Grttinq Apples lor Inhibition. Hon. John 1». Olwell, Oregon'» sii|M-r- intendeiit of horticultural exliildts for the St L oiiim Fair, arrive«! from his home in Jackson county Monday morning ami at tended a meeting of the State Coinmis- Mioncrs Mr. Olwell is part owner of one of the largest orchard» hi the »lute, and w is sr-lecte«! for his position by the fact of his Ix-mg a recognized authority on apples. S|M-aking of the exhibit for St. Louis, Mr. Olwell said: "We arc ii for other varieties. The season is a little late to get as much as we desire, but 1 um in ho|x-» that we «•an make a very g«»o«l showing ”We have not had as much ram during the summer as usual, but for ihe past week there have 1x-en abundant shower» sufficient water having fallen to start the placer miners to work, and many of the claims will have consiilcrablc ground worked off bv Christmas.” When asked his opinion regarding an extra session <»f th«- legislature, of which he is a memlx-r on the Democratic »ide, Mr Olwell sii'l "I think we should have an extra ses­ sion to »traighten out the tax law. My |x-oplc want It «lone, for it means a great deal to Jack «on county, I favor attend-I ing to that legislation ami then adjourn-! mg. I rather exjx-ct to lx- notified that an extra session has lx-en called."—Tel- I egratii. County, or if M-rved within any other County <>f this Stat«-, then within twenty days (roll th«- «late of the service upon you, and if by piibli« ation then within six we< k» from the date of the first publication tlu-reof; and if you fail m > to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a default against you, and will applv to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint, viz First, for a decree for ever dissolving, ami holding lor mtught, th«- marriage contract now existing between plaintiff ami defendant; Secoixl, for a further d««re<- awarding to plaintiff the car«- ami custody <>f the three minor children of plaintiff and defendant, and for a judgment against the defend­ ant for Plaintiff '»costsand disbursement» herein to lx- taxed. This Summon» is published in the Jack­ sonville Sentinel for six consecutive weeks bv oriler of the Hou. 11 K. Hanna one of th«- judges of the Circuit Court of th<- 1st. Judicial District of Oregon made Octolx r 8. 1993. Dale of first publication, Oct. IB, 1993. COLVIG ft DURHAM. Attorneys for Plaintiff. E. Crump, each one-eleventh of said re­ TIMBER I,AND, A< TJI NF. 3. 1878—NOTICE maining ; r<>< eeds rt-«pecti vely. To Rebec­ EOK PUBLICATION. ca 11 Crump, asguardian ad litem for John F. 1 l.uniiiond. Ek uixui ami friend, and Walter Run­ complaint filed against you therein with­ ance with the provisions of the act of the |x«st as a Ix-tirr period than the pres nels, husband of Elmira V. in six weeks from the dale of the first Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Crump, deceased daughter, ent publication of this summons, which «late act for the sale of timber lands in the The companion believes that the time of Josiah Crump, of first publication thereof is Friday, Oct­ States ot California Oregon. Nevada, ami Plaintiffs, mo*t full of promise is the time we arr ober 9, A. I). 1903, and you are hereby Washington Territory,” as extended to v». living in, and every weekly i»sue reflects notified that if you fail so to appear and all the Public Land States by act of Aug­ the spirit of looking forward «nd not Eurtnun S. Ciump, Thomas answer »aid complaint within said time, ust I. Istrj, A. Crump and William E. back. BENJAMIN K. SPALDING or otherwise plead thereto, the plaintiff To more than half a million American Crump. will apply to said court for the relief de­ of Bay City, County of Pierce, State of I fefeixbints. families it carrie» every week its message manded in said complaint, to-wit: For a Wisconsin has this day filed in this office of cheer. It» »toric» picture the true To William E. Crump, of above name«! judgment against you for sixteen hund his sworn statement No 5705, for the characteristics of the young men and defendants; red and fifty dollars, with interest there­ purchase of the NEJ» of Section No 8 women of America. It» articles bring In the name of the state ot Oregon: • on at the rate of 10 ter cent per annum in Township No 41 