Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 11, 1903, Image 8

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    1 a s|>eci.il « tlbrt to put in a sto. k fiolll
winch Ciirislllias presents cun lx- s. levied
In fancy tockers and easy chairs and tine
Mrs. J. W. Opp and her children went |k»rlor pieces his selection embraces man
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to Portland last Friday to remain until articles the liest to I m - had in the market.
after the holidays with relatives and In rugs an I art squares he has a tine
selection, while in childrens' toes lie lias
friends in that city.
housekeeping outfits complete and the
Rev. F. G. Strange preached Wednes­ bureaus and other articles are large
day evening at the Presbyterian church enough to be more than a lucre toy. At
in Medford, where union revival services Ryan’s. Christmas buyers can find a fine
are being held for this week.
selection of paintings, china and vases as
S. C. Swagertv and his son Harlon well as mane other things that make ac­
started for Klamath countv Moi day each ceptable presents. Their line of Ixioks
with a load of apples which they will «nibruce all the standard and classical
sell to the stockmen of that section.
worksaswell as Ixxiks for children's
Jas Crouemiller has mail'
Miss Ethel Fleury left Monday for reading
Baker City to visit at the home of an un­ things in his well selected stock of good»
cle who resides in that citv. Miss Eh urv that would make acceptable presents, but
may secure a position .11 a store in Baker it is a pt< tty yair of shoes tor the baby, or
Citv in which case she will take up Inr a present for an older member of the
family trom his line of China ware. At
residence there.
tile City Drugstore a display of tine jew
C. T. Davidson returned Tuesday from
elrv and handsome toilet pieces and sets
Lower Applegate where he had l>een to are to lie see 11 as also the standard ami
examine a placer mine on Oscar creek latest lxx»ks. A host of otln r articles are
for Portland parties who are negotiating in stock that would make most acceptable
for its purchase. Mr. Davidson reports
much activity among miners in that sec­ presents. At the Boss Confection* re,
Mr Learned his been busy early and late
tion and the output of gold promises to making up a stock of hotne made candies
be large this winter.
for the Christmas trade Mr. Learned has
Beautiful Christmas boxes filled with also a fine assortim nt of decorative- g ods
delicious Lowney Chocolates. Medford for Christinas trees. Ulrich it Co have
Book Store.
a big assorttnene of candv Ixith home-
ma<le and factors- confections and nuts of
all kinds. The' have also a tine display
of childrens toys And last but not less
important is the roast for the Christin is
which the City Mr at Market will
Rugs in many beautiful pat­
be j retired to furnish, well cut ami tend
terns, Portieres, till grades.
er and juicy.
Couch covers, latest designs.
Ashland Normal Notes.
Table covers. Carjx t Swe p-
ers. Parlor Tables. Ladies
Prof. Watts' last chapel talk was on
the situation in Panama.
stands. Rockers, to suit all,
Prof. Mulkey lectured last Saturday
Morris chairs. Music Racks.
evening at Cottage Grove.
Ladies Desks, Ladies dress­
ing cases, Folding tablts.
Grover Feebler from Jennings, Louis-
Rattan Gixxls, Ladles Work
iana entered school this week
Stands. Fancy Tables. Wall
The executive committee of the Hoard
of Regents h i* plans made for an extra
supply of good water. The work will
For the Children
l>egin next week.
horses, Desks and Black
Ray Loosley from Klamath Agency
boards, Doll carriages. Ex­
has the distinction of being the tallest
tension tables, Side boards.
student of the school, six feet four inch­
es. He is a junior ami every senior has
Commodes, Iron beds for dolls
to look up to him.
The class in geology under Prof. Pa' tie
Home-cooke<i meals. 2a cents at Mrs has already developed a great int< rest in
Flory’s in the brick boarding house the study­ of local formations. New
second block north of the Court House specimens of rocks are <1 lily brought by
Justice W. J. Plvmale convened his the members of the class.
court Saturday and continued the sessions
The following classes have organized
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while and adopted colors within the last ti n
hearing argument' and evidenc“ in the days: The junior, freshman, and teachers'
case of George E. Neulier. who had review clisses. There is high class spir­
brought suit against H H. C itler for f'>s it in the school. Sp'cial rivilri exists
and Chas. Bonh tin for
for “goods and la-tween the seni< rs and juniors, C lass
merchandise” supplied t > these young yells, class songs. and class Colors
men. Mr. Neulier was rt |ire>ented bv are in the breeze. The junior colors
Clarence Reaines and the lx»ys were re­ have been as high as the top of the flag
presented by Gus Newbury. Mr. New pole of the main building and the senior
bury brought evidence to show th it his veil has rent the ski.
client. Chas. Bonham, was under age.
