Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, April 22, 1904, Image 6

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    PiiblK School Lntertaiament.
The pupils of the public school will give
a literary and musical program next
Thursday evening, the proceed« of which
are to be put into the library lund.
The following program will be given.
Insturmental solo: (a) Dance of the
Sorcerers, (b) The Prisoner and the Swal­
low. Donald Colvig.
Welcomes, Clint Dunnington, Fern
Song, “Sunlight Stealing."
Recitation, “Helpes Himself." Donald
Song, “Vesper Hymn"
Hoop Drill Primary Department.
Instrumental Duet. Mary l’eter and
Ruth Peter.
Chorus, "Rhine Raft Song.”
Dialogue, I>ella Wilson. Leslie Stan­
sell, Donald Colvig.
Hunting Song.
Instrumental Solo, Clara Elmer.
Song. “Before all Lands"
Recitation, "My Name is Stella" Stella
Instrumental Duet- Gladys Shaw,
Lota Fleury.
Vocal Duet "Any Rags" Donald Col­
vig, Vance Colvig.
Chorus-" Recessiojnal.’*
Butterfly Drill- Interniediete Depart­
Instrumental Solo, Marion Neil.
Vesper Hvmn.
The entertainment will tie held in the
High School ai embly room and the
admission will be 25 cts.
Program will
begin at B’oclock sharp.
Thi- will be the first evening enter­
tainment given lh the assembly room of
of the high school and no pains have
been spared to prepair an excellent
There will be no reserved
seals but every seat commands a good
view of the platform and there is stating
room for two hundred besides those on
the program.
Memorial Resolutions.
memory of Mary Cameron, Post
Cl ief of Honor of Madrona Lodge No. 12.
Deg ee of Honor.
• >ur lives are rivers gliding free,
To that unfathomed boundless sea,
silent grave.”
For the first time in its history,Madrona
L- 'ge - called upon to pav a tributeof
r< t> ‘ to a deceased member. It is a sail
an ’ s > rowful pleasure.
Sister Marv
C imvron.wh ■»•- general spirit hail become
a art f the life and light of the lodge­
room has been summoned by the Angle
ot ea h. anil has gone forever from our
m < .
Words fail to express the deep
soft w of our heart«; we can but stand in
s enc» benea h the heavy blow, and in
fa haul trust ng confidence say, “Thy
W II b don».”
S •> er Cameron was endowed w ith manv
q»> lit es which make womanhood loved
an I r ven d, her devotion to duty, and
ze i for the good of others, her pleasent
mi' •• r, readiness to aid the cause of fra
ternit v and to share the sorrows, as well
a- the jovs < f life with her friends,- all
em nat d f-oin her kindly heart as a nat-
urd impulse. At home or abroad, her
presen' e was like a sunbeam breaking
th ough thr clouded skies of winter. The
gloom ami sotrown of life were disipatnd
be her - ver pleasant and friendly greet­
ings. She was a loving wife and mother,
a ’oval friend and an e rne-t, capable of­
ficial. Her vacant chai- in the lodge­
room proclaims our loss, and our longing
hearts are readv to exclaim. "Oh for the
sound of a voice that is still."
Now as a tribute to the memory of Sis­
ter Cameron;- Be it resolved, that by her
death. Madrona Lodge has lost one of its
most efficient members: the community
in wlrch she lived a kind hearted and
active spirit in its so< ial life; and her fam-
ilv an affectionate wife and mother.
And,lx- it further resolved, that the fore­
going etilogv, and these resolutions be
sj read upon a special page of the journal
of Madrona Lodge, and that a duly pre­
pared copy of the same be presented to
the familv of our deceased sister.
as a further mark of our appreciation of
her long and valuable service as Reciever
of Madrona Lodge lx- it Resolved,
the vacent chair of Sister Cameron, at the
Receiver’s place in the lodge be draped
in morning for the period of thirty days
from the adoption of these resolutions.
Submitted in C H. and P. by
Addie B Colvig.
Birdie R Haney.
Adam Schmitt
Committee on Resolutions.
Emanuel King died at his home in
Medford on Weduesduy of this week of
Brights diseaae. Mr. KlngwatM years
old, a native ci Ohio, and came from
Michigan to Medford two years ago
with his children who are al) grown.
His wife died several year« ago.
King and his sons were juirt owners iu
the Jvckson county Lumber Compuuy
saw mills near this place, and lie was
held iu high esteem by all who had busi­
ness relations with him, and he has
mabe many friends who sinccrelv mourn
his death. He leaves twelve children, of
whom William, Charles, Emma, Her
inanu. Dale, Edward, Edith aud Rudol-
ih are here in Oregon ami Mrs. Bertha
burstun and George and Frederick are
in Michigan. The funeral will lie held
in Medford, Rev. W. F. Shields conduct­
ing the serviaevs at the family residence
and the interment wi.l l>e in the Odd
Fellows cemetery and conducted by Med­
ford Lodge, No. 3H, I. O. O. F., and
Chester A. Autliur Post No. 47, G. A. R.