South, Range No 4 nearlv three million n adersin touch with the l»est thought of the most famous of You arc 1 ereby required to appear in the ami for his costs ami disbursements here­ Wi st, and will offer proof to show that above entitled court and cau*e ami ana- in. This summons is published pursuant the land sought is more valuable for its living men aiul women. Annual Announcement Num'zrr fully wer the complaint now on file therein to an order made by Hon. Charles Prim, timber or stone than for ag-icultural pur­ describing th- prim i|ml feature» of The against you, within 10 «lav*, from the Countv Judge of Jackson County, State poses. and to establish bis claim to said Companion'» new volume for 1994 will «late of the service of this summons of Oregon, made at chamber» in Jackson­ land before J. O. B'Xith, County Judge, at upon you, if aerved within Jackson Coun­ ville, Oregon, on the ."»th dav of October, his office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on Sat­ Ize »ent to any uddre»» free tv. Oregon; and ¡(served within any other 1903, which ord» r requires that this sum­ urday the 12th day of December 1903. The new subscriber for 1994 will re­ lie names as witnesses: ceive all the issues of the Companion f«»r County of Oregon, then within 20 «lays mons l>e published in the Jacksonville Francis J. Spalding of Waverly, Wis­ the remaining weeks of 1993 fre»- from from the date of the service of this sum­ Sentinel, a new»j»aj»er of general circula­ the time of »uliscription. also the Compan­ mons upon you; ami if serve«! bv publica- tion published in Jacksonville, Oregon, consin; Sterl Walsinglnm of Brasington. ti »n then on or Ix-forr th«- last «lav of the for a period of six consecutive weeks. Wisconsin; A. W. Silsby of Grants Pass. ion Calendar for 1fa*4, lithographed in date prescribed in the order for the publi ­ Oregon; George Culey of Grants Pass, J. R. NEIL. twelve colors ami gold. The Youth's Oregon; Attorney for Plaintiff. Comjianion, 144 Berkely Street. Bo»t«»n. cation of this summons, which last «lav- 10-9 11-17. will be December 11. 1903, and you will Any and all persons claiming adverse­ Mas* __________________ take not ice that if you fail to so apjtear and TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3. Is7* NOTICE ly the above-described lands are request­ FOR PUBLICATION. Mew Way ol Ising Chamberlain * Couth answer said complaint within said time ed to file their claims in this office on or Remedy. United States Land office. the plaintiffs will apply to the above en­ liefore said 12th dav of December, 1903. Roseburg Oregon. Sept 1-’. 1903. ' J. T. BRIDGES, Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from titled Cour' for the relief «lemanded in Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Register. Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As a the complaint t<> wit: That but one com­ '.he provision* of the act of Congress of June 3rd. 10-2. 12-11 pr. " Booth child. This they did and brought afauit of the N. E. quarter and theN. E. quarter ablish County Judge »t his office at Grant* 1-asS. Ore- States of California, Oregon, Nevada and a quick relief an«l cured the baby.' of the S. E. quarter of said Sec. 19, Twp. gon. on Saturday, the l'Jth day of December, Washington Territory,” as extended to all the public land states by act of Aug­ Till» remedy is for sale by City Drug 38 S. R. 2 W. of W. M., containing 160 190::. lie names as witnesses ust 4. lta. acre». That it I k - determined by said de­ Store. A W. Silsby. of Grants Pas*. Oregon: George cree that said projierty is not capable of Culey. of Granta Pass Oregon; Benjamin R STERI. M. WALSINGHAM Postmaster Merriman of Mr«lf«»nl »pent partition except by sale and a division of Spalding ol Bay City. Wisconsin; Sterl Walsing­ of Brasington, county of Pierce, state of some time in Jacksonville Sunday. Wisconsin, has this day filedin this of­ the proceeds; that by said «lecree it I k - ham, of Brasington; Wisconsin. Any and all persons claiming adversely the determined that plaintiff, Rebecca H. fice his sworn statement No. 5796 for the iliove described lands are requested to file their JACKSONVII.I.E Al’l-LF.fJATE STAGE llxxav W fndt . Driver Leaves Jacksonville Crump, is entitled to a «lower interest claims in this office on or before said 12th day of purchase of the SE *< of Section No. 2 in J. T. Bridges.' it»ily except H iiik I kv at 7 » in , arriving nt Ap­ in said premises to the extent of tugust IMS Township No 41 South, Range No 4 West 10-2 12-11 Register. plegate at ll a m Leave Applegate at II I • ar- i 1 ( for th«- period of her natural life; that ami will offer proof to show that the land rivuig at Jacksonville »t 3 |> in Closeconnection tniole with stage to Hteamlsiat »nd stage to Kubti by said sale the dower interest <»f said riMBEK LAND AC1 JI UNK 3. 