Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 13, 1903, Image 4

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    I’RltlM I BOtlNMRIlS 10,11151111
37 * r 2 e, 11 2 mi. I S mi. n 2 mi, w 2‘j
mi. 11 I mi, w I mi tv *w cor sec 2 tp 37
Trail, No 27.—Beg. at quarter sec cor * r I e; 11 to Little Butte creek, «town
Ix'twecii secs 23 ami 2ti tp 34 s r 2 w . n to said stream to iiitersectio-1 of s line ot
quarter sec cor la-tween secs 23 and 2Htp MC 3 tp 3B s r I e; «• to *e cor *ec <>t «.ml
.'•3 s r 2 vv; n to n Ixiuml.irt of Jackson co, sec. 11 I mi. e 2 1111 lo s e cor sec 3B tp 35
n vaster! v along said boundary to line ■ * r 1 e; 11 3 mi to nw cor *»•«• IB tp 35 s r
Iretween ranges I ami two e; on said line 2 e; e B mi to ne cor sec 24 tp3.‘> s r 2 e; *
to sc cor tp 32 s r I e; s to Rogue river, 3 mi to sw cor s«c 31 tp 35 s r 3 w , «- on
following downstre i n along Rogue tp line 12 mi to se cor *ec 3B tp 35 * r 4 c.
river to s boundary sec 21 tp 34 s r I w; * on e Ixiumlary of Jackson co 12 mi tv
wto beginning. Polis Trail Creek scluxil Ix-gtiiniug
Poll* latke Crcik school
Flounce Rix-k; No. 11 — Beg. at n< cor
Big Butte. No. 7.*— Big. at se cor tp 35
Jackson co, running in a westerly direct­ * r 4 e: w 12 mt on said tp line to *w cor
ion oil n txHindary of said co to r line tp ;15 * r 3 «; n 3 mi. w H mi, n 2 mt w 5
between r's I and 2 e; on said r line to sc mi to svv cor sec 5 tp 35 s r I e, 11 nearly
cor see 3H tp 32 s r I e; w 2 mi, s to Rogue 3 mi to Rogue river, following Rogue
river, up said river ami mid fork of said river ami middle fork thenof until it
river to nw cor tp .33 s r 4 e; e on n line intersect* 11 line tp 35* r 3 «•; e on said
of said tp to e boundary Jackson co, n on tp line to ne cor tp 33 s r 4 e; s oil c
e line of said co to beginning. Polls at IxMimlary line of Jackson co 18 mi to
school house near P< ggs place.
beginning Poll* l.ower Big Butt« bridge
Wimer. No. 31.— Beg at *w cor sic at Vawter't school house.
IS tp 35 s r 4 w on w bound.« rv line
A Iso agent for the
Willow Springs No. 3D — Heg. at
Jackson co; n to n vv cor said co; in an quarter *cc Cor between sec* hi ami 17 t|>
easterly direction oil n boiimlarv ot s nd co 37 s r 2 w, n 2*j mi on tp line, e to Oreg
to range line between ranges 2 and 3 w. and Cai R R to where said R R intersects
on said range line to se cor see 30 tp 34 s co road in sec 33 tp 30 * r 2 w . 11 G mi to
r 3 w, w 2 mi to se cor sec 17 tp 35 s r 3 w ; 11 lioundarv *ec 33 tp 30 s r2 w.c to Bear
w on sec lines to beginning.
Polls at creek, following flown Bear creek, to
Thompson's store.
line lietween secs 27 ami 28 tp 50* r 2 w;
W’lxxivi lc, N< . 32. — Beg. on
t. side n to Rogue river, flown Rogue river
of Rogue river at a point where w line follow ing iiic ind« rings thcrof in tp liae
of Jackson co intersects slid river, n on lx-tween r's 2 ami 3 w , s on tp line to
w litis of said co to nw cor sec ¡'.» tp .15 * r quarter *ec cor < 11 w ixiumlarv, sec 18 t|>
4 w; e to ne cor sec 21 tp 35 s r 4 w ; s to 37 s r 2 w ; e to lx ginning. Polls at Wil­
se Cor of ne quarter of sec .'hi s r 4 vv; w 1 low S]>rn.g* M-h<‘ol house.
mi, s to Rogue river down meandering*
Gold Hill. No. 13. Beg. at quarter sec
of said river to beginning Polis at W < k ><1 cor on e Ixrundary line *< c 1.! tp 37 s r 3
ville school nouse.
w; w 2 mi. 11 2*i mi to tp line, w I mt to
Rock Point, No. 22 — Beg at se cor sw cor sec 34 tp 30 * r 2 w; n I mi, w G
Rea I Estate Dealer
sec 22 tp 37 s r 3 w; w 4 mi to sw cor sec
mt, it 5 tni. «- I G nii s G >>>■■ c G *ni, * to
1!» tp 37 s r 3 vv; n on tp ¡me to Rogue Rogue r:v< r to south bank, up river to ••
river; down meandering* ot said river to line of see- 13 tp 3ti s r 2 vv. s to Ix-ginning
a point where said river intersect* w line Polls at public hall.
