Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 18, 1903, Image 3

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    couple of wiies ind a board will stop in tin court house. That if ano her pub
horses and cattle, Uhde it requires th«- i lie need that is so imperative there
addition of Mt least three Ixwirds to the should b«.’ no delay in supplying it. The
Jbhl l Jl ON
fence to make it pig tight. Ill these set office of nearly «-very business man in
WEEK. tlements the hog law would carry almost Jackson county is »tipplie«! with a tele­
unanimously , but in the foot hill districts phone and M» gem-ral is its use that the
C m a mi ..M kmf . mvk
E imtom
an almost solid vote against the adoption telephone is as much of a necessity as' is
of the law would lie |x»!le«1. In these the mail. Not a day jmsm *» but what the
Entered in the
<4 Jn« U miijvi H«-. districts tindn-r is plentiful ami fencing various county officer» are called from
Jju kauit County Oirgon ¡i« «rt<»iid c I h «* mutter
is cheap and the farms are small and the their work to walk three blocks up town
range area large, the converse of the to the telephone central to answer some
one year
condition in the valley district*, ft costs call made by partie» at a distance. This
mix month«
makes a serious interruption to their
rhirt month«
30 these farmers very little to raise hogs for
there is mm h feed on tile range, espec­ work, and it is thus that much of a loss
Cl.t'HHtM« T i m mm .
ially in the fall, when the acorns are fall­ to tin- county. The court house is « very-
The Krnlbirl and th«- Weekly Orrgoitian will
l*c »ent to one a«hh«
tor f<! a y<«t The Scutl- ing ami they raise a gn at manv hogs ami progressive county in Oregon has a tele­
iirl give« the lark «oil Comity new« and the Otr
ICotilan give, the «late, naiional and world new« largely de|»end on the -ale of these hogs phone, manv of them having a telephone
I hit« « render t« «!>!«• to cqmt the entire new« i for much of their income. To force these in each of the offices in the building ami
field ut Mtrout the price ol but one {Hiper
foot hill farm« r • to keep up their hog» Jackson county should not lx- Ix-himl in
fat al Mt mm Miertow* The Ja< kwmvillr Krtiilnel | would force them to discontinue raising |xiblic utilities when this business neces­
wilt t*r »ent to any ad«lr« «*, al any fioMwffii r in
th«' Tutted Slate« tor four week« for th cent«. ■ them ami work a finam i d hardship to sity costs so littl«- as ilocs a telephone.
All Mibacriptfton«, rrxtilar or trial, will t*c prompt- I them s< ttlers, Rut it is equally as great a
ly »topped .it the date of • -wpitatiou mil* «• a re- |
TheOregfrn leg stature w 11 convene in
loss to the valley settlers to fence .against
iirwa! 1» received.
,1 ses.i .n next Monday. It was the
the hogs, ami is the valley m ttlers far
of Governor Chamberlain
outnnmlwr the hill settler* it i* prob­
that the session would lx- but ror a couple
able that if tin- hog restriction law is put
of «lays and that s > s«x>n as the error in
The iik rciiw in ><tt< mlam e at tin- Jack ton vote that it will carry. All the towns
the assessment laws was Corrected an ad-
Millville public m 'I i < m >) has I h - cii such that of the county now prohibit hogs running
journm« nt would be had and all other
the school lx».ir<l has had toor-kr 12 more at large ,md the fanners about each of
legislation would wait over until the
seats, which will be used in the high these towns are conqietled to keep the r
in l‘.»>5, but there is a liklihood
school room. a part to replace the small­ hogs within an enclosure le t they »tray
s- ss-.on may last tor a week or
er scats that will lie placed ill the oth i into town and gel into the pound master's
miners are up in arms to se­
r<MHtis. It w is thought that when the charge.
