Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 18, 1903, Image 6

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    Circuit Court.
store nt Eagle Point.
Mr. Brown was
The December term of circuit court was formerly a Jacksonville I m > v , his father,
convened Monday with Sheriff J. M. George Brown, now conducting a large
Rader and Clerk J. S.Orth present. Chas. general merchandise store at Fugle Point,
Shultz was appointed court balitfi and having lived in this town years «go. Mr.
Alex. Thompson grand jury balifi. A Brown states that his section of the county
grand jurv was draw n the members be­ is very prosperous, the big crops of onions,
ing J. Nunan. A. B. Saltmarsh. R. H. fruit, hay ami grain and the large sales
Halley, I. G. Hodges. H. H. Taylor, Polk of stock having pul the farmers all in fine
Hull and H. L. Gregory.
Mr. Nunan shape financially.
was made foreman. It was currently
If you have any Thriller land you want
reported that several matters would come to sell—See T. C. Norris.
before the grand jury, but thev failed to
Two twigs loaded with Japanese per-
materialize. An indictment was found simtnons have been added to the Sen­
against K Graham, who roblied Sergent tinel exhibit by Emil Britt. The tree
¿¿Dunlap's store at Talent. 1 ”’4.’.
from which the twigs were cut was
ey, a rancher north of Jacksonville, was grown from seed planted by Mr. P. Britt
indicted for tresspassing on the land of . _
ago. The- _____
tree is vigorous |
A. L. Clark, a neighbor. Graham's case and a prolific bearer, and it bears a fruit
is coqtinued as he is not to lie found. that is seedless and of larger size ami '
Mr. Bousey’s trial will come up next better flavor than is usual with the lap- 1
week. The report of the grand jury is anese persimmon. The fruit is the size I
published in another column of the Sen­ ■ of a large prune and has a reddish tint
instead of the yellow of the Atmrican
Roy Hulburt, the box who was charg­ variety. It has a good flavor, but the
ed with stealing horses in company with skin retains much of the puckering quali- I
Ed. Lyons who was hung at Eugene for ties so prominent in the American per- (
the murder of Sheriff Withers of Lane, simmon.
was tried Monday afternoon. District
Henry H. Blecher died wj the resi­
Attorney A. E- Reatnes represented the
state and W. M. Colvig defended Hul­ dence of Mike Downey in Jacksonville
burt. The jury returned a verdict of ac­ Thursday night '* . Blecher resides on
quittal. In the suit of D. H. Miller a farm on the Sterling road three miles
against J. E. Envart for the amount of a south of town. He was in town Thurs-
bill of hardware it was shown that Un­ ' day and decided to stay all night with
Late at nigit he
building material had lieen bought by his friend DoMney.
the contractors who were building a houx went to his room and in the morning -
for Mr. Envart any that they alone were when Mr. Downy went to call him lie
responsible for tbe amount. M.G. Hoge found him on his knees leaning on the ,
represented Mr. Miller and Withington bed and had the apj»earam e of having
& Crnnon represented Mr. Envart. In been tor sever d hours. Heart failure
the suit of Mrs. Nancy Carter against was the cause os his death. The funeral
Ira Wakeman to gain a water ditch in will take place this Saturday at 2 p. m
Pleasant creek the jure men returned a at the Jacksonville cemetery, the services
verdict in favor of Mr. Wakeman. Cov- to be Conducted by Rev. F. G. Strange.
vig & Durham and Judge Prim re present­ Mr. B’echer was a native of Siegan, |
ed Mr. Wakeman. H. I). Norton and Germany,and was 5»> years old.
Dufur & Hainmersly represented Mrs. was unmarried and leaves a sister in
- and a sister, Johann i Blecher,
’ with him.
Thursday evening the case of the State ,
...... ¡»laced
r........ on
„.. trial
vs. G. W. Trefren was
and had l200acrcruf land but he had decd-
is rd that some time ago to his sister. He
a jury secured. ' The crime alleged
that Trefren forged a release of a mort­ has resided in Jackson and Klamath
He w is
gage. The trial lasted all day Friday I counties for the past ,'k) vears.
and the jury had not brought a verdict an educated kind hearted man an 1 good
to everybody bvt Henry Blecher.
when the Sentinel went to press.
Adriel Chapter No. 3, O. E. S. held
Marriage licenses were granted by the their installation of officers Thursday
county clerk this week to Bert Caffman evening and as is their custom the event
and Eva Cook. James J. McNair and was made semi-public and a few friends
Luln Briggs, George B. Wiley and Edith were invited to witness the cermonies.
