Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 18, 1903, Image 8

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Dry wood iti any quantity to suit.
quire at Orth's meat market.
Walter Oglesby returned Wednesday
from Weed, California, where he has
been employed in a saw mill for months
past, and will spend the holidays with
his parents here.
Quaker Herbs, three packages for one
dollar, at the City Drug Store.
Father Paul Datin, rector of the Cathol­
ic church at Grants Pass ami extraordin
ary chaplain of St. Joseph's parish, was a
guest of Father J. D. Murphy while mak­
ing an official visit to this parish.
Lost, in Jacksonville on Thursday of
this week a ladies' black Russian purse,
containing a small sum of money and
some personal articles.
Finder will
please leave at the Sentinel office and re­
ceive reward.
Toys and games, the kind that please
you. Medford Book Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton of Sams
Valley are in Jacksonville this week
guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Jas
A. Wilson. Mr. Pelton is a juror in at - '
tendance at court and Mrs. Pelton is vis- .
iting friends and Thursday they ittended ! .
the installation ceremonies of Adriel
Chapter No. 3, O. E- S. of which they
are members.
Tr sjsiss notices on doth sent Io mail
to any uddn .»s tor #1 .00 a dozen
The residents of the cop|»er district on
the Upper Applegate are making an ef­
fort to get a postoffice established at Joes
Bar. Joes Bar is the terminus of the
Jacksonville ami Upper Applegate stage
line and is the trade point all the settle­
ment on Applegat-- slope of the Siskiyou
mountains and a postonice would l»e a
great convenience to that section. There
is a probability that should a poatoffice
l»e established at Joes Bar that the office
at Watkins will lie discontinued as most
of the patrons of that office reside along
the mail route and could get their mail
delivered in boxes bv the mail carrier.
Toilet Cases, smoking sets, glove box­
es, handkerchief eases, traveling cases.
Medford Book Store.
Mrs. Adda B. Coivig, grand chief of
honor, of the Oregon (»rand Lodge of l»e-
gree of Honor, with Jesse Thrasher as
driver, drove out to Eagle Point Thurs­
day to make an official visit to Cypress
Lodge No. 12the lodge instituted by Mrs.
Coivig an<l Mrs Theo. Cameron at Eagle
Point last Thursday. Mrs. Coivig assist­
ed the lodge in initiating two members '
and gave the officers and members a
thorough drill in the workings of the
order. This lodge now has 111 nietiil>er»
and has most flattering prospects for a
large membership.
The Odd Fellows were honored at their
meeting Monday night by a visit from
Chris Keegan and John Jacobs who Hon. Joseph Micelli of Roseburg, grand
were employed in Whipp's marble works master of the Oregon Grand Lodge. In
in Ashland before it was closed up. have honor of the occasion the Reis kalis met
opened a shop of their own in that city. met with the Odd Fellows and there was
Both are young, industrious men anil a large attendance from lioth lodges.
thoroughly understand the monument The Grand Master exemplified the works
and stonecutter's trade and there is every of the order and gave the officers and
reason to expect that they will make a ' members a most instructive drill. At the
success of their venture.
Both young J close of the work he gave an address
mt n were former residents of Jackson­ that was replete with facts pertaining to
ville and they have manv friends h« re the ordet. He has visited the greater
who are glad to know of their business part of the state and has found the order
enterprise and have the best wishes for in a very prosperous conditiou with pro­
spects for a greater growth next year
their success.
There are now 175 lodges in the state
At the Presbyterian church preparations having a membership of over 11,OHO The
are being made for a fine Christmas enter­ Oddfellows Home at Woodstock, Port
tainment Thursday evening. It will be land, is now finished and is as well ap­
given by the Sunday School the children pointed a public building as there is in
of which, assisted by their teachers and Oregon. There are now 12 persons in
their superintendent. Prof. Washbum. are | the Home. Grand Master Micelli corn
preparing a program of musical and j plemented the Jacksonville lodge on the
literary features that will be pleasing to interest the memtiers took in the order
their friends. A tree loaded with candy | and their ardor for its work. The follow -
and nuts for the little ones will be a 1 :ng members were present from other
feature of speci il interest to the children. I lodges: E. E Phipps, C. L. Paine, Ash-
The exercises will commence at 7:30 p. j land, S. H. Cook, L. C. Basye. Jno. Per
m. and an invitation is extended to the noli. Applegate; J. L. Simmons and W.
public lo attend the entertainment.
