Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 13, 1903, Image 3

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Entere»! In the postoffic«- of Jacksonville
Jnck mil County. Oregon so accourt a Ins« tnaiu-r
HI.'aacaiKtlON R ai K»
(»lie year
Sil ilionth»
Three inoulha
fl jil
, 4 <»
Cl.i HKI.su TUMM*
The Rrutinrl Hlltl III«' Wo kly <n• gotnnii will
I m wni to one u'I'Iirs« tor f.’ n year Tin- H«-nti-
ne I gives th«- Juckaon comity newt mid tin- die
guillan give« the Male, nationnl hik I world nrwt,
Ilui» a traiter I» able to cover th« entire new»
held at m I muii th«- price ul l«it one papei
I’ miai s < H»«, mum ionm r hr Jack- mhi ville Kr nt inri
will l*r Miit Io Mil/ Mitrili
Ml any | n /M h H i < «* in
ihr ('nitrii Sinti ■», lor lour w’iiu lor hi ernt«
All mi L m i I pl ion*, regular or trini, will hr prompt
ly MofHHtl nt the date ul <** plfMtir/n, iinlm* n r<
rirwnl I» ircrivrd
Friday, November 13,1900
all unhealthy rivalry, all M-lli»)i ambi­ I he I eadmq Oreqon Agricultural Paper
tion. Faithful adlieicni'e to (I icm - priu-
The Oregon Agriculturist and Rural
cipnlswill irisur, our mental, moral,
Northwest, and the Jacksonville Sentinel for the student and the writer,
• mm ' ui I, and material adv.uicemciit."
1 lx»ih for /I .50 a year, and lx»th pajiers
Tlii* grange lalxir* to firing producer* stop|x-d at end of year if subscription not as an authoritalivi reference book
ami conMimt-r* into friendly relation* renewed.
for schools, families and business
The Sentinel is the only ¡laper publish­
and attempt* to chca|M*n tue transport­
there i.; one Ixjok which of­
ing facilitie* iM'tween the»»- cbi»*e*. ed at tin-county seat of Jackson county.
The Oregon Agriculturist is published fers superior advantages Loth in
Formerly, in many *c-cti<m*of tbi* coun­ seiniiiionthly at Portland and it is one of
try at least, th«- main object of the tin- largest. I m si edited and most ¡xipular the solid value of its information,
granger M-vim-d to !»«■ to get hi. ¡»urclias- ngrii ultr.ral pijiers of the Pacific Coast. and the ease with which it is ob­
c* at a» low a price at ¡xrasible, but now It ha* departments devoted to etr h class tained.
of farm work and it is an allaround paper
th«- order lia* grown and broadened un­ for the farm and the house. #1.50 gets
One’s admiration for Webster’s
til th«- objects ¡ire many and of higher the Jacksonville Sentim land tile Oregon
International Dictionary increases
pt.r,H>rt th hi mere financial Irettennent. Agriculturist.
daily as it comes to be better
The grange take* an active part in pro-
Only Make» a Bad Matter Worse.
moling the ciiim - of education and e»-
Perhaps you have never thought of it known. It never refuses the infor­
penally urge* the practical study of but the fact must la- apparent lo evi-rv mation sought and it never over­
agriculture, domestic *cicnce. and the one that constipation is caused by a lack whelms one with a mass of mis­
arts that adorn the home. In fact the of water in the system, and the use of
drastic catliarti s like the old f e-hioned
order «funds for a greater pros|.crity and pills only makes a bad matter worse. information illogically arranged.
The St. James Gazette- of Ixindon,
contentment among the farmers who ¡»re Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­
isolarcd to M»mc extent from th«- social lets are much more mild and gentle in England, says: For the teacher, the pu­
life of the villages and town*. Rural tel­ their effect, and when 'he pro|s-r dose is pil, the student and the litterateur, there
taken their action is m , natural th it one is nothing l»etter; it »overs everything.
ephone and good road* ar«- advrxtatcd can hardly realize 1» is the effect of the
The New and Enlarged Edition
becauM- »he former, liesid« its ¡»Tactical medicine. Try a 25 ci nt bottle of tin in.
use, i* a k j »leu 11 id mean* of enlivening For sale by City Drug Store .
recently issued has 25,iX>0 new
the monotony of farm life, ami the latter
.Slabwood in stove lengths fl. < P > p«- lo id
Iermits rur.tl mail rout.* t<> lx- main at saw mill—Iowa Lumlrcr Co.
