Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 11, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. I
JacR«onville, JacK»on County, Oregon. Friday, December 11, 1903.
Just Received.
I ine Jewelry. Holiday Notice.
We w ill take order* for Elgin, Waltham
<>r any of the better grade of watches.
Also diamond*, Sterling silver war«. etc.
We Mvc our patron* 2D |x-r cent oil tin*
line of giard* Cidi at the City Itruig
” Store.
Tov* ¡md game*, the kind tliut ph .is-
you. Medford B<x>k Store
Mr*. M. E llutiM r. late of Butte, Mon­
tana, and who ha* been in Jacksonville
for some time a gue*t of Mrs. \ Elmer,
I< ft Monday (or Napa, California, where
she will s|>end several weeks with a bro-
ther who r< «ides there.
Joseph A. Hi*h, principal of the • Phoe
nix *<liixd ha* been granted a »tate
ploin.i by tlic state board of tduiatioii.
Mr. B *h is ) ne of the progressive, ind
most successful true her* of Jackson coun­
ty and the raising of the grade of In*
certificate is an honor that lie has won
by hard study and diligent application to
hi* vocution.
No. 31
Fancy China
O. D. Owen,
An early selection gives
the pick of the stock.
Mv Stock L now complete and the
largest and the finest ever brought
to Medford.
• •
Mr* A Elmer ha* received word that
lies son Alfred, who w, nt to California
last month, n>
is *>«>w
now etnj
employed < n a »treet
cur line in < ink land I le could have sc
cured a pMition in Sail Francisco but
hr wa* under the age hunt of the car
companies <>f that city. Mrs Elmer’s
other son Ernes*. wlir> has been in San
Francisco for over a year i* working al
tile (Minter* trade and earning good
Wishes you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy
W. R Dickinson, who has a fine Linn
mid orchard at Table R<a-k wa* in Ja« k*
A’etv Year. Some very comfortable warm lined Shoes.
«onvillr Thursday
Mr Dickinson is
Pure Wool. I also have a very complete stock of
heartily in favor of farmer* institute*mid
v xpre**cd his appreciation of the effort*
Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Shoes.
< f the J icksonville Loan! of trade ill m ■
curing the si 1« ndid array of talent for tin
Lowest in Prices
Best in Quality
Latest in Style
institute to la- held in Jacksonville on
Saturday of n< xt week. Mr. Dickinson
stated that h< should attend the institute
and was certain ibut mull) <4 his neigh- I
f»»r* woiiiil also aft, ml.
Toilet Ca*« *. smoking sets, glove lx>x-
«*, handkerchief ca*«*. truv« ling case*.
Medford Book Stoic.
Eugene R. A rm-trong received u notic<
Tuesday from Pyrtuiastir I'.am roft of
I'ortl did stating that I d - had I ecu placed
on the list of letter earner* for P- rtl.ind.
Mr. Armstrong left Tinos.I.iy (or Port
land amt h< expei is to take tip his new
work next week. He took the examin­
ation last spring and pissed *ucci ssfnilv
but he hurl to await Ills turn lor a position.
Mr Armstrong was formerly a currier in
the Portland |* stof’ice service but re­
signed oil account <-f ill health and as he
made an averag' of 97 (ter cent in hi* ex
amination In will go into the fir-tcla-s
ami will receive a salary of FliMm |x r
The Sentinel office bn* lx-eti made
bright thi* week by a large Ixxpiet of
choice chrysanthemum* embracing more
than tlnrtv varieties a Coinnliment from
Mrs. S. P. Jone* Mr* Jon«» has sonic of
the finest chry * anthemunis in all South
One of the most acceptable and durable
« rn Oregon she h iving nearly .'ill varn-t
holiday housewife presents would bean
ic* mailt <>f them living rare, imported
kinds, lx aring flower* <»f the most del­
icate tints and as lu-iriou* as «ilk. Chrys­
from $10 to $2.50 per set. Or a
anthemum* lu-ing a semi-tropical plan1 it
t ikes much «-.ire to grow th in to |x-ifict­
ion even in the mild climate of S >uth< rn
50 cents to 10 cents each.
Oregon, but Mrs. Join s has given such
attention to her plants that tile flowers
are a* large and perfect as th- >ugh grow n
lie respectfully solicit an inspection
in the most favored localities.
J. P. True, who reside on Griffin er«ek
where he and hi* sons have a line firm
was in Jacksonville Thursday morning
on business at the court I ioiim -. Mr.
