I ritz Ruch a fnritii-r nt l'hoinpson i n i k ivus hi Ju> k'oiiv ilk' Wednesday with u I ■ ■ ———————— liNid <*t apples and cabbage witch In- dis- Quaker Herb*, three package* for one jMiM'tl of in the market* ul tills phv c «loli.tr. at tin Citv Drug Store. File ileal was closed I hursii.ii and F*'* IXMI in >• Isli w is p.ltd ovet to \ W. Still Mt Mr* B. I* 'Dili's, of Medford. w.i* in gì» bi S. \ Vance ind other California Jacksonville Thursday « g"c*t of Mr*. capitalists that m icie them the own« r» ot Josephine Russell at the N'uniin home. the tanioii* Stiirgi* pln< er mine mi Fore*! It you want to rent a farm or have land creek Tin* mil c lias Indi wo«kcd bi to rent sec T. C. Norris, Jacksonville. Mr. Sturgis fur man v valsami has beili on< ot the best priuliieets in Smith« in Next Ikxir to Medford ISistoffke Sant a Ci in* ha* otx-ne«l a brunch de­ Oregon ahd has a shoving which inili partmental T. C. Norris’ store, win re cat» s that many thousand dollars in gob! presents can be had that are reasonable will yet be taken from it. The new in price and of lasting utility to the re owner* w 'll t.iki possession at mice ami In Poring »«J I intrhlirj my I’k- cipicnts. Mr. Sturgis will likt ly move t<> Jacks ii Ivres cannot be excelled. Order* villi Slabw iod 111 stove length* <1 .1*11* r load Ladies’ Christmas Goods Filled Pro.npil). at saw mill—Iowa l.umbi r Co. Hon ami Mrs Mile* Cantrall wi re in Large Stock and Fine Set lacksonvilk T'tu-stlai . Mt. C nitralll h tv Mr. ami Mrs. John S. Orth. T. J. Kin m y and George Neuber drove to Wil- ing assis'cd th< previous «lav in t «king ection of Stamped Linens liatus creek Sunday _____ in I returned Mon- the band of \ppleg ii* call'« to Medford, ___________ Burnt Leather ('roods da i. A quail hunt was one feature of a pint of which wi-ri his. Mr Ciulr.ill Over Miller's llaiJwarr Store the trip and soinc fu bird* were *« cared. i* «*rs*fm Jackson county Embroidery Silks. Lace Medford, - - Oregon of the legislature, but h ■ will m»l n of tin i it)*li Fancy Work. Toilet .Iri- l>oat each for A. E. K .inn s uni Gemgi as lie
  • e launched and giwn a men in Jackson count*’ ami hr ha» inn and Point Lace Material trial as to their seaworthiness s ii cd to 'eliver . I nib r. who ha* la-i-u bona The Rv' ek.ihs held tin ir annual elect ion for odicers Monday evening. Mr-. for Illi- past .wo w. ek». Ii t Wt-ilm *d.n Frances Wilson Ix-ing cho*en tn b c gr ind; to ug on lase up In* work at the mine ?di*s Pauline Kareuski, vice grind; Mr* tliat lie and C. F. Hnf*tu>ter and !’< tci THE PLACE FOR THE BEST Mamie I* >x. recording secret.ire and Applegate haV' on West Fork of Cow St'»n th«’ I m st of Creek As their claim« are hi the mount Mis* Emm.i Helms, financial seentary. GOODS AND MOST REASON ains the snow and inch me i t weather will Von should see our burnt le i In r and prevent outside mining Icing carti ■ ! on ABLE PRICES wimd before selecting Xmas pri st nts. Mr. Fuller will put in the next two Medford B‘>« k S • gi t out a quant tv of boards for »hi re mat lie has on Upper Appl-gate ieft Istxes and iltiiii« s. Mr Fuller will have Wednesday for Hotchkiss. Colorado, with him for the first :.i«.ntli a n< plo w where he will sjn-nd the win er. He ex­ of hi* but after that hi will l.i done until Office one block south of Courthouse pects to return to J icksoi;villc early hi spring, wlun Mr. Hufstadcr JACKSONVILLE. • • OREGON ; he .spring. join him. J. McPherson, one « f tin- big on hard While lookjng for present* i don't over ists >>f Gridin cnek was in Jacksonville look the*e h mils >n)c rugs, < I lier Pi dif- UNITED STATES COM MISSION EK Wednesday. Mr McPherson is .m tij>- ferent design» C. W. Conklin**. Filing* and final proof made on hum« -ti-ad. and tini!xr claims Corrected plats «/.owing 1 to-date farm r and is actively MIÏVTCSU ie Sqtia .v Luki , vi here he ABSTRACTER OF TITLES ion last Thursday ch *n g for tl.eir of­ has resided tor tile past six year* with Most complete set of abstract book* tn the ficers for the ensuing y t ar. Miss Amt 1 a his wib .ni'l on« child. While n ceutlv count). Abstract., made promptly and uc- Britt. President, Mi** Maud Prim. 1st it has la-in seven mile* tu the home of curately. vice presidt nt; Miss Marie Nickell. ? mid vice president; Mis* i.ititi Jon * 1! vice kin* postoffice, but now Mr and Mrs Fine list of country and town property for prcsidi n ; Mrs. I* < l.nv, secretary . Miss Eugene Thomjwoli are at Squaw Lake sale and rent nt her standard bic veles Emma Uliich, tiii.an in *eer > ire, Mr*. ' but a mile ind a half distant. Mr. and MONEY LOANED Effie Prim, treasurer; Mis* l-.m e 1» .ne Mr». Ill fnpson moved there last week Warrants bought and -old. Collection* ma le h’epmr^ mudi to bicycles