70 Hours PORTLAND to CHICADO No Change of Cars. District Attorney A. E. Reames is ex- CoNCKUKI» to lie tile best ' pected home from Portland this Saturday I troupe of Colored Singers i or Sundav wheie he has been for the in the United States. past week on a business trip and incident - I Kraut at the Boss. > ly to swap (Hililical pointers with the i The latest and the nobbiest in box leaders ot his party. Sir. Reamesattend- ' cd the meeting of the Democratic state ! stationery a*, the City Dtug Store. central committee Monday, holding the 1 G ism I work horse, weighs 1200 pounds, proxy of J. J. Houck, of Gold llill, who I tor sale at a bargain. E mii . B ritt . is the state central committee for Jackson Fritz Ruch who is tanning on Thomp­ county. son creek was in Jacksonvile Saturday Two sacks of peanut* for a nickle at Thirty-third Year of Or­ ganization. Same Man­ for a load of supplies. the Boss. agement for Twenty Judge ¡‘run and Sheritr Rader returned Deputy Sheriff Crawford has made up Years. Wednesday from three days trip to lists of tax|iayers fur all the outside pre­ Eagle Point and Big Butte. cincts, givit g the name, value of property Miss May F. Hutter is expected home | ami amount ot tax of each person and the last of this wee k from Grants Pass Sheritl Rader has had them posted at the THE ORIGINAL where she has been for the past three postoffices in the country precincts. In Medford and Ashland the lists have been weeks earing for a sick person. posted at tile banks. This is a conven­ Misses Annie and ¡»ora Margreitcr ience much appreciated by the taxpayers went to Grants Pass last-Friday w here as it will enable them to know the amount ■ CHARLES Ml IMPURO. Manager they have secured employment at a good of their tax without a trip to the county | salary. seat or corresponding with the sheriff. • A tine assortment of picture moulding. All candies 10 per cent cheaper for 30 Bring in your pictures and have them framed. The workinauship speaks for days at the Boss. it>eif. At C. W. Conklin s LOCAL NOTES. ali rail, or boat and rati “They Sing the Songs Tickets Euet via via Portland. that have touched the and River Schedule Heart of the World.” Ocean FROM PORTLAND. H p. m. I he 01 well Orchdrd. Aid Society will give a on March 17 in 1‘. Ryan's Hon. John D. Olwell, one of the mem­ street. Admission seven bers of the House from Jackson county .n seventh prison admitted the last legislature, was m Jacksonville Thursday. Mr. Ulwell declared that his Union Club. K. C.atid Sweet Fern fav­ visit to me county seat had no political orite brands of chewing tobacco, hereto- motive to it. business at the court house re­ for <50 cents per |>ound, now 35 cents at quiring his presence in Jacksonville. Mr. Miller X Davidson's. Full stock of all ulweil denied any future political aspir­ ations, the title ot Honorable, which lie kinds of toliaccos and cigars. won by a good majority in the last elec­ Trespass notices on cloth sent by mail tion, quite sufficing his ambit.on for |>o to any address for fl.lMt a dozen. litical Uuiiors. But he was quite willing to talk on fruit, and being one ol the The sork called Thursday tnoning al the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Stone, largest growers and best |s>stcd truit men on Upper Jackson creek and left a fine in tile Rogue River Valley and his talks on baby boy, All doing finely is the report that subject are always oi in er. st. Mr. Olwell, with Ins father, P. M. Oiwell, and Mr. Stone makes. brothers, Joseph and Frank, are the own­ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Reames will leave ers of the famous Olwell orchard. Central this Saturday to spend a month in Calif­ Point, which embraces ItiO aczes of bear­ ornia. They first stop at Berkley, where ing trees. This orchard has liecn plant­ they will visit with Mr. Reames'mother, ed a number of yeais, ami is all to apples Mrs. T. G. Reames, after which they will and in accordance with the ideas then visit other ¡«aitsof California. prevalent, the trees were planted close Jacksonville is to be favored by a high together, Ix-ing but 25 fret apart. On class minstrel show, Mahara's Minstrels the black, rich soil on which the trees being billed for Saturday evening. March are grow ing it has even found that they 5. This troupe has 35 jteople in it and a have grown so large that their branches fine band ami