Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 27, 1903, Image 4

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Good tiuusekeeptnq lor December.
The big I)eceinl>er tiumlwr of Good
the exquisitely
Goiernor ( haniberlain (alls legisldturc to Housekeeping, from
printed Christmas cover in soft tints of
Meet on Mondas December 21 to Rcctih
blue and gold and red through to the
lax Law—Special (lections lor two last advertisement, is a thing of beauty
State Senators Made Mecessarv bv ( dll. and of solid interest and value. Sixteen
i of the opening |Mges printed in a tint
Governor Chamberlain last Saturday upon coated piper heigthen the Btunp
issued a call for a special session of the tuousness of the effect, Tile contents,
Oregon legislature, to convene on the to choose briefly from the wealth anti
21st «lav of next December, to remedy variety of mate rial, include the t »iiow
the defective tax law
mg: A Christmas Story, The River. by
The Governor als«» issued writs of spec­ Ruth McEiivrv Stuart, illustrated by
ial elections to l>e held Dec. 16, 15103, in James Preston;
Th«- Church Home.
the 9th and 19th senatorial districts of illustrated from photographs; Mrs. Per
Oregon to elect successors to J. N. Wil­ kins' Investment, by Augusta Kortrvcht,
liamson, now Congressman, ami C. W. illustrated by Henry Pau gel; Toys, by
Fulton, now U. S. Senator. The 9th Ethel McKenney; A Home of a Hundred
district which Williamson represented in Daughters, by Mattel Craft 1>< enng; The
the Oregon Senate comprise* Klamath. Banishment of Worry, a symposium by
Lake, Crook ami Grant Counties. The Booker T Washington, Octave Thanet,
19th district reresente«! by Fulton includ­ Bishop Spalding of Peoria. May Irwin,
ed only Clatsop county. N«> special elee Alice Hcgan Rice, author of Mrs Wfgg 'S,
tion will be called for Benton county to ami others. A More Rational Life for
choose a succvss«»r t> Senator John D. Women, by Helen West Cooke, M I»,
Daly, whose eligibility ha<! been ques Th- Higher Life, by Ella Morris
tioned on account of his present residence Kr« tschmar; Hospital or Home, by Clara
in Portland.
L-Cauie; Beautv hi Little Things, by
The full text of th«- governor's call for Florence A Daws, n. Pacing Giles's,
the special session of the legislature fol­ serial, by Mary Stewart Cutting; designs
for bed work, menu sketches by well
“S alem , O r ., N ov . 21, 1!MK! — I. Geo. known artists, a splendid department of
E. Chamberlain, by virtue ot the author­ cookery, etc. etc.
ity in me vested as governor of the state
Ten cents a copv, one d«d)ar a year.
of Oregon, do hereby direct the conven­ Th« l'iieljrs Publishing Co, Springfield,
ing of the two houses of the legislative Mass, New York. Chicago, San Fran­
assembly of the state of Oregon in special cisco.
session at the state capital m Salem on
Monday, the 21st. day of lK-cember, A.
W. E. Shetrill ami family will leave
I)., 1903. at lOo'clock a. tn., «jf said day, next week tor W«xxlvillv, Southern Ore­
fur the purjxjMr of meeting the objections gon, where they will visit a couple of
made by the supreme court to ami curing ' months with relatives of Mrs. Sherrill
the defects in an act «milled "An act to | In January they will go to Vancouver,
provide a ui >re efficient method for the when- Mr. Sherrill has leased a 10«) acr«-
assessment and collection of taxes ami to hay and dairy farm.—Hood River Glacier.
amend aecti ns 3057 3D6
Dr. Emil Kirchgessm r of Medford has
3085, ,3090, 31<>6, 3107, 3111,3116 ami 3120,
a suit against Lillie Kir hgre-sm r.
of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes
ami Statutes «>f Oregon," passed bv tin­ in the circuit court of Marion county.
legislative assembly of the state of Ore The couple were w«-dde«l in Lemurs, Iowa,
December 21), 185*2, ami th«- plaintiff alleg­
gon at its 22nd regular session in 1903.
"All who shall at the time hereinbe­ es that Octolier 6, 15tO2, his wife «'eseited
fore named lie entitled t<> act as mem him at Meilford, Or. ami has since refus­
l»ers of said legislative assembly are here : ed to live with b in.
by required to take notice.
I). T. Lawton, manager for Mitchell.
"Given under my ham! and the great Lewis 2k Slaver's implement house in
seal of the state of Oregon at the capitol ; Medford, was in Jacksonville Mondi«;.
in Salem, on this 21st «lav of November. Mr. Lawton drove «»vir in his bnggv and
A. I)., 1903.
the c«-ndition of th«- road within the
Jacksonville district did not impress him
"G eorge E. C hamberlain .
very favorably ns he stated that he had
to ford Jackson ere« k nine times and
"By the Governor.
that had the w.itirlt-m a little high« r
“F. I. D unbar ,
:t would have come into his buggv floor
“Secretary of State."
ami added another unpleasant feature to
his ride.
Douglas Counts fur Levs.
The annual shi] mt n’.s oi turkeys for
Thanksgiving from Roseburg, whi h
have been in progress for the |xist week,
closed Saturday.