gan, marshal. Taxi-* paid. Rents collected. Prompt reply from Jacksonville and Mr. Haskin i'.ate* to all letters Charge* reasonable sen inp machines, guns Wiliiam Coppie and Miss Annie Mat­ that they got in w.th their eite> t* tn ney were married ia*t Su.iday it the M. good sha|>e and ate well pleased I w.th nttd nil kinds id small r~~ hi* E. parsonage by Mev. Sanf rd Snvdtr. with their new nome To reach REFERENCES: . place Mr Haskin* ha l > travel the last machines Both young people we.'e from Applegate Hon H. K Hanna judge of 1st judicial dis­ Mr. Coppie bring a hu*llmg you >g firm font miles by trail, but lie and Mr trict. and any Jacksonville business man er wh hisrent d the Pat l\er< farm now Thutnjison intend to l ogin tin w .rk owned by Z. Cam« run, ami Miss M itnev next week on extending tin- road tip is a daughter of Mr*. E Matney and is a Squaw creek to their place. Mr. Hi* -.«rung lady held in high is eein bv li< r kin* i* engaged iti cattle rai* ng and lie MEDFORD, - OREGON acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Coppie re­ *tates that his cattle are yet on the rang« turned Sunday to Vppiegate .and Monday anil ire tn tine comlition. F'ced on the went t > their home which Mr. Copph- range ha* been latter this fail an«! win'er had al) furnished and ready for hi* so Sir. Haskins ciaims than for several years past an! ' little thm are I m ing fed for the late tenti«.n to it. Yesterday morning he Will conduct a geno- was seized with a tit of coughing which winter and spring market. ral Rlackrimlth liutil- continued f« r some time. Hi* wife sent I Homey Magazine each month helpful Santa Clan* has fitted the entire second for a physician but befor« he could arrive, practical and inspiring Fu 1 of fascinat­ nos» at tho old story of the Medford Book Store with ano'li« r coughing s|»ell cam« on and ing features. Beautifully llustrated A GRQNEMILLCR STAND million readers’ toys, books, game* and pictures. Duckwell died from suffocation. St. $1.00 per year. 10 cents a copy The O'ld Fellows .are planning fora Louis (ilolx Democrat. Dec. I, 1901." A FREE sample copy to all re pleating. fraternal and social evening next Mon Ballard's Horehound Syrup would have day that promises to b • an event in fra saved him. 25c, 50c and fl.oo. Sold by circles. On th it evening the local City Drug Stor«-. AGENTS WANTED lernal lodge w ill be ¡raid a visit bv Hon. F. G. Flfht Will Ik Bitter. Micelli, of Roseburg, grand mister of j Goon H ovsekeh I’IXG wants a subscrip­ Those who will persist in closing their the Oregon grand lodge of Odd Fellows. tion representative in every city and tow n The Odd Fellows will also have as their ears against the continual recommend i in the west To those who will give ail or guest the Rebekah lodge. At the close tioti of Dr. King’s New Discovery for a portion of their time it offers attractive work and pavs rxileedingly liberal com of the regular exercises a stipjier will be Consumption, will have a long and bitter missions It'will pay you to investigate served in the banquet hail connected fight with their troubles, if not ended A postal card will bring particulars Write with the lodge room that will be up to earlier bv fatal termination. Read what at once s> a* to be the first in your field. the standard of Jacksonville spreads, T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss, has to sav: THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO which mean* tn.it there will be nothing “La*t fall tnv wife had every symptom Pacific Coast Office, of consumption. She took Dr. King's wanting to please the inner man. .71 Columbian Builcing, San Francisco, Cal. When von want a pleasant purgative New Discovery after every thing else had At Ulrich’s try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver failed. Improvement came at once an I AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE four bottles entirely cured her. ’ Guaran Carload of Barley and Hour /1.25 and Tablets. They are ease to take and pro­ for all the family duce no n:in*ea, griping or other disagree­ teed by Druggist. Price 50c, and #1.00 fl..'!.i jier 100 pounds. Wasco hard «Inal flour. Portland's best. able effect. For sale by City Drug Store. Trial bottles free. x? Mrs. 0. Gilbert liie Bazaar LOCAL I INH NOTES CABIN El PHOTOS $1.50 it Dozen -Until Christmas- (j. W. MACKEY Young People, Old People and All the People CHRIS ULRICH & CO Ice (redin SILAS J. DAY Confections Summer Drinks fresh hulls (med fruits «•nJ Oysters Stationery, Cigars and To­ bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor BICYCLE STORE REPAIR SHOP 0. K. Barber Shop VVm Ruhl. Prop TED KELFO Mrs. A. L. PEACHEY CHAS. H. BASYE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED