Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 27, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. 1
JucK»onville, JacKson County, Oregon. Friday, November 27, 1903.
No. 29
Ihr National Holiday Appropriately Ob­
Marriage license» were issued this
served by (flan h Services and Various
wc< k to J*,. T. Lincoln ami Rose Sargent
I eativiti«*«. and to N. A. Hawkins ami Ella F. Bur
t’liKin Thanksgiving m i vices were
held ut the Pn »iry tcrian « huri'Ii Thur»
day «-veiling Rev F. S. Strange, pastor
of the Presbyterian church, ill a well
worded in vik ’. i 'i«*ii expre»«wd the thank»
that all American« feel for 'he many
bles»ing» thathavc "oim to their commu­
nities during the past year and that the
citizens of Jacksonville feel for the
health, hnppine-s und prosperity that
ha» I m « n theirs fur the past year. S| «•<:
ial music was r« ndcred by a large choir
comjiOM-d ol singer»from th«- two church
is with Mi- S 1'. R-.liInn- ut th.
organ. The M-rmon was «lelivererl by
Rev, Sanford Siivd«r, pastor of the
Methodist .'hur li.
Rev. Snyd* r in
forceful un«l p i»tiv< in hi» utterance» ami
hi» -«-rmoil. while a little out of the
ordinary for such occasions, w.i» a
thoughtful discourse that contain* d well
taken points on several matters ¡x-rtain-
ing to the Iretterm -nt of m iiikind. H
declared that Am«-rie>«n» have m<*r«- rea
-mi for being thankful to the God *>t the
mi verse than anv other
er ix-«»plc tor their
n i ’ ioii w is favored an*' I bless« <1 ilxivv nil
other- and jmlgli g th<
th« future bv the
pist the t'uit*d Stat« » is to Ire one of the
gr* atest nation» that the w«irl«l ha»
known its domain covering the American
«-ontinent from Point barrow in th*
North t<* Ca|M- Horn at the South There
wa» a f ur sized attendance and a ltlM-r ti
collection was taken tip for home mt»
sior.arv w*ork, the amount to be equally
divide«! between tile two churches
The athletic it* 1*1 at Mcdfonl was th
center of interest on Tlmrwlay and th*-
large crow<l ga licred at that tunc vvitn« »■
»e*l two inteicMting game» of toot ball,
on«- b«-twi-vii the Medford High School
and the Grant» Pass High S h****l and
the «>ther between the Jacksonville .m«l
M< «lf< rd team».
At three o'clock Ja* ks -nvillt- lined up
agunst Mel(<>r«l and th- latter te ini w.n
rung rhe **»s»eli-»*c to kick off and the
Ja' k-ouvill* team defemled the north
goal. The ball on til - kick off was sent
well down the field and w «» by Ulrich a
sh«>rt distance Ix-forc downed. The ball
(Concluded on |»agc H.)
Premium» lor (rood Roads.
Th«- Greater Sa’cm Comillcrci d Chib
has adopt«-«! a re» »lution providing a plan
bv which the city will stimulate the
building of |K-minnciit highways leading
into the city. Th« reare five roa*l dist­
ricts adjacent to Salem Tilt- club will
r.ii«-■« pur«-of
hi 1 divide it into
premiums of
»«I'Mt. £MK> and #?*••>. t<»
b awarded t<> the road district« act-onling
to the nmouut of money or labor v«dun
tecr.-«i bv the re»i«lent» of tin- «listrict for
tx-rm incut read buibling. It is provided,
liowev* r. that no premium shall lx.-
awarded for mori than 40 percent <»f the
value of the amount volunt -ered,
III addition to ibis, the County Court
will give a«lditional assistance to district­
in which r<> id work is contribute«!.
1 he
tnetnlx-rs of the club are confident that
the people of this vicinity will t ike up
the work enthusiastically, and that
Salem will soon be the center of a net­
work of first-ci.i»» road».
Only Makes a Bad Matter Morse.
