Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 04, 1903, Image 8

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    Ira! gulch. is going to have it thorouglih
developed anti \Vnl iicm lax A E. Graham
ami l>. D. Goode came down from A h I i
Mi-s Maude Prim returned Monday land and went to the mine. They took
from Ruch where she was a guest tor with them two pack horse huuls <»t pro­
visions. tools and |M>wder and thev w
several days of Miss Amelia Ray.
put in the winter runing drifts and pro«-
Wallace Woods, who is manager of necting the ledge
The men are both
the Medford Lumber Vard, was in Jack- nr-tdass miners and thev will demon­
ville Moniiay on business in connection strate tin value ot tile mine which has a
IVe can fill orders promptly for
with his yard.
good surface showing.
fruit boxes in any quantity from
Al! the latest magazines .«nd pt-ritxli-
Win. M Colvig. overseer in the su­
cals at the City Drug Store.
preme lodge A. (> I’. W., of the United
one hundred boxes to a carload.
States, returned last sundae from a trip
Mrs. J. A. Whitman was in Jacksonville
to tl e Puget Sound eountrv in the inter
Made from best quality seasoned
Monday selling tickets tor an entertain­
e»ts « t the order. Mr. Colvig stat's the
ment that the Eastern Stars of Mcdf> rd
Workmen lodges of l>oth Washihgton and
are to give till- Saturday evening at the
British Columbia are in a healthy condi­
opera house. She found the Jacksonville
people litieral patrons, site «lisposing of tion and the members are planning a win­
ter campaign to increase their memla r-
23 tickets.
ship. Of the larger cities visited Mr,
Mis.-Josephine Donnegan close«! a fall C<dvig found Victor.« a chan model resi­
term of school last week at Rock Point lience city with a prosperous ap|>c:irnnce,
and is now at her home in Jacks >n ville. but not up to the Atm rican standard in
Retail and wholesale, rough or
Miss Donnegan is credited by her pa­ push. Vancouver which is the Western
trons with conducting a successful terminus of the Cana.ii in Pa ’ific is a
dressed. Shipments made tc any
school and should she desire it can secure grow ing bustling city quite like Stattie
part of the United Staes.
this scaool again for the next term or Tacoma. Seattle he di cl <r»-s to In- the
dirtiest city he was in on his trip, but it
which will Ice held next spring.
is a great busim ss cent«r and growing
The Odd Fellows ha«i . rally at Gold
very rapidly. Tacoma more nearly m t
Hill Thursday evening the ixc «si« n be­
Mr. Calvig’s standard Of a clean pios|»er
Saw Mill, Planing
I aitors,
ing work in the Encampment, th- two oils town. He was favored !>x the worst
uovices put through being Supt. P. II
and best effort- of the weather w hile in
Daily and George Fisher, Jacksonville the north.
The day lie cross«-«! the
was represented by George I.ew 1-, Judge
S->uiid from Seattle to Victoria was as
Day, Chas. Basye and Marvin Taylor am! bright and clear as a Southern Oregon
they give a fine compliment to Gold dav of sunshine.
Hill brethren for their hospitality and
for their interest in their ltxlge work.
Ashland Sortnal Soles.
students this w«ek are Bertha
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Simmons,
from Colorado and who recently con Henry, Portland; Herman Anders« n.
ducted a restaurant at Medford h.ve Medford; Mabel Simons. Ashland.
rented the Central Point hotel and will
Julie Rodschon, recently m irrie«)
take charge- of it this week
Mr. and Frank C. High of Picard. California,
Mrs. Simmons are- practical hotel pe-opa- a graduate ot the Norm «1.
Siie was val­
and will do their Irest to give Central edictorian of the class of ‘!>S.
i he best stock ever brought to Med­
Point a hotel the equal of any hotel in
Miss Ella Parks, a former student ot
both table service and r«x>m accommoda­ the Normal, is teaching tin- war at
ford and (he cheapest to be had in
tions of any hotel in Jackson county.
\\ olf Cree k.
Jackson County for the quality is at
Calcutta wheat lugs. barley or oat bags.
Miss Lou Grubb, a member of last
Shaw-het n linen l»ag twine. in lots to suit. year’s clas- and a grade teach« r tins ye ir
Nunan-Taylor Co.
in the Grants Pass schixils. isat her lioim
W. E. Case, who last spring trade«! his in Ashland tins week ami sick. Her
farm in Sams Valley to Prof. N. L Nam - place is lx nig supplied temporarily.
The Pioneer Hardware Dealer.
