Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 11, 1903, Image 7

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    E. Crump, e.ii b one el« ventli of *ai«l re­ TIMBER LAND. ACT Jf'.NE 3. 1*7*—NOTICE
maining] ro< ci «1* resjiecti vely. To Rela-c
ca H Crump, asguardiati ad litem for John
F. Hammond, Edith Vivien Hammond,
f’liite«! State* l.ainl Office,
State of (lo gon t<> |no I' Collin;
Cat) Edward Hammon«! anti Clara Alice
R<«*i burg, Or« x«»n. Sept. 12. 19113.
C ' j of in- '4 . *C '4 and a 1 1 of SW '4
Hammon«!, the t« maimhr of *aid pro­
No ii e i* berebv giv« 11 tb it in oinpli
m-c :«1. t|> l<* •, r 4 r ...................... F fl Ml
ve« «I* to l»ereceived by her as *u< h girini aiu e with the provision* of the art of
Mutihln J and B 1' Keo« 1 to Nir*
ian for thi-iii in « «piai pro|«ortion«; that in Congies* of June 3,e IN7x, entitle«! "An
Emma NN'ing; prop in Ashl-nid
the event of re>.*tan«'e on the |»ar of am act for tlie sale of timber laml» in tin
J II "I horndiki ct iix to F. NN Starr,
of the defeml nits to (Kirtition «>f *ai«l pri St «te of California. Or« g-iii. Nt vatla. an«l
21 Ml
lot* 3 itinl I blk 115. Mt «third ...
iiii - ic * by such sale, plaintiff* h ive jtidg- NN'.isliing'oii Territory,'
a* exten«k-«i
NN’eek* & (Irr to C NN la-win, prop
by act of
.'MM I
Jackson Co..................................... .
for the costs and other «lisbiirscment» of August 4, IW»2.
I'.iiiiiiiiicl Pool < t ux to I, K Park
the s'.it. that plaintiff have such other
Bust; 11 w *4 m - i -24, tp 35 •. r 2 e...
anti further n lief as shall lie just ami of Maith ii Rock, County <-f Fierce. State
Aztec Land mpl Cattle Co to Lion
equitable in the J remi»«».
of NN i* oiisin ha* thi* «lax file«! in thi* of­
K Parkhu*t; nf'4 of *w!» ««ml
Tin* summon* is publish«'«! !•> order of fice hi* sworn statement No 57H2. t«>r the
aw‘4 of *» '« sec 2B. anti tie'4 of
the llomuabl« H K Hanna, one of th piir*-h i*- < f ti <• NN'e* ‘j of the E' » of
nr'i sec 23, tl> IB *, ’ 9 e.............
judges of the al«ovc i ntitli-«! court. ma«le .'•et"io!i No 1«) iii To'in-bip No II South.
Same to J l> Hamilton; |<«w«r of
in chain! ers, < ti tola r 23rd F.MI3.
Rang No 4 NN'c*t. m i will off« r proof to
The time in *u« h order prescrila-d for •how th it :h-- I m«l sought is more val­
Same to s.iine. »allli
....... -••-
saw! publii at on is six weeks. The date uable f> r i * 'inilier or stum- than for
Eliza E and A Giddings to Eliza
• fill« first publication of thi* si mmon* -,gi call i a) p •’I«' sc*.
n-l t • i-stabl *h
Ix-Sli J Van Sant; prop in A*li-
is < ti toli-r 3H. I'.Mi C, the «late ot the a t h.scia in l-> *«;«! la-««! Is-for, J. O l'.ootli.
I m«l.............
publication of tin* summon* a* prescrib- Coutitx' Ju«!g . at hi* other at Gr ii:ts
NV A York et ux to I rank M Calk
e«l m *ai«l or ler i* De « mt-i-r II, I'.Mi:;. Pi-**, Oieg>-n. • n Situr-'ay 'he 12th day
in«; nof n'1 of nw’4 °f bw ' m
The date within which you a«e required of D. c»-nil>«r I'. mi ,;.
sec X. tp 3!i a, r I c..........................
to apjwar am! an*wcr if serve«! by publi­
He n line* -i* witness--*:
1 Inldh Collier to N Ii f'.|>|m, jair
cation is on or la-fori- I«e«-eml»er II. I!»I3.
Binjaniin R Spaltl ng of Bax City,
lot* 2. 3. 4. N. Idk 17 Pitot 11 x ...
