Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 04, 1903, Image 4

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    Poole are in tin *bsk bu*im-**. which i*
the principal industry tor that section.
Mr. Be.ile is one ot tile old settler* and
Barley . millfeed, corn ami wheat at the hr states that it h.is been several year*
since cattle were doing so well in Nov •
Boss. Cheap as the market affords.
enilxtr as they are this (all. The rains
Mi*s Anna Lyden of this place, who is has brought on th«- grass in g>xwl 'h.qx-
teaching the Applegate school will close and feed is tine on the range. Sonic of
her termon the 2Ikl of this month. Her the stockmen of that section nev« r feed
pupils are now preparing a program of at all during the winter. Winn th«
entertaining exercises for that day. ground is hare the cattle find plentv of
Mi'S Lyden, though a young teacher ami feed anil when there is a heavy *m«w the
this her first term 1* given the credit by stockmen cut down trees to enable the
her patrons of conducting a successful cattle to feed U|x»n the twigs and moss.
There has long existed the need of
Henry Dox. cashier in Beekman’s bank. some guide or hand l>ook which will cti
returned Tuesday from a business trip to able one to r< cognize the various trees of
Dunsmuir and a pleasure trip to Sacra ■lie Pacitu Northwest. This want is met
rnento. Mr. Itox states that California’s in the Pacific Monthly for Ih-ccudwr, by
capital is having one of the most prosper an article. “Our Fort st Friends and How­
ou* years in the city’s history ami that to Recognize Them,“ by R II. Kennedy.
yew buildings ire going up on even The author is at once a student and a
street. As to the business outlook the practical lunilx-rman. He has brought
leading men of Sacramento anticipate lx»th hi* knowledge ami his cxperi< n r
to bear upon this article, and has expla­
good times for the coining year.
ined the difference between the Pines
Kindling Wood—$ll>«ialoal at yard and Fits and H< tnhx'ks and Cedars, and
or delivered. Iowa Lumlxrr Coinpmy .
their various subdivisions, nvliarh anil
George Hamilton ami C. M. Adams so carefully, that the re nler is it once
are learning the candy maker' trade at enab'ed to recognize the »lift rent familv
the Bo*sConfectionery under \1 Learned. groups, ami with a little study, to delect
They pay Mr. Learned fVi each f >r this the various individuals. The twenty
instruction, and they consider t money illustration* add greatly to the value of
well in Vestel for -Mr. Learned i* an ex­ the article, which *h >uld be of the great
pert at the trade. John R inkin who est interest to every lover ot nature as
completed a course under Mr. Learned a manifested in the matchless trees of the
m 'nth ago i* now established at Gn shim North* e»t.
in eastern Multnomah county where lie
Calling cards, the latest in style and
is building up a profitable tr« le in a con­ printed so neatly as to re-a mble copjx-r
fectionery store that he is conducting at plate work at the Sentinel office.
that place.
Mr*. J. E. Davidson, who*«- husband is
C. M. Ruch, mayor, merchant, post­ superintendent of tin- .Millionair mine in
mister, telephone hello and blacksmith the Blackwell district, ha» lx en in Jack
at the lively little town of Ruch on th< souville the past week at the home of!
Applegate, was in Jacksonville Wedn< *- her sister Mr*. W. H. -Miller, with her
dav for a load of goods. Mr. Ruch state* little boy aged three years to have his j
that the sun shines each day, the fanners hand oj«erate«l upon to repair an injure 1
are prosperous, the gold *c kv * having done by a burn when In- was IM month*
good success and tl\r community ge eral­ old. The burn was made bv the : babv ’
ly happy and contented over hi* way ami falling against a hot stove which SO 111- I
that they have the best se< tion • f Jack* n jure«! hi 1 hand that three of th'- I fingers
county to which they would gladly- wel- \ were lx-nt in a’most to th- ] alm of
the '
come more • settlers.
In the way of hand bv the contracting of tin skin on
amusement they had a tine dance at Mr. : the inner «ide of the fingers. Last Sat- !