Perhaps vou have never thought of it
but the fact must I* apparent to every
one that constipttlon is caused by a lack
of water in tin- system, and th«- use of
drastic catharti s like the old fashioned
pills onlv makes a bad matter worse.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­
lets are much mon- mild and gentle in
their effect, end when the proper dose is
taken their action is -<> natural that one
can liardlv realize it is th«- effect of the
medicine. Try a 25 cent bottle of them.
For sale by City Drug Store.
for Kent.
Two (im- store rooms, each 25xH0 feet
in White-Thomas brick block, Medford,
New. well-furnished rooms,
with n big warehouse in the rear. Apply
to White & Trowbridg«-.
At Urich’s
Carloa.l of Barley and Flour >1.25 and
JI.¡15 per 100 poun<h. Wasco hard wheat
flour. Portland's best.
New suits filed for hearing la-fore the
IA hiii I ht term of court are J. A. If trrey
vs S 1’. R. R. Co., action; 1». H. Miller
vs. j E. Enyart. action; .Mitchell. Lew:»
A Slaver vs Samuel Geary, action; Chas
Nickell vs. John Lowden; State of Oregon
v». W. J. ami E. A. Boosey.
The niiggi t digger» of Gold Hill of the
A O. I'. W lodge are planning to give a
giaml ball on New Years ev«- which they
promise is to I h - oiii - of the most enjova-
frie events held this winter in Jackson
county. The dance is io I m - held in the
lug line hul in the Carter A- DufField
new brick block. The music will I m - bv
De mane's famous orchis'ra of (»rants
Fas- ,ind a splendid supjx-r will lie s< rved.
I)r. Charles Hines and Mrs Hines who
have been »¡«ending two weeks in Jackson
countv where they have liven guests of
Mr- Pauline Hines of thia place, who is
a sister in-law of tin- Hoctor's, and at tile
home of Mr. ami Mrs. John Devbn of
Ruch, who ar« Mrs. Hines* parents, 1« ft
Werlnesd.av for California where they
will »¡x-n«i a couple of im n.hs aft* r wbi< h
they will return t > tlieir home in For» st
Grove, where th«- IXx-t *r has a (¡lie pr ic
tice and also owns a large «Irug -tore.
I >r Hines is a meinb-r <»f the Oregon
legislature fr >m Wa-hington countv and
he will return to Salem to I m - i re-* nt for
the sjs-cial session in ftecemlier af'er
which he will rejoin Mrs. Hines in Cal­
Marshal \V. G Kenn-y returned from
his outing on Squ«w creek where hr
s; ent a we*k with George Wait, who his
ch rge of the stock ranch that Geo. E.
N‘< ti’ier ha- up n<- ir S-priw Lake, where
be miw ha» 13 horses and 25 h< ad of
cattle which he 1» wintering on th*- fine
range «>f that section Mr Kennev stat »
•hat the contra'tors Lave the lower sec
tioii of the new road that the countv is
hiving built up the i ast ide of th*- Ap
piegate, all comp'ete<1 except about 4<M(
yards <>/ rock work at Boaz’» Point,
(in this point tb«-v have steam «Irills it
work iml will within a month have that
part of the road op n to travel.
John Wilson, who runs the stag«- am!
carries the mail between Jacksonville
and WatktrM had a n irrow escijie from
drowning Tue-dav while on his return t >
Ja ks.mville. Th«- Applegate was too
high f »r f »r*ling,w itb a v h cle so lie at-
tempted to bring out th* mail hor-elrack.
H«- made th«- up|H-r fords alright but at
The best stock ever brought to Med­
ford and the cheapest to be had in
Jackson County for the quality is at
The Pioneer Hardware Dealer.
The Charter Oak and the Acorn both
both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight
and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished
Steel Heaters of our own make, the best low-
priced airtight stove on the market.
