JACKSONVILLE Vol. I _____ SENTINE JacKionville, Jack»on County, Oregon. Friday, November 20, 1903. No. 28 l'* u---------------------- u____ _____—_L C. W. Conklin’s, Hart, of the Iowa f.umlx-r & Box Co., the Jacksonville ach< ols are, Nannie Me SlabwiHid in stove lengths fl .00 jx-r load Fritz Ruch of Thompson creek passeil left Wednesday night by S. P. train for Callen of the Senior class. Gertrud«- Beide nt saw mill—lowu Lumber Co. through Jackson villi* Tuesday on his way their home in Council Bluffs, they going ami Verne Whipp of the Junior class, James Cronemiller an«l T. J. Kenney to PlKx-nix with a load of hides, which by wav of Sacramento and Ogden. Dur­ Jessie Wilson of the teachers’ review receive«! Tuesday a carload of th«- famous he dispose-«! of to the tannery at that ing their stay here they arranged for the class, Gertrude Whipp of the Freshman ¡place. Hr returned to Jackson ville Wed­ removal of tin ir planing mill and box class, Earl Shepherd in port-graduate Ashland mills flour. nesday an«l remained ov«-r night with his factory to Medford, the citizens of that studies. J. 1*. Harr and 1!. H Wright, two brother in-law, W. K. Hinkle, ami left place having raised them a Ixmus of /3,- Harvey Inlow- of Ttail creek, who ent­ rancher« from the Up|»er Applegate, Thursday for his home with a load of <100 to defray the expense of moving their ered the Normal a month ago received a were in Jacksonville Tuesday for a loud supplies. , plant. While her« President Haler and free scholarship for one year for the rea­ of supplies. Marshal W. G. Kenney lai'! aside his freasnryr Hart, who are th«- principal son that he obtained the highest average Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myers «'ante in star and left Friday for Squaw creek stock holders in the Iowa Lumber & Box percent in the eight grade examination from their (entral Point fruit farm where he will sjx-nd a week at Geo. Company, arranged for extensive im­ for the county last year. He is proving Tliursd iv mid w« re the guests over night Waite’s «-amp. Mr. Kenney w«-nt horse­ provements in their plant. After having himself to be one of the brightest stud­ of Mr. ami Mr«. T. J, Williamson. back and took with him two pack horse* laid idle for a couple of weeks the saw­ ents of the Freshman class. mill will lx- started up to saw- timbers for Joe McConnell, the Merlin merchant Chris t'lrirh X Co. receive«! a carload loaded with provisions to provide against the factory building at Mtdlord which who unarmed rai down and caught the the contingency of a famine, so the boys of flour and fee«! Wednesday. The flour During the mar­ will lx- double the size of the building Douglas county horse thief, two weeks is th«- famous Wasco brand of Eastern about town allege. they have here. So soon as the new •igo, is a graduate of the Normal, a mem­ Oregon and has a reputation equal to the shal's absence W. K. Hinkle is guarding building is up die machinery will lx* ber of the class of ’!«. The Eagle Point -hr |>e <«-e and quiet of the town in a man- Ix-st on the market. moved to it and then the building in boys remember what a wiry fellow Joe ni r quite satisfactory to all concerned. Jacksonville will be taken down ami was in foot-ball. The horse thief, Bice, A change in |s*stmaster at Trail has The merchants that hustle have no hauled to Medford and added to the new- realized that somebody had him when taken place Mrs. S. E. Inlow having re­ difficult) in securing trade and proving building. The l*ox factory and the plan­ Jo-.- got his clutches on him and brought signed and changed her residence to Ash­ land. Mrs. Mary E. Middlebusher has that Jacksonville is on«- of the best busi ing mill will lx- mad«- the largest and him to the ground and tied him. nrss points in Jackson county. C. W. best e«piip|xd in South« rn Oregon anil Seven o‘ the former students of the lx-« n appointed to the position. Conklin, the furniture man, has found i the saw mill her«- will lx- moved «luring Medford Academy are in the Normal, I n ion Thanksgiving services will lx- that true in his experience since his ar- I the winter months to a more central loc­ and three or four more will enter after held next Thursday evening at the Pre»- rival in Jacksonville last spring. Start- : ation hi their large body of timber back the holidays, among them James Martin, Io teriiiti Church. The sermon will l store rooms, one for the of Jacksonville and increased incapacity. who will leave Sitka. Alaska, on Dec. 15. given by Rev. Sanford Snyder. A free display of his furniture st«x-k and the The lumlx r will lx- hauled direct from James has been in the employ of Gov. will ofT. ring will lx* asked for Home other tor a work and packing room an«! the sawmill to the planing mill in Med­ Brady for a year and a half. His school Missions. All invited. for hts umlert iking stock, which was am- ' ford, making about a !• mile haul, but mates will gladly welcome him among pie space for his business at the time, all down grade and a goo«l road. them. There will ix* no services this week nt The second term ojx-ns next Monday, St. Josephs church next Sunday lH-ing but such has lx*cn the increase that now Home-cooked meals. 