Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 11, 1903, Image 4

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All the latest magazines and perioili-
cals at the City Drug Store.
W. y. Messner, a well known farmer
of Gold Hill vicinity was in Jacksonville
Tuesd iv on business at court house
Mrs. M. D. Wilcox of Woodvill«- has
l>een at Glendale for the jmst week to tx-
with her mother. Mrs. S. Boyd, who has
Ireeli seriously ill.
The Gold Hill News states that a ferrx
boat has Ireeti put in Rogue river alxtvc
the Ray dam. This will be a cunvi Iiietic,
to the fanners of that section who have
to cro»s the River, a-it 1» several miles to
either the Gold Hit) or the Bybee rridge.
J. W. Hickel, the jewel» r. has dom so
xvell since he located in Jacksonville .hat
he has decided to la-conn a n sident of
town and he lias rent'd his home in
Central Point and Mrs. Iiickel has joined
him here and they have moved into
rooms back of his jewe ler shop.
Miss Emma Wulf will begin Monday
as clerk for Mr. Learned in the Boss
Confectionery Para r.
Miss Wulf is a
popular veiling ladx, a gi < h 1 saleswi man.
as she proved herself u be when clerking
for Mr. Learned last summer, and she
will be quite sure to do as xvell again in
her work for tliut j-opular candy store.
Sale of property for delinquent taxes
will lx- held by She rift R uh r at the- court
house in Jacksonville, on Fndav of ne xt
week. Alxmt #'_*.-'»GO of the delin pnnt
list has been paid in and at the rate that
Deputy Sheriff Oris Crawford is lx-itig
called on for receii ts there will be but
between■iKo and #3,000 yet unpaid at
the date of the sale.
ami is sealed in air tight Lollies and it
xs ill keep for years without acquiring tile
alcohol that is the element ih.it turns
grape jtiixs into wine This grit ih - juice
is a very ptlatable, nutritious drink and
is being largely used by p rsons who do
not dt sire alcoholic brv» rages mil it is
also used largely by the chmclies for
sacramental purjieses. Mr. P. Biitt ami
his son Emil have Ixiii making wine for
years and their will« is pronounced bx
Coiinoissi uis to lie the equal of the liest
that is made in the 1’nited States. In
th< ir vault they h ivt-a fine selection of
wtin-s of the x int.ig< s for several yeirs
past and such is the demand for it that
tli< ir si*l, s quite keep up with the quant
ity they manufacture each year.
Henry Smith, who his Ix-en in the
c untv jail for th»* pi st txvo weeks on a
charge of arson, x« is examined SiGtr lax
as to his san tx- by Dt. J W Rob n* >n.
and a- a result lie xx.is ordered committed
to tin- asylum bv County Judg Chas,
Sion lax
Smith xxas taken to
Salem by Sheriff Rader,
Smith stated
xx hen first arrested that he had been in
the California asylum, ami Judge Prim
learned front the authorities of the asylum
at Stockton th it Sim h had leen an in­
mate of tin ir institution, bn* had s aped
this fall Judge Pr til tried to get tin m
to take Smith track, bitt they it plied that
they had no funds for bringing back esc­
apes from outside tile state. At the time
of his arrest Smi'h xvas 1« aiing his way
north dong the rail road and at Wo'tlviile
ht stopped over nigh' in a.deserted cabin
and the fir plate Ireing w* t from tin rains
lie built a lire upon the fL»or which soon
burner! the cabin down
To those xxho
gathered about the tin Smith st ited th t
lie did not know th-t the c.d in would
burn, as it was too wet. lie - i <1 lie xx is
of English Girth and not married and lie
is about 4a tears old
We can fill orders promptly for
fruit boxes in any quanti ty from
one hundred boxes to a carload.
Made from best quality seasoned
Retail and wholesale, rough or
dressed. Shipments math tc any
part oi the United States.
Saw Mill. Planing
T. C. Norris is that confident that trade
is going to steadily increase in Jack?on
The best stock ever brought to Med­
ville that this xxeek be placed the largest
ford and the cheapest to be had in
order for harness, whijis and h irnc-ss lit Ashburnham. Ontario, Testifies to ¡he Good
tings that he has yet placed with his
Qua ¡ties of Chamberdin'»
Jackson County tor the quality is at
wholesale house. Mr. Norris is steadily
Cough Remedy.
adding to his stock until he is getting a
line of gotxis that is very cotnph te ami
A s HI i I'K.XK im . <>nt.. April is. 11*1
which lie is able to sell it i pri e that think it is oil'» right that 1 should
nite.s all competition.
you what a wonderful etfu t Chamber
The Pioneer Hardware Dealer.
Roseburg has let the contract for a Iain's Cough Rem»<lx has produced
school house- that is to !>■■ one of tile tin The day lieforr Easter 1 was -«■ <li-tre»«e«l
«rst in Southern Oregon.
