Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 27, 1903, Image 2

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    E. Crump, «-.««h «me eleventh of ».ml re­ TIMIIHH LINO, ACT JI Nl, 3, |H?H NOTH I
i nk Ptilll.lC ATION.
maining ; r<He«-d» rcs|»-ctiiely. To Relief-
ca 11 Crump, a» guardian ad litem for John
1*. Hammond. Edith Vivien lliimmoiid,
Emma Morrill and hush to Dama
Uniteti St.il« « I,and fiffi« «-,
Carl Edw ird Hammond and Clara \lic<
McKenstrv; lot 8, blk «> Gold
Roseburg, <>r« gull, Sept 12. I! hi :I
Hammond, the remainder ol »«ml pro-
Notice is herein giv« ti ih.it in compii
cei ns to la-rei cncd by her u» »ui h guartl alice with the provisions ot Illi- in t of
H M Cosset ux to Rita Pruldy;
iati (or them in e«|ual pro|»ntion», that in Congii-ss of lune .'I. | m 7 h . i-ntnlcd ,,An
prop blk «», Meiiford .....................
the event of resistance on the part of am net tor the sili- of titilla r hinds in tin
Tressa Hubbard ami husb to Lil­
ol the defendants t<> partition of »aid pre St.itc of Cnlilorni.i < >r< gon, Nevada, ami
lian Damon; prop in Mcdf«*nl .
nn»c» bv such »ale. plaintiff* h ive iudg- Washington Territori," us extended
A R Merritt et ux to Frederick
ni< nl against such defendant» »o resisting to nil the Public I.,ind Stutts bv act of
Burk, ne‘4 of tie1» sec 3tl tp35 s.
for the costa and other dislmr»« mcnl* of August 4, IMPJ,
r 4 w....................................................
the »ml; that plaintiff have such other
Frederick Burk et ux to C A Rally ;
and further relief a» shall la- just and of Maid« n Rock. County of I’lerce, State
und S of ne of ne . sec 3B.
ts|uitable hi the premiaca.
tp 35 s, r 4 w.....................................
ol \\ isi oiisin ha* this dm filed in this of
This summon» is published b» order of lue his sworn »tut« incut N<> 5702, for tin-
Jas B Watkins to L R Parkhurst,
the Honorable II K Hanna, one of the purchiiM-of the West
n ‘i of ne and se of ne and
of till- H’j <*l
ne‘4 of nw *4 sec 32 t|> 35 s, r.3
judges of the alsne entitle«! court, made Section No lo in l'owiisliip No II South.
in chamlrers, «h-tols-r 23rd lisi.t.
t*.................. . ...... *•••••.......... ..............
Rang« No 4 West, ami will off« r proof to
The time in »uch order i»r«-M-rib< <! for «how that th«- Imd sought is more val-
Jeremiah ami Delia Nunan to J W
and Kate Myers; prop Valley
said publication is six weeks. The «late liable for it» limiter or »ton«- tliiin for
of tile first publication of this «mninon» agl icultllial pitr|H>»es. and to I stilili s||
view add. Jacksonville...................
Mary A Barber to Jas W ami K
is(>ctolM-r .’Hl. Itatl; the «late of the la»t Ins claim to said land la-for«- I •• Itoo'li,
Myers; lot 7, Valiev View a«ld,
publication of this summon» a» prescrib­ County judge, at hi» oflur at Grant»
ed in «aid order 1» Decemlier II, IIHKl. Pass, (In-gon oil Saturday tin- 12th «lay
J W and Kate Myer» to Addie Wil
The «late within which you are re«|Uire«l ol I >« i-i-nilcr 1 i » i :;.
liamson; same...................................
to up|s-ar and answer if serveil bi publi
He il ime» as witness«-»
J W and Kale Myer» to Addie W il­
cation is on or la-lore liecemlier II. IKI3.
Benjamin R S|Mil«ling of Bai Citv.
liamson; lot 7; Valley View add
Date«l nt Jacksonville, Jackson County. Wi»«-on»ir ; Franti» J. Spa filing of Waver
Jacksonville...................................... looo
< in-gon. Octobei SO, 100CT.
Iv, WiHcoiisin; A. W Silaby of Grants
J W ami Kate Myers to T J Wil­
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Pa»«, Oregon. Steri \\alsinghum of Hr.is
Oregon, for Jackson County.
liamson e l3 of lot 2 and e'j of
ingtoti, U'lsitiiisin.
lot t> blk 2 Jacksonville............... ..
200 Relrecca H. Crump. John H. I
Attorneys for plaintiff».
Any .«ml ail person» claiming advi'F
Eliza Evens and husb to Huldah E
th«- above-de»« ifl*cd lumi» arc ri­
Crump. J. Frank Crump,
Brown; «> acres, sec 14. tp 3!« s, r
qui »tcri to file th« ir claim» in tin» ««ft«««
Olive V. Crump, Ethel I.
I w...........
201 > Charles J. Crump, Harv« i L.
on <»r la-fore ».«id I2ih «la* of D< «'< mla-r
Abratn I. Jones et ux to B A Staf­
Crump and John Frank
ford prop sec 5, tp 3W s, r 1 e....... 1800
Edith VI » inn
Roseburg. Ore., Nov. I2tli., 1003
Jonas Fattig et ux to (k-o O Van
io 2. 12 II
Natta; 1 'j sec 5, tp 3!» s. r 1 e.....
Hammond and Clara Alice
Jno E Patter et ux to Ben Hay-
TIM IO II 1.1 NI», Cl T JI Nl .1, i<8—NOTH I
Hammond, minor heirs and
Congn »s of June 3. 1878. entitle«! “An ac<
I OK prill i ATKIN
mondine‘4 ofsw*4 sec 2. se *4
i children of Clara Alice Ham­
for the » de of I iiii I h r litml» in the State*
of uw1* sec 2. tp 35 », r 2 w
200 mond. «li cense«!, daughter of
-if California Oregon. Nevada anil Wash
Alice S Faster et al to R I, Bur«!ic
I 'mied Stal« » I. «ml < >fh« r.
Summons illgton Territory.' as extended to al! the ■
Josiah Crump by Reliecca H.
prop Greshaw st Ashland.......
Roseburg, Oregon. Se|d 12. Ilki.3
Crump, their next of km *
Public Laiwl States bv act of Aug. 1, IW.I2,
II C Stock, adtnr, to Albert H
Notice is berciti given that in «ompli
ami friend, and Walter Run
JO81 \H 1
Jones; prop in Ashland............
4i>l m-ls. liusfsHid of Elmira V. i
.mcc wuh tin- provision» of the act ol
«if Buncom, count« of Jackson, state <>( Congres» of June 3. 1878, entitled "An
Rebecca Ann Randles and husb to
Crump, «lecease«! daughter, '
< >rc„o«', hie* this «lay file«! in thi» office act for the nah- of timla-r land» m the
\V I Vawter; lot*
4 and n‘2 Llf
hlsswt.ru statement No .5843, for the Statcsot California Oregon, Nevada, ami
3.50 ■ if Josiah Crump, Plaintiffs,
lot 2 blk H, Medford..................
purchase of the n’j ol sc1* . sw
of »«■
Orrin Wakefield to Ira Wakefield;
Wa»liingt<>n Territori-.‘ a» extended to
and »e *4 of »w «4 of Section No. 32 in all till- Public Ialini States bl act of Aug
sw '4 sec 4. tp 3H s, r 3 e...............
1 Furman S. Crump. Thomas
Township No ;>!). », Range No 2 West, .1-1 I I ' •
Ira Wakefield to Orrin Wakefield;
A. Crump and William E.
and will offer pro«>f to show that the laml
prop in Fhcenix..............................
400 Crump.
sought is more viilu ible for tt» timtier or of Bal Citi, Contiti of Pierc«-, State ot
Mary M Parker am! husb to Isaac
I »efend.tuts.