Deputy Sheriff N. L. Long and Fred
Herrin arrived in Jacksonville by Mon­
day evening's train Irom Aahanld with
four young toughs, who had bien arrested
Saturday evening on D.H. Jackaou's farm
and munday they w»re bound over bv
Justice Berry of Ashland and each placed
under £>0i) bonds to apjx-ar l»eforc the
next term of circuit court. Tins they
were unable to give and they will have io
lay in jail until September when court
convinces. They had been carrying on
thieving at a high rate stealing eatalnes
and cl tiling from various houses ii . tue
vicinity of Ashlnnd. tlmr last work being
to secure saddles and gun» and they Con
fesseb to having plan» laid to steal each
a burse »nd to than take to the road as
regular highw iymen. They are boy» in
age from 1.» to 21 years, but they art
hardened though.
They gave their
nanus and homes as, Emil Seifert,Ger­
many; A. Gager, Seattle, Wa»h.;Wai er
Schultz, Tacoma, Wash.; ami Ira Mill» r,
Wallula, Wash.
Wall Paper
D on ’ t fail to see mv line
R oom
moldings to
A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
Orders Taken for Suits
From $12.00 up.
Eifert, The Tailor.
Dales to Remember.
Friday. April 29— Jacksonville School
entertainment at School Assembly
hall for benefit of school library
Saturday. April 30—Republican Prim­
aries for electing deligates to county
convention at Gold Hill.
Friday, May 6—Republican county con­
vention meets at Gold Hill.
Saturday, May 7,— Special meeting in
Medford of Jackson County Sto* k men's
Wednesday, May IS— Eighth grade ex­
amination for May in Oregon public
school begins.
Friday,May 20- -Jacksonville High school
entertainment at Assembly hall to raise
funds to meet expenses of commence­
ment exercises.
P late railings .
C. W. Conklin
The Up-to-date House Furnisher and Undertaker
1 have in my hands at thr present time a large num­
ber of Bargains in EARM, FRUIT and GARDEN
LANDS, and TOWN PROPERTY, in different
parts of Rogue River Valiev. Mv commissions are
reasonable thus giving advantage tuljoth seller and
bitter. I can furnish any kind of propetty that a
new settler may desire.
The City Tailor
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Taylor now have
the honor of living grandparent*, a one
son having been born Sunday to their
daughter’ Mrs. Reulien Robinson, of
Junction City
1» acre« choice fruit land IH mile« from
Price per acre
$.’*■• IM
NO. 2 to» acre» V, mile wem of Phoenix; it can
be »»id in «mall tract, to Mill cu.tomcr. Price
ranging from PC» to
per acre a»cording to
NO. 6 I * 1 * i, »• re» all in fine young bearingorch
ard The hnesl fruit in the conntiy
To lie
•old al a Iw.-gam Near Jacksonville
NO. 8 KI acre» on Roxyatin Some timber
and a big apring fine for »lock and fruit
NO. 9 Macrea on a creek new land and can
lie bought at rea-Minalde figure»
NO. 10 •- •Zi acre», mote or lew, ¡»M acres
Rogue River bottom land all fenced, good
house. batn and other building. The lailancc.
ala»ut M acre., go xl for tiitilier and pa»ture.
Thi» place I. situated on Rogue River, near
town I.and i< of fine quiilitv Price, per
f •
NO. II 1» a tract of I tiD acres, all leuced, IJW
acre, good alfalfa land, a stream running
through it of 1 ri miner » inches of water with
winch the whole I.1KI acre, can Ire irrigated
The other -TJU acre» in higher ground which
i* well »ituated for reorvoir. and teed ground.
Thi» tract ia »ituated in Klamath county,
almut -’ll mile.from Klamath t ail, a comity
road running by it and a rail» ad now within
about >0 mile» and building rapidly toward»
it and is certain to pa.» near by it. or crow it
in the near future. A g'xxl farm houw anti
learn and corral» on the place. One of the
bent Imrgaiti* in Southern Oregon Price tier
NO. 13 -V» acres. house and 2 barn«. 12 acres
liottom land the Imlance, 13 acres, all good
land % mile from depot; 12 acre» under ditch
.»I till li-ad of th»-dit« 11 I’ iik -
NO. 16 I ! • acre» on llulte creek. 2'» acres in
culti1 ation 2'» acres to put in nil fenced, lair
building*. J ack »on county A bargain
NO. ¡7 -*>• acre», all fenced, gixxl ,'r-room
house, g<x»d spring water conveyed to house
•>y pile. 2 gixxl tarn*. 21', acre* of choice land
in cultivation good tor all kind* <>f gram, •>
or io acre, would produce good alfalfa
in one of the lie-t farm* in the valley, 2%
mile» from Phoenix Price per acre
j,’,.'» i « i
NO. 18 KM acre '• mile» from Medford, good
house .'barns. na> acre* in cultivstion Price
per acre
. gi’i ill
NO. 19 Il» ac e. on Rogue River KM acre* of
u*good land a* any man could wish for No
itn rovement*. Thirty acre, of tt could lie
marie reaoy tor thr plow with I t day* lal»>r
Prue ............................................................