Prom figures given
by local dealers, it is found that the
turkeys shipped from Roseburg this sea
son numbered about 6,350 heart. This
represents about one-third of this season's
turkey product of the county and a rev­
enue to Roseburg and vicinity of alxiut
$12,000. This amount could have l>een
greatly increased had there l»ei-n enough
turkeys to supply thed< mand, which was
greatly in excess of last year. One local
dealer stated that he couhl have found
ready market for at least six carloads if
he had had the turkeys.
With the exception of a few hundred
head which were sent to San Francisco,
all of the turkeys were marketed at Se­
attle at prices ranging from 18 to 23 cents
a pound net weight.
About 10,000 head of turkeys were
shipped from Oakland ami a total of
nearly 3,000 hea«l from other points in
the county outside of Roseburg. Esti­
mating the whole output at 19.000 head
would represent an approximate total
revenue of nearly $37,000. — Roseburg
Henry I). Kubli was in Jat ksonville
Monday ami he has undertaken to assist
th«-Jacksonville l»oard of trade in sectir
mg signatures to their {»etition to the
j»ostoffi< e department asking for a better
ment of the Jacksonville an<! the Apple­
gate mail service. Mr. Kubli took home
with him the petition and he will secure
the signatures of 'he Applegate settlers to
it for they are all anxious to have a morn
ing mail service to Jacksonlille, for it
would enable them to get their mail 24
hours earlier than is now the case
The Wulf placer mine on left fork <4
Jackson creek owned by Mrs. Elizabeth
Wulf has not b«en worked to any extent
for the past three years but will l»e worked
this winter by Harry Wulf and Lewis
Stone, a son-in-law of Mrs. Wulf's and
wh<» was employed at the Iowa Lumlier
Company's mill this last summer. The
mine has a No. 1 giant supplied by a six
inch pipe under a good pressure which
Messrs. Wulf and Stone put in order and
for the j«ast week have been pip ng and
making tine headway, as the late rains
have given them a fine head of water.
This mine has turned out many thou
sands of dollars in the years past and it
has a lot of rich pay dirt vet to be hand­
We can fill orders promptly for
fruit boxes in any quantity from
one hundred boxes to a carload.
Made from best quality seasoned
Retail and wholesale, rough or
dressed. Shipments made tc any
part of the United St a es.
Mill and Box Factory,
Union Di very Stables
Rigs on short notice for timber cruisers, com­
mercial men, mining men. sa wmill men, all
kinds of men or parties. Horses feti at rea-
stumble rates.
Geo. N. Lewis, Prop.,
W hite & T rowbridce
lie have the largest anti best list in Southern Oregon oi
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy nnd Stock Lands, Timber l ands.
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
Dealers in
Sewing Machines, Unie, Cement
We buv wool and mohair.
Special attention given to orders from a distance for
Mining Camps ant! Mills. Meats shipjtcd promptly anti in
first-class emit I it ion.
I.. J. Sleppy, who is making some
A fine assortment of picture moulding. money off a farm that he owns east of
Bring in your pictures and have them Talent, was in Jacksonville Monday on
framed. The workmanship speaks for business at the court house. Accompany­
itself. At C. W. Conklin's.
ing Mr. Sleppy was Jonah Barrick a
young man who is residing at Mr. Slep­
The Leading Oregon Agricultural P«»per
py's home while he is recovering from
1 ree.
a serious accident that l>eftll him two
The Oregon Agriculturist and Rural months ago while hatilinp lumber from
Northwest, and the Jacksonville Sentinel the Cotton mill to Ashland, in which he
both for $ 1.50 a year, and both pajiers was thrown from the wagon by the
stopped at end of year if subscription not breaking of the brake and both of his
feet were run ever by the wagon crush­
The Sentinel is the only paper publish­ ing them so that he narrowly escaped the
ed at the county seat of Jackson county. necessity of having them amputated.
The Oregon Agriculturist is published He has so far recovered the use of his
semimonthly at Portland ami it is one of feet, that he can walk some with aid of
the largest, best edited and most popular crutches and there is every prospect that
agricultural papers of the Pacific Coast. he w ill regain the use of his feet, but
It has departments devoted to each class they will be so weakened that he can
of farm work and it is an allaround paper never do heavy work again. Mr. Bar-
for the farm and the house. $1.50 gets rick has been a hardworking ambitious
the Jacksonville Sentineland the Oregon young man and this accident is a serious
handicap to his future success in life.
Not a Sick
Day Since.
“I was taken severely sick with kidney
trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines,
none of which relieved me. One day I
saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters ami
determined to try that. After taking a
few doses I felt relieved, and soon there­
after was entirely cured, and have not
been sick a day since.
Neighbors of
mine have been cured of Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles
and General Debility.” This is what B F.
Bass, of Premont, N. C. writes. Only 50c
at City I)rug Store.
Orchard for Lease.
Th«- Bybee orchard a mile from Jack
sonville consisting of 30 acres, 11 acres of
prunes, balance in apples with a few»
peaches, will be leased for a term of
years to a responsible person.
barn ami outbuildings. Spring water
piped to house. For terms call on or
address William Bybee, Jacksonville, Ore.
Re-opened in the Palm-Hodge
block with the latest in Ladies
Articles, Perfumes,
Drugs, lite.
— -