I haw hi my lian I at tin- prr*ent time a large num*
of sec 25 tp .30 s r 4 w; e I tin; n on tp
Central Point, No. 8. B<g. on qtiar'cr
line to nw cor sec I9tp 35 s r 3 w; e 2 mi; sec cor lx-i se -s hi ami 17 tp 37 * r 2 w, «
livr of Batjaaiiis m HARM, !• RITT ami G ARDEN
n 2 tin; e 2 mi; s 5 mt to se cor s«c .”.4 tp to Bearcreek, down said creek northerly
LANDS, am! TOWN PROPERTY, <»l which the
35 s r.3 vv; vv 1 G tni; s to quarter sec cor to it lxfuml.irv of *e«- 34 tp 30 • r 2 w; w
between secs 28 and .‘13 tp .‘till * r 3 w; e G to county ro.ul. s on «aid road to O N L
ino is a pattial list.
mi; s 1 mi, s 4 mi to beginning. Polls at R R. se on '.lit! road to 11 bottmlary «ce 3
Rock Point school house.
tp 37 * r 2 w ; w to nw cor sec I tp 37 * r • 2 » No. I -Is .550 .n res more or less, .¡« ngu res
Sams Valley, No. 24. — Beg. at nw cor w; s to iteginning. Polls at town hall
No. II An Mil ,u re farm seven mile«
Rogue Riv«r Ix/ttom lam! all fenced,
sec 2 tp.'55 s r 3 w; n 2 mi; n 1 mi; e 2 mi
from railroad, l«vrl land, goof I soil, |.'l
South Medford. No. I!) — B> g at
g’xxl house, barn and other building«.
to ne cor sec 4 tp 35 s r 2 w; e 1 mi; s 2
cleared ami feiiced 2*1 acres in
point where R R V R R intersci is Gritim
I he balance, ulxnit 25l) acres, g<xx! for
mi; e s4 mi; s to Rogue river, down slid
pasture, remainder easily chared,
cn ek in sec 27 tp 37 * r 2 w ; 1 aster I y on
ttmlier-mil pisture. This place is sit­
river to a point s of quarter sec cor lx t said r r to iu ersection with 7th st in
Dwelling house well finished, cost uv-
uated on Rogue River, mar town.
secs 2 anil 11 tp :«B s r 3 w; n to center of
fAUU. Bearing
„ orchard, ........
- .....
Medford, 1 isterlv .<!• ng center of 7th st,
The land is of line quality. Price p-r
2 se tp 30 s r 3 w w G mi; n to beginning. to Bearcreek bridge, e acre»* bridge on
und springs; is sub-irrigated, and can
S2 5
Polls at (’«all's hall.
lie m.ulc otic of the liest 'inali f irms of
center of counts road in easterly direction
Antioch, No. 1. — Beg. at nw cor sec following deviations thereof to sw ci-rscc No. 2 Is i tract of ) >21) uer< s, til fetict <1.
Jackson county
Is owned by a non
I JIM) acres g.xxl alfalfa land, a stream
20 tp .'44 s r 2 w; e on sec line to Rogue R. 31 tp 37 s r I w; s 2 mi. w 2 mi, s I mi, w
resident who will give a bargain in or-
running through it of 15)) miners'
following meandering* thereof to w 3 tni. n 2 mi, e to e bank of < Iri.lm rr< 1 k.
<ler t<> sell quick.
inciti s of waler with which the whole
Ixmndarv line of e G of e G sec 14 tp 30 northerly to lx ginning
Polls at titx
33 -l5’-> acres, all in cultivation;
I2mi a re* <*an lx- irrigated. The other
s r 2 w ; n to line between secs 2 and 11 hall.
barn, etc., neat
. ..........
tp :!B s r 2 w ; w to s w cor sec 2 tp 30 s r
North Medford, N ». IB — Beg at pnnl
I m sold all together or divided.