M. Oliver, S. D. Sanders and Mrs. Ellen The exercises were conducted by Past
Patron Theo Cameron with Past Con
Kindling Wood—$1.00 a load at yard ductress Mrs. Kate Myers in charge of
the floor work, and Mrs. Nellie New­
or delivered. Iowa Lumber Company.
You’ll be disappointed if
i you do not bury, organist. The beautiful and itn
see the picture display.
1 Medford Book pressive ceremonies of the order were
carried out in a manner that was most
creditable to the installing officer* and
Arrangements will be made at the to the lodge.
The officers installed
meeting of the Rebekahs next Monday were Miss Amelia Britt, worthy matron;
night for their installation which takes , Mrs, Mollie Cameron, associate matron;
place the first Monday in January.
. • The Mrs. Emma Dunfor-L conductress; Mrs.
elected officers to Ire installed are Mrs. Hattie Thrasher, assistant conductress;
Francis Wilson, noble grand; Miss Paul­ Miss Corinne Linn, secretary; Mrs. Mary
ine Karewski. vice grand; Mrs. Mamie I Miller, Treasurer; Sergeant R. S. Dun­
Dox. secretary, and Miss Emma Helms, lap, chaplain; Mrs. Dora Harbaugh, mar­
financial secretary. There will also 1»e shal; The points of the star represented I
eight other offic ers to Ire installed, but by Mrs. Kate Myers, Adah; Miss Emma
they are all appointed by the Noble- Helms, Ruth; M’ss Alice Hanley, Esther;
Mrs. Adda Williamson, Martha ami Miss'
Columbia river salt salmon bel­ Kate Cronemiller, Electa. Mrs. Eliza
lies, macKeral, Holland herring in beth Cronemiller, warden; Mrs. Amelia
Elmer, sentinel. The installation of tne
Kits and Kegs. Nunan-Taylor Co.
worthy patron «as postponed until the
Beautiful Christmas boxes filled with next meeting owing to the absence by rea-
delicious Lowney Chocolates. Medford son of sickness of Janies Cronemiller, the |
Book Store.
officer elect. On taking the worthy ma­
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brown of Eagle tron s chair Miss Britt in a well worded
Point were in Jacksonville over Thursday address thanked the numbers for the
night to attend the Eastern Star instal- honor conferred upon her by placing her
ation ceremonies. Mr. Brown is now a for the second time in the highest posi­
in Dr. Officer’s drugstore and hardware tion in the lodges. At the close of the
ceremonies in the lodge room the mem­
bers and their guests repaired to the ban- j
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen­ quet roan where a lunch so complete^
sive. Occasionally life itself is tbe price and elaborate as to quite resemble a ban
of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong quet was made the order of exercises for
if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills an hour. The tables were tastily decor
for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, ated with green leaves of bamboo and jx>t- ,
Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle ted plantsand by each plate was a mis-
I tie toe favor.
yet thorough. 25c, at Drug Store.
Dates to Remember.
H enry W rkdt , Driver—Leave« Jacksonville Saturday, Dec. Ill—Farmers institute at
daily except Sunday at 7 a. m arriving at Ap­
Jacksonville under auspices of Jack­
plegate at 11 a. tn. Leave Applegate at ILI'iar-
sonville board of trade with forenoon,
riving at Jacksonville at 3 p m. Close connection
made with stage to Steamboat and stage to Kubli
afternoon and evening sessions con- I
and Davidson.
ducted by professors from the Oregon
State Agricultural College.
J ohn R. W ilson , Driver Leaves Jacksonville
at 7 a. tn. Mondays. Wednesdays anti Fridays for Friday, December IK,—Parents Meeting
Ruch. Uniontown, Parcel, Watkins and Joes Bar,
and school exercises at High School
returning on the following days.
building at 2 p. m.
Monday. Dec. 21st.,— Sjiecial session of
Oregon legislature will convene.
A grand rafflie for $11)0 in gold is to
take place at the Banquet saloon on the
evening of December 24th. The prize
will be divided. $75 going to the winner
ami $25 to the next best contestant.
Tickets range from 1 cent to $! each. A
fine turkey supper will be served after
the raffle, which will be free to all.
Heart f luttering.
Undigested food and gas in the stom­
ach, located just below the heart, presses
against it ami causes heart palpitation.
When your heart troubles you in that
wav take Herbine for a few dava. You
will soon lie all right. 50c, Sold by City
Drug Store.
Jo give all an oppor­
tunity to examine our
very complete line of
Christmas goods this
store will he kept open
evenings until Xmas.
r *
Union Livery Stables
K'igs on short notice tor timber cruisers, com­
mercial men, mining men, sawmill men, all
kinds of' men or parties. Horses ted at rea­
sonable rates.
Geo. N. Lewis, Prop.,