Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 27, 1903, Image 3

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WILL idea of the magnitude of the placer min­
conducive to modern civilization nor to PROGRESSIVE
ing operations as carried on by these
the decent st Hiding of a town in the
IhsVI'l» ON
of the most jxipular gatherings with the
Portland now rank* fourth as a w heat
Governor Chamberlain has called a
farmers of the eastern states for they have
ex|x>rting port, that city for the 10
special session of the legislature to con­
found that it is a ncbuol for them where
vene at Salem on Monday, Jrecember 21.
C>l A Ml. MH Ml'HXMVk
KKITOk month* of this year having exported ♦,-
they may leirn methods by which the
518,787 bushel* of wheat. The first in the
T ie governor issved his call without se­
productive capacity of their farms can lx-
curing the pledge that h - expected from
I'.llti-ri-il ill the poatoffil«- <>( Jn< kkonville, rank for thia year is Galveston with IB,
And to such an extent do
Juck «ou County. Ort-gon. a* w< und »in»» mattet
3B9.B33 bushel*. New Orleans is second
the members as to having a short session,
these institutes influence the standard of
with fi,KIB.7iW bushel* and New York is farming communities tba* a ¡x-rson trav­ but the wily governor knowing the ave -
third with 8,197,758 bushels. New York,
age legislator’s weakness for a fine dinner,
eling through counties of the eastern
One year
fixed the date just liefore Christmas ex­
H im mollili* ....
.“!!> which since win at was first exported a
of the eastern state* can tell bv the am
Tluce inouïI»
1 pecting that the members in their anxiety
century ago from the United States has jx-aranic of the farmers ami their farms
held first place until a few years since, whether the institutes are held in their to get to their homes for Christmas din
Cl.i imiNo T kmmh
ner, will so soon as the tax law is recti­
steadily declining in the quantity
The Hmtlncl ami the Weekly Oirgxniai, will
counties or not. In those sections where
I h - will to one adilieaa tor f-’a year I lie Henn- which it handles each year and as Port­
fied, adjourn w.thout meddling with
institutes have been held the farmers
nel give* th« Jui'k*ol> county new» nini III« Ore
other legislation.
goiiiiin give* the «tate national nini world new«, land is increasing each year it will *>e
generally have a well kept apjxarance.
lini« U reader l* able Io cover Hie enure new*
but a short time until Oregon’s chief city
held ul nlxiul the price of but one |>a|x-t
good stock is raised, crop yields are high
Washington county is one of the count­
will get to I m - third in the list, but th at
and buildings a >d implements an- well ies of Oregon that is doing systematic
is as high as it will ever gel for thr Mis­
l'MiAt.ni aacnirrioN» The Jack «invilir Hmllnrl
earerl for and the farmers ami their work in the improvement of its roads and
wlll lie «ent to any addir**, ut nuy |>o»lotb< e ili sissippi Valley will always be the chi< f
wives are contented and progressive and this year the county has added eight
Ihe t'nited mute*, loi tour weck* lor IO ceni»
grain district of the United Status en ibl
All aulua'l|*llon». regular or trial, wlll I m - |>roiii|il
by their looks ami actions indicate that miles of Macadam road to its road sys­
|y «tolita-il ut thè dui« ot rxpiratloii. unlev» n re
mg Galveston anil N< w Orleans to keep to them farming is a profitable vocation.
newuf 1« rccclved.
tem. And this road has been built on'
in the lead
It has I cen only in the p ist few years s b-ntific m- tho s and not by ploying up
Friday,November 27,IVU3 There is talk, lots of talk being expend- that these ins itu e-> have become a fac­ the roadway and dumping a lot of un­
cd ii|M>n the road leading from Jackson­ tor in Oregon farm life and the Willam­ screened rocks up >n it as is done by so
ville to Medford and Central Point, but ette Valley ami other sections win re they many counties in this state.