There haa lx-« 11 some <!i*cu«*ion among tamed, allow* the |»r«aluce of the f irm to
Th«- D«-ci mlier Delineator (Christmas
the business men and farmer* in tin- lx- marketed at anv time tosiiit the farm- numlicr) represents the hi.'li w.<ter mark
neiglilMirhood of Jacksonville about the ci am) is the means of communication 1»e of b«-atuy and utility, and |>os»iblv of
or il ill -n al» «. in a woman'» magaz lie.
oigam/ation of a grange and we lielievc twe< n the pr«xlucer and the consumer.
having a first edition of more than a ni l
thm agitation to be a timely one. The
This organization has exert« «1 tin- lion copies. It contains 240 [»ages To
Order of the Patrons of Husbamlry had greatest influence known in making produce thi* mammoth edition "M2 tons
it» origin in the mind of o. II Kelley, u farm life attra«tive to the boys and girl* of pajM-r and 4*. • presses workiug 2-5 «lavs
New Englander who went t«» Minnesota and in bringing sunshine and happmc*» were required. In addition to exqu site
color work, clever fic ion and strikingly
in his earlv manhood and liecamc a f.inn­ into the farm home. Should an org tni illustrated articles, tile numb' r includes
er there, but was apjxiinte'l a clerk in ration «»f a Icwal Grange lx- effect««! in a display of charming winter fashions
the Dc|Mirtnicnt of Agriculture in 1 moi 1 this place it would I»«- of great value l(( covering fortv-two pagi ». letters from .11«
and two years later was comni'»sionc«l by all of farmer* in the vicinity of Jackson­ ‘ foreign fashion 0 liters and illustrated
articles on fashion ible fabr.es and trim-
lion. Isaac Newton, Commissioner of ville and al*o tin- resident* of the town, tilings.
„ millinery,
,. etc. There are many
Agriculture, to visit the Southern stati s The systimatic work that it would ca r rv la-autiful art features, among th«-m four
to obtain information com criiiug the <,u would benefit all cla*»e*. It» inter- I «ages in colors rrjirvsenting Baloliood,
condition <>f the South, It ua* during , (-»t in education would help the scliool; Childh xMl, Girlhood and Motin rh(x»d—
the work of Bcrnark. j. Ros« nui'-rer.
this trip that he thought of a secret so- it agitation for Ix-tter communication For tin- children th« re are interesting
ciety of agriculturists for the protection would bring rural telephones into use in games and stories and for the houst wife
and advancement of their interests. a short tiuu and would hasten the day many practical suggestions in cookery
With six other men he organized the of passible roads in tin- winter season; ami other household detriment* for the
Christmas -eason.
first National Grange. From the first I its influi nee wi-ul«! »«cure latter freight
Thousand» of catt e have l»een driven
wonf n have had full memlx-rsliip and rate s to the markets an<! as a result more to stations -long the railroad in this
their co-o|M-raticn has been of great ilioue» would la* left at horn« lo lie used county from Butte C'eek vallev and
value to the older.
in improving the country and in making East« rn On gon |x>ints and several thou­
Tile National Grange has formulated the homes more comfortable and attrict- sand more are extiected mm > ii , before the
rouds become bad for driving.
the following general objects.
b inds of slice,» have also b en driven out.
"I. Fnited by the strong and faithful
At the meetings such practical ques­ The great stampede at pr«s nt is due to
tie of Agriculture, we mutually resolve tions a* th«- following are discii»vd: ”Bv tile high ¡»rice of hay and its scarcity.
to lalM>r for the good of our Order, our what means may »oil l»e improved?” Beef is also cheaper on this account at
wholesale, by reason of forced sale», in
country, and otir mankind.
"What ar»i the effects of draining?" preference to wintering without suffici­
”2. We heartily endorse the motto; "Which is ol more value, surface or ent feed at reasonable rates.—Yreka
•In essential*, unity; in nonessentials, underdrains an«l why?" What is the ef­ Journal.
New suit» lile<l this week for circuit
lilx-rty; in al) things, charity.'
fect <>f dew and rain and frost <m the
court were Emma Hughes v». Henrv
••3. We shall endeavor to advance our soil?"
