Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 25, 1903, Image 4

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Hon. J. W. Hailey state dairy ami io««!
commissioner, of tin- many advantages
(Continued from jxige 1.)
that would yet make Rogue River Valley
and bought a large farm on Griffin creek, one of the great dairying districts of Ore­
who gave his experience in raising hogs gon. His address is herewith given ill
and corn. He advocated that every farm­ full.
Hon. J, II. Stewart, of Medford, the
er should raise sufficient corn for his own
needs, ami that the crop was especially Nestor of the fruit mdiistrv iii Rogm-
valuable in a young orchard for rotation River Valley, gave a most instructive ad
with other crops, but as a commercial dress on the possibilities of fruit raising
f irm product it did not equal fruit anil ami of the kinds ofsoil Ixst adapted. To
alfalfi. Hogs were profitable where the plant trees and harvest fruit was riot all
farmer had alfalfa |»asture and oak hill there was to the fruit business, but it re­
land. By giving the hogs a g«xxl start in quired the application of more study and
the fall on the alfalfa and then put them more experience than any other line of
in the hills to fatten on the acorns, fin­ farm work and the farmer must need to
ishing them off on cotn. |H>rk could In­ use hi* brains if he expects to make
produced at a profit. Mr. Boyd also spoke money raising fruit, As to fruit laiul he
of the value of fertilizers and said that he held that for certain varieties of fruits
allow ed nothing to go to waste that would that tin- hill lands of this Valb v were
even better than the low land*, The two
enrich the land.
Prof. F. L. Kent, dairy instructor at the conditions of jx-rfect drainage ami equ-
Agricultural College, gave an add res* on able temperature giving tlie hills the
“Feeding the Dairy Cow" that was high decided advantage of the low land*.
lv appreciated by the dairymen present. During the «lavs the heat of the valleys
The Professor advocated a variety of rat­ was great while on the hills it was mod­
ion, green and dry. grain and grass in erate and at night the valleys wire lift
order to keep the cow in a healthful con­ cobl by the rising of the heat which gave
dition. but using as leading articles of a warm air to the hills.
Hon. A. H. Carson, Grants Pass, com­
food that stimulated milk production in
the cow and nut lieef. 11«- held, and Dr. missioner for the Third district, state
Withecomlx- coincided, that alfalfa was board of horti. ulture, ami the largest
the best single food yet found for the grape grower in Oregon, showed by tig
dairy cow and that with a light grain ra­ urts that grajx- culture was profitable in
tion it was quite sufficient for a COW. Rogue River Valiev and he g ive verv
though a few roots would benefit a cow valuable information how to handle a
in the winier months when only dry f<»od vinvard from the planting of the vines to
was used. He favored ensilage as a win- the marketing of the gra|x-s. The red
ter food to go with hav but thought that lull lan<) alxvui Jacksonville lie considered
alfalfa was not so good as corn, but that ideal land for grapes and the time was
both possibly could be improved by mix­ not distant when these hills would be
ing them when the silo was tieing filled. one gnat vinvard.
Piof. A. B. Coidley, entomologist at
“The Advantages of Soiling" was tak­
en up by Dr. Withecombe and he gave a the Agricultural College, ami who is held
most instructive talk on how best the by the Department of Agriculture to lx-
farmer can bring the productiveness of one of the lx-st posted men in the United
his farm up to the highest point yet not States on ii;s«ct pests, gave a talk on in­
destroy its ft rtility. He showed that it sect life and pest*». Of the Ill.iHHt IHM va­
waspossible by a right course of soiling rieties of insects in th< world will a few
to increase the fertility of all but the rich torment the Oregon fanner, but ihev
est virgin land and tha could be held to make a whole lia d at it and bow to coil
its richness instead of deteriorating as trol them was a problem. Th« Profes-or
had been the ca-e in the rich lam! of th« held that when an insect become* i ¡x st
\\ illanistte valley, where continue«! plant it is proof '.hat Nature's laws as regards
ing of a single crop had alm- st exhausted that insect are out of balance and that if
the land, and which would lx- the fate of the other insects were present to h dd it
the Rogue River lands were not an intel­ in check there would be no insect |xst
ligent system of crop rotation an t fertil­ He ho|>ed to eradicate the- San Jose- sea e
ization carried on. A short time was de­ from the orchards of Or* gon by means of
voted by Dr. Withecombe and Prof the Mongolian lady bug beetle that was
Kent to answering questions when an ad­ supplied to him by the Depirtment of
journment was taken for the noon hour. Agricuhuie and which lie placed in an
Notwithstanding that the rain was yet abandoned orch trd in Mr, Britt's pas­
coming down in torrents that would hive ture near Jacksonville, last fall.
dune credit to Puget Sound there w« re mologists are searching for insect e nem­
m arly 100 person-, present at the after­ ies to all insect jx-sts but until they are
: found the- orchardist must depend upon
noon session.