NO. 20 Honw and 3 lot» in Phoenix, lot»
'KiaIJO each, gixxl houae well finiahed
NO, 26 flouw and 2 iotain Phoenix, lol* «
•Mu I2U leet each
NO. 30 11 acre* well improved, house, barn
and other out buildings, one half in young
oidhard. near Phoenix Price............... |lIm
NO. 34 I '• • acre*. *•> acre* of it hue plow
la.id all well watered by fine creek ail I
»1» Illg
I arg! lairt under cultivation and
all under feme Will I»- add hi tract, to ..i t
puichawr» Convenient to market and i
go<*l neiglilior flood
NO. 39 '•» acre, '. mile from Vfedfo
llraxl garden land Good box house
f. I
NO. 40 “’acre, on a crers affording pie g
of g«xxl water grxxl «oil and fruit land; 3 acr «
in alfalfa g,xxl building*; neir sclnxd and
othet advantage. JI Mil, one h ill ca.tl bal­
ance on time I* a big liarga n
Executors Notice.
NO. 41
kxxi acre, of choice land .elected n
an early day Will lx- »old in fra f to .u f
and will make a doxen or 20 hue farm • Tin«
i, an opportunity to «ecure a Koine in t.ie
l»e.t part of the Rogue River valley
NO. 43
l" acre« of unimproved land
«•»me g<xxt hr pine and i«k
Mini of land
can lx- eu»lly cleared, gixxl »oil, plenty of
water; ‘i mile from school anil church six
mile» from IKIree bridge. Per acre . flO ifO
Tr> s|»ass notices on cloth sent by mail
Notice is hereby given that all jx-rsons to any addn ss for f 1.00 a dozen.
Friday, June 3—Annual commencement having claims against the estate of Henry
exercises of Jacksonville High school Weyfleinann, rleceaserl. shall present the
furnished Hotel At A Bargain.
Monday June tt—State election day for same to the iitnlersignerl within six
on Yaqina bav, the fam-
months from <late of this notice, ami
j oils Oregon summer seaside n .<• t that
found a Cure for Indigestion.
is destined to equal the gnat Newport
must settle the same at once.
resort on the Atlantic cim»t, a 13 room
I use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
E mu , B ritt
hotel, one block from the mam busi­
Tablets for indigestion and find that they
ness section, fully furnished with goo I
suit my case better than any dypepsia
Estate of Henry Weydetnann, deceased.
bedding, carp ta, furniture, and kitchen
remedy I have ever tried and I have nsed Jacksonville, Or., February IM, 1904.
fixtures, and the woodroom full of wood,
many different remedies. I am nearly
is offered for sale at a Imr^aiii for
fifty one years of age and have suffered
j cash, or
will trade for land in
a great deal from indigestion. I can eat
Rogue River Valley. Title perfect, house
almost anything 1 want to now.—Geo.W. Oi'i'fcE ui- C itv T rhasvrhr ,
Medford, Oregon, April H, 1904. in gixxl r< pair ami supplier! w th hot and
Emory. Rock Mills, Ala. For sale py
Notice is herein' given that there are cold waler on ower and upper roors,
City Drug Store.
funds in the treasury for the redemption bath room, wood room, efixu-t» and all
When bilious trv a dose of Chamderlains of all outstanding general fund city war­ ••on veniei’cies of a modern ’.oardim* boils»
| ..... I
,n | r,..,'j/(. rants protested prior to Sept. I, 1MII9
A fine assortment of pictnn mould g. Si"’.' ,
The house ia paving property and is only
li,:«-r. st on the s-ime will ceaiie after offered for sal, by reason of the owner’s
Bring in vonr picture* and '•ave t • in for ••it • i »1 <|ii k! . fir t- ;t»s |xi..-
framed. The workmanship speaks or date medicine <iil <•■ me
wife having asthma and not able to live
he disorder. llii dale.
C has . S/ rang ,
in a low altitude. Full particulars by
itself. At C. W. Conklin's.
For sal» by City Ding Store.
City Treasurer. addressing tin- Sentinel office.