Cochran of Medford visited
gan for In- residence on WestTwelfth St
three blocks south of the Medford school
house, has sol«! the- property, which con-1
The class which recently passed out ot
sists of a tine two story residence an«l physiology will now begin the study of
half a block of groun-l to A. A. Divs, of anatomy.
the Mi-dtonl flouring mills, for #144X1. the
The teachers' review class h is la gun
sale being made by White it Trowbridge. the study of the stale coarse in connec­
Linn Purdin who was one of the ef tion with White's Art of Teaching.
ficient clerks in the Medfonl postoffice
School will close on Dec. 18 for the
for the past year and who resigne«! in holidays.
September to take up theatrical work, h«
Tiie students are please«! with the new
entering the Clement-Keefer Conipanx dictionaries, Webst« r's, Worcester’s, ami
has mad« rap'd strides in his new voca the St nidard.
Anything in the Hardware Line.
tion for he is now secretary and treasur­
The student teachers are not only
er of t)ie company and he his lateh
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
taken some of the leading roles in plays learning the art of teaching in the train
given by his company. Hi- com; an t ing school, but also in tile Bellvit w
was in Silt Lake la-t week and had big public school, one half mile ea-t <>f the
houses in that city. Linn ha- many Normal. Two each week assist Mis-
friends in Jacksonville who are gla«l to Moore in this school.
know of lus success am! who hope th «t
Circuit Court Jurvmen.
he may become a stage star of the first
is the Venire of tin
jurymen summoned to appear In fore the
I). J. S. Pearce an«l his son Floyd Circuit Court. Monday, Ilecemlx r lftli:
were in Jacksonville Saturday from Poor
C C Charlev, Eagle ¡’«»mt, farmer.
man creek for a load of supplies and to
S A Carlton,
deposit in the bank a lot of gold from
M I. Hartley, Poo Bah,
their mine. They have l«een piping for
c M Polev, Ashland, Real Estat«- D'lt.
the past two weeks and this gold was
S W McClendon, Gold Hill, capitalist
We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01
gathered at random off the lied rock, thev
E E Phipps, Ashland, merchant.
Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
making no effort at a cleanup.
A S Payne,
Pearce an«l his sons have a No. 3 giant
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
W R Kincaid,, Barron, fanner.
• »
an«l this fall they moved it from the
A Schultz, I’oo Bah.
main channel w here they operate«! last
J W Cox, Medford, stockman.
winter to a side gulch where they com­
II F Ruser, Ashland, f irmer.
Dealers in
menced piping over two wet ks ago.
Otto Winter.
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement and Shingles
They have a goo«l hea«l of water but only
A Learned. Jacksonville. •*
hive 3<> feet pressure, but as the earth is
Polk Hull. Meadows, farmer.
easily handled they are having goo«! suc­
F A Bliss, Medford, firmer.
cess piping am! are handling -onie very
J G Hodges. Medford, farmer.
rich gravel.
A Gilson. Sterling, miner.
F Town«-, Phoenix, capitalist.
40 inch mount vernon draper duck,
R D Purvis. Tab nt. farmer.
wagon cover duck. 50 inch black enamel
II E Boyden, Medford, hardware.
carriage duck for sale at Ntman-Taylor
S R Coffman, Union, farmer.
Co., Jacksonville.
H L Gregory, Mound, farmer.
A. T. Fetter, la’ely from the East, has
A C Stanley, Gohl Hill, farmer.
assumed control of the C>« j 1«1 Hill News
J Ntinan, Jacksonville, merchant.
and makes his announcement in the Nt-ws
J W Jacobs, Central Point, stone cutter.
of this week, and the paper this quick
II H Taylor, Roxy, farmer.
shows the ear marks of a practical news­
Horace Pelton, Sams Valley, farmer.
paper man’s work on it. R. A- Carter,
R H Hallev. Medford, lodging house.
the former publisher, has Ixrught the xo
J K Bi ll. Eagle Point, merchant.
acre Hoskins ranch on Sardine gulch and
W M Kirby, Talent, farmer.
will go to farming,
A B Saltmarsh, Sterling, farmer.
L. B. Chase of Ashland, who bought
A Frightened Horse,
the Italian Dick quartz claim on Cali-
Special attention given to orders from a distance for
Running like mad down the street
Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in
Heart Fluttering.
«lumping tin- occupants, or a hundred
condit ion.
Undigested fowl and gas in the stom­ other accidents, are every «lav occur­
ach. located just below the heart, presses rences. It liehoov« s everybody to have
against it and causes heart palpitation. a reliable salve handy and there’s none
When vour liea-t troubles you in tha as good as Bticklen's Arnica Salve.
wav take Herbine for a ¿ew «lavs You Burns, Cuts. Sores Eczema and Piles dis­
wifi soon be all right. Wc, bold by City appearing quickly under its soothing ef-
i feet. 25c, at Drug Store.
Drug Store.
We buy wool and mohair
Subscribe for the Sentinel and WeeKly Oregonian
Good clubbing inducements offered.