H. E. Lounsbury, traveling fright spraying and encourage the birds to help
agent for the Southern Pa. lfic gave a them destroy the insects.
Prof A. L. Kniselv, chemist at Agri
short but logical ami interesting address
on "The Unison of Interests of Railroads cultural College, gave a most instructive
and Farmers” in which he showed that and comprehensive talk on soil ch«-mi*t-
there was a mutual dept ndence one on rv ami the assimilation of nitrogen by le­
Among «»'.her fact»
the other and that what helped or in­ guminous pl mts
jured the one did the same to the other that he gave, lie told how land, oth< raise
and that it was the fixed policy of the productive would not produce alfalfa,
doall they could to advam e I clover ann oilier leguminous plants,
could be made productive by innoculat-
the interest« of the f irmers.
ing the soil with soil from productive
RAFFLE. fields.
An ad«lri sa <,n “Good Roads" bv W,
A grand rafflie for #100 in gold is to H. Gore, manager of the Ish farm, hittln
take place at the Banquet saloon on the jx»ini and met the hearty approval of all
evening of Jiecendier 24th.
The prize present. Mr. Gore advocated the aban­
will l*e divided. #7.5 going to the winner donment of the present system of spread­
and #25 to the next best cont« stant. ing the road work over the whole count'
Tickets range from 1 cent to #1 each. A resulting in no roads being passable, ami
fine turkey suppe«- will be served after concentrating the work, ix-ginning at
the raffle, which will lx- free to all.
: the market ends of the roadsand working
| out each year as far as the roar! funds
A Costly distake.
permit. Gus Newbury was to have spok­
Blunders are sometimes verv expen­ en on the road problem but circuit court
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price being in session his law business prevent­
of a mistake, but you'll never lie wrong ed his being at the institute at the time
if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills this subject was under consideration.
for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache,
The U. S. hall, where the institute was
Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle held, was fille«l to its full * seating cap-
yet thorough. 25c. at Drug Store.
aretv for the evening session, . mimv of
the fanners remaining over to attend it
and the town people were out ill force,
New seeded Raisin«, Zante
Currants, Citron Mince Meat, First came well sting chorus bv ¡JO of
Cream the Jacksonville High School girls ami
Nunan.Taylor Co.
buys under the direction of Prof. E. E.
Washburn. This was followed by an ad-
Head About to Burst From Severe
dr< ss by Prof. Washburn the topic “The
Bilious attack.
Coming Farmer, shall he lx- Educated?”
“I had a severe bilious attack and felt which was so to the point and well stated
like my head was about to bur-t when I that met hearty approval of the audience
got hold of a free sample of Chamberlain's ami the College professors present. It is
Stomach am! Liver Tablets. I took a dose herewith published in full.
of them after supper and the next day
“The Betterment of Home Life on the
felt like a new man and have been feel­ Farm” was the topic of an address by
ing happy ever since,” says Mr. J. W. Mrs. J. C. Pendleton, of Table Rock.
Smith of Juliff. Texas.
For biliousness, The address was finely delivered for Mrs.
stomach troubles and constipation these Pendleton has a goo«l voice ami presence
Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. and it was replete with timely suggestions
For sale by City Drug Store.
for the betterment of life on the farm,
all of which was made contingent on
tor Rent.
there being good roads, for without roads
Two fine store rooms, each 25x80 feet that were passable winter as well as sum­
in White-Thomas brick block. Medford, mer life on the farm to the women folks
New. well-furnished rooms, was for six months in the year a hard­
with a big warehouse in the rear. Apply ship almost equal to imprisonment. So
to White & Trowbridge.
well did Mrs. Pendleton’s address please I
tronsand friends in Jack-
sonville and vicinity a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
rhe best stock ever brought to Med­
ford and the cheapest to be had in
Jackson County for the quality is at
The Pioneer third ware Dealer.
Anything in the Hardware Line.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
lie have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon ot
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
Dealers in
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement
We buy wool and mohair.
Special attention given to orders from a distance for
Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in
firs t -cla ss co nd it ion.
for the Sentinel and Weekly Oregonian
Good clubbing inducements offered.