Report ol the Grand Jury. ry will I m - hauled to the dredger. This In the Circuit Court of the State of extra expeniie is made necessary by the fact that the dredge company consider Oregon for the count unty of Jackson. To tlx- Hon II K. I Hanna, Judge of the the Centennial bridge unsafe for heavy .... loads to cross on and they do not care to alxive entitled court: W«- the Grand Jury for Jackson County, risk the delay and loss should they lose Oregon, duly «liawn and empaneled at some of their expensive machinery in the DccenilN-r term of the above entitled Rogue river. «•ourt, having finished our investigations, B«*«irt. That we have carefully examined into We ar«- to have a Christmas tree. The all cases in which persons have been ac­ preparations are going forward nicely cused or suspected of crime, in every case umler the supervision of Frank Rodgers. whi rr the matter has been brought to our Every farmer among us has I mm - ii tak­ attention. That we have returned into ing advantage of the fine weather and a Court true bills in only those cases when large acreage of w heat has I m - cu sown. the evidence in our judgment was suf ficient for conviction We have returne«! N. L. Narregon of Medford was <«ut no bills en«lor*rd**Not a true bill" for the last Saturday and Sunday looking after reason that then- were n-> cases in which his firm. u defendant had tx-en held to ap|iear Our turkey raisers, Messrs Jones, A. D. before us in which we «lid return an in­ Houston and Chapman are getting their dictment. fl«M-ks in condition for shipment to San We have, a» far as our limi'erl time Francisco for the Christmas market. would |M-rmit examine«! into the liooks Judging from th« fancy returns of their and records of the Court Hous«-, and w hile we have made no expert examination of! Thanksgiving shipments they expect g«axl prices. the records or the accounts of tne officers, , we found th«- books and records well an«! I Miss Rosa M vers is visiting her sister neatly kept and the officers dilig« nt ami Mrs. Walk« r of Table Rock. courteous in the discharge of their vari­ Several farmers of this section are pre ous duties. paring to plant apple tr-es this winter. We have visited the County Poor house ami have talked with the inmates there­ N'. L Narrvgan wdl put out several acres. Others intending to plant a smaller of. We found them all satisfied with amount ar«-: ,M< ssrs. DeArtnon, Chapman., their surroundings and in response to in­ Armstrong, Glass and Stacy. quiries as to tin ir treatment they off-red no complaint. It is rumor «! that J. G. Martin will We would respectfully recrmimeml that move to Medford in the Spring. the roof of the County jail I m .- rewldered am) r*|>aintcd. That tbr roof of the Court CONKLINS House should I m - r«-|xiirevers, la’.est design», into Jacksonville, should I m - repaired ami Table covers, Carpet Swe<-j>- improve«!. ers. Parlor Tables. Ladies We respectfully call th«- attention of the work stands, Jardiniere County Court ami County Commissioners stands. Rockers, to suit all, to th< fact that the absence and want of Morris « hairs, Music Racks, telephone communication with the I toadies Desks, laulics dress­ County Court House is a source of great ing cases, Folding tables. annoyance to the citizens and taxpayers Rattan Goods, La«lies Work of th«- county who do business at the Stands, Fancy Tables, Wall Court house ami is also a source of great Pockets. inconvenience to tiieeounty officers. We most stronglv and urgently recommend I that there l»e pul into the Court House 1 wagons, Rocking Bovs one telephone, at the ex|x-nse of the j horse*, Ik-ftk» and Bl ack county, and that after the installation of i boards, Doll carriages, Ex­ said telephone, shoipd the comity officers tables. Side boards, tension desire anditional ones they should be al­ closets. Dressers, China lowed to ¡natal them at their own ex­ pense. Commode*, I ron t>eds for dolls Having finished our duties and having no further business la-fore us. we would John Williams one of the big wheat respectfully asked to I m - discharged. Date«! at Jacksonville, Oregon, Dec-1 growers of Marrow county whose farm is near Heppner was in Jacksonville last ember 10« IVOR, Saturday while taking a look at Rogue J krkmiah N vxan . River Valley with a view of finding a Foreman of the Grand Jury. satisfactory location for his parents, who desire to seek a less disagr« cable climate Galls Creek Mines. than Eastern Oregon, and who are con­ Henry D. Kubli returned Sunday from templating moving to Southern Oregon. Galls creek where he h ««1 Ix-en for sever­ Mr. Williams, from the information that al days superintending work upon the he had secured and from what he had Golden Standard mine, of which himself, seen, state«! that he was well pleased Mr«. K. Kubli. K. K. Kubli and Judge with this valley and especially with its E. B. Watson, of Portland an- owners. climate, an«l he spoke very complimenta­ They have three men at work getting out ry of Jacksonville's possibilities, but was ore ami later on they will increase th«- frank enough to say that the delapidated force. They have tile main shaft down appearance of many of the «>hl buildings, 120 feet and the vein is steadily increas­ tlx- broken swings an«l the rough, illkept ing in size ami richness. Tile ore that is sidewalks gave the town a has-lieen ap- taken from th«- mine this winter will Iw |x-arance that unfavorbly impressed hauled so soon ns the roads open in the strangers. Had the town lieen neat anti spring, to a small stamp mill which they progressive in its appeanurce it is «mite have on Gills creek a mile ami a halt certain that Mr. Williams would have from the mine where it will I k - milled. I iMHight property ami put up a residence Th«- Golden Standard has I m - cii a paying for his jMirents. mine in previous years and turned out gold enough to make it a profitable in­ RECTOR OF ST. LUKE S, vestment to its owners. Of work at the other mines in that Ashburnham. Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qua ities of Chamberam’s ditrict Mr. Kubli states that W. S. Clark Couth Remedy. has eight men at work on the Purkeypile mine, which they have bonded, lie is A shhvrnham , Ont., April 18, 11103.—I getting out a large «luantity of high grade think it is on’y right that I should tell ore. Heretofore all the ore from this min«- hail to lx- hauled to Gohl Hill to be you what a wonderful effect Chamber­ milled, making an expensive haul of 121 lain's Cough Remedy has produced. miles. Mr. Clark is now having a fine The day before Easter I was so distressed stamp mill b lilt m ar tlx- mine and will with a cold and cough that 1 did not think to 1>e able to take any duties the hereafter do his own milling. At the famous Bill Nve mine, the next day, as my voice was almost choked superintendent Major Andrews, of Med by the cough. The same day I received ford, has a force of men taking out ore, an order from you for a bottle of your which will I m - milled at the mine, a fine Cough Remedy. 1 at once procured a stamp mill now being almost completed. a sample bottle, and took about three The Bill Nye mine has the honor of hav­ «loses of the medicine. To my great re­ ing specimens of ore from it taking the lief the cough and cold had entirely dis­ prize at the exposition at Spokane two appeared and I.was able to preach three times on Easter