Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 04, 1903, Image 10

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    JUhM) jx-r month ami to lessen the cost «•!
operating the plant the city council >rc
negotiating with the Siskiyou Electric
Light & Power Couiuany for current
Quaker Herbs, three packages for
with which to o|ierate the <ly namos and
dollar, at the City Drug Store.
pumps. This compuiy has lately com­
Dr. T. T. Shaw and Chas. Brown
pleted a big electric jxiwer plant on Fall
Moudav for a trip up Rogue River on a ' creek a tributary of Klamath river in
a land venture. They are to be back this Siskivou connty and they have secured
1 a contract to supply Ash ¡and with light
F. Ossenbrugge, one of the leading and h<>|K- to secure contracts with Med
agricultural implement dealers of Med ford, Jacksonville and the other towns <■
ford was in Jacksonville Thursday on Jackson county.
Mr. and Mrs. B E. Haney returne«!
business at the court house.
Tuesday from Star Gulch on uppi-r Ap­
Union evangelical services are being plegate where they have been for sonic
held each evening in the Presbyterian weeks while Mr. Haney was getting his
church, Medford, under the joint work of placer mine in order for this seasons
all the ministers of the city.
work. Owing to his being troubled
Tl ie stork visited the home of Dr. and with sciatic rheumatism Mr. Hanev has
Mrs. H. N. Butler in Medtord last Satur­ leased his mine to Taylor Bros., Jack
day and left a tine baby girl, the firs’, Sealand David Welch all of Medford,
and who are practical miners and hustl­
little one to brighten their home.
ers who will make their venture pay if
Wedding stationery, the latest out, at the gold is to l»e had. The mine is titled
the Sentinel office.
with a No. 2 giant which is now living
A general complaint is being made at worked under a 135 foot pressure but
Medford against the hoodlums who which could l>e increased to 325 feel
create a disturbance by their noisy dem­ The piping is comparatively easy and as
onstrations at nearly every performance the gravel has produced some fine nug
held in the opera house.
gets, some of them going as high as JI5n
the boys hope to make a good stake
The Jacksonville friends of Mr. O. Gil­
bert, of Medford. will be glad to this season.
It is generallv supposed that the sec­
know that he has received his pension
tor his services in the Rogue River Indian tion of the country cast of the mountains
War. Mr. Ferguson, of Talent, another is only suitable for stock raising and that
Veteran, has also receive«! his pension. fruit can not lx- raised there, but R. D.
Maplvsden. who represents one of the
C. C. Ragsdale, who has betn conduct­ big Willamette nurseries has returned to
ing the Nash hotel, Medford, since last his home in Medford from an extended
spring has turned over his lease from trip through K'amath. L ike an«l adjoin
Capt. Nash to W. B. Townley, of Klam- ing counties and lie rejx»rts making I lg
athon, and lie w ill hereafter conduct the sales ami that much inter« st is being
hotel bir. Mr. Townley is an experi­ taken in fruit raising. Manv of the
enced hotel man and he will keep up the sheltered valleys are capable of raising
Nash to its standard as a comfortable apples and other fruit of tine quality and
lodging place.
within a few years importing fruit will be
Lou s Ulrich left Friday for San Fran­ a thing of the past, but it is hardlv jmis
cisco to take a look at the attractions an«! sible that it will ever equal the famous
advantages of California and should a Rogue River Valley as a fruit distr ct.
goo«l opening present he may stay in that
state for a while. I»ouis is a bright hust­
ling young fellow who will y ct accomplish
something or make a big effort to gun
the success that is due every person who
utilize their abilities.
Rugs in many beautiful jiat-
terns, Portieres, all grades.
Adreil Chapter. No. 3. (). E. S. hel<l
Conch covers, latest design*.
their annual election Thursday evening
Table covers, Car]» t Sweep­
and elected the following officers: Wor
ers, Parlor Tables. Ladies
thy Matron. Miss Amelia Britt. Worthy-
Patron, Mr. James Cronemiller. Associ
stands. Rockers, to suit all.
ate Matron, Mrs. Mollie Cameron. Sec­
Morris chairs. Music Racks,
retary, Miss Corinne Linn. Treasurer.