1*7» -NOTICE sought is more valuable for its and Itavidson Rebecca II. Crump in said premises tie FOR I’UBL .ICATION timber or stone than for agricultural pur- JACKSONVILLE COI-I'EK MINES STAGE sold; that said «lecree determine what United States Land Office. ■ poses, ati«l to establish his claim to said J ollN R Wil. son Driver Leaves Jacksonville ’ proportion of the proceeds arising from Roseburg, Oregon. Sept 12. ItMJtt. j land before J. O. Booth, Countv Judge, at 7 a tn Monday». Wednesday» and Friday» lor Notice i* hereby given tlint in compliance with Knelt, Uniontown, Pnrcet. Watkins and Joe» Bar, said sale shall be paid Rebecca H. Crump the , rovi«ion» of the act ol Congress of June 3, at his office at Grants Pass, Oregon, Sat­ returning on the following days. in lieu of her dower in said premises. 1M7H. entitled 'An Act for the Sale of Timber urday, tlie 12th day of December, 1903, That the proceed» of said sale I k - applied Lands in the States of California. Oregon Neva­ He names as witnesses: da and Washington Territory.” as extended to as follows, to-wit: A. W. Silsby, of Grants Pass, Oregon; alt the public land sales by act of August I. 1S92 First: For the payment of all the costs Margaret R.Spalding, of Bay City, county of George Culey, of Grants Pass, Oregon; ami disbursements of this suit, and the l-ierce, state of Wisconsin, ha* this day filed in William Spalding, of Maiden Rock. Wis- this office her «vorn statement No. .»<<«3 for the costs and expenses of said sale and legal purchase of the SWJ^ of Section No. 10 in Town­ i cousin; Benjamin R. Spalding, of Bay SUMMONS. feesand expenses of said referee. ship No. 11 South. Range No. I. West, anil will j City. Wisconsin. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ Second: That there be paid to said offer proof to show that the land sought is more Any anti all persons claiming adverse­ vatu ible for its timber or stone than for agricul­ Reliecca H. Crump such projiortton of tural egon, for Jackson County. purpose*, ami to establish her claim to said ly the above described lands are request- the remaining proceeds as shall be de­ land before J. O. Booth. County Judge, at his | ed to file their claims in this office on or Weston F. Shields, plaintiff « termined bv the Court to be due her in office nt Grant* Pass. Oregon, on Saturday, the i before said 12th dav of Decemlier, 1903. vs. - day of Decemlier. 1903. lieu of her dower interest in said premises. 1 !th J. T. BRIDGES, Lillian Shields, defendant. She names as witnesses Third: That the balance of the proceeds To Lillian Shields, Defendant: Register. Amy M Chapman of River Falls. Wisconsin. 10-2. 12 11 In the name of the State of Oregon: of said sale I m - decreed to fa- paid to the Francis Spalding of Waverly, Wisconsin, Wil­ Spalding of Maiden Kock. Wisconsin. Ben You ar«- hereby required to appear and parties herein as follows: To John II. liam Why worry with that old wornout mach­ jamin R Spalding of HavCity, Wisconsin answer the Complaint filed against von Crump, J. Frank Crump, Olive V. Crump, Any and all persons claiming adversely the ine when a small monthly outlay will put in the above entitled suit within ten «lays Ethel I. Crump, Charles J. Crump, Harv­ above descrilx-d lands are requested to file their in its place the best, lightest running in this office on or before said 12th day of from the «late of the service of this Sum­ ey L. Crump, Walter Runnels, Furman S. claims machine made. The payments are made December. 1903. J T BRIDGES. mons upon you, if served within this Crump, Thomas A. Crump, and William 10-2, 12-11. Register. 1 to suit all. C. W. Conklin. |*»| LEGAL NOTICES. |*F| I I