True though 71 years old walki d the live
miles from hi* place to Jacksonville, ar­
riving here a* fresh as a man of .'!<•, for
lie is one of th«- ninny old persons in
Jackson county who at 70 are vet in
their prime, the wild «-Innate of Rogue
River Valley precluding pneumonia and
Cornelius J. Armstrong moved Monday
"I was much afflicted with sciatica,"
those other diseases so fata! to aged
with his family to a farm he owns in
|»eople in the Easttrii states. Mr. True
Josephine count v near Wildt rville. Mr.
tierferred to walk rather than step one of Co.. Kan., "going about on crutches and Armstrong and his brother Eugene have
his teams from the farm work. Mr. suitering a dealot pain. I was induced to had charge of Laurelash farm, belonging
True is ¡mother one of the miiiiv farmers try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which re­ to their brother, Prof. A. P. Armstrong,
of Jackson county who see the Ix-nefit lieved me. I used three 50c bottles. It is of Portland, for the past year, but he de­
farmers institutes are t<> the farmers and the greatest liniment I ever used; have cided that it was more profitable to him
he and his sons will attend the institute recoinended it to a number of persons; to care for his own farm than to rent it.
to be held in Jacksonville on Saturday of all express themselva s as being b< nelited so he gave up his position here. For tile
next week. Mrs. True is in rather |xx»r by it. 1 now walk without crutches, present Lnur-lash farm will lx- in charge
■ r . .,
, .
health this winter, but an early restora­ able to tierform a great deal of light labor of
Clias. C«r|>eiiter. assmted by Robert
tion of her health is anticipated by her 0,1 the farm.” 25c. 50c. fl .00. Sold by Oglesby.
I City Drug Store
7th Street
Serges, all wool, $1 to 25c per yard
Silk Warp Henriettas
Drap De Alinas
Cashmeres. $1.50 to 25c per yard
A fin«- assortment of picture moulding.
Bring in your pictures and have th< m
framed. The workmanship speaks for
itself. At C. W. Conklin's.
Christmas in Jacksonville.
Christmas lime will I m - made pleasant in
Jacksonville fortieth voting and old. At
both Methodist ami Presby terian church­
es Chris ma* trees and a literary and
music i piogram will lie carried out by
the resjM-ctive S indav S. h ol* on Christ
ma* Eve. The you eg people are making
every preparation f-r an evening that
will I m - lx>th in* ru tiv and enjoyable,
to whether there wt.l lx- a union -ervi< e
of th>-two churche* has not l> en a* y et
decided by th»- p.«*tor*of the two church
At St. Joseph * Cathode ch-irch *p cial
server s will lie held at I'l-fD a. III. and at
7 ."50 p. m. and Father Murphy will also
hold services at Medfo-d a’ Ha m. The
Sistersaud schola sofSt Mary'* Academy
arc pr> paring an entrr’ainmeiit for
Christmas Eve that promises to I m - a
*ucce*s in every part cular. The prog-am
will embrace many fin musical .selections
as well as literary features.
The public school will close Friday.
Decemix r IK, for the regular Christmas
vacation of two w< ek*. Studies w ill lx-
re*nmed Monday, January 4.
All de-
(xirtnr n's of the schrxa will unite in
giving a program at 2 o’clock Friday
afternoon in the assembly room to which
the parent* ami friends ¡ire invited. The
follow ng is the order of exercises:
Song—High School Iiepartment.
“A High Ambition” — Four boys,
primary department.
Read-ng— I^slie Stansell, grammar
Christmas *ong—Intermediate depart­
I<-citation. -‘Kitty, IJollie and I”—
Fern Daily, primary«lepartment.
Song—< <irls fr<-m gramm <r department.
“Christina* Customs”— Mary Colvig.
high -school iiepartment.
Concert recitation—Intermediate de-
i ■trim* i-t.
S ng—High school department
‘"An Im|x>r’.ant Note”—Walter Norris
Song. “Christmas at Sea”— Three
girls, intermediate department.
Recitation— Grammar department.
A Christmas Hymn—Four little girls,
primary department.
E*sav,“What Christmas Should Mean
to T's”—Frances Snyder.
Recitation. “A Telephone Message”—
Frances Hubert, interuivd ate depart­
Song. “America”—Audiencv.
At the close of this prirgramea parents'
council will Ire held and addresses will
I mi given by Prof. S. P. Robbins and
I’rin. E E. Washburn and by patrons of
the schexil.
For sale or for rent. New ami second
hand. Cash or easy installments. All
makes repaired or remodeled and work
fully guaranteed. If you need a machine,
write us. J. E. Huxley. K2 Fourth St..
Portland, ()reg<>n.
A Frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the street
dumping th< occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur­
rences. It liehoovts everyljody to have
a reliable salve handy ami there’s nom­
as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Burns, Cuts. Son s Eczema and Piles dis­
appearing quickly under its soothing ef­
fect. 25c, at Drug Store.
Prof. A. P. Armstrong, principal of the
Portland Busim ss College and owner of
Laurelash farm will cotm up from Port­
land next Friday ami remain here until
Sunday looking after his farm ami to pay
a visit to his mother, Mrs. M. J. Arm
Thomas E. Armitstead, one of the firm
of the Hazlevvood Creamery Company of
Portland, was in Jacksonville Tuesday
and made arrangements with John Lyden
at the Hooligan restaurant to handle the
celebrated Hazelwood ice cream next
Mr. ami Mrs August Schmidtling ar­
rived in Jacksonville Wednesday from
San Rafael, California, where they have
been since last spring. They will again
take up" their residence in J icksonville
and I •>)
I . ,*<
>1 III Ul, I I US will
" > ■ •
'S>i ‘I
ii K-'S*
in biarksniithing at his <4d shop on Ore-
gon street.