Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. I
Jacksonville. JscKson County, Oregon. Friday, April 29, 1904.
A h to who ih io I m - caiidi<late» or cau be
induced to I m - candidates lx-(orc the ('.old
Hili convention is giving M-riou* concern
to tin- Republican« of Jackson county.
I'lieir factional difference« has brought
on such distrust I m tween the various fac­
tions that many >>t the |»irty*s most re­
liable men do not wish to have their
names come before the convention, the
coiim i|ueme la-mg that the list of pos­
sible candidate» 1» not a« large as it was a
month ago. For the two representatives
ll \ on «1« r H«-1 «n, of W<lien and i>. 11
|a< kson of Ashland are the most likely t»
receive the nomination. They are both
educated, broaii-imned men who have the
exp rience ami the ipialificution» to en­
title them to Ite the equal of the men
who make up tin Oregon legislature and
with Hon. E. V’ Carter ami Hon. W. I.
Vawter the four would give Jackson
countv a delegation at Silent tha: would
make this county a power in legislative
matters. Ex-Represcnttve Jas. Whipple
of Woodville is being mentioned for re
pn scutive by his friends who state he
would make a strong candidate ami ha«
all the qualifications for filling the other
with honor to the county and credit to
For county judge George Dunn
of Ashland ap|M-tirs tola- the only enndt-
date left in the field, the other available
men having withdrawn from the contest
ami it is nowise certain that Mr. Dunn
will accept the nomination. He he« the
<1 lalificaticat ions for the position and
would ¡»di a heavv vote in Asbaand.
For clerk C. H Thomas formalv tn the
train dispatcher's office, in Ashland, but
now assistant cashier in the bank of A-h
land, and W. A. Patrick, a well known
business man of Ashland, are the only
men now mentionerl. They arc larth jx»p-
tilnr in Ashland ami thoroughly qualified
for the position. John Bellinger, of Mid
ford is all that is left of the list of |XM»i-
Ide candidates that arc openly in the field
for shcrifT.
Mr. B< llinger is a hustling
young men and has many friends who
think he cun make a successful race tor
the office
For record« r, John 11 HufTer,
Sr nnil Chas. Dick croon are the onlv can­
didates. Mr. Htiffcr has strong supjairt
from the old time Republicans hi all
paits of the county for he stood by the
party in the «lays when fealty to the party
was a discouraging element ami as he
lias never bad an office, though lie gen­
erously went on the tick*-* once to help
pull the party through «luring the high
tide of Populi tn. and Republicans in gen­
eral concede that in justice Mr. Buffer
should b< made the party's candidate for
Mr. Dick« rsotn is a young
farmer <»f Table Rra-k, a bright, well ed­
ucated man ami fully fitted for the of­
fice. So well qualified is Pet« r Apple­
gate for asM ss« r that not another name
has been ) rojiosed f<>r that position and
he will likely get the place by acclauiu
lion. The same applxs to County Sur­
veyor Gail T. Jones, of Medford, who
w-tll lar sure to Vie nominated f< r reelec­
tion. Tl,e Jxinds and the risks are so
large and the salery so small |>ertainiiig o i
the treasurer«office that the care noappli­
cant« for the place, Jas. M .C ron« milk r be­
ing the only jM-rson so fur named for tl e
nositition. Mr. Crunemiller is one of the;
leading business men ot Jacksonville and
has the reputation of Ix inga very careful
mid cons«-« intious man and has the busi­
ness standing to enable him to give any-
required bond. The only real contest in
the convention will I m - over superintt n-
dent. The leiwling contestants will lie
Supt. P. II. I aily ami Prof. N. L- N’arie-
g.-iii. There is a strong opposits« n to I
Supt. Dailv's r<election among the prog-1
ressive school clement iu the county on '
the grounds that he is more ot a politician
than a -chool man and devotes more time
to visiting voter- than to visiting schools
ami as living in his office in the court
house he «Ines not average one day in the
month. The law provides that the sup­
erintendent shall hold at least three local
institutes each teir, but he has held
m>n< and when he helrl the county insti­
tute last fall It«- pawl /IO to «me lec'turerer
to give n profitless talk on bad boys and
ami had two sets of urograms printed in
order to hold favor with two newspaper
offices. Prof. Narngan is not credited
with being a g«xwl voter getter but he has
the «-.siablislie«l reputation of being one of
the leading educators of Jackson county.
Prof. Ji. I?. Washburn of ja ksot ville and
Prof. A. J. Ilaiibv of Central Point are
also iMissible candidates. For coroner Dr.
W. L Cameron lias the field all to himself
and a« he is a popular young physician
he will l>e likely to I k - given the honor
by acclamation.
For Commissioner three well qualified
m< n and each one a g«xx! roads advtx-ate,
have been mentioned they being Geo.
Brown, Eagle Point. T. B. Ellison, Roxy
an«l Capt. J. T. Went Brownsboro.
On Friday, May ft the Jackson County
Republicans convention will meet at Gold
Appreciating the honor of this
gathering in their town the citizens of
(•old Hill art inking extensive prepara­
tion for the entertainment ot their guest».