Ruch’s hall last Friday evening that wa* urday Dr. Gale and Dr. R ibinsmi cut
well attended and an enjovable <ffair. ! aw-av th« skin from the little finger ami
The music was furnishe 1 by Will Rav, the tllinl finger and straightened them
Bert Clute and Chas. Murray.
ati<l placed them in span'*
span-* to
'<> hold them
phvee. They decided not to ojx-rite
J. A. Gilmore, of Lower Applegate was in place.
in Jacksonville Wedmslav to procure a on 'he middle finger as it was not so
marriage license for himself and Mi-* b.arllv injur'd but it will regain it* nor
Bertha Rexford. Their wedding took mal position when the other fingers an­
place Thursday at the homeof the bride'* no longer stiff. The little fellow's him!
parent*. Mr. and Mr*. M mley Rexford, 1* now healing nicely from the ojx-r.itio:'
wlio reside three tniies below Applegite ami tli»- doctor* fi el c -n'id-nt th it he
postoffice. Mr. Gilmore is an Agplegate will regain the full use of hi* finger*.
toy. hi* pvrent* rvside on Lower Apple­
for Rent.
gate. For the pa*t year he Ila* been en-
r«x»uis. each 2'»xM0 feet
ployed at die big New York mine near
Yreka, where he is engineer in charge of m White-Thomas brick bh ck. Medford,
New, well-furnished rttoms,
the compress r* He is known is a young iregon.
m 01 of g<x»-l habits, industri »us ami well with a big warehouse in the rear Apply
worthy the b-ve of th«- young lady whom to Whit- & Trowbridge.
he has won for his life companion.
Popud.ir H'dimiy Excursions.
Holton and Emil Peil. who have
Columbia river salt salmon bel­
lies, macKeral, Holland herring in been successfully conducting excursion*
to San Frain isco for seven! years, an
Kits and Kegs. Nunan-Taylor Co.
nounce .mother, to take place during the
C. S. Fling, who recently bought of holidays. It will leave Ashland Satur­
John S. Orth the IB acre tract opjx>*ite day, J
2t>th. on the main train.
the J. N. T. Miller place just north of Round-trip tickets have lx-en placed at
town, is having the lumber haule»l ami fl*», good for Io days.
will soor. commence the erection of a
In order that ample accomodaton*
cottage 20x20 one story. During this mav lx- arranged for, th >-e intending to
winter he wall build a barn an«l other make the trip are requ> -ted to inform the
buildings an»l fix nis place up for a coni management as early a* p< -sible.
forcible home. Mr. Fling will plant
The hundred* who hav participated in
this winter 1OO peach, apple and cherry- these excursions will test fv to the enjoy­
trees and it is his plan to eventually ment afforded by them. The introduct­
plant the greater part of the tract to fruit ion of the New Year in San Francisco is
and berries. Mr. Fling has one of the something worth witnessing.
best pieces of fruit land in the Yalley
and a* he is a thorough, practical orchard-
ist he will make it into one of the fin« st
Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good
orchards in this vicinity.
Qualities of Chamberlain's
Mr. and Mr*. F. M. Tungate had with
Cou^h Remedy.
them on Thank-giving their daughter
Mrs. E. l’o >le and her husband Mr. Pool«-
A shbi rxham . Ont., April IK, P.*i”.—I
and Mrs. Tungat-’s brother, G. W. Be de.
They reside near Mt. Pitt on up] er Big think it is on’v right that I should tell
Butte creek ami lx>th Mr. Beale and Mr. you what a wonderful effi'Ct Chamber-
Iain's Cough Remedy has prixluced.
Th«- »lay before Easter I was *0 <li*tre-sed
with a cold and cough that I did not
think to lx- able to take any duties the
next day , as mv voice w is almost choked
by the cough. The same «lay I received
an order from you for a bottle of your
Cough Remedy. I at once procured a
a sample bottle, and took about three
¿1 ses of the medicine. To my great re­
Second Floor, Adkins Block,
lief the cough ami cold had entirely dis-
opposite Postoffice.
apjx-ared anti I was able to preach three
times on Easter day.
I know that this
Ore rapid and effective cure was due to your ,
Cough remedy. I make this testimonial
unsolicited, being glad to have found
Fine Photography a Specialty. such a Godsent r< tnr-dy. Respectfully
Special attention given to posing yours, E. A. Langfeldt, M. A.. Rector of
St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain I
of children. Jill work guaran­ Medicine Co. This remedy i .* for sale by '
teed. Prices reasonable.
City Drug Store.
Photo Gallery
I December
ILive you made your selections for
Xm<is? II not look over Conklin's
list of Christmas suggestions in an­
other column. New things added
each week.
Real listale Dealer
How Can I Keep Up with
the Times ?
T is pretty hard to keep well informed on the
political news, the scientific news, the literary
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About the only way it can be done by
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I know that through its columns views have been pre­
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because all earnest and thoughtful men. no matter how wide
their ideas diverge, are given free utterance in its columns.”
“ 1 consider it a very valuable addition to my library.
The Review of Reviews Co.
13 Astor Place, New York
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