»ton«- than for agricultural pur|Mi*e«, ami \\ i»«on»in ha» till» din fili-d in this office
Coffman; prop sec 2-5. tp 37 ». r 2
w........................................................... 1350
To William E. Crump, of almv«- named toestabhslihisclaimto».ii<1 land la-fore hi» »worn statement No 5703, for the
Sila* J. Dav. U. S Commission«r at pure ha»« of the NE'« of.Sc«t.oti No H
R 1* Neil et ux to M L Hicks por
<>rvg«*n, oi Thursday, tile in T««wn»liip No 41 Situili. Range No I
lot 1 blk 2. Ashland........................ : m » n »
In the name of the state of Oregon:
4th «lay ot February , l'.»i|.
Henry E Mitchell to Flora P
W«»t, ami wdl offer proof to show that
You are hereby require«! to ap|iear tn the
He mum » as witne-s«-»:
Mitchell. uml
of »•- lots 27
above entitle«! court ami cause ami ana- Cantrail of Buncom. J.uksoii Co., th«- lami sought is more valuable for il»
and 2M, 2P, blk D r r a«ld, Ash­
wer the complaint now on tile therein Oregon; Arthur K lineh «nun« r of Bun timln r or stone than for ag icultural pur
against you, within 10 • lays from the com. Jacksoil Co..Oreg. n;j«ihn !•’. Mtll«r (tones, ami to«»tibli»h hi» claim to sani
dale of the service of this summons of Jacksonville. Jackson Co.. Oregon; lami I h fore J. <> Booth, Countv Judge, at
The Companion as a Christmas Gift.
hi» offici at Grants Pa»s, Oregon, oil Sat
tijam you. if serv« d within Jackson Coun­ and Jeremiah Nuniti <>( Jacksonville.
The Youth’s Companion is one of the
urdav the I2’h «lav of Ih-cembcr 11»i3.
ty. Oregon; and if served within any otlii r Jackson Co.. <)reg**n.
few gifts that are always appropriate and County of Oregon, then within 2H days
He names a» witm ssc»
Any ami all ja-r»->ns claiming adv*-ra-lv
yet within reach of the smallest purse.
Francis J. Spalding of Wavrrlv, Wi»
from the date of th«- »«-rvice of thi» sum­ the aliove des* rd e«l lands ar«- request
It brings to every member of the family
cousin. Steri Walsingh itti of Btasington.
mons uja>n you; .«ml if scrve«l bi publica­
something of interest, something of value tion then <»n or before the last «lay of the e«l to file their claim* in tin» office **n or Wiscon«ri. A W. Silsbi of Grant» Pa*»
—a story that cheers, an article that car­ date prescribed in the order for the publi­ before »aid 4th <lay of February. I in >4.
< fregoli; George Cubi of Grant* Pa»*.
J. T. Bk umu ’ s .
ries the reader far-off countries or among cation of this summons, whfi h last «lav 11-21), 1-21»
< »regoli ;
Registi r
men who govern, a sketch that amuses, will !>e Decemtr.-r 11. 1'«I3, and you will
Aliy ami all jar-oll» claiming a«!i«-r»<
a poem that puts a bit of truth in a new
the altove <I«- m ii I ic 'I lands ate request
take notice that if you fail to soappear and
K>K I'cnucA rio.v
ami convincing way. a page of pictures
to tile their claim« in this orti« < on or
answer »aid conipla nt within said time
that holds the children spellbound. It is the plaintiffs will appiy to the above en­
licfore »aid 12th «lai of Ikccmlter, pm.'i.
I'nited States I.and office
America's home paper—a paper received
koHvhiirK Oregon
titled Cour: for th«- relief demanded in
Notice i* hereby given that tn compliant <* with 10 2, 12-11
weekly in tn »re than half a million house­ the complaint to wit: That but one com
Registi r.
the prut innifiw of the act of Cuti |( ret«» of Jtior 3rd
holds in the United States.
If you desire to make a Christmas pres ] et« nt per»on l e appointtd as referee Land* in th»' State» •>! (.alifornia or« gon TIMBER I.IND. ACT JI NI-. 3, |H"N—NOTH I
with direction by decree to pr<aeed Nevada and Washington Territory in r«tcnd
ent of the Companion, send the publish­
to a sale of the following describe«! real •d to all the public land sales by act of AugtiM I
ers the natm ami address of the person to
property, situated in Jackson Countv,
whom vou wish to give the Companion,
I KANCIS I »l-.H.IH»'.
