Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 11, 1903, Image 5

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    November Public School Report.
Mi»» Ethel Fleury, left Monday for
Public School Re|>ort lor third mouth Baker City, Oregon whe re »h»- will »|iend
the winter visiting friend». Mis* Fleury
ending Dec. 4. 1993.
Primary 1 te-pirtim-nt, Mr». M. Peter, will also visit at Eugene and Portlrild
teacher.- Boy» enrolled 211; Girl» enrolled while enroute.
32; Day» attendance Htlil'»; Dav» absence
Ehler Band wit* brought by .Mandial
52'-»; Time» tardy X
Scholar» neither Kenney la-fore Recorder D<*x Wednesday
iilmcnt nor tardy; Ve»tn Baker, le»»c for la-ing drunk and disorderly ami he
Baker, Louie Baker, Elli» Davi«l»oii, made-hi* usual contribution to the city
Stella I>avi<l»oii, Henry Hoc,»*. Mary treasury, this time- the- amount la-ing flit
Johnston, Lloyd Miller, Roland Mitch
Librarian Elim ndrof, of the Buffalo
<11. I.oill» Mitc hell ( li.trlie .Mile le II
I’ublie- Lib’ary. suggest*, in the Itecem-
Walter Morri», Clyde Morri», Charlie
la-r Re-view e»f Reviews. ‘‘.Some Tilings a
Prim, Cecil Root, Siellu Swagerty, John
Boy of Scvenlee n Should Have- Hail an
<ipixertumti to Read ” Hi* article 1*
lull of helpful hint» to jiarent» and te ach­
Donegun, tcscher.—Bov» «nrolled 21.
er* regarding the reading that should la-
< lirl» enrolled 22; Total enrollment 43;
put in boy's way la-fore he reaches a
Day» ntt« ndaticc 997. Day» .ilwwnce 93;
stage in his growth Itcyond which such
Time« tardy 5. Maim » of those neither
reading will cease to attract him.
alncnt nor tardy: Mai» I Root, Edna Me
Tinnm>ml».Reth.i Bcrwert, Rowell Him »,
A new line of candv amt nuts. Med­
Frank Morri», Chester Wendt, George ford Book Store.
Wendt, Donald Cameron. M u I k -I Henry,
H. M. Scott, a la’ge rancher from the
Bessie II oward, Ray Marsh. Della Ree ve, wheat la-lt in Fmatilla»-oimti sja-rtTue*
Harry Tailor, Fie tn Urich, Maurice <lai in Jacksonville. Mr Scott had »tup­
ped ove r at Medford for a few day* while
Grammar School D< -|*trtment. S I’ I on hi* way to Southern California to
teacher.—Boy» enrolled 21; *|a-nd the winter, ami said he could
Girl» enrolled 17; Total enrollment :w; not proceed on his journei without a
Days attendance 702; Days al»»encc
glini|>*c of historic Jacksonville
'»; Time» tardy I
Maine» of those j Scott ha* resided for manv year* in
neither absent nor tardy during the Eastern Oregon, but this is his first trip
month: Ephraem Wilson. Ruth Peter. to the Southwestern ¡»art of the- state.
Harold Wilcox. David Croiiemillcr, War
Fred Fick am) I.. T. Jones, who had
ren Smith, L< »lie Stansell, Della W1U011.
Elmer Swagerty, Eva Davidson, Carl ' the contract for constructing th'- resideii
Garriar.n, Emma Margrvitei, Lizzie Mar <e of Gu» Ne wbury on East California
greiter, Elmer Hoet», Minnie Batiten, sleet, have Ce-Uipleted the job and the
Denver Marsh. Mirth- Hnfsta<ler, Gut house so soon as the punter and |>aper-
Pruett, Clyde Smith, Paul Force. Wills r hangers ate through with their work will
la- tea-ly for <» < iipem i
Mr Newbury's
Swagerty. Harry Snyder.—21.
High Sc liool 1>< partim i>l.— No. of pup lion*« is one of the most *ub*eantial ami
il» enrolled, troy» IB; girls IB; total 32. well ap|.caiing residence* in Jacksonville
Day* attendance 597; Dais ulmerne 9, »ml it i* also on< of the large st ami the
Time» tartly I. Mamesof tlio««- neither thorough manner in which it is finished
tardy m>r ale»« nt. Donald Colvig, Lester is a credit to the builders, Messrs. Fit k
Dividsoit, Ida Fick, Rola-rt Finney. Lota A; Jolies.
Flora. Richard Gaskin, Lean Hanna Ab
You'll la- <li*;inj>ointed if you do not
hie IL nry. Freddie la-wis. Mart Peter, >ce the picture display.
Medford Book
Mabel More .
Holman Peter, Ben Plymule,
Pruett, Almond Wilcox. Emma Wendt.