well situated for reservoirs ami feed
2 w; n 2 mi; w 1 tni; n 5 tni; e 1 tni; n 2 where R R V R R intersects(»riliin 1 nek
This tract is situati d in No. 34. — I2IIB acres all imjiroved
mi to beginning. Polls at Antioch school in sec 27 tp 37 sr2 w; easterly on said
Klamath county, alxrut 2D mile* from
Fine l>ottom land, Rogue River run
R R to inters«< tion with 7th st m Me«l-
Klamath Falls, a county ro.ul running
Eagle point. No. 10. — Beg. at se cor ford, e-ts'erle along c< liter of 7th st to
ning through it; 5IM» acre* under irriga
I m it and a railroad now within a!x«ut
sec 22 tp 30 s r I e; w 0 mi to sw cor * <■ Bearcreek bridge, e ai ross said btidg. in
tion and Italance easily watered. G ixh I
50 mile* and building rapirli« toward*
20 tp 30 s r 1 w; n to Antelope crei k. easter, v direct on «»n center of co road to
buililiiigs and other improvements; six
it ami is certain to pis* mar by it. or
down Antelope creek to Little Butte sw cor sec 21 tp 37 s r I w; n 2 mi. w to
mile* from railroad, m ar poMoffice ami
cross it m 'he mar future. A g<xxl
creek, down Little Butte creek to Rogne Bear creek . up s.ii.l cr< < k to center lim
sihool. l 1 ine alfalfa.
*' ,r
or garden
farm lions« and barn ami corral* on
river w ith e line sec 31 tp 33 * r 1 e; s to sec 13 tp 37 s r 2 w; w on centi r line -ei »
land. !s thè i hea|s-st lumi in Jackson
sw cor sec 5 tp 35 s r 1 e; e 5 mi, s •5 mi, 13 14 arid 15 to (’»ritfin creek in se-.- |5 tp
county. l'ricr ¡x-r acre
$ M
all .Southern < »regoli. Prie» pr .li re
w 2 mi. s 1 tni to se cor sec 3 tp 30 s r 1 e; 37 s r 2 w; southerly along («riflin < r«-< k
$10. No. 36 ■1743 ¡ieri* of |M*ture land oli
w to Little Butte creek, up Little Butte to lag;lining. Polls—P< rry’s wareh* u*e.
Rogue River.
Will la- solfi at a bar
creek to intersection of e line of sec I«» tp
Barron. No. B. — Beg. at point of inter­ No. J— Hotis«- imi I lot* iti Phrx-ntx
30 s r 1 e; * on sec line to beginning. section of
M with state line liet Cai
Polls at Holmes' ware house
No. 19. 2G acres, three fourths of a
and Ore. easterly on saw! line to se cor
Mound. No. 20 — Beg. at se cor of m- Jackson co. 11 on tp lim- l<et r's I ami 5 e. No. 8—.V» a< res. house ami 2 barns. 12
mile from Medford. Good garden
acres Ixrttom lami, the baiarne, 43 a<
*4 of sec 34 tp 30 s r I w; w 4 mi to nw to ne cor tp 38 s r 4 e; w to nw cor sec 3
lami. I rood box house
res. all go«xl land, '4-mile from <lep>t;
cor of sw '4 sec 31 tp 30 s r lw. s 1 G mi, tp 38 s r 2 e; s 2 tni. w 2 mi. s 1 mi. w I
12 acres under ditch at the head of the |bl) u res on Applegate river, Iunlesto
w to Bear creek, down Bearcreek to in­ mi to se cor sec 13 tp 3 n s r I e; s on tp
Schixrl, I miles to store ami posloltici
ditch. Price.....................................$>()•»<»
tersection of w line <>f sec 27 tp 30 s r 2 line to se cor tp 3M s r I e; w to \V M. s to
Gtrod house, barn and other buildings
w; n on sec lines to intersection of Rogue beginning.
1 *
2:: acres all fem <-d alld III
Polls Neil ern
k ______
30 acres under cultivation, balance
river, up Rogue river to mouth of house near Dali Walker's.
cultivation. A house ami barn, alxmt
timlwr. Fine spring* for gravity water
Little Butte creek, up Little Butte ertek
50 fruit tte< s just coming into Ix-aring.
West Ashland, No. 5.—Beg. at a pant
ami irrigation. Is the making of a
to Antelope creek, up Antelojte creek to
where Bear ere«-k intersect* W M at a
tine fruit or stock farm.
Has good
e line sec 15 tp 30 s r 1 w; s on sec line print near sw cor sec 33 tp 38 * r I e; up
placer and quartz proxjx-ct*. Will lx-
to beginning. Polls at Mound *■ hool Bear « reek to Ashland cn-ek. up Ashland No.fl —I 15 acre* on Butte < re< k, 2’> acres
solil at a bargain......................................
in cultivation. 25 acres more to put in;
creek to headwaters thereof, intersecting
all fenced, fair buildings, Jackson No. 40 :J0 uerrs, on a creek affording
Phot-nix. No. 21. — Beg at -ecor of tp s bottmlary tp 3*.» sr I ent se cor sec 32,
county , Oregon. A bargain.
37 s r I w; w to sw cor tp 37 s r 1 w; s 3 w to W Si, n to liegioning.
plenty of g<x»d water; g<xxl soil and
mi. w 2 mi. s 1 mi, e 5% mt more or less Granite Hall.
line fruit lami. Three acres in alfalfa.