Date'l at Jacksonville, Ja« k*' ii Comity, NVi* o * ; I r,mci* J. Sp- «ting <-f NViver-
J110 R Mitchell l> N E Retiiie-.
Oregon, <» tola r 311. I!»i3
lv. \V;*i- -i.sin; A. NN. Silsby of (»rant*
power of attornev to m II mining
In the Ciriuit Court of the State of
A. 1 . R EAMES,
Pa-*. < >reg««n; S'« rl NN al-inghani of Bra*
projK-rtiea Ju1 l>*'ii ........................
< fregón, for J.¡ck*oii County .
iii'ct n. NN iscons n.
J110 NV Currv to Gerdon I. S lift
Attorneys for pl. intiffs.
Aux «nd ail ) ers n* claiming adv«-r
Rt In-ci a II Crump. John II.
iin rhorn. Io n 3 anti 4 li'k .'Mi.
*« lx the tiLox« tie-« rllietl lan«l* are re
til M I
N|. -Hold
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1X7« — <|U< st« «1 to file th« ir claims in this office
Olivi V. Crump. Ethel L
Marx Smith Post ami hush to E D
on or Ix-f re said I2ih «lax «if December
Ilrigg»; fit 3, blk 44 Ashland ih .' mi Charles J. Crump. Hm v v L
I'M 13.
E A J.e« *ton Smith < t ux to G S
I Crump and John Frank
United State* Lan«l Office.
l.ce-to I fsilll II. lol I blk .11
Roseburg. Or,-.. Nov. 12 h., i'.Mi;;
ltl-2. 12-11
ISO Hammond. Ctrl
< . .Id Hill
Notice 1* hereby given that ill compli­
IlMHI I Hammond ami Clara
Same to satUC. plop J.1 k-a>n Co
ance with tile piovisious of the act of TIMBER LAND, ACT JI NK3. 1N7H—NOTICE
Hammond, rumor heir* am!
E<la M Mortis anti Itiisb to Susie
Congress of J urn- 3. Ix7x, entitled “All act
clitltht n of Clara Alice Ham
I. Ailt n, lo'* |. t> and e1 j lot* 2
for the * He oftimln r «an«!* in the States
ami 5, I>lk 30 Coolidge add. A»h
■ d l iLforni i. Oregon. Neva-ia and NV mb-
Uni e«l States L.m<! Office,
Summon* ingtoii 'I« rr.tory.' • sextemied to all th« I
«W MI Josiah Crump be Relrt-cca II
lai.k ....................
Oregon. Sept 12. |!MI3.
Crump, the r next of kin
Public Lan«l S'ate* by act of Aug. 4, I*'«2.
M Hilda J R-e-cr ami hush to F M
Notice :s Ii reby given that in compli­
1311 :
Calk n*. prop A'lihoitl..................
ance with the provision* of the act of
m l* husltaiid of Elmira V.
F M Calkin* to Ja* McDowell,
of Buncom. county of Jackson, state of Congress of June 3, IN7R. entitled “An
I mi H'I for deed, prop in Ashl .nd..
I Irego«', ha* till* «lay tiled ill thi* office a< t for the sale of timlier lands in the
I of Josiah Crump,
Calibx Huck to Sarah A Louden,
hi* *worn *t item, lit No. 5x43, for the Stairs ot California Oregon. Nevada, ami
I i
purchase of the ll’j of se '4 . *w'4 of SeJ4 NVashing'.on T« rntory," as extendeil t<>
placer « 1 ttm* Jackson Co............
C 1 I lutcliin*. 11 < t al to Jno I.-nden;
m«l sc'4 of *w'*4 of Section No. 32 tn all the Publix- Laml State* by act of Aug­
Furnaii S Crump. Timm a*
T wnship No
*. Range N >. 2 NVe*t, ust 4. lxH2.
bond for deed lie'4 m <•;><• tp 40*.
ami will offi-i proof to show that the laml
r 4 W and other pro]................... > HMM) A. Crump and William E.
* tight i* more vulu «hie for it* titulier or of Bay City. County of Pierce, State of
S B Stoner et al to C I. Scott et al;
I >efemlant*.
7l Ml
stone th in for agricultural purpose*. an«l NN'i*consiii has thi* <!av file«! in this office
Gov lol fi mt 12 tp."i'J «. r I r.......