Consolidation of *i li ol districts now the road continue* to meander about the have Ireen held they have been well at­
Doesn’t Respect O.d Alt-'-
Ix-mg effected in many counties of the chant'd of Jackson creek, people coming tended and the farm« rs express them-
wh< n youth fails to show
stale uml< r tin- new school law, will pro by way of the Mi dford road I ring com- selvi * as well pleased with the work of
¡»roper respect for old age, but just tlr-
baldy be undertaken by several districts ¡riled to ford that stream nine times the instiiute. These instit'itr s are held contrary in the ease of D-. King's N • v
in Jm k«on county. There is a move­ while those from Central Point j lunge under the auspices of the State Agricul­ Life Pills, They cut off mala lies no
ment under way to consolidate the into its wat-rs fourteen tiim ». When t tural College in conjunct.<>n with local matter how severe and rrespective of
Dyspepsia. Jaundice, ~
three districts in Sams Valley into one comes to road improv* nient Jacksonville organizations such as farmers' clubs, old age.
Cons’ipation all yield to this perfect Pill.
district and to put in a graded » bool is decidedly long on talk ami short on gianges ami boards of trade. The prin- 25c at C ty Drug Store.
The pro|a>siti'dl i' Ix-ing discussed of work ami is content to si* down ami let I cipal instructors are |.Tofe«s »rs sent out
joining to the Talent district district No. two- thirds of the [xq illation of Jackson l»y the colleges, but their work is .supple­
h King to the east of Talent and the
county reach the court} -eat the liest way­ mented always bv such lix’a! talent a-
W agner Creek ami Anderson Creek dia way they can. But this will cotne to an can be secured. At the institute to be
tricts that lie to the west of Talent. eml for the turn will come win n, if tl.e licl<l at Jacksonville on Saturday, Ilec
Talent now h is one of the lx-st graded js-ople can’t reach the court house, th, v ember 19. Dr \\ ithvci-ml e. director of
school* in the county and the three ad will bring the court house to them and the State Agricultural college at Corv.d
joining districts, taring unable to main then Jacksonville wi 1 m t ne troubled lis, has notified the Jacksonville board
tain the advanced grades in their school, with road tronb'e-or a> v other trouble-, of trade that he and three other j r les­
ar«- anxious to secure the benefits of the
sors from that college will attend. H. E.
Sons anil dan .lite , of <>..! Jackson who Lounsburv of Portland, traveling freight
Tab nt school.
The farmers arc learning that the *ys have gone from their native county to agent f< r tin Southern Pacific, will at- '
tern under which the rural ilistiicts have 1 seek their fortune-in the world arc in tend and the Company will assist all
t>ecn conducted is Imth CX| m naive ami numliers makn g them*« Ive* positions of they can o make the institute a success
la< king in the thoroughness that a school honor and influence in the various walks It is also exjiected to have Judge John
should have. A thr e month term ami ill life which they have t iken Up.
In H. Scott of Salem, president of the Ore­ THREE TRAINS to the EAST
twenty-live classes for a dozen scholars the legal iirofi-.si.nl of the Coast. W. 1 . gon Good R< ads Association, present to
give no practical results in the way of Herrin, son of J. S. Herrin the Well- give a talk - n practical road building.
Through Pullman standard and Tourist
educating the fanner boys ami g.rls. and known stockman of near Ashland, lias Tln-rc will also I k - short addresses bv sleeping cars dailv to Omaha, Chicago,
as this is an age of bri-.ins in which the attained to ah. lit tile lrgh st Jx>siti< n several r. sidents of this valley, jK-rsons Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
ignorant have no chance for success, the ■nd the largest salary of any attomei on who have made a study of local condi­ sleeping cars (personally conducted)
Mr. Herrin, who tions that farmers have to cont-nd with weekly to Chicago. Kansas City, reclin­
farmer who desires that his children' the Pacific Coast
some 2*1 vears ,g . and who have made a success in work. ing chair cars (seats free) to the East
shall have an education is compelled to
attorney for the While this will bv the first institute ever dailv.
send them away fiom home, l hc con
irv of £71,000 a held in the Rogue River valley yet
solidati d district gives to the country
D epart T ime S chedi les A rrive :
scholars the Manic educational advantag­ year. Mr Herrin has attained his high tin re is every assurance that it will have
From Portland.