25 cents at Mrs the 23rd. th«* «lay for Father J. D. Murphy's ap- he is c«>m|x-lled to secure an a«lditional pointment at Ashland. The Sunday room. He has lease«! of Mr. Britt the Flory’s in the brick boarding house Deer Gathered Grape Crop. following Father Murphy will hold large double store room adjoining his second bkx*k north of the Court House furniture store, that has been occupied J. W. Bonar. who has a grape vineyard services tn Jacksonville and Medford. O. R. Bill, representing the American on Griffin creek on the road between bv Mrs. Thompson with her restaurant. Quaker Herbs, three (lockages for one Mr. Conklin has had gas fitting put in Tyjx- Founder Company of Portland and Phoenix and Jacksonville, and who dollar, at the City Drug Store. i for lighting an«! he is having the rooms one of the most popular and successful makes regular trips to Ashland with his salesmen on the road, was in J ickson- C. W. Matney, who h is Ix-en logging I put hi order to meet his needs. The ville Tuesday afternoon rustling up busi­ products, was in this city Tuesday and front room he will fit up f< r an under- related-while here the unusual way in for several years on Puget Sound, has re ness for his house which he hail lost his entire crop of turned with his family to his former taking parlor that wonl«i not lx* out of Ex-County Assessor J. C. Pendleton Muscat grapes. The Muscats had ixren home at Eagle Point, Wednesday lie place in the most up-to-date eastern was hi Jacksonville attending to some town an«l in which he will carry a line and Mrs Pendleton w*rc in Jacksonville left on the vines to attain their greatest business matters and looking up his old of caskets and furnishings that will not today. Mr. Pendleton attending to some lerfection by thorough ripening, and Mr. be stirp:is*4'v a work shop and store room. Tile four is at Table Rock where their fine farm is some distance from his house, for sev­ Woods of Grants Pass, who have charge rooms now occupied bv Mr. Conklin lies just to the cast of that historic ruck eral d ivs. Sunday lie went up to inspect of the timlier land In-longing to the gives him a floor spate sufficient to en­ and at the hub of Rogue river valley. the condition of his choicest variety, but Southern Pacific Riilroi««! coni|x«n'- in large his stock to all that the «lent «nds Central Point. Gold Hill and Eagle lie was nearly paralyzed with astonish­ this part of the state, have been in Jack­ <»f the trade will require for some time to Point, each being seven miles distant, ment to discover that his entire crop of sonville all of thia week attending to come and to etpial in size that of any Jacksonville, Medford and Woodville, muscats had disappeared. Hardlva bunch some business for the company There furniture and undertaking establishment each 12 miles, ami Ashland 22 miles and remained on the vines which covered an is much railroad land in this vicinilv n this part of Oregon. Grants Pass 23 miles distant. Mr. Pen­ acre of ground. Mr. Bonar was not long that is well timbered and a careful watch dleton states that the recent big rains in solving the mystery, for scattered all is kept so that no one can infringe on fine Jewelry, Holiday Notice. raised Rogue River several feet, but no over the vineyard were innumerable their property. We w ill take orders for Elgin, Waltham damage was done by the high water. In prints of tiny deer feet. The deer hav­ Th«- marriage took place* last Wednes- <>r anv of the lx*tter grade of watcln s. regard to the rearrangement of the pre ing lx?en driven from the upper levels of f the Jaeksonvill-Ceiitral Point road will ents." Prill. E. F. Washburn will dis­ cause during the winter months the loss cuss the advisability of adding a grade to of much trade to Jacksonville. the course of study in the high school at the beginning of another school year. Mrs. Max Muller and her son William Other topics of interest will be presented Muller have decided to return to their bv teachers ami parents ami it is hoped home in Jacksonville and expect to move that the past success of the school will here from Ashland about the first of be increased by this meeting and the December ii they can secure jxissession j meetings which will follow. of their house now occupied by Rev. F. (». Strange ami who is having difficulty A Runaway Bicycle, in securing another house there being* Terminated with an ugly cut on the none vacant in town. When they i leg of J. B. Ornt-r, Franklin Grove, Ill. moved to Ashland this fall from lakland j It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding California, they expected to make that I to doctors and remedies for four years. place their permanent home, but the high I Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured. It's altitude injurcil Mrs. Muller’s health and just as good for Burns, Scalds. Skin as she had always the best of health when 1 Eruptions and 1’iles. 25c, at City Drug residing in Jacksonville she has decided Store. to come back to her old home. COLD WEATHER COMFORTERS Oregon All Wool Blankets Laprobes Flannels Gold Seal Hip pure Gum Boots. Parker’s Hip Leather Sole Gum Boots. Boston Rubber Double Sole Gum Boots. Men’s. Boy’s and Ladies' Knee Gum Boots Fish and Mermaid brands Oil Clothing. Our Stock is the Largest. Prices always the Lowest.