NN m M llolme* ct ux to J I*. J NN
To William E. Crump, of al>- ve mimed to cstlblifth hi* claim to saitl laml la-fore1 hi* swtirn s.atement N«> 5705, for the
.sila* J. Dav, U. S. Commissi« tnr at ptirchasi of the NE!» of Section No H
ami i NN" Olwell; prop Jackson
Co........................................................ It M MI
In the name of th« state of Oregon: Jacksonville. (>r« gon. on Thursday, the in Township No 41 South, Range No 4
4lh «lay of February , I1MI4.
NN’« st. anti will offer proof to show that
You arc herein n quire«' to ap tai n the
(«itninissioner* Court Proceedings.
He nam< * a* w itne-se»: Amir« w
a iove entitled court and «an*«- an I un* Cantrall of Buncoin. JackM»n Co.. tile I.«n«l sought is more valuable for it*
timber or stone than for .tg icultr.ral pur-
County Court met NVcdne*dav, Ihc. 2, . wirtlw coinpl.-ii t now <>n lile therein
111 regular m **ioti with fudge Prim against von. Wl hill III ihiy* from lire Oregon; Arthur Klieelninm« r of Kun- ]>o*es. and to t stablish hi* claim to said
County Clerk Orth. Slit riff R id»-r ami «late of the xervici of thi* siimtii'in* c«-m, J ickso'i C<> ,Oreg ntjohn F. Mill« r laii'l b« f«-re J. (». B««oiIi. County Judge, at
|a k*on Co.. Or« g >n; hi* office at Grant* Pass, Oregon, on Sat
V■ iiimis- onefs Ri|«-x and p-tlctsoii pre* 111 on i-oii, if served within Jackson Ctnm- <»f Jack >onvtlle
t ut. Re|M>ri* of County officers were tv. On g .it; 1 in I . f M-rv 11 w 1 Inn any ot hi r ami Jeremiah N«in 1 1 of Jacksonville, urday the 12:h day of Decemlier 19(13.
Jackson C««., Oreg - h .
He names as witnesses:
read ami ap| roved.
Countv of Or< g m. then within 2H day s
Am ami all pei»ous claiming adversi lv
Francis J. Spalding of Waverly, NVi*
Beall & Co of Portland having >gr< etl from the «late of tin- »• rvi,e of thi* sum­
’to iccvpt #1 ,<MMl a* p ivincnt in lull for mon* ufion you; and if »« rved In publica- th« above «les, rilietl lands are request- cunsin; Sterl NN’a'singhmi of Brasingtoii.
counti rock ■ rusher, with f'."> for extra*, ti >:i then on ot ts-f >r« h< la•’ <lai of the ed to fib- their claim* in this office on or Wiscon*iti; A. NV. Silsbx of Grants Pass.
Oregon; George Culcy of Grants Pass.
ordered ’hat warrant f >r <lo29 Is drawn ilute pre-crila-d in th«-or«!« r for the publi­ la-fore saiil 4th. «lax of February. IIM14.
J. T.B kiix -. es ,
< »regon;
in favor of (.ha*. Prim in pavnii nt for cation «Í this huiiiiiioiis . win h last «Ln 11-21». I 2!»
Regist« r.
Any an«l all pt r-on* claiming adverse­
will la- Dev ml* r II. |HI>3. and you will
Claim of Ira Love against County for tak< notice that if you f. il to so apjx-a* atid rtMIII R LAND ACT Jt'NE 3. 1*7* NOTICE ly the above-describe«I lands aie request­
ed to file their claims in this office on or
killing a hor-c tli-allow. <1.
answer *<ml cumpla nt w ithin «aid time
la-fore said 12th «lax of December. im>3.
|n matter of |>ctition of Ashbury Beall the 1 lain iff* will a| ply to the aliovc «n-
t'liiteU «state* f.an«I Office
‘ J. T. BRIIM’rES.
et al for countv road, it was ordered that tit cd Cour for th« relief demande«! in
Ruselnirg Oregon. Sept 12. ItMt!
Nolice i* hereby given that ill compliance with 10-2, 12-11
«aid road Is op m d
the compl iii.t to wit: Th it but one com
lie provision* ol the act ol Congress of June 3rd.