es that those of the city enjoy ami it position by hard work ami merit alone the talent, the attendance and the sue- i Chicago
Salt Lake, Denver,
brings a decrease in ex|x-nse to the tax- i and not by any special pull and his suc­ cess of the best institutes that have vet Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
S| ecial
payer and the retention of the home in cess in life is a matter o< pride to all been held in Oregon._______
Kansas City, St. 4:30 p m
• .2D p. tri­ Louis. Chicago and
fluence to the cllildri n. Tile day of the ri sidents of Jackson conntv,
As there lias been at least one jail break via Hunt­ East.
small district and the ungraded school is
Tile little town of Newberg is pushing during each sheriff's imumbenev since
rapidly passing ami in its place is coming :
to the front a* one of the progressive the Jackson countv jail was built 25 years Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver,
the large district and the graded, fully
t .wns of Oregon. The electric light ago ami neatly every break has l>een 8:15 p. m. Ft. Worth. Omaha.
able ami ’
Kansas City, St.
plant of the tow n has Ixen recenti* en effected by prisoners forcing he lock t > via Hunt­ Louis, Chicago and 10:30 a ni
ington I East.
larged from a 500 light system to 1200 the outer door, it appears that i it would
disgrace lights. A furniture factory is soon to be
Walla Walla. Lew­
the in- j added to the industries of the town as a a door with a lock that would lie proof St. Paul iston.
jury from a business standpoint that prize res It of the effort of elle Newberg Ixiard against at least the work of a prisoner Fast Mail Wallace. Pullman,
6 p. m.
St. 7:35 a tn
fighting is jiermitteil to take place in of trade. Work on the building, which equipped only with a caseknife, , as was
Paul, Duluth. Mil­
Jacksonville, even under the guise of a
two storks high, is
Spokane waukee. Chicago
Ixixing match, and more is the disgrace now lindi r wav ami the order for the Of course prisoners could be kept locked
and East.
that such exhibitions of Bad Latids-Sw ill- ! machinery has I m - cii placed in the East in the cells, but as the jail is a detached
town ‘'pleasures” should take place in ami it is expected to arrive by the time building with no wav to heat it except
70 Hours
by the stove in the corridor they would
public ami I k - witness d by men and the building is ready to nceive it.
suffer terribly during cold, damp, winter
women who count themselves res|x-cta-
No Change of Cars.
the days, for the county provides no janitor
blc. Jacksonville is no longer a free and '
coal that is to solve the cheap fuel prob- to keep a fire in the stove, and the cells Tickets Eat t via all rail, or boat and rail
easy mining town where everything !
via Portland.
lem for Southern Oregon, for a vein of are so small that they could take no ex­
goes, even to a man for breakfast each
coal that assays 90.00 per cent carbon has ercise when confined in them.
day, nor is it a section from the “Bad
Ocean and River Schedule
been discovered near Roseburg. Devel­
Lands" of some big city, but on the con­
opment work is now under wav to ascer­
trary it is a town that has many attri­
tain the extent of the veins, w hich ap
butes ami adventages for the bitter that
All sailing dates
pearto be thick enough to make it profit ing a splendid work in bringing to the
are pushing it to the front as one of the
attention of the mining world the wealth 8 p. ni. subject to change. : 4 p. tn.
able to work.
best residence and business towns in Or­
For San Francisco-I
that Southern Oregon has in its mines
every five davs
egon and it is up to tin- business men
Now that the Iowa Lumlier «!v Box and through the efforts of this paper is
and the respectable element generally Company are going to haul their lumber due m tell of the impetus that has come
that this most serious handicap is lifted by team to Medford they will have a to the mining industry of this section Daily ex. C olumbia R iver .
from the town. The spectacle of a wo­ large financial interest in having a good within the past two years.
4 p.in.
In the edi­ Sunday
8 p. tn. To Astoria and
man chasing around the streets as was road between Jacksonville and Medford tion of last week the Journal had a fine
waylandings Sunday
Saturila y
witnessed in Jacksonville a few months and they can be counted upon to assist two page write up of several of the prin­
10 p. ui.
ago, importuning persons to buy tickets in the proposed improvement of the road cipal mines in the vicinity of Jackson­
A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt.,
to an exhibition of man's brutality is not between the two towns.
Portland, Oregon
ville that will give to the public a clear
S hort L ine
U nion P acific