cure the repeal of the law pass-d at last
new »• bool was built atld furnished this
session placing a tax on the capital stock
summer that it would meet all the re- ' How to suppress th«’ hoi»» is the prob­
inc<>r]>oratcd companies doing business
<|Uireineiits for Jacksonville for several lem of tuc «lay for th«- numb-rs of these
th- state. The opponents of th«-port­
year» to come, but it is alrr i'lv overflow­ *< ix il>/.< «1 b.irlxinans' are »teadily increas­
railroad around the Cali-.li rapids ip
ing each ¿.car. whether times he good or
ing and in the primary grade M’V« r d
river will ’oe on hand to
children just under the six year an* limit bail and they threaten to lx.’ the Goth»
rtion made that en­
ami Vandals of the twentieth t en ury,
have I M-cn refused ad mission to the school,
There are sev« ral
for that room was full to its utmost scat who are to destroy imxicrn civilization as
interested parties
did tile ancient Goths and Vandals d-.s-
ing cajMcitv. It i» quite certain that-
will try to have considered, and if a
that the assembly hall will have to I k - fit­ trov Rome and European civilization.
uni n of f - rets can lx worked lip the
ted up next fall fora schiud room in order
legislature may lx- held in session for a
to a< comodate the mcnased attendance
seivation to mike on the hobo evil: week or two.
that tin re will I k - at the next term of
school. The Jacksonville school house is Grants Pass was >nv tded one «lay this
Ja< ks< nville is steadily forging ahead
up-to-date in everything except the sea's week by a bunch of forty or fifty tramps, d< sp t-- the depreciating comments of un­
which arc the old style, rigid, dotibli presumably bound for the gre< tier fields friendly neighbors and of its own moss-
desks. These desk* were bought last of California. Ill calling our atlelltioll back element ami it will yet fiecojneone
to the fact, a prominent business man
winter to replace the desks that wen-
the most prosperous, progressive towns
askid, "What is the solution of the tramp
burned in the old school, but these will
in Rogue River Va'.lev. That Jackson­
problem?'* Our off hand answer was
probablv be the last of these out of date
ville is growing is proven by many fa- ts
“Stop patronizing tramps.” We referred,
desks that will I k put in the Jacksonville
one of which is th ;t the postoffice lias
of « nurse, to the professional “hobo" —
School, for the board mi the recomcnd- '
Ix’en advanc« d by the department from a
the uneasy, unwashed, unkept, ami un-
atimi of Piiiicipd Washburn, hits select­
fourth class to a presidential office. Post­
regem rale son of a lx»x car, who shuns
ed single, adjustable desks in the ordef
offices are classified according to their re­
work and w ater as he would poison and
sent in this wei k to tin- fact >rv. These
ceipts and the grade of the postoffice
who knows no law but the law of "sup­
adjustable desks enable the s- at and desk
gives a gfxxl indication of the standing
ply and demand." Th s specimen of hu­
to lx- readily set at any In iglit to suit a
of a town. Jacksonville is on thr up
manity is the result of easy transporta­
tall or a short scholar.
These desks
grade ami the coming year will show a
tion ami easy people. He moves along
obviate the necessity of a tall person be­
much greater grow th than has been made
the lim-s ot Rast resistance, and so long
ing hirnptd up ami the circulation of
«luring the past year.
as he is unrestricted in his migrations,
their bhxxl impeded ami their health
and can find plenty of over-sympathetic
The business men of Jacksonville
endangered and cotnfvrt destroyed by­
|K’ople who conscientiously feed him should make it a point to attend the
having to sit upon a scat too low’ for
“lest they turn away an angel unawares.’’ farmers institute this Saturday, even if
thcm.or of the sh >rt child whose Ret
lie w i I continue to multiply and flourish. but for a short time, that they mav show
dangle in the air from a high scat. Ami
Feeding professional tramps is such au that they appreciate the presence of the
the single desks have the further advant
i xtreinc case of mistaken charity that it farmers in their town ami that they have
age that they separate the pupils and en­
almost amounts to a sin. It is the same an interest in thr success of the meeting.
able them to study lo a belt* r advantage ,
s >rt of charity that would feed a coyote These institutes are a most important
ami to keep better order. All the up to-
at tile back door because, forsooth, the factor in raising the standard of farming
date schools are replacing their double,
Ix-ast was hungry. The truest kindness and thus increasing the productive cap­
rigid desks with the modern single, ad
to a tramp is t > furnish him with work, acity of the farms and thereby making
justable desks and it is certain that the
if he is willing to work, and nut him
old desk- will go from the Jacksonville
where he will lx- conqx-lled to work if he '
school so soon as the debt ol the new
is unw illing. And right here is the dif­
school house is paid otf and the district is
ference Ix’twcen your genuine hobo and
in ix-tter financial combtion.
the unfortunate who is out of work.