Order««! that JtMII be pud Gcogi I* I ct« nt 1 er-on l e a||«ii’t«tl as r« fen e IK7M.
emitted "An Act lor the Sale of Timber
l-irmanas part paxmciit for construction with direction bi «Icene to proceed Land« in the States ol California Oregon TIMBER LAND, ACT JPNF. 3, 1X7S—NOTICE
1.la and Washington Territory '' a» exteml
of second section Boaz road on Apple- to a Mile of tile following tlcM-rilx-d real
ed to all III«- public land sales by act of August I.
Il t'.
nro|Mrtv. situ it«-«l in Ja« k*on Countv. I MW
United States Land Office,
Till- following bills of cx|«-llse* wire Oregon, in which von own one eleventh
rXANCIX L »l’AI-mX«.
if Waverly county of pierce, state ot XVisconsin
Oregon, Sept. 12, 1903.
interest to-wit:
ha* this «ia> filetl in this rffice hi* sworn state­
given that in compli­
135 (Ml
Ex|<-n*c Co an«! Coin Court *
The S E. quarter of the N. NV quarter ment No «7UI lor the purchase ot the NW1-, of
2«; (IO of S- c. It). Twp. 3K S. of R. 2 NV. of NV. Sec ioti No *in Township No. II South Range ance with the provision* of the act of
Circuit court
“ .............
X2 x5 M., containing 4<tacres, anti the S. half No I west and wilt offer proof to show that the Congress of June 3. 1N7X, entitle«! -‘An
laml «ought i* more valuable lor its tinil«er 01
• I« I« »
Sheriff’* office............
of the S’. E. quarter, the S’. NV. quarter •tom- '.han for agricultural purpose*, and to est- j act for the sale of tim'«er lands in the
" .............
of the S’. E. quarter and the S'. E. quarter ahtisli ii* claim to said lanti t»efore J l>. tkioth. States of California. Oregon, Nevada and
I3x 51 of the S. E. quarter of *ai«l Sec. It*. Tw p. County liulge it hi* office at Grant* PasS. tire-; Washington Territory,” as extended to
Rcc«>r«ler’* office.......
gon on saturdav. tire 12th «lax- »I Deceinher, all the public land state* bv act of Aug­
x ; « •• »
Treasurer'» “ ......
3M S. R. 2 W. of NV. M., containing IHO WB
1 •••(
I «>. 1 33
ust 4. 1X92,
S< liotd Supt's office..
lie name* as witnesses
acre*. That it l«e determine«! by said de­
A XV sitsby. of Grants Pa*,, tiregon George
• |5X 33 cree that saitl pnqierty i* not capable of
•• > Assessor's office........
ot Granta Pas* Oregon: Benjamin X of Brasington, county of Pierce, state of
4 MG partition exci pt by sale and a division of Culev
Tax Rebate....................................
Spiitiling ot Bay City Wiscon-in. Sterl Wat»ing-
NN’isi'oiisin. ha* this «lav tiled in this of­
Current Ex|»'iisc* ......................
121 95 the pna-eed«; that by said decree it lie hani.oi llrn-ington; Wisconsin.
Any and all persons claiming adx-ersely the fice his -worn statement No. 57«R> for the
Jail Ex|» nse* ..............................
itrox'e <fe-critied lamia are requested to file tlieir purchase of the SEN» of Section No. 2 in
175 • • » » *• * Crump, is entitled to a «lower interest claim«
Care <>( Indigent................. .......
in thi* office on or licfore *ai«l t-'ih «lay ot
Tow nship No 41 South. Range No 4 West
Ex of Insane.................................
J T. Ilriilge*
in said premises to the extent of Mignst IWSI.
and will offer proof t«» show that the laml
2239 ?” • i for tile jTriotl of her n itural lite; that
Bridges anti R«-ads.....................
15 IMI bv *aid *ide the «lower interest of said riMBER LAND AC I JI NE
■ sought
more valuable for it*
timber or stone th.m for agricultural pur­
Rebecca H. Crump in sail premise» la-
pose*. and to establish lii* claim to said
Our new Fall patterns are ready for «old; that said decree determine what
( tiiteii States I.and Office
Roseburg. Oregon Sept 12 I'.«'.:
laml before J. O. Booth, County Judge,
your inspection. Measurement» tah- proportion of the proceed» arising from
is hereby given that in compliance with at hi* office at Grants Pass. Oregon, Sat­
en. Fit guaranteed or no acceptance. said sale shall be |>aid Reliecca IL Crump lie Notice
revision« ot the act ot Congress ot June 3.
