pOLVIGN DURHAM \A,ll Benefit Entire Stale. The Unusual If the bill, which was introduced into tile House of Representatives of the Fifty-eighth Congress, on Nov« mlx-r 19, Wilt practice in all the Courts of the by Representative Brownlow, of Ten ms State see, liecomes a law. the state of Oregon W U. Cab If. Jack»««lite. w n> rs ot tli< land abutting tq*» i mi«l LAWYER in the Senate lx fore tin- adjournment of ro.ol atii thet pmtioti. It «Iso providc- th it anv -t «!e <>r > ivil stiGlivi»ion who h that laxly this sessi« n. Office opposite Court House The first bill | rovides for an apt oition- avail- il-ell • I the u«lv.iti-.ige» of the act Jacksonville • « Oregon mint of #20,00 ties mu! efficient rvjviir for the free u-«- of the of the Union, in the manner p e-« rilx-d | llblic. / reach Stag Toilet Set* by the bill, but the new bill, ««-amended, Native Sons and D.«u<|htrrs, ATTílLfVWV A T. I AVI 1 * * » ATTORNEY-AT-LAW provides for the appropriation uf #24 lUMt.- Cut (Hass nnd f'an t Dishes The Native S >n- and Daughter- of IMM, to lx- available at th«- rat- reg far memb r- have enrolled their names m as the state of Orrgon is concerned, is the the socic v, the mentis r-liip of which is i'ine Perfumes manner in which tin» sum is to lx- dis r< stricted to native < Iregoniaiis r> killing t he Latest Hooks, both in this county. It is pro|x>se Building. Officers wer< electe«l as follows: 1‘res Tint.DUO inhabitants are to rec« ive ’ he sum ¡tops and Doll Heads of #250 mio. ¡'he retnaiudir of the ap­ id-nt, W. G Starkweather, of Milwau Hour»: 2 to '• and 7 to s p in propriation t«» lie distributed pro rat.« kie; v.c--presi lent, Hf s.«i«l sloes to City; trea-urer. E. C. H a*keit, Oregon Prices right and as­ receive a sum equal to the roportion it- Citv; historian. Mi*- Mollie >’ar'<»w of sortment complete population bears to that of the total «>1 Barlow. The»e ofli er- c«ns:itut<- the th -t ites having a p -pulation of over executive c< mtnittvv < f the «»'gait zation. ATTO« \-|.’V AT AT 1. f A AW * ATT«IUXEV W 700,000." Th p pulation is to la- has« <1 The pu p >-es for whi li 'lie - .<•»« tv ha- Will practice in all courts of the upon the census of |9 n. Oregon under lieen forme 1 ar. sit out m the pr» amble state. the census of 1‘ hmi is cr dit-. d w th « pap­ of thee •n-iituti«»n. a- follows: To air! Office on California street one ulation of 500,000 inhabitants and thu- tn githering bistort al «lata, to kr< pali««- block south of the court house. J. W. Robinson, M. D., Proprietor wouhi come under the pr vis on for th the tm nt >rv of the Ill-ton al dee Is of the Jacksonville. > Oregon piom er«, ami to ai«l their descemlants in greater sum easily and will re- eiv< #|O«I. 000 more under tilt- a«ncndin< nt than I upbuilding the splendid Republic of the would have ttmler the original bill, \\«st. Anv n .live t.otii jxr-onalx»v< the ■X age of l«i ve-irs, and r< siding in Clack «■ -hould it h «ve Income a law . The main objects of the bill are to « re tn is cotintv is eligible to memlx r-lii;> in • JEWEI.I-R l’i mCCf • having r«--l«led in ate, in the Department of Agriculture, a the BO t« ’\ Watches and clock« repaired bureau to be known as the I ure.au of the stat« prior to 1K59 having lieen tn.iife promptly and all work guarnii* Public Ro.nl- .md to pr<-vide h r a sysb in honorary meml»ers. teed. Harvev E Cross, of thi-citv, whois .1 of national, state. amt local co-.qier ition in the perman nt impr .v.-ment of tin­ member of the ttocivty, offerr«! to the Office opjxjsite U. S. Hotel. ll.iv ng o | h - iii «1 S'c.mi Cleaning public highway. Th« general policy of Native Sons and Daughters, in behalf < f Jacksonville. ... Oregon ami I’rcs-ing W«»rks in Mclfonl. the bureau is to b.mg .«bout, so far ils the Willamette Valle« Chautauqua As we are prepare«! to l«l its fir-t mce through« ut the United Stab s, and annual reunion in conjunction with the We make a s|xcialtv of ladiys' to co-operate with anv state or civil sub­ Willamette Valiev Chautau«|ua Associa­ work, ami guaraute« -.itl-factioii divide thereof in the actual construction tion some «lav next summer. The first in everv re*»|x-ct. meeting of the society will lx- held in ■ f ) ermant nt highways. Veterinary Surgeon. Work called for and «1eliven-d. The bill al-o provide- for an appropri­ this citv on th- first Monday in January. Apply for our «-lull rates for ation of #75,000, for the salaries of the Oregon City Enterprise. gentlem« n officers of th«-bureau. an«l for the pay­ Revolution Imminent. ment of the g- neral « xjienses, such as to METROPOLITAN Oregon enable the director to investigate the A sure sign of approaching revolt and STEAM CLEANINO& Medford PRESSING WORKS. system of road building throughout the serious trouble in your system is tier Upstair*. Opposite Postoffice. United States; to investigate and exper­ vousness sleeplessness or stomach ujtsets. iment in regard to the l»e-t methods of Electric Bitters will quickly rlistn« tnlx-r MEDFORD. • • ORIdiON road building and th«- best kind of road the troublesome causes. It never fails materials to co-operate in the building of to tone the stomach, regulate the Kid­ object lesson r«»a«ls in the several state-, neys and Bowels, stimulate the liver ami etc. The officers of the bur« an-hall con­ clarify the blood. Run down systems sist of one director, salary #45«>i>; assist­ benefit particularly and all the usual at­ ant director, #25nly 50c, and that is returned if it • • -1 MOO; four road experts, #1 400; one assist don't giv«- perfect satisfaction Gtiarnbed ant, in tharge of road material laboratory, by Druggist. #2500; engineer. #20; chemist, #|MKt; Candy. • • petrograph« r. #12ay one half of the expenses of such Cinnabar Springs this fall getting ready fake a double «lose of ChanilxTlain's improvement and the state or its subdi- 1 to put in the winter trapping in the Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as Manufacturer of vision are require«! to tiear the other half. mountains of that section, lias changed soon as the first indication of th«- disease Nothing shall lie construed to prevent his base of operations to Yreka, for he app-ars and a threatened attack mat In­ Guaraneed Pure the state or civil subdivision thereof from has written to have his copy of the Sen­ warded off. Hundreds of |x-ople us« the Homemade Candy distributing its one-half of the expenses tinel sent to that place in care of the remedy in this wav with perfi-« l success, so that the state may pay a portion, the McKinley Mining Company. l or sale by City Drug Store. LAWYERS P)R. T. T. SHAW Holiday Goods JOHN S. ORTH The TOGGERY, V_____________________________________________ NEIL J.R- Holiday Goods A E REAMES R G. GALE. M. D p.us NEWBURY City Drug Store W. HICKEL 'Clothes ¡Made Like New J. H. Messner, <------------------------ J Candy Kitchen LEARNED CHAS. DUNFORD JACKSONVILLE TRANSFER