No. 12 204 acres, all under tern < . gixxl
to e boundary hue of Woodford-Reames
go<xl buildings; near go<x| schtxd and
5-r<x>m lions« , grxxl spring, water con
East Ashland, No. 3. — Beg. at inter­
I) L C in tp 38 s r 1 w; n I mi to line bet section of Bear creek at print near sw cor
oth< r advantages. $l5lM), one-half cash
veved to house by pip-. 2 g<xxl barns,
balance on time, is a big bargain.
secs 15 and 22 tp 38* r I w ; e to quarter sec 30 tp 38 s r I e; n to nw cor sec 30 tp
215 acres of choice lami tn cultivation,
sec cor between secs 14 ami 23 tp38 s r I w; 38 4 r I e; e
g<x>d for all kinds of grain, 30 or It) No. 41. HMM) acres of choice land
mi, n 2 mi. w 'i mi. n 2
11 I mi, e I G mi to tp line, n 2 mi to mi to nw cor tp 38 s r I e. e 3 mi, s 3
acres would produce grxxl alfalfa. This
ed * in
' tin early day.
Will lie *<»l<l ill
beginning. Polls Public hall, Phoenix tni. e 3mi to tp line bet r's I ami 2 e; son
is one of the lx-st farms iu the vailey .
tracts to suit. Will make fi flozen
______ or
Roxv. No. 23. — Beg. at st- cor tp 37 s said line to intersection of Oaml C stage
21. miles from Phoenix. Price jxr
20 fine farms. This is an oppirtunitv
r 1 w; w 4 mi. n 4 mi to nw cor sec IB tp road, westerly on said road ami on Main
$ 15
to secure a home in the
.... best put of
37 s r 1 w; w to Bear creek, following st, Ashland to print where said road
Bear creek down stream to s line of sec crosses Ashland creek, 11 on Ashland
a grxxl house, 2 barns lot) acres in
I tp 37 s r 2 w; e Io tp dine, n 1 '/t mi, e 4 creek trr junction then of to Bear creek,
No. 4 J. 10 acres of unimproved lami
cultivation Phor-nix.
mi, s to s w cor sec 14 tp 37 s r 1 w; e 2 down creek in nw direction to beginning.
Has some grxxl tir, pine ami oak. Most
ini to tji line, s 3 mi to beginning. Polls Polls at Opera house.
No. 15—138 acres on Rogue River, lori
of lami can be easily cleared; goon
at Red Top school house'
acres of as gorxl lami as any man could
South Ashland, No. I —Beg. at s< cor
soil, plentv of water; half .1 mile from
Climax, No. !». — Beg. at sw cor sec 15 tp3'.l s r I e; w 4 mi tosecerr sec 32 tp3!t s
wish for. No improvements. Thirty ' „..1.....1
school and church. Six Utiles
tp 38 s r I w; n 3 tni. w 3 mi, 11 3 mi, w 2 r I e; northerly intersecting ami along
acres of it could be tmitle ready for the
Bvb< c bridge. Price I ter airi
mi. n 4 tni to nw cor sec 35 tp 3li s r I w; headwaters of Ashland creek following
plow with 15 flays labor Price..$500
e •» mi to ne cor sec 34 tp 3B s r I e; s 2 meandering* of creek to print in Ashland
i. I"». Over HÓ acn
of good alfalfa
tni, e 1 ini, s 1 mi, e 2'^ mi s 2 mi, e 1 '2 where main st crosses said creek, easterly I No 25 -House and 3 lots in Phoenix, lots
lami; 50 acres Bear
r creek s bottom
oouom lami
mi to ne cor sec 28 tp 37 s r 2 e; s 4 mi to alimg main st and on O and C stage roa<l
with a large irrigation ditch.
se cor sec !• tp 38 s r 2 e; w 2 mi, s 1 mi, to e Ixrundary of tp 3!» s r 1 e, s t«> , No 26 —House ami 2 lots in Pbrx-nix, lots
first-class houses, two good bans and
liOx 120 feet each.
w 4 mi to beginning. Polls at Wyland beginning. Polls at city hall.
a line spring house.
land sen
j.-oong lami
ft for f200 an - acre.
— ___ Price
school house.
No. 3 —18 acres w< II improved,
Lake Creek, No. IB. — Beg se cor sec
Calcutta wheat bags, barley or oat bags.
barn ami other out buihli
..... iugs; one half No. 47. •City
proix-rty, 2 acres, tine new
:JB tp 37 s r 4 e; on e boundary Jackson co. Shawslteen linen bag twine, in lots to suit.
in young orchard; near Phoenix.
good well and barn. Good land.
w 15 tni on said tp line to sw cor sec 34 tp Niinan-Taylor Co.
I blocks from central school
Can furnish anything
in this line handled on
the Coast. Orders for
fine goods a specialty.