a grand street jwrade will now uieel and the fruit is no longer so < large ami highly colored as it was and for be given Saturday noon. which the Olwell orchard has been noted. Mrs. J. N. T. Miller who has been To restore their orchard to its former making her home since last f ill with her vigor, Messrs. Olwell have taken out son Col. R. A. Miller, at Oregon City, this winter every oilier row of trees, tak- will return to Jacksonville in a short ing the rows diagonal, which leaves the time to spend a month while looking remaining trees 50 feet apart, 1 ins space after her large property interests here. allows the sun to reach all parts of the Mining blanks fur sale at the Sentinel trees and also gives ample room for spray - ing, cultivating and to enable the trees office. to have full growth to their rootsr Whils Mrs. T. C.JNorris was in Jacksonville this decreases the number of trees in the Thursday to attend to some business orchard uue half, yet its productiveness | matters Mr. Norris having been confined will not lie lessened tor the trees will to the house since their removal to Med­ bear more fruit an. Gale, Cameron and Robinson. Miss McElroy has been ill for some time, but she is now’ gaining in strength with every prospect of a complete recovery of her health. She is being cared for by Miss Margaret Vickers, a trained nurse, who came from Chicago last fall. Notwithstanding the inclement weather of Monday the Jessie Shirley Company were greeted with a good audience. The company is above the average of those on the country circuit and the audience were highly pleased with the evening’s entertainment and should Miss Shirley again play in Jacksonville she will lie greeted with a full house. If you have any timber land you want to sell—See T. C. Norris. The Republican congressional central committee for the First District held a meeting in Portland Tuesday and fixed Wednesday, April 13, as the date for hold* ing the congressional convention for this district, and Salem as the place for hold­ ing it. Jackson county was given 12 del­ egates. Hon. H. E. Ankney represented Jackson county, Henry Kubli, the num­ ber for this county not izeing able to be present. Canned fruits at cost at the Boss. 4 p. m. 1 »ally ex. Col.t'MHIA R ivkk . 4 p in. Sundav M p. tn. To Astoria ami except Satureia y way landings Sunday HI p. in A. L,. CRAIG, Gen. Pa s. Agt , Portland, Oregon FISK JUBLIEE SINGERS U. S. HALL Friday, FEBRUARY All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco- suil every five days f)¿ ¿V ADMISSION 5Oc. Seats reserved free at Miller A Davidson’s O regon S hoi ^ t line 80 YEARS* EXPERIENCE « ; P atents amo union P acific < ■4 THREE TRAINS to lhe EAST T rade M arks D esigns DAILY from Pill? 11 VXD COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anron« «engine a .ketch and d««lon ma» quickly aaceriain <>«ir opinion free whether an Invention la probably patentable,, C'omniunlra. tlonaMrirtly Patents Beni fra». Ol irai axenr» for awuritiM patema. Patema taken through Munn A lo. recate« Iffclat nutlet, WK bout ebarwe. in the I Scientific American. i I I A handaomrt» llln.tre«e<1 wnrkl». Mr »rat rtr- cuiatton of an» erlentiOe Journal, T orma. S3 a year : four montila, *1. Hold bfall nrarlralcr* MUNN & Co 361 Broadway. B ranch Office. 06 F VOilC Washington. D. C, ; DEPART FOR * "F" I d<|le Point Items. Countv Judge Chas. Prim, was here several days this week on business. J. M. Rader our popular sheriff WHS shaking hands with his numerous friends j here the first of the week. Jasc Hartman theexpert bridge carpen­ ter spent Tuesday night in Eagle Point. Frank J. Brown suent several days in Medford the first of th«- week. Through Pullin. hi standard and Tourist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, SjM»kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist d< < |mg cars 1 p-rv ii.diy conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reelin- ing chair cars (Mats free) to the East daily. T ime S c iif . ie 'I. km A rrive From Portland. prom Chicago Salt Iolis, St. 7 ;35 a m Piitil. Duluth, Mil­ waukee, Chicago and East. Augustine Schmidtling — Has Reopened his----- BLACKSMITH SHOP IN JACKSONVILLE All kinds of General Re|>air work done promptly. 0. K. Barber Shop Wm. Puhi, Prop. Up-to-l)atc Shop Three f ine Chairs (food Workmen. I wo fine Bathrooms with the best tubs cleanest towels, etc.