As it is expected that most <>f those attend­
ing the convention will come the dav be­
fore the town’» reception committee will
meet th«- delegat« s, who come on the
■ v< ning tram, with th«- Gold Hill Ladies
Band and escort them up town. In the
evening a grand ball will be given to
which the visitors will Ixr ma«le guests of
Special arrangements will Ixr
made to «upplv Ixiard and lodging to all
attend the convention, private families
supplying icrdging to m «ke up the defi­
ciency of lack «>7 hotel room». While
(•old Hill is a -mall town the citizens are
large« n hospitality and they intend that
their gue ts shall want in nothing that
will conduce to theit comfort and pleas­
Editor Allen of the Gold Hill News ap-
pears to have stirred up all kinds of
troubles for himself all la-cause he want­
ed to l e a deh gate to the Ashlaml and
the Portland contentions and did not get
the Cov< te<l honor and in retaliation he has
I h -« n throwing rocks at the Republicans
of Gohl Hi) ml lx» juet-at the Itemocrats
in h s "I. ght <>t Gold Hill" ami to add
insult t injury h lias ev« n shod a brick
at the
k nvil.e Sentinel, under the
appr I i n <i< n th.« tins house hold nece*-
i:v h
« nietbing t«> do with his not be­
ing p« rm ti <1 to it with the elect at Ash­
The ~
land am! • • Portland.
lead« ■» f < , I«' Hill allege in theirdefense
that the
onl«l no it justice to the men
in the r |««ilv, who have for years borne
the work ■ f ili
.tin|»«ign» and were en-
r as were in the gift of
titled to su h I
the | af
in «tow n to show C'
ft rime to.i i n, w ho l ad Ix-en a resident
ml the c«>i ntv scarcely three
wl.-- furthermore ha«l given
an p rty i o acceptable edit­
in 1 - pa,er. Mr. Allen has
f n I k narrow minded and
. in ■ «1-on the Republicans
II f r t er« was no justi«?e in
tha he be made a delegate
-iwri n law of political par-
al reside long enough
I m come more than a
ent. As to his fling
; a|H-r had nothing
No. 51
Millinery Goods
One Night Only
Saturday, May, 7
Musical - Comedy • Specialties
Children 25 Cents
Prices 35 (®k 50 Cents
. ........... . .............. -..................................
whatever to do with the choosing of the
Declines A Nomination.
delegates from Gol«! Hill.
Editor Allen
To properly attend to the duties per­
by his foolish utterances is but hastening
the time of his departure from Gold Hill. taining t«> the office of county judge of
Jackson county would require the entire
H. Von tier Hellen was in Jacksonville time of the person holding that position;
Monday on business at the recorder’s of this I could not give were I elected to
fice. Mr. Von der Hellen ha«i no state­ the office ami as I have been mentioned
ment to make as to the candi«lates and as a p< ««iLk- can didate oil the Republi­
the campaign saying that he and his ' v.„
can ticket for this
««••.- ■••■,•»■
u»,,.. possition » I
neighbors were now too busy with their I herewith reque-t my friends not to pre-
cro|«s and their stock to give much time sent mv n «me Ix-for«- the convention at
to politics. He thought though that **■
the Gold Hill. 1 apj nciate very much the
outlook for the Republican ticket to gain honor shown m
by my friends in
successat the polls in June were goo«l an«l ti eir kri< ly mention of my name for
he saw no reason why with a unison of the candidacy on the Republican ticket
action that the entire ticket could not lie fur county judge, b.it my business affairs
As to the report that he was a are in such -hape that I can not readily
camlidale for representative, he said that lav th« m aside, nor can I neglect them
if the Republicans saw fit to give him and for this re ison done I am compiled
the nomination that he would accept to forego
ny thoughts of accepting a
but that he would tnakeno contest for n« m n ition at the h inds of the Republi­
cans of Ja. kson county, for the success
the honor.
of which party I have the liest of wishes
ami -h «11 tl<imy full part toward securing
f the entire Republican
ticket at the June election.
J. W. Merritt.
Central Point, April 29, 1904.
In 'he account of the proceedings of the
Democratic con vent ion in last weeksSen-
tp el the nam- of county Clerk John S.
«)rth was unin’entiun« llv omitted from
the li-t of notnin es. Mr. Orth was one of
tn« most pop-liar candidates before the
convention and lie was nominated by a
1 early unanimous vote for the office that
that he i- now fil i: g in a manner that for
efficiency and tccomtnidation has not
I. en ex« eded by any former incumbent.
Tile stat« ni< nt wa- also made that Robert
D< w candidate for recorder, was on the
list from Jacksonville, whereas heshould
have been on the Medford list as he claims
that town as his place of residence.
The average man buying a suit
of clothes is all at sea. Perhaps
he knows a little about the goods.
He must depend upon the man
that sells him the article. Here
is the moral: BUY WHERE YOU
ENCE. We want you to come
here with the confidence that you
can depend upon the quality of
our goods and what we say
about it.
Fre«l Furrv. Democratic nominee for
asse-sor acc«>mpani«d by his father-in-
law, Capt. Milo Caton, was in Jackson­
ville Thursday. Mr. Furry was a former
resident of Jacksonville residing here for
14 vear- and wasemployed as a gunsmith
and salesntm bv the late John Miller, in
his hardware -tore and gunsmith shop.
Mr Furrv now resides near Phoenix where
he has a fine farm and is engaged in gen­
eral farming and stix-k raising. Mr. Fur­
ry’s candidacy for as-essor on the Demo­
cratic ticket catne to him without his
making a canvass f< r it but accepting it
be is going to do his b' st to be elected.
Al Learned is home iron- Klamath Hot
Springs, where he lias been for the past
two weeks taking treatment for rheuma­
tism. He is much improved and is now
able to attend to his confectionery store