There is a strong movement in various
The grand jury in their report made
parts of Jackson county to se< tire at the
next general election the adoption by this i two v«ry timely recommendations. One
county rd the stale law prohibiting swine is that the county should improve that '
running at large. I’nder the < tregon law , section of the Jacksonville-Medford-Cen­
for restraining swine running at large, it tral Point road that has Jackson creek
is left optional with the counties to adopt flowing in, around and through it. That ;
the law or not, the matter to lx- voted on this road needs improving is plainly ap­
at any general election, in all the thick­ parent to all who have occasion to drive
ly settled portions of Jackson county, over it when coming to the county scat.
hogs running at large has come to be an , If the county would undertake this work
expensive matter to the farmers, I here the town of Jacksonville ami the citizens
is very little outside range for stock of of Jacksonville would each contribute
any kind ami to feme the large orch­ liberally toward the work for this road
ards ami alfalfa fields against a few hogs is one of the main thoroughfares of the
ranging on the mail side is an expense county, in which not only Jacksonville
out of proportion to the profit that the but more than half of Jackson county is
hogs yield. Fencing against other stock directly interested. The other recom­
is not so expensive as against hogs, for a mendation is that a telephone be placed
Friday, December ¡8,19U3
the farmeies more j>ros|>ero is, which in
turn benefit» the business men by enabl­
ing the farmers tola- more liberal buyers.
Th«- ladies of Jacksonville are also ex­
pected to attend ami by their presence
shffw- that they too have a welcome for
the farmers and their wive# to Jacks«>n
ville. S-v ral of the add res <s will l>e of
sfK-< ia! interest to the citizens ofjackson
viiic ami the pajier by Mrs. Pendleton
will deal with a subje« t in which the
ladies ha\e a lively interest and some
timely suggestions will lx- given by Mrs.
I’« mlleton.
The burners institute to lx- held in
Jacksonville this Saturday ami will be
the first ev-r held in Jackson county ami
while thq scope of these institute s is new
to-many of the farmers of this county y t
tlia.v are tak ng a deep interest in it real­
izing that it will b«- helpful to them in
many way s. In (Mint of talent and at­
tendance this institute is cert du to equal
the Ix.-st ev- r he'd in Oregon. The ses­
sions morning, aftermxm ami evening
will be held in the I’. S. Hall. Mr. I>e
Roboam giving the u>-- <»f the hall free of
charge other than for fuel and light. As
th«.- program is quite lengthy the sessions
will begin promptly at 10 a. m. 1 p. m.
anil 7;150 p. m. The evening session will
lx- of special interest to the town people
and it is expected that there will lx: a
large attemlance to hear the fine address­
es of the profe-s >rs fr-an the State Agri­
cultural College.
It is a noticable fact that the merchants
of Jacksonville carry a larger stock and
of a lietier qualitv and Ix-tter assortment
«if holiday gixxls than any season for
several years past. And what is proof
of the business prosperity of Jacksonville
is that the merchants are having a fine
trade, their sales being much larger for
the past week than are usually the case
for the period proceeding holiday week.
Under New
Management ! !
Henry M. Miller nnd
T. Davidson
having bought the
from Ulrich & Com­
pany, they invite
their friends to call
when in Jacksonville
Fine line of Holiday
Goods, Xmas Tree
Decorations, China
and Glass Ware
Up Stairs and Down Stairs
Is filled with the swell-
est, most complete line
of Christmas Goods.
The proper gifts for ad­
ults. Amusements for
the children. Nuts and
candies for all
:: ::