort L ine
U nion P acific
Charles Meserve
0. K.
fa ocation.
Near station.
Woodville, Or.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon. March I t, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
187», entitled An Act for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory,” as extended to all
the Public Land States by act of August I, 1892,
of Roseburg county of Douglas. State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn state­
ment No 'Rd >. for the purchase of the So ith-east
quarter of Section No. 2fi, Township 39 South,
of Rang 5 West, and will offer proof to show that
the landesought is more valuable for its timber or
stone tha n for agricultural purposes, and to es­
tablish his claim to said land befor e the Register
and Receiver of tliis office at Roseburg. Oregon,
on Friday the 27th day of May, 19M.
He names as witnesses: C. E Roberts, of Rose­
burg Oregon. R D. Grout, of Roseburg, Oregon;
C U Ballard, of Applegate, Oregon; Eugene
Wright, of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in ’.his office on or befoae said 27th day of
May I9t>'
g-25. 5-21» %
best tubs cleanest towels, etc.
Ocean and River Schedule
8 p. nt
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco-
sail every five «lays
Barber Shop
If you have any timber land you want
to sell—See T. C. Norris.
4 p. tn.
Daily ex. C olumbia R iver .
4 p. tn.
8 p. m. To Astoria and
Satúrela y
waylandings Sunday
10 p. tn.
A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon
For sale or for rent. New and second
hand. Cash or easy installments. All
makes repaired or remodeled ami work
fully guaranteed. If you need a machine,
write us. J. E. Huxley, 82 Fourth St.,
Portland, <Jregon.
Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age.
Treasurer’s Fourteenth Call.
Office of the County Treasurer of Jack i
son County, Oregon, Jacksonville, -
April 1st, 1004.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the county treasury for the
redemption of all outstanding county
warrants protested from Sept. 4, 1901, to
March 31, 1902, both dates inclusive.
Interest on same will cease after the
above date.
D. IL M iller County Treasurer.
Herbine, taken every morning before
breakfast, will keep you ill robust health,
fit you to ward off disease
It cures con­
stipation, billiousm ss, dyspepsia, fever,
skin, liver ami kidney complaints. It
purifies the blood and clears the complex­
ion. Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Tex.,
writes: “1 have used Herbine ami find
it the best medicine for constipation and
liver troubles. It does all you claim for
it. 1 can highly reecomend it.” ,'itk-ts a
bottle. Sold by City Drug Store.
A Homey Magazine each month helpful
practical and inspiting Fu!l of fascinat­
ing features Beautifully illustrated A
million readers!
$1.00 per year.
10 cents a copy.
A FREE sample copy to nil re jursting
Goon HotJBKKHEPii«» wants n »iit.scrip
tion representative in every city and town
in the west To those who will give all or
a ixirtion of their time it offers attractive
work and pays cxderdingly liberal corn
missions It will pay you to Investigate
A postal card will bring particulars. Write
at once a, as to I k - thr first in your field
Pacific Const Office,
fffl Columbian Bullring, Sun Franciaco, Cal