A Costly Mistake.
and he secured the apjx>intm*.-nt bv the
court of a guardian ad litem. H H Cut­
Blunders are sometimes very exp< n-
ler lieing chosen to act for the min »r, sive. Occasionally- lift- itself is the price
Bonham. As a minor cannot legally in­ of a mistake, but you'll never lx- wrong
cur a debt for “gixxls and merchandise” if y ou take Dr. King’s New Life Pills
at a saloon Mr. Neulier dropped his case for Dyspepsia. Dizziness, Headache,
against young Bonham, who claim -d Liver or Bowel troubles. Thev ate gentle
that he was but 19 ye its old, though he yet thorough. 25c, at I>rtig Store.
represented, so Mr. Neuber states, that
Bates Io Remember.
he was of age w hen he purchased the
wet goods. Young Cutler being of age Monday, Dec 14 — Decemlx-r term of
Mr. Neulier succeeded in collecting $10 circuit court for Jackson county- conve nes
of his account for $5K.
at Jacksonville.
In many of the homes Christmas tri es Saturday, Dec. 19—F irm« rs institute at
Jacksonville under auspices of Jack­
will be had and family reunions held.
sonville board of trade with forenoon,
In the wav of presents for old and young
and evening sessions con­
the stores of Jacksonville never lielore
ducted by professors from the Oregon
carried such a selection as this year, both
State Agricultural College
in quantity and quality.
Company, in their drygoods department Friday. Dec. IK. — Delinquent tax sale
for Ja -kson county at court house in
have many articles that make useful
presents and they also have a fine
line of table w ire and cutlery. C. W. Friday, December IK,—Parents Meeting
and school < xercises at High School
Conklin at the furniture store has made
building at 2 p. m.
Monday, Dec. 21 st.,—S|x-cial session of
Oregon legislature will convene.
H enry W kxdt . Driver Leaves Jacksonville
daily except Sunday at *am arriving at Ap­
plegate at 11 a m Leave Applegate at l[:l’> ar­
riving at Jacksonville at ’ p m. Close connection
New seeded Raisins, Zante
made with stage to Steamboat and stage to Kubli Currant», Citron Mince Meat,
and Davidson
Nunan-Taylor Co.
lOHXR. W ilson . Driver Leaves Jacksonville
at 7 a. m. Mondays Wednesdays and Prulays for
Head About to Burst From Severe
Ruch, Uniontown. Parcel. Watkins and Joes Bar,
Bilious attack.
returning on the following days.
A grand rafflie for |100 in gold is to
take place at the Banquet saloon on the
evening of December 24th.
1 he prize I
will lie divided. J75 going to the winner
and $25 to the next liest contestant.
Tickets range from 1 cent to fl each. A
fine turkey supper will be served after
the raffle, which will be free to all.
“I had a severe bilious attack and felt '
like my head was about to burst when I 1
got hold of a free sample r>f Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took ¡1 dope
of them after slipper and the next day
felt like a new man and have been feel
ing hippy ever since,” says Mr. J. W.
Smith of Juliff, I «-xas.
For biliousness,
stomach troubles and constipation these
Tabletshave no equal
Price 25 cents.
For sale by City Drug Store.
To give all an oppor­
tunity to examine our
very complete line of
Christmas goods this
store will he kept open
evenings until Xmas.
Union Livery Stables
Riffs on short notice for tinitier cruisers, com-
inercia I men. mininf! men, sawmill men, all
kinds of men or parties. Horses ted at rea-
sonatile rates.
Geo. N. Lewis, Prop
BJOU can tell one as far as you see him.
X There is a certain style about him
that is unmistakable,
a n a 11 y an <1 pro
th t is altogether dif­
ferent from the best ready-made.
has developed the making of fine made-to-measure garments into
a science and reduced the cost to a mere fraction of old-time mer­
chant tailors’ prices.
We are the local dealers for this famous concern and carry
over 450 of their elegant up-to-date samples, which we would be
pleased to show you.
18 orders the last month attest the popularity of these suits
in Jacksonville. Orders filled promptly and at lowest prices.