Ladies Disks, Ladies dress­
Mrs. Mary Miller. Conductress, Mrs
ing cases, Folding tables.
Emma Dunford.
Associate Conduct­
ress. Mrs. Natte Thrasher.
For the Children
If you have any Timber land you want
to sell—See T. C. Norris.
horses, Desks and Black
Hon. George Durham, of Grants Pass,
boards, Doll carriages. Ex-
of the firm of Colvig & Durham, was in
tension tables, Side boirds.
Jacksonville Thursday afternoon and Fri-I
«lay forenoon in confidence with Mr.
Commodes,Iron lieds for dolls
Colvig on some important law cases that
they are now retainer! in.
Mr. Durham
Presbvteridn Church.
was formerly one of the leading attorneys
of Portland, but Ix-ing attracted by the
Services next Sunday as follows: Sun-
climate and the many busin -ss advantag­ day School 10 a. m C. E. meeting •i:30
es of Southern Oregon he left that place p. m. Public Worship at 11 a. in: and
and took up his abode in Rogue River 7:30 p.m. Sermon subjects; "Walking
as Jesus Walks” and "The Association
til it Saves.” F. G. Strange, pastor.
Trespass notices on cloth sent by
to any address for $1.00 a dozen.
Appleqate Items.
E. L. Gtirnea, superintendent of the
Martin Pernoll payed a dying business
Medford electric light an«l water plant, trip to Medford Wednesday.
was in Jacksonville a short time Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Jackson are visit­
Mr. Gtirnea states th it the fu -l bill for
the Medford station now averages alx»ut ing relatives in Ashland.
Fred Benedict was in ('»rants Pass
Cured Paralysis.
business Monday.
W. S. Bailv. P. O. True, Texas, writes:
Mrs. Neilon who has been visiting
“Mv wife had been suffering five years
with paralysis in her arm, when 1 was Mrs. Pernoll's returned Siturday
persuaded to use Ballard's Snow Lini­ Wendt's stage and then by train
ment. which cured her all right I have home near Medford.
also used it for old sores, frostbites and
Dr. Findley of Grants Pass c i
skin eruptions. It does the work.” 25c, to Williams and Applegate last Thurs­
50c, JI.00. Sold by City Drug Store.
day visiting patients.
Re-opened in the Pa Im-Hodge
block with the latest in Ladies
Articles, Perfumes,
Drugs, Etc.
n /AN
1, MGR.
At RYAN’S, Jacksonville
Oregon, you will find
A New Line of
Union Livery ^tables
Rigs on short notice tor timber cruisers, com-
me rein I men. mining men. sawmill men, all
kinds 0/ men or parties Horses led at tea
sonable rates.
Geo. N. Lewis, Prop
1JOU < an tell one as far as you see him.
X There is a certain style about him
that is unmistakable,
a natty a n <1 pro
pounced dressiness
th t is altogether dif­
ferent from the best ready-made.
F. E. Knight has returnetl to his home
in Portland after having visited his par­
ents and manv friends.
The largest assortment ever in Jackson­
ville. Hand made and factory made.
The Model, Max Muller’s old stand.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner­
vousness sleeplessness or stomach upsets.
Electric Bitters will quickly’ dismember
the troublesome causes. It never fails
to tone the stomach, regulate the Kid­
neys and Bowels, stimulate the liver and
clarify the blood. Run down systems
benefit particularly and all the usual at­
tending aches vanish under its searching
and thorough efh ctiveness. Elec'tric Bit
ters is only 50c, and that is returned if it
don't give perfect satisfaction Guarntced
by Druggist.
has developed the making of fine made-to measure garments into
a science and reduced the cost to a mere fraction of old-time mer­
chant tailors’ prices.
We are the local dealers for this famous concern and carry
over 450 of their elegant up-to-date samples, which we would be
pleased to show you.
18 orders the last month attest the popularity of these suits
in Jacksonville. Orders filled promptly and at lowest prices.