It is to be a with a cold and cough that t did not
ten room building. with halls, offices, think to lx- able to take any »lutie* the
The Charter Oak and the Acorn both
cloak rooms and » basement that is to next »lay. as nix voice xx is uinio.l choked
contain play room, lunch rooms, closets by the cough. The nine day i n i eivetl
both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight
ano fuel and furnace room. And what is ail order from you for a lot le of your
and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished
of interest to Jackson»•• le is that al! this Cough Remedy . I at on< e procured a
big it n room building is to c< st but #17.- a cample bottl* . and took about three
Steel Heaters of our own make, the Ivst low-
.'»30 as against #10,000 for Jacks, nville's doses of the medicine, To nix great re
lief th»* Cough ami cold h ul ell i-t-ly dis-
five room buildii g.
priced airtight stove on the market.
This Sunday Father J. D. Murphy will a pi rearer 1 and I was aid» to preach ’lire'-
I know that this
hold services at St. Joseph's church a'
S:.’J • a. m. and at 7:.'•<• p. tn. and at Me-lford rapid ami effectixe cm»- was <1 e to your
Anything in the Hardware Line.
I mak- this txsfnionial
at |O:.')Oa m. The following Sailwth Cough remedy
m ing gl id to b ¡ve found
will be hi' regular services for Ashland
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Ri sj ci i fully
and there will I e no si rvices in Jackson­ such a Godsent r< m* < y.
ville and Medford. On Christmas Father yours, E. A. Lmgfeldt. M \ Recti>r of
Murphy will conduct s|>e< ial services at St. I.uke's Church. To Ch tills riniti
Medford at M a. in. and at Jacksonville at Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale be
City Drug Store.
10:30 a. ni. and at 7¿So p. m.
W. R H tuk arrive! back from Elgin.
Review of Reviews.
Eastern Oregon where he was taken by
The two ••men of 'he month" in Amer­
an officer on a charge of dt frauding his ica— Sj-eakir Cannon, of the national
creditors, when leaving that place 'bis Hou e of Ri present »lives, and M. Buinu
fall to come to Jacksonvilh . Mr. Hauk Varilla. the envoy of the neu Ixirn
proved that hi- was innocent ami the. p. r Panama R< | ublic.— are the subjects of
ties who made the complaint w* re glad character sketch's in the Revi< w of Re­
to pay him for his time and his exjiens s views for Dt ex tuber. In tile same i-sue
if he would but drop the matter. Mon­ there is an interesting editorial comment
W'c have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon ot
day morning Mr. Hank was again at his on the Panama situation, the question of
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
bench, at shoe and harness deportment Cuban reciprocity, ami other live topics.
that T. C. Norris conducts in cotiti' ciion The Carnegie irt exhibits at Pittsburg are
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
with his store, and he is now to carry on <l< s ribed by Ern< st Knaufft in an article
his trade ofshrx-and harness maker in which is illustrated with reproduction»
Jacksonville and to Ix-come a |x-rnianent of famous paintings that have had a place
Dealers in
resident of the town
He is a firstda's in those exhibits, in Pto.'! and in previous
Lime, Cement and Shingles.
workman and he is building up a good years. Mr. Frank Fouler contribut» s a Sewing Machines,
brief at tide apropos of the current por­
Charles Frank an inm ite >f St. M ires trate show in New York. The promised
Orphan Home has been sent by the W'a-h- production of Wagner's "Parsifal” at the
iligton county authorities to the asx luni. Metropolitan < Hxra House in Neu York
This boy, who i» about 13 year-old, was is tin- subject of an illus rated article by
a former residi n of Ashl owl xvhen his Lawrence Reamer. A very timely ac­
mother died, l.i- father 'In n took tin- boy count of “Progress among the Moros"
and another 1 rother to Evans creek, is contributed by chaplain Cephas C.
where thex- lived a lorn lv lift­ in the Bateman, of our army, uhile Dr W P.
woods. Tile- father <•■ mmittel suicide Wilson outlines the main features of the
last summer and the oldest brother dsert- proposed Philippine exhibit at the St.
ed the little fellow and lefi th»- country. Louis world's fair in 1!M)4, employing
The neighlxirs cared for him axvhile, but many striking photographs to illustrate
as lie was not bright ami incorrigabli- the virions aspects of Philippine trade
they turned him ove- to the county and and industry. Among what are known
Judge Prim sent him to St. Marys Home as the “IxMikish" features of the numlx-r,
at Beaverton. The bov gave constant Mr. W. D. Stead writes by far the most
trouble to the Home ami would run interesting and important review of Mor­
away at every opportumtx and as the ley's "Gladstone" that lias yet apjx-ared
Special attention given to orders from a distance for
state lias no home for the feeble minded on this side of the Atlantic; Librarian
he had to lie sent to asylum, where he Elmendorf, of the Buffalo Public Library,
Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped prompt 1\ and in
could lx- put under restraint and treat­ contributes an extremely suggestive
first-class condit ion.
paper on a Lov’s reading; and there is
Emil Britt has completed his wine
making for this season, this year's vin­ ted notes on the season's novels, histor­
tage being about ¡{(MM) gallons. To meet ies, biographies, travel sketches, juve­
for the Sentinel and WeeKly Oregonian
the growing demand for sweet grape niles, and holiday gift books. Altogeth­ Subscribe
juice Mr. Britt made a quantity of it. er. a “Christmas Magazine" with real
Good clubbing inducements offered.
This juice is prepared byasjiecial prex-ess staying power.
W hite & T rowbridge
We buy wool and mohair