United Ntat«-s Land Office,
with fl.75. the annual subscription price. Oregon, in which you own one-eleventh d Waverly, county of 1'iercx- -tale of Wisconsin
«iregoii. Sept. 12, 11103
interest to-wit:
has thi« «lay filed bi thi> iffiee In- «worn slate
They will send to the address named the
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
The S. E. quarter of the N. W. quarter nient No-i7«H. for th« pur base ot the NW*. of
Companion's Christmas Packet, all ready
of Sec. ID. Twp. 38S. of R. 2 W. of W. Section No Hill Township No II South Range ance with the provisions of th«- act «•<
for Christmas morning, containing the M.. containing 4<>acres, am! the S. half No i weal and will offer proof to show that the Congress of June 3. | h 7 m . entitled "An
land -ought is more valuable for its timfier oi
Companion Calendar for 1*. mi 4. lithograph­ of the N. E. quarter, the N. W. quarter stone
act for the sale of timber lands in the
than for agricultural purpose« and to • -t
ed in twelve colors ami gold, and sub­ of the N. E. quarter and the N. E. quarter abliah nis claim to said land before J <» Booth. States of California, Oregon. Nevada ami
County Judge it his office at Grant* 1-ass. ore-
scription certificate for the fiftv-two issu­
of the S. E. quarter of said Sec. P.f. Twp. gon, on Saturday, the !2th <lav it December, Washington Territory ,** as extended to
es for 11» >4.
all the public land states bv act of Aug­
S. R. 2 W. of W. M., containing UM) 190«.
The new- subscriber for l'.*»4 will re­
ust 4, 1M'.»2,
He names as witnesae»
acres. That it lie determined by said de­
A W silsby. of Grants I'asi. Oregon Georg«-
ceive all the issues of the Companion for cree that said property is not capable of
Culey, of Grants Pa»» Oregon Benjamin R
the remaining weeks of P»O3 free from
partition except by sale ami a division of spaMmg of Bay City Wisconsin. Slerl Walting «if Brasington. county of Pu ree, stat«- of
the time of subscription, also the Com­
Wisconsin, has this «itiv filed hi this of
of llrasington; Wisconsin
the proceeds; that bj- said decree it lie ham,
Any and all ja r«ons claiming adversely the fice his sworn statement No. 57«H> for the
panion Calendar for 1!M»4. lithographed
determined that plaintiff, Reliecca H. above descrilasl lands are re<|ue»tc<l to file their
in twelve colors and gold.
Crump, is entitled to a dower interest -laima in this office on or before -aid l.'tli day of purchase of the SE % of Section No. 2 ill
Annual Announcement Number, fully in said prenrises to the extent of tugiist It»«.-.
J. T llridg«-s
Township No I! South. Range No 4 West
10-2 12-11
describing the principal features of the
and will offer proof to show that the land
for the peri«*! of her natural life; that
Companion's new volume for 1 '•»>4 will be by said sale the «lower interest «if said riMBER I,AND AC I IC.NI-; 3 l*7s NOTICI- sought
more valuable for its
sent to any address free. The Youth's Rebecca H. Crump in sai l premises be
K>K l-rni.ICATIo.N
timber or »tone than for agri« ultural pur
Companion, 144 Berkley Street. Boston. sold; that said decree determine wliat .
(’lifted State* t.aiul Office
poses, and to establish his claim to sai«l
Roseburg, «(regou Sept 12, Ifstl
land lieforej. (I. Booth, Countv Judge,
jirojxirtion «if the proceeds arising from
Notic«- «» hereby given that in compliHiic«- with
■he .Divisions ol tile act of Congr«-*» of J iiih :: at Ills office at Grants Pass, On-gon, Sat
If you have any Timlx-r land you want
1ST» etititled 'An Act for th«- Sal«- ol Timlier urdav, the 12th day of Decemlier, I'.xi3,
in lieu of her dower in sai«l premises. f,and»
to sell—See T. C. Norris.
in the State* of California, «Ircgon Neva
He nann sas witnesses:
That the proceeds of said sale be applied la anti Washington Territory,' a* extended to
A. W Silsbv, of Grants Pass, Oregon;
ill the public land sales by act of August I, is'.u
as follows, to-wit:
.Margaret K. Spalding, of Bay City, count) of George Ctilev, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
First: For the payment of all the costs Pierce,
alate oi Wisconsin, ha* this «lay filetl in
an«l disbursements of this suit, and the this offic e her «worn stati ineiit .No oil.: for the William S|>alding. of Maiden Rock, Wis­
costs ami expenses of said sale and legal purchase of tile »Wq of Section No. In in Town con* n; Benjamin R. Spalding, of Bay-
ship No. II South, Kang«- No I. West anil will City, Wisconsin.
fees ami expenses <»f sai«l referee.
offer proof to show that th«- laml sought is more
Any and nil jiersons claiming adverse­
In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­
Second: That there be paid to said 1 vain «Ide for its tinilH-r or »ton«- than for agricul
egon, for Jackson County*,
Reliecca II. Crump such proportion of. tural purposes, and to eatablish her claim to said ly the above «lescribcd lands an- r« «|tiest
land liefore J «> Ikxith, Comity Judge, at III* <•<1 to fill- their claims in this office on or
Weston F. Shields, plaintiff I
the remaining proceeds as shall be «le- 1 office
at Grants l’ass. Oregon, on Saturday, tile before said 12th day of Decemlier, 11103
termined bv the Court to be due her in I .’th «lay <d Decemlier, ltio:i
Lillian Shields, defendant.
She name» as witnesses
lieu «if her «lower interest in said premises.
Amy M Chapinan «if River Falls, Wisconsin. 10-2, 12 11
To Lillian Shields, Defendant:
Third: That the balance of the proceeds I Francis
Spalding of Waverly, Wi-sonsin. Wil
In the name of the State of Oregon: of said sale be decreed to la- paid to the liani Spalding of .Maiden kick. Wisconsin, lien
Why worry with that old wornout mach­
You are hereby required to appear and parties herein as follows: To John II. jamin K Spalding of Hay City, Wi* onsin
Any ami all per*ins claiming adversely the ine when a small monthly outlay- will put
answer the Complaint filed against you Crump, J. Frank Crump, Olive V. Crump, ibove
desc-rilied lands are re<|ne»t«-«l to file their
in the above entitled suit within ten days Ethel I. Crump, Charles J. Crump, Harv- Haim» in this office on or liefor«- said 12th day of in it»« place tin- best, lightest running
machine marie. Th«- pavments are made
from the date of the service of this Sum­ 1 ey L. Crump, Walter Runnels, Furman S. December, 1WKL
to suit all. C. W. Conklin.
mons upon you, if served within this Crump, Thomas A. Crump, and William Kl-2, 12-11.
’ County, or it served within any other
County of this State, then within twenty
days froii tin date of the service upon
you, ami if by publication th« n within
six weeks from the date of tin- first
5tH) publication thereof; and if you fail so to
answer tor want thereof, the plaint)tt
<«) will take a default against you, and will
apply to the Court for the relief demanded
in his complaint, viz l**irst, fora decree
for ever dissolving, and holding (or
naught, the marriage contract now
< .» existing lietween plaintiff and defendant;
Second, tor a further decree awarding to
plaintiff the can- and custody of the three
37 12 minor children of plaintiff ami defendant,
and for a judgment against the defend­
ant for Plaintiff's costs and disbursements
herein to lie taxed.
This Summons i.s published hi the Jack­
sonville Sentinel tor six consecutive
weeks by order of th«- Hon. II K. Hanna
20 one of the judges of the Circuit Court of
th«- 1st. Jmlicial District of Oregon made
October S, IHO.3.
'M K i
hate of first publication, Oct. It», |U03.
Attornei s for Plaintitl
Real Estate Activities
| n *J|