Anything in the Hardware Line.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Swayne’» ford hi» lead horse become
tangled in the halter by which he had it
fa«tened to the horn <>f the -addle on the
h«*r-e he was riding and in the mix up
which follower! tile horse was drowned
and Mr. Wilson had a close call himself.
The les-» of the horse i» a serious hard­
ship to Mr. Wilson, as this .out«- is not a
very lucrative one during the winter
Mengoz will then put in a ditch to
water from upper Elliott creek to
ate a giant which he will install,
perien. ed miners predict th it the
ture will I k - a pronitable one and
Mr. Blazier w ill secure big returns
his investment.
To get perfect rest use one of those
silk flo-s or cot'o.i felt mattresses, They
are the best. C. W. Conklin.
J<3in Blazier of Portland, is having a
District Attorney A. E. Rcatnes, who
a placer mine opener! upon Ellio’.i cr< ek is also president of the Jacksonville Gas
that promises to yield good siz.<.d for ' Company, lias had th«- stove removed from
tun«- in gold. Elliott cnek channel ha- llis office ami has had three gas heaters,
so far ah t has been mine*! !>e u f und to ; one for each room, put in There is now
1» quite rich. I ut there i- a section of ' more than a donn gas heaters in use
marl*, a mile of the channel that n< ver about town ami there are also in use
could lx wo-ked bv tea-on of the hack s-. ve-al gas ranges for cooking purposes.
water caused bv a monster s i le of r<»ck While Jacksonville is at the foot of tiin-
having in the years ; ast come down from I ered hills and wood is plentiful yet
the lull and choked tlu- channel of the vet gas fi r fuel is coming rapidly into
creek. Mr. BL'zttr h.is «cured these general use. For lighting purposes it is
claims along this sect or of the cnek rapidlv sujx-rcedi: :r the kerosene lamps
and lie has a ton-e of five men under ami about all the bn iness houses and
Frank Meng >z, the well known mining offices «- well as a large number of resid­
man. at work blasting out this gorge ences are now lighted wi.h gas supplied
and opening up the chanm l so as to by the Jacksonville Gas Company. It
drain the claims above. So < xtensive is lias been le»» than a year since the pres­
this slide that it will be some tithe next ent plant of the Company was installed
spring liefore it is all removed. Mr. and its success has far exceeded the
Company's expectations.
have found the gas a cheaper and a bet­
ter illutninant than kerosene and far
safer and more convenient. As with tile
price of electric lighting in other towns,
it is cheaper than that method of light­
ing. For street lighting it has no super
ior as the lamps on the streets of Jackson­
ville prove.
Popudar Holiday Excursions.
Oregon All Wool Blankets
f lannels
• •
* *
• 4
• 4
* 4
4 »
T. K. Bolton and Emil I’eil. who have
been successfully conducting excursions
to San Francisco for several years, an­
nounce another, to take place «luring the
holidays. It will leave Ashland Satur­
day. Dee. 20th, on the noon train.
Round-trip tickets have lieen placed at
fid, good for 15 days.
In order that ample accomodations
may l>e arranged for. those intending to
make the trip are requested to inform the
management as early as possible.
The hundreds who have participated in
these excursions w ill testify to the enjoy­
ment afforded by them. The introduct­
ion of the New Year in San Francisco is
something worth w itnessing.
75c per pair
Gold Seal ili? pure Gum Boots.
Parker’s Hip Leather Sole Gum Boots.
Boston Rubber Double Sole Gum Boots.
Men’s, Boy’s and Ladies’ Knee Gum Boots
Lish and Mermaid brands Oil Clothing.
Our Stock is the Largest.
Prices always the Lowest
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes are
making human wrecks of sufferers from
Throat and Lung troubles.
But since
the advent of Dr. King’s New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
even the worst cases can lie cured, and
hopeless resignation is no longer necess­
ary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester,
Mass., is one of tnanv whose life was
saved by Dr. King’s New Discovery.
This great remedy is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lnng diseases bv City Drug
Price 50c and >1.00. Trial
bottles free.