Nttnan-Taylor Co.
in lit u of her dower in *ai«l premises. 1*7* erititleit 'An Act for thi sate of Timber urday, the 12th «lay of Decemlier. 19113,
Land* in the States ot California Oregon Neva
He iianii sa* witnesses:
That the proceeds of said sale la- applied la amt Washington Territory ns extender! to
A. NV Silsbv, of Grants Pass, Ort gon;
as follows, to wit:
ill the public land «ales by act of August I, 1*W2
||| LEGALNOTICES. |^j' First: For the payment of all the costs Margaret Fi Spalding. <>l Hay City, county of George Culev , of Grant* l'as*. Oregon;
Pierce state of Wisconsin has this day tiled in NVilliatn Spalding, of Maiden Rock. Wis­
an<l disbursements of thi* suit, an«l the this
office her sworn statement No a,113 for tile
costs an«l cxpetisi s of said sale anti legal purchase of the SWi, of Section No. Ill in Town­ consin; Benjamin R. Spalding, of Bay
No If South. Range No 4. West, ami will City. NVisconsin.
fees ami expenses of said referee.
»root to show that the laml sought is more
Any and all jiersons claiming adverse­
In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­
Second' That there be paitl to said offer
vulu iblc for its titulier or stone than for agricul­
Reliecca II. Crump such proportion of tural inrpoae», mitt to establish tier claim to said ly the above described land» are request­
egon, for Jackson County.
the remaining proceeds as shall be de­ land (M-lore J <> Booth. County Judge, at lit* ed t<> file their claims in this office on or
NN estoti F. Shields, plaintiff )
at Grant* Pass. Oregon on Saturday, the before said 12thdavof Decemlier, 1903.
termined bx tin- Court to be due her in office
I.’th day of Decemlier, HMi:.
lieu of her flower interest in said premises.
Lillian Shields, defendant.
Stu- names as witnesses
10-2.12 11
Amy Xt Chapman of River Fall*. W isconsin
To Lillian Shields, Defendant:
Third: That the balance of the proceeds
Francis Spalding of Waverly Wisconsin Wil­
In the name of the State of Oregon: of said sate be decreed to be jxiid to the liam
Spiilitiiig of Maiden Rock Wisconsin. Ben­
NVhv vvorrv vv ith that ol«l wornout mach­
You arc hereby required to np|s ar and jMirties herein as follows: To John II. jamin R Spalding of Buy City. XX i scon sin
Any anil alt persons claiming adversely the ine when a small monthlyoutlav will put
answer the Complaint filed against you Crump, J. Frank Crump. Olive V. Crump,
itsn i- drset ibed lands are requested Io file their in its place the liest, lightest running
in the above entitled suit within ten day s Ethel I. Crump, Charles J. Crump, Harv­ claims
in tin* office on or before suid I'Jtli dav of machine made. The payments are made
from the «late of the service of this Sum­ ey L. Crump, Walter Runnels, Funnim S. Decemlier. Itlttt
Register. ! to suit all. C. NV. Conklin.
mons upon you, if served within this Crump, Thomas A. Crump, ami NVilliam
Real ICstnte Activities.
County, or if served within aux other
County of tin* Stati , then within twenty
tlav» Iron the date of the service upon
you; ami if by publication th- 11 with.11
six we. k* from the tlate of tin first
publication thereof; ami if you fail so t<>
answer (or want thereof, tilt- plaintiff
will take a tit fault against you, ami will*
apple to the Court for the relief demanded
111 hi* complaint, viz: First, fora decree
tor ever dissolving, amt holding for
naught. the marriage contract
existing la-lwien plaintiff ami defendant;
Si coml for a further rh-crei awarding to
plaintiff tile care ami ctistodv of the tlnce
minor 1 liildit n of pla ntiff ami defendant,
and for a judgment against tin defend-
ant fot Plaint iff'» cost* ami «li-btir*ciii« nt-
herí ill to be taxed
Tin* Summon* i published 11 the lack
sonviile .Sentí 1 id lor six con*c«uiive
week* hl ordi r of the Hoti. If K Halina
one of the judge* of the Circuit Court of
th 1*1. Judicial District of < >1. gon m ide
< >< lol», r X. 1903.
Date of first pu'dic-ilioil < let. IB. ltMI3,
Attorney s for Pl tiniiff
, ■—Wi n. „ mt., ■ ............. I I m l ........... I.