Th«- intelligent discussion of Huglii-s, Ida Mvers vs. E. B. Mvers.
cause by laboring to accomplish tin- fol- such topic» is of unquestionable value to
Mis. W. M. Ca'vig has bien ab»ent
low mg objects:
the farmer and orchardi»t. Th« exjx ri- this week on D. of 11. work.
••To devel qw a better and higher man- enced can aid th« inexjieriemed and new
Tiic Best Liniment.
hood and womanhoo«l among ourselves, ideas will lx- lM»rn from this interchange
Pain Balm is consid­
to enhance the comforts and attractions of thought, and working in conjunction
ered the l>est liniment on the market.”
of our homes, and strengthen our attach­ with the Agricultural College and the writ« Post it Bliss, of Georgia. Vt. No
ments to our pursuits. To foster llltltll d State Grange officials profitable institu­ other liniment will lit al a cut or bruise
so promptly.
No other affords such
understanding mid Co-ojs ration.
To tes Ci uld lie held.
quick relief from rheumatic (tains. No
maintain inviolate our law», and to emu­
other is so valuable for deep seated pains
A marriage license was issued this like lame back and pains in the chest.
late each other in lalxir, to hasten tile
good time coming. To reduce our ex-
Give this liniment a trial ami von will
For Sal«—C.ood house and six lots in never wish to l>e without it. Sold bv
¡x-iises, Ixttli individual alle eor|M>rate.
City Drug Store.
To buy less and jiroduce mor»-, in order | Phoenix, inquire of Matt Callioud.
to make our farmers self sustaining. To
diversity our crops, and crop no more
than we can cultivate. To condense the
weight of our ex|x>rt», selling less in the
bushel and more on hoof and in fleece;
les* in lint, and more 111 warp and woof.
To systematize our work and calculate
intelligent!v on probabilities. To dis­
countenance the credit system, the !
mortgage system, the fashion system,
and every Other system tending lo pro- I
digality and bankruptcy.
•‘We propone meeting together, talk­
ing together, working together, buying
together, selling together, and, in gener­
al, acting together for our mutual pro­
tection and advancement, if occasion I
may require. We shall constantly strive
to secure entire harmony, good will,
vital Brotherhood among ourselves, and
to make our Order perpetual. We shall
earnestly endeavor to auppress personal,
local, sectional and national prejudices.
'^yhat is it
I’rojiortionate in price that ha» given you more
lasting satisfaction than
Fine Portrait
The pleasure derived from most possessions is tem|x»rarv
but a |x>rtrait is a human document and is often the only
means by which you arc rememliered.
words and phrases, 2364 pages
and .500G illustrations.
Our name is on the title-|»airea of ull IF«-
auth<-nti<- dictionary* of the Webater oeri«—.
"A Test in Pronunciation'* which afford« a
pJeaMmt and instructive evening'« entertain­
ment. IlluMt rated immphlet al«o free.
G.A C. .MERRIAM t’O.. Pub*., Sprinirtield, .Ma«-
S hort L ine
3 Miles Northeast of Jacksonville
U nion P acific
Through Pullin in standard and Tourist
sleeping cars dailv to Omaha, Chicago.
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas Citv, reclin­
ing chair cars (seats free) to the East
*T imk
D epart
Sj ecial
>:20 p. m.
via Hunt­
8:15 j). in.
via Hunt­
St. l’aul
Fast Mail
0 p. ill.
S chedules
From Portland.
A rrive :
Salt Lake, Denver.
Ft. Worth. Omaha.
Kansas City, St. 4:3t) p in
Louis. Chicago and
Salt Lake. Denver.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. 1O:.'»O a ni
Louis, Chicago and
Walla Walla. I.« w-
Wallace, Pullman.
Paul, Duluth, Mil­
waukee, Chicago
and East.
70 Hours
No Change of Cars.
Tickets Eaet via all rail, or boat and rail
via Portland.
Ocean and River Schedule
8 p. in.
BEALL makes ’em at the
Daily ex.
8 p. tn.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco-
sail every five (lavs
C oli MB ia R iver
To Astoria and
Saturila v
way landings
10 p. ni.
4 p.in.
A. L. CRAIG. Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon