Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, April 22, 1904, Image 1

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Vol. I
JacMionville, JacXion County, Oregon. Friday, April 22, 1904.
AN Harmony With the iH-mocrat* and Ihey
Nominate a Strung ticket
the ProtedM-
IwoMsts Also Put Up a ticket of Good Men
—CepubtRsas Getliap I nt a line for work.
B. Dufur 52, D. H. Miller 57.
•¡»ectacle of a candidate getting the nom­
ination and while out on the street treat­
ing hi» friend» being deprived of hi» hon­
or» came near being euacted at thia con­
It appears that E. A. Hil­
dreth of Ashland, was to have had the
»upourt of the Ashland de legation for re­
corder and he was to have been nomin­
ated by L. L Muiit, but when nomina­
tion» fur that offics were in order Chair­
man Muiit forgot his promise ami Mr. Hil­
dreth wa» not mentioned ami Mr. l)ow
got the place without opposition. To
right matters with the Ashland man Mr.
Muiit asked that the vote on recorder lie
recun»id< red which win done and on a
new ballot beiug taken Mr. Dow won
out again he aceunwg 46 and Mr. Hil­
dreth 1H vote».
A resolution to endrose Hearst for presi­
dent was adopted without opposition, but
re»olutiuns to endorse E. A. Kearnes for
district attorney and L. L. Muiit for nat­
ional delegate weir voted dowu for some
inexplicable cause.
L- L. Midit was made chairman of the
county central committee and the follow­
ing werrehosen as precinct commiteemen:
Applegate—Geo. Hoffman,
East Ashland—W. E. Phipps.
West Ashland—E. J. Farlow.
South Ashland—E. A Hildreth, Jr.
Barron—J. C. Neil.
Big Butte—Ben Higginbotham.
Central Point—T. M. Jone».
Dunn—N, C. Dozer.
Eagle Point—Th«»» E. Nichols.
Foots Creek—K. A. Cook.
Gold Hill—H. D. Keed.
Jacksonville—F. E. Bvdee.
Meadow»—Geo. to'. Walker.
East M- 'ford—l^re Jacobs.
West Medford—M. Barksdnll.
Mound—W. J. Gr«gory
Phoenix—A. S Fnrrey.
Pleasant Creek—James Owen».
1’,-oh Bah—to . A. Jones.
Roxy—H H. Taylor.
Sams \ alle —H. 1. Pelton.
Sterling—H <rrv Gilson.
Tai- nt—John Bnner.
Trail—Ed Briscoe.
Union—Mile» Cantrall.
Watkins—I’. J. Sullivan.
Willo > Siring*—K F.Dean.
Woodvil e—J K. Cunningham.
No. JO
Millinery Goods
The harmony of the Democratic con-
ven Uou at Medford Saturilay w»i tn
maikctl contrast with the diwx ntion» that
disiurixrd their convention» of year» ago
when the party w.i» in lite majority. The
Republicans now being the dominant
party have fallen heir to the trial» and
trollies tliel beset a |Mrty wh<me nomina­
tion may mean an election.
The cooventtou wu* called to order at
Ils. tu by W. M. Holme*.chaira>an of
the county central committee. LL.
Multi, of Ashland was made temporary
chairman and C. L- Riames temporary
secretary ami Geo. Hoffman of Apule-
gate assistant secretary. Chairman Mul­
ct ap|Miiuted the following committees:
Credentials—C. 1«. Kearnes of Jackson­
ville V to’. bhctfield of Dunn, E A.
Hicks of Medford
Democratic State Couveotion.
cratic convention the honor went to Gcv.
Order of Business—K. A. Cook of
E. Chamberlain, F. V. Holman andjames
Fools Creek, A. L. blank y of Gold Hill
The Democratic joint state and con Gleason, of Multnomah and W. F. Burch-
E. J. Farlow of Ashland, Fred Furtv of
fressional convetion was held in Portland er of naker, C. Redfield of Morrow, J. D.
I'iiCMin*, F. E. Higcnbotham of bake
uesday. It was a harmonious affair as Mattock'of Laue T. K. Shdridau, of Dou­
Democratic conventions are now adays gias ami Samuel Garland of Linn county.
