Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 04, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
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JacKtonville, Jackion County, Oregon. Friday, December 4. 1903
line Jewelry, lloliddy Notice.
Just Received.
We will take orders for Elgin. Waltham
or any of the better grade of wutciies.
Also diamond», Sterling silverware, etc.
We nave our patron* 20 per cent on this
line of good» Call at the City Drug
keww of the I odqct.
This is the time of year when most of
the secret order» hold their elections ami
these elections arc coming thick und fast
hi Jacksonville.
Jacksonville Jxxlge No. 10, I. O. O. F.
elected their officer» last Saturday even*
mg. George N I.«-w is lx-ing i -I ihm - ii noIde
grand, M M. Taylor, vice grand; S. F.
DeRolioam, recording secretary; Chas.
Ba»ye, financial secretary; S. J. D.U ,
treasurer anil Jas. A. Wilson, M. M.
Tay lor ami Jam«-» Croiicinillcr, trust« e».
Installation will I m - on the first Saturday
in January.
Table Rock Encamptm nt
No. Ill will hold their election next Tues
<!av and Ruth Rcl>ekali laxlgc will elect
their officer» next Munday.
Oregon Chapter No. I R A. M. elected
and installc«! their officer» Tue»«lav ev> n-
ing. The following were installed; A. E.
Reames, high priest, T. Cameron, king;
W. II McG«»wan. »cril>e; David Linn,
captain of th- h««»t; W. M. Colvig, princ-
q«al solourner; J one» Cronemiller, «cen­
tury; C. C. Beckman, treasurer; J. F.
Miller, master of first veil; Emil B itt,
master of second veil; R. F. Yocum,
master of third veil,
Oregon Pocahontas Trilx.- No. 1, Red
men, nominHtcolficcis.it their meeting
Saturday of next week und hold their
election on th«- fourth Saturday of this
month. Instalation w ill Ire on the second
S iturriav hi January.
Warren Lodge No. Hl A. F. A- A. M.
held their election Wrdnendav evening,
choosing the folio a mg officers: Emil
Britt, worshipful nias e-; Jas. Cron« miller,
senior warden, f. J. Williamson, junior
warden, J. R. Neil, secretary; C.C. Beek­
man froi'titrr; Theo Cam« rrm,
ron. t'ler
As St. John» Dav falls on Sunday this
year the l<»dg«- will install tin trofficer» on
Saturday, Decemlrer 2B
Banner Lralge No. 23 A. O. V. W.
nominated candidate* at their me« ting
last Friday ami at the meeting next
w«-«-k will hold their < lection. They will
have installation on the second Friday in
January, when a joint instalation will
probably I m - held with Madruna Lodge
No. 17, D« gr«e of Honor.
Lodge will hold tiieirelection this Friday
Jacksonville assembly No. BO. I'nited
Artisans; elected officers last Tu«-»duy
evening as follows Pauline ReuttrM A.;
Lottie Fl-in v. >upt.; W. F. l-'iniicv. M.
C.; Anna Margreiter, Jr. Con ; Oscar
Lewis, Insp.; tiny I>ow, Sr. Con.; Chris
Kenney, 1’rea»., Geo. J. McCune. Sic.
Inst illation will take place at the next
meeting, Tuesday December 15th.
Fancy China
West fork Mining District.
My Stock is now complete and the
largest and the finest ever brought
to Medford.
O. D. Owen,
• •
you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy
Year. Sonic very comfortable warm lined Shoes.
Pure Wool. 1 also have a very complete stock of
Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Shoes
I aUst in Style
liest in Quality
Lowest in Prices
7/h Street
______________ /
Oregon All Wool Blankets
< *
• *
* •
• •
« 4
75 c per pair
C. E. Hufstader and Ja*. <>. Fuller are
home for the winter from the west fork
of Cow creek where they h «ve Ix-en since
last spring developing a mining proposi­
tion that they have located in that dis­
trict. The snow gets so deep in the
mountains of that section that all min­
ing operations have to I m - suspended for
the want« r and when they cam • out there
was six inches of snow on Cow creek
ami two iml a half fc«-t on th divide be­
tween that stream and Rogue river.
Messrs. Hufstader and Fuller h «ve two
claims, which they 1«> ated two tears
ago. one is quartz and the oilier placer.
On their qu irtz claim they hive a fi ie
ledg«- <>f fre« milLng ore th it assavs troin
$3 to #10 per ton. Thev h ivc a drift i i
•13 feet ami have not yet reached the
hanging will and they think tiieir ledg<-
is fully 75 feet wide. They have good
water power convenient and next spring
they intend to put in an arrastre an«l
work out som -of their ore. They will
also work their placer mine next sum­
mer. This se ison they got considerable
work done upon the ditch and they will
complete it early next spring. They
have plenty of water ami heavy pressure
for the giant that they will put in and as
the ground will lx.- eisily worked and
has prospected rich in coarse gold th. y
expect to have a profitable mine. They
have also found considerable platinum,
and as it is worth ¿22 an ounce it adds
very much t-> the value of their placer.