There is a growing tendency to have
Ora Wilson, Earl Peter Clara Elmt r,
Binlseve, Mary Colvig. Edu Christmas present* articles of usefulness
Itoneg.m. My rie Peter, France* Snyder, rather than <-f uii-rt ornament to la-
thrown aside so toon as the new and the
lamia Viridi.—24.
Summary :—Total enrollment IH5; Total novelti is off. Practical (reople w ill find
attendance 2X27; Total days alsu-ncc I7X: at a hardware »tore many article* th.it
Total cases of tardiness 15, Per c« lit of would la- appreciated a* a present to a
relative or a friend. I>. H Miller Med
att» intim e 91.
ford'* pion« er ami leading hardware
E i . mkk E. W asiihi hs . Principal.
dealer, ha» a splendid assortment of
Calling cards make m at Christin is articles from w Inch a -election can la-
The latest lit tile Sentinel made for the father, mother, brother or
«¡»ter. the friend ami for the mechanic,
II. II. Blagrave ami Rolx-rt Garvin. two the farmer ami any one who ha* ai <»■-
niiners from Re-elding arrived in Jackson­ cujmtion or live* in a home- He will
ville Tuesday and the* leave in i fewdays save- inone. to Jacksonville |K-opie by
on a prospecting tour in the lulls of this buying of him.
The roe < his from which Mr*. Tltompoon
lately removed her restaurant are leeing
Cured Paralytic
put in order by its owner, Mr. Britt, for
W. S Baily. I'. (). True, Texas, writes;
occupancy by Mr. Conklin t«> accommod­
“My wife had I k en suffering five years
ate his increased furniture ami undertak­
with paralyse* m her arm. win n I was
ing trade
Papa Schmidt ispaja-ring the
persuaded to use Ballard's Snow I,ini
front room wlrch will Le used by Mr.
iiienl, which cured her all right
I have
Conklin f>r an undertaking parlor ami
also used it for old sores, frostbites and
which lie will lit up the equal of any in
skin eruptions. It does the work.” 25c.
til«- state out-ide of the large cities. One
5bc. #1 .tut. Sold by City Drug Store
of the rear r«M»ms In- will use as a store
room for furniture ami the other room he
will use as a workshop.
Jacksonville is
proml of Mr. Conklin s furniture store for
well it tnav, for that is a line of goods
that can la- had in Jacksonville at as
reasonable prices ami ill as complete
selection and as fine in quality as is to be
had in Rogue River Valley.
Big sales
Second Floor. Adkins Bleak,
and small profits, i* Mr. Conklin's method
oppisitc Poste itine.
of business and he is making it win out.
for 111* sale« from a small beginning are
now each month up to a sum that any
businessman would be gratitii d to have
on his sales book.
Î December
Have you mode your selections for
Xmas? If not look over Conklin's
list of Christmas suggestions in an­
other column. New things added
each week.
Real Estate Dealer
1 have in my hands at the present time a larye num­
ber of Bargains in FARM. FRUIT and GARDEN
LANDS, and TOWN PROPERTY, in different
parts of Rogue River Valiev. M\ commissions are
reasonable thus giving advantage to both seller and
buyer. I can furnish an\ kind of property that a
new settle! tnav desire.
* 1
1 '
* J
/ /
Photo Gallery
Fine Photography a Specialty.
Popular Holiday Excursion«.
Special attention given to posing
T. K. Bolton and Emil Peil, who have
of children. Jill u>ork guaran­
l»ecii succe ssfully conducting excursions
teed. Prices reasonable.
Re-opeucd in tlic Palm-Hodge
block with thelatest in Ladies
Drugs, lite.
mcr .
to San Francisco for several years, an
nounce another, to take place during the
holidays. It will leave Ashland Satur­
day, Dec. 29th. on the noon train.
Round trip tickets have Ireen placed at
f|B, good for 15 «lays.
In order that ample accomodations
mav I k - arranged for, those intending to
make the trip are requested to inform the
management as early as possible.
The hundreds who have participated in
these excursions will testify to the enjoy­
ment afforded bv them.
The introduct- 1
ion of the New Year in San Francisco is
something worth witnessing.
Be Quick.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup, Chamb-
crlain's Cough Remedy given as sihiii as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, will prevent
the attack. It never fails, ami is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by City Drug
How Can I Keep Up with
the Times ?
T is pretty hard to keep well informed on the
political news, the scientific news, the literary
news, the educational movements, the great
business developments, the hundreds of interesting
and valuable articles in the hundreds of excellent
About the only way it can be done by
the average busy man and woman is to read a
magazine like •' The Review of Reviews,' and. as
it is the only magazine of the sort, it is a good
thing to send $2.50 for a year s subscription.
•• I know that through its columns views have been pre­
sented to me that I could not otherwise have had access to;
because all earnest and thoughtful men. no matter how widely
their ideas diverge, are given free utterance in its columns.”
•• I consider it a very valuable addition to my library.”
The Review of Reviews Co.
13 Astor Place, New York
Read The Review of Reviews