Per manent Organization—A. B. Chap­
with the exception of a contest over the Akx Sweet of Portland was made chair­
man of Talent, W. E. Phipjts of Ashland
endorsement of Hearst. A resolution to man of the sivte central committii. The
L- L. Jacobs of Medlord.
endorse the famous editor was lost on a couitnettiiman fur Jackson county is E.
An adjournment was than hail until
vote that stood 151 against to 115 for him. 1 B. Dufur of Gjld Hill and fur Josephine
I p. in. at which time the convention
There were only nine counties that had county J. O. Booth of Grants Pass. W.L.
again convened ami lUe temporary org­
solid delegations for Hearst, and in this Bridges of Yunculla was made joint rep-
anization was made p rmanent on recom­
list were Jackson and Josephine. W. R. piescntative for Douglas and Jackson
mendation of the committee on order of
Bilyeu of Linn county was made perma­ connties.
business. The committee on credentials
nent chairman and R. to’. Montague, of
reported dl ol the «7 delegate» to which
As Hon. E. V. Carter will not lie pres­
Multnoma couuty, secretary and C. L.
the precincts we e en eilcd present and
Reames,of Jackson county assistant secre­ ent at th« Gobi Hill conv< ntion, he now
properly accredited.
tary. Robt. G. Smith.of Grants Pass, was being in the E<s , it would be quite the
The tirsl on the order of business was
made chairman of the committee on plat­ fitness of ill.ng'and conducive to harm­
the nomination ot two candidate» for re­
form and resolutions and John A. Jeffrey,
J » ony in thr Republican paity if Dr. J. M.
presentatives and C apt H. b. Evans, of
of Salem, a former Jackson county man, Ke« ne Hon. H. E. Ankney and Hemy
Asblaud.J.J. Hauck ol Gold iii.i auu
was chairman of the committee on Order Kubii would each refrain from taking
j>art in the convention as del«gates.
Chua, Nickell, of Molfuid wet« placed iu
of business.
nomination, Capt Evans and Mr. Hauck
There w as no contest over nominations, Tne ab-sence of Mr. Carter clears the
getting the nomination, tue vote stand,
nearlv all Ixing by acclamation. On deck for the t me being of one of the
mg Evans, 01; Hauvk, 44; Nickell, 23.
their state ticket Judge Thomas O'Day of leaders wiiose contentions have almo't
No joint representative wilii Douglas co­
J orl laml was nominated for supreme br ugnt ruin to the Republican jmrty in
unty comes to Jackson county t n» elec­
The particip <tion by
judge, and S. M. Douglass of Portltnd, Ja. k-Mtt c.>unt>.
tion, it belonging to Dougias, jaCason
for fo<xl and dairy commissioner. R. M. these leader» in the conieiitfcs might
li «ring had tue candidates oil the Demo­
V’eatch of Lane county was nomi­ lean to complicate ns that would stii
cratic ticket two years ago. Judge Chas,
nated for congressman lor the First dist­ all the old animosity and as Mr. Carter
frim,Sheriff Joseph Rader ami Treasurer,
rict, and J. E. Simmons of Baker, con- is away tlie.r interests would lx-in no
D. H. Miller were each honored by a
by their absence.
gresman for the Second district. The wis.
The D mocrats at their convention presidential electors are John A. Jeffrey, There is a reasonable Certainty thai f
nomination by acclamation tor re-«iec-
d not make a very gcxxl dis­ of Marion, T. H. Crawford, of Union, none of the old Cont oversies are brought
tn ion. R. B Dow, deputy treasurer, was Saturday
made the nominee for recorder, ami bu» tribution of th< ir c -ndidates according to
into tin convention that therrnkaml
W. B. Dillard, of Columbia, and J. H.
Samuel», principal of the Griffin Creek the voting strength of their partv in the
file of the various fac ions can <e to­
school, nominee tor sujm iiniemicnt, and various sections of the county for Jack- Smith, of Clatsop.
gether a Gold Hill «nd nominate a lick-
Judge J. R. Neil and Judge W. S
Frank M. Roundtree, ol Ja«ksuuvilie lor sonvili , vi'li l»nt two delegates and «2
e and then elect it from top to bottom.
surveyor, they too getlii.g th- ir iium-n v<-tes for Ch nnlw-l in at the last state
: but if th« party discord is to cominue t
election go
nominees. Medford for this district and A. E. Reames and wil be a use ess effort o put up a t.cket
ation by a unanimous vote.