There are a n imlxrr of other finecla ms
in the imm-deite vicinity of Messrs Huf­
stader ami Fuller's claims. The Eagle
mine lately sold by Henry Martindale of
Grants Pass has ore that has assayed as
high as ¿2«»> jx:r ton. The Yaquina
ledge owned by Win. Grant a,says $2’> to
the ton
The Gold M nintain ledge
owned by R »»eburg ptrties assies ¿2»
per ton. This mining district has every
indication of becoming one of the rich­
est in Southern Oregon, but for the pres­
ent its developmet t is retarded by lack
of transportation, it being 22 miles bv a
rough trail from West Fork station on
the Southern Pacific. It is the plan of
the various claim holders in this district
to put in a wagon road next spring so
that machinery can l>e gotten in with
which to operate the mines.
Council Proceedings.
The December term of the town coun­
cil was held Tuesday evening. Mayor
Britt and Councilmen Huffer, Neulret,
Orth ami Kenney and Marsh d Kenney
were present.
After some discussion
over the town’s financial condition the
tax levy for all purpose* for the ensu­
ing year was fixed at HI mills
Kmney was authorized to enforce the
dog license ordinance and to procure
I new bedding for the city jail.
The following bills were allowed:
T. J. Kenney supplies........... ......... 18 78
Jacksonville Gas Co. gas and sup­
plies.................................................... 43 so
John Anderson, work...................... 1 25
, Henrv Dox, recorder’s fees............. t» • » 45
Our Stock is the Largest.
Prices always the Lowest
Mrs. Ella Cook went to Ashland Wed­
nesday to make a visit to relatives at
that place.
F. I,. Caton was in Jacksonville with a
small cleanup of gold which lie had
made at his mine on the right fork of
Forest Creek. Mr. Caton’s placer mine
is well up on that stream and owing to
the scarcity of water last summer he was
unable to complete his cleanup at tin-
close of last season. He is now gather­
ing the last of the gold from last year’s
work and he expects to commence pip­
ing again in a few days. He Is using a
No. 1 giant and has a very good outlook
for a profitable season.
His neighlior,
James Davis, commenced piping last
week, being able to use two heads of
water a day. but since the ruins censed he
has been able to get but one head a day.
He has good pay dirt that is fairly easy
to handle.
A fine assortment of picture moulding.
Bring in your pictures and have them
framed. The workmanship speaks for
itself. At C. W. Conklin's.
An early selection gives
the pick of the stock.
Dates to Remember.
Monday, Dec 14 — December term of
circuit court for Jackson county convenes
at Jacksonville.
Saturday, Ihc. ID—Farmers institute at
Jacksonville under auspices of Jack­
sonville lxiard of trade with forenoon,
afternoon and evening sessions con
ducted bv professors from the Oregon
State Agricultural College.
Fridas. I»«-«-. I* — Delinquent tax sale
for Jackson county at court house in
Friday, Dec. IM—Good Roads Conven­
tion at Jacksonville at 7:30 p. m.
Monday, Dec. 21 st.,—Special session of
Oregon legislature will convene.
No. 30
“1 was much afflicted with sciatica,"
writes I'd C, Nud, lowaville, Sedgwick
Co., Kan., “going about on crutches and
suffering a dealof pain. 1 was induced to
try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which re­
lieved me. I us< d three 50c bottles. It is
the greatest liniment 1 ever used; have
recomended it to a number of persons;
all express themselves as being benefited
bv it. I now walk without crutches,
able toperform a gn at ileal of light labor
on the farm." 25c, 50c, $ 1.00. Sold by­
City Drug Store.
The largest assortment ever in Jackson­
ville. Hand made and factory made.
The Model. Max Muller’s old stand.
Rev. and Mrs. Strange went to Ash­
land Tuesday. Mrs. Strange will remain
with a couple of friends for a couple of
weeks, but Rev. Strange returned to
i Jacksonville Thursday.
To get |>erfect rest use one of those
silk floss or cotton felt mattresses. They
are the best. C. W. Conklin.
Elmer Patrick, who for a numlier of
years conducted an abstract office in Ash­
land, but who is now an agent for the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company,
spent several days in Jacksonvills this
-Home-cooked meals, 25 cents at Mrs
Flory's in the brick Isiarding house
second block north of the Court House.
l’roffessorsJas. Witycombe. A. B. Cor­
dlev. F. L. Kent, and A. L. Knisely of
the State Agricultural College, assisted
by local talent will hold a farmers insti­ ’
tute at Gresham, Multnomah county,
next Friday.
These four professors
from Corvallis will take part in the
farmers institute to l>e held in Jackson
ville on Saturday December 10th. In
Mrs. George Love arrived in Jackson­
addition to the College professors there ville Thursday from Portland, where she
will be several other prominent men on has been for the last month since her re­
the program, making the array of talent turn from Alaska. Mrs. Love may again
the equal of the best institutes ever held take up her residence in Jacksonville
in Oregon.
should Mr. Love decide to locate here.