II Simmons, Sterling, J. H. Thorndike,
i Medford, Henry Maury, Central Point;
A Frightened Horse,
R. Cook. Foots Creek; Jas. Young,
Running like mad down the street Grants Pass; J. McIntyre, W. B. Coff
dumping the occupants, or a hundred man, Arthur Smith, G. A. Tyson, Forest
other accidents, are every dav occur­ Creek; A. T. Smith, J. L. Hammersley,
rences, It behoove# everybody to have Gold Hill. A bounteous sup|»er was pro­
a reliable salve handy and there’s none vided by Mrs. Chris. Ulrich and a most
as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. enjoyable hour was spent discussing the
Burns, Cuts, Sores Eczema and Piles dis­ dainty viands set forth.
appearing quickly under its soothing ef­
fect. 25c, at Drug Store.
Card of Thanks.
Have you made your selections for
Xmas? If not look over Conklins
list of Christmas suggestions in an­
other column.
New things added
each week.
Real Estate Dealer
I have in mv hands at the present time a large num­
ber of Balams m FARM, FRUIT and GARDEN
LANDS, and TOWN PROPERTY, in differ«
pat ts of Rogue River Valiev. Mv commissions ate
reasonable thus giving advantage to both seller and
buyer. 1 can furnish any kind of propei tv that
new settler niav desire.
The undersigned desire to exjiress
the citizens of Jacksonville, and esjievi al­
ly to the boys and voung men, their ap­
preciation of the generous patronage
they have given us during the time that
we have lieen in business in Jacksonville.
C hris U lrich
Rov U lrich .
New seeded Raisins, Zante
Currants, Citron Minco Meat,
Nun»n-T»ylor Co.
Head About to Burst From
Bilious attack.
TO all
imported J apanese
M p K i KS
“I had a severe bilious attack and felt
like my head was about to burst when I 1
got hold ofa free sample of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dose j
of them after supper ami the next da>
felt like a new man anil have Ix-en feel­
ing happy ever since,” says Mr. J. W.
Smith of Juliff, Texas. For biliousness,
stomach troubles and constipation these
Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents, i
For sale by City Drug Store.
How Can I Keep Up with
the Times ?
T is pretty hard to keep well informed on the
political news, the scientific news, the literary
news, the educational movements, the great
business developments, the hundreds of interesting
and valuable articles in the hundreds of excellent
magazines. About the only way it can be done by
the average busy man and woman is to read a
magazine like “ The Review of Reviews," and. as
it is the only magazine of the sort, it is a good
thing to send $2.50 for a year's subscription.
Popular Holiday Lxr.ursions,
James Cronemiller,
T. K. Bolton and Emil Peil. who have
been successfully conducting excursions
to San Francisco for several years, an
nounce another, to take place during the
holidays. It will leave Ashland Satur­
day, Dec. 26th, on the noon train.
Round-trip tickets have lieen placed at
fl6, good for 15 days.
In order that ample accomodations
may 1>e arranged for, those intending to
make the tri]» are requested to inform the
management as early as possible.
The hundreds who have participated in
these excursions will testify to the enjoy­
ment afforded by them. The introduct­
ion of the New Year in San Francisco is
something worth witnessing.
•• I know that through its columns views have been pre­
sented to me that 1 could not otherwise have had access to ;
because all earnest and thoughtful men. no matter how widely
their ideas diverge, are given free utterance in its columns.”
“I consider it a very valuable addition to my library.”
The Review of Reviews Co.
13 Astor Place, New York
Read The Review of Reviews