There was a contest for asst ssor. On the with -<• < n e g ’es <nd 169 votes got
for instead oi half of it going to defea s
ite» n Ashland with Id de- trict attorneys.
first ballot Fred E. Furry, ol Ptioen.x.g »1
w s the case two years ago he whole
a < «> •• d 249 for Chamber-
30 votes. Geo. Hotfmau, ot AppicaaU, 2V
w II lie lost and the party put in exceer -
one -«nd date.
ami G. M. Grainger, ot Ashland, 7.
ingly bad shape for the presine ti 1
tampaign this tall.
a second oaiiot Mr. Furry got ttie nomi­
nation on 34 votes to Mi. Hi liman's 2r.
The Republican party has held the ma­
All unusual feature d«ve.opc«l in the
jority of tile votes of Jackson County for
contest lot coroner. Dr. 1*.. B. Pickel, the
the past eight years over tlieir Democratic
present coroner ami who was elected ou
opponents, but the Democrats have he d
tile Democratic ticket, had returnd to
' the majority of the offices. This highly
again serve and Di. H 1*. liargrave was
satisfactory political situation to the Dem­
the only avowed candidate prior loth«
ocrats has been brought about by the coii-
convention. Dr Hargrave i cing a broth-
- slant ri valeries and jealousies among the
cr-iu-iaw of Fred toe«.k>, oi Weeks «x.
Republican leaders. The party has been
Baker, undertakers, the Medlord Furni­
; hi the position of the ship crew who while
ture C mipany concluded that it would not
wrangling as to how tlieir vessel should
be just the tiling for tile rival undertaker»
lx? sailed, pertnited it to drift into the
I > get all the business that a cotoner
! breakers and be wrecked.
m ght pui their way so they brought out
Dr. A . S. Jones as their candidate and it
The Socialist candidates for Jackson
t<>ok some lively rustling < n tiie pait of
I County are to have a meeting this Satur­
Dr. Hargrave's tin mis to save the day for
day in Medford for the purpose of outlin­
him. On the first ballot the two doctors
ing a plan for their campaign and to take
lied, each recieving 32 votes. A second
council one with another that they tnav
ballot gave Dr. H.irgraxe 34 and Dr. Jones
be of a stout heart for the fray that prom
ises to lie strenuous enough even for Joe
30. There was also a sharp contest for
Thomas' enthusiasm.
commissioner. Jason Hartman, of Koxey,
would have been the nom.me had the
And now is it that the democrats ex­
bailol Ix-cn taken b« tore tile oilier nomina­
pect to m ike a harvest of votes and their
tions had been made but a snifung ofcan-
sympathy and encouragement to Senator
Oidates made him a giogr.cpbical imjxrssi
Carter in the hour of his defeat is only
bility and on a vote he got out 2H ballots
equaled by tlieir expressions of admir­
while tV. I.. McClure, ot Gold Hill got
ation and good wishes to Dr. Keene.
the iiomin.i ion mi 3ii ballots.
Thus do they encourage the good work
The Democrats are quite willing to
to them, of disintergrating the Republi­
condemn a Republican slate, but not so
can parly.
hi their own convention lor the slate
«1« legates to
emiven on
On Saturday of next week the Repub
through, though an effort was
licans will hold their primaries in th«
made to break it by B. H. Huston, of
precincts in which they have not already
Willow Spring-- who nominated to. K.
elected their 'elega’.es to the county con­
i'r.c. oi I.»,«
wti > r ccivul 3ti vo -a
vention that meets it Gold Hill on Fri­
Tnc scmduad <w legal, s .¡mi h >r v- c »
day, May 6th.
X v H.N k IHAW
wer< a*t lio.v». \ I', Kaunbro. k * ■ 4,
Jackson ville,
Ele tion day will be on Monday Jum
C. 1.. R< am » «>2, j. j ■ H -iCs > , vo •
Nickell 31, 1.. J. Mulit57, E. F. Farlow
47, to. E. Fii.pp» 4b, J. D. Giwcii 53, E.
The average man buying a suit
of clothes is all at sea. Perhaps
he knows a little about the goods.
He must depend upon the man
that sells him the article. Here
is the moral: BUY WHERE YOU
ENCE. We want you to come
here with the confidence that you
can depend upon the quality of
our goods and what we say
about it.