LOCAL THE WALK-OVER NOTES Clarence Reeve returned home Monthly from Williams creek, where he has been spending a month at the home of his grandfather, \V. S. Chapman. Janies Fielder and Lew Slidel are grt- ting a placer claim on up|x*r J ack son creek in order and so toon as there i* sufficient water they will licgin mining. Father!. D. Murphy will solemnize the marriage of Miss Rose Sergeant and Theodore Lincoln at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Mosher hi Mrer grader for some time tor the Iowa Lumber & Box Company, has resigned his |»>sition and Fridav he and Mrs. Graham left for Spokane where they expect to reside. .A ' K W J. Hoosey. ii rancher residing three miles of Jacksonville and wholiasii pred election for getting into trouble with hi* neighbors, was with his soli Edward brought lieibre Justice Plymale Thur» drty on a charge of criminal trespass. Tin- state was represented by District Attor ney A !•' Rvalues and Mr. Boosry was his own attorney and lit* efforts made no latter showing for himself thin is usual in such cases and the result was that he ami his son were each found | guilty amt were bound over to iipl>ciir Ix-fore the circuit court Justice I riyin.de fixing their bonds at J’JIMI each, which 1 Mr Beekman furnished for them, The complainant witness was Mrs. Emily ■ Clark t who owns land adjoining that of Mr. Bsev. Booses churned a |«ut of Mrs. Clark's land and in the settlement of the resu'tant lawsuit County Surveyor Garl T. J on As run the division line be­ tween the land <>f tlx- two parties and Mrs. Clark to avoid |M>«sible trouble with Boosev built all the line fence at her own exjx-nsc and set it bark IK inches on her own laud. Booses though having no use for the ditch dug a ditch on the IK-inch strip of Mrs Clark’s land ami so loosened the jxists that III«- fence would not stand. This is the second ditch that he has dug iijxni the Clark latxl and the chances are that In has gotten himself in serious trouble. While looking for presents don't over look these hinds .me rugs. Over Audit ferent designs. C. W. Conklin's. A car load of If» meh pijx* arrived in fCjx REGi STEREO Jacksonville Monday from San Francisco for Albert Sturgis, who is having it haul­ ed to his mine on Forest ertek where he Condv. BEST SHOE ON EARTH will use it in piping water to the second giant that he is installing on his placer The largest assortment ever in Jackson­ ville. If.itnl math- and factory m ule. claim. « The Mode'l. Max Muller’s <>I<1 stand. Barley, millfeed, corn and wheat at the For Sale by Boss. Cheap as the market affords. Lhttes to Remember. Hon. W. H. Colvig who is supreme Thursday. Nov. 20— I’nion Thanksgiv­ ing services in Presbyterian church at overseer of the Supreme I/xlge, A. (). I’. 7:.'»np. in. Sermon bv Rev Sanford W., of America, left Wednewliy for Snvder. Washington and British Columbia, w hen­ lie will spend about 111 days looking af­ Thursday. Nov. 3rt—Grand Diinksgiv- General Merchandise Store ing ball in Jacksonville under auspice* ter the interests of ’.lie order in those jur­ of Native Daughters. isdictions. He expects to get back to Jacksonville by Saturday of next week. Monday, lk->' 14 — l>ecember term ut circuit court for Jackson county convenes Calling cards, the latest in style and at Jacksonville. printed so neatly as to resemble copper­ Saturday. Dre. It*—Farm« rs institute at plate work at the Sentinel office. Jacksonville under auspices <>f Jack­ Office one block south of Courthouse sonville board of trade with forrnoon, County judge Chas. Prim, who is cus- JACKSONVILLE, • • OREOON toditn of the court house, h is been hav afternoon and evening session* con­ ducted by professors from the Oregon ing seme needed repairs and renovations State Agricultural College. made alxiut the court house, among UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER which :s to replace the well-wtorn carjiet Filings and final proof made on homestead» Constipation. in Circuit Judge H. K. Hanna’s office re­ and timber claims. Corrected plat.» showing Health is absolutely ini|xmsible if placed by a linoleum of handsome de ­ all vacant lands Constipation be present. Many serious sign that was put down Thursday l»y C. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER cases of liver anil kidney complaint \V. Conklin the furniture man. Legal papers of all kinds made out. Special have sprung from neglected cotisti|Nition. attention given to papers in settlement of See those soon Taxes paid. Kents collected. Prompt reply Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic as there is sufficient water in the creek. to all letters Charges reasonable. The work is under the direction of A. piiiis vield t<> the penetrating influence Tharp, who is an ex|x-rienced miner and of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It pene­ REFERENCES: he will be assisted by Chas. Brown. The trates to the nerve and bonv and lx-ing absorlied into th«- blood. it* healing Hon H. K. Hanna judge of 1st judicial di»- land is all rich in mineral. Along the creek there are several acres of paving properties re conveyed to every pirt of trict. and any Jacksonville business man. placer land and the hill land has a numb­ the body, . nd effect some wonderful cures, ¿’»c. idle, $1.00. Sold by City er of fine showings in quartz, ledges. Drug Store. CPONEMILLER SILAS J. DAY Mrs. A. L. PEACHES Professional Carpet Weaver Has a new Flying Shuttle Ixxirn and is prepared to do strictly first- class work on carpets and rugs OREGON EAGLE POINT A Homey Magazine—each month helpful practicafand inspiring Fu 1 of fascinat­ ing features. Beautifully «llustrated. A million reader»' $1.00 per year. 10 cents a copy. A FREE sample copy to all requesting. Stoves The best stock ever brought to Med­ ford and the cheapest to be had in Jackson County for the quality is at D. H. MILLER’S The Pioneer Hardware Dealer. AGENTS WANTED G ood H ocsekf . bhng want» a subscrip­ tion representative in every city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offers attractive work and pavs exdeedingly liberal com­ missions It will pay you to investigate A postal card will bring particulars W rite at once S3 as to tie the first in your field. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO The Charter Oak and the Acorn both both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished Steel Heaters of our own make, the best low- priced airtight stove on the market. PLUMBING TINNING and (/onorai ropair work dono promptly and at a roasonahlo prioo E. S. WOLFER Mod tord 7th St. Shop Young People, Old People and All the People U'lll find at the CHRIS ULRICH Ä CO Store till- lx »1 of Ice Cream Confections Summer brinks fresh fruits (tinned fruits and Oysters Stationery, Cigars and To­ bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor 0. K. Barher Shop Win Pulii, Prop. I p-to Oatc Shop Three Fine Chairs flood Workmen. Two fine Bathrooms with the best tubs cleanest towels, etc BICYCLE STORE REPAIR SHOP AND Racycles, Ramblers and other standard bievdes Repairs made to bicycles sewing machines, guns and all kinds oí small machines. TED KELSO MEDFORD, - OREGON CHAS. H. BASVE Will conduct a gene­ ral Blacksmith busi­ ness at tho old GRQNEMILLER STAND Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. Pacific Coast Office, ."ill Columbian Builcing, San Francisco, Cal. AN ILLUSTRATED for all the MAGAZINE family Anything in the Hardware Line. Mail Orders Promptly Filled SATISFACTION GUARANTEED