Antoni (tssowski, the Polish agi III from Chicago who ex|H*ct» to locate alxiut 2,(MM) of III» country men ill Oregon. LAWYERS Zack Cameron of Uniontown spent a i x|xi’ls to arrive hi tin» state iitxHit I Ha Will practice in all the Courts of the ellilxT 20 with Ills colonists Mr. I day in Jacksonville this week State sowski has secured an option on several P F. Swayne the’ Xpplegate farmer thousand acres of land in ar Eugene and * . M Cabli. J«ikw«vlll<. SCHOOL BOOKS All the books required in theComm nandHigh Schools. Tablets, Pen­ cils, Ink, Pens, Slates and sponges. Prices that will save you money. Chatnlierlain's Stomach and Liver Tab W. R. Stansell returned Sunday from Portland where lie had lieen attending lets and Ix-coining a favorite for stotna li troubles and <-onsti|Mti<>i>. For sale bv , Filings and final pruot» for homestead, to business matters. Fine grade <>/’ C7G lA'S City Drug Store. and timber claims made h:i tidied P. H Daily, county school sii|x*rin- Frank Meiigoz. who is associated with O regon lenilcnt. st irted Mi inlay on an ins|>ect- J ackionville ]. E. Blazier of Portland in the owner ion trip to the schools of the county. Special attention given to ship of a mini on Elliott creek, has this Prescription» Horace Pelton, of the firm of Pelton week liegun blasting and drilling awnv Bros, cattle men, of Sams Valley, was a some rix'k on their projierty which inter 1 busitness visitor in town Wednesday. feres with developin nt w >ik Mr. • LAWYER J. W. ROBINSON M. D. M. M. Taylor and Chas. Nun in s|ient Mengoz, with E W. Anderson went into' Rroprislor, Office opposite Court Hou* last Sunday at Wellen, guests of H Von the mine some two weeks ago with |iMMt j JacKsonville, • Ore (xiunds Office on California street one Gus Mitcnell. who hail lx-en making a el with the work of complet­ block south of the court house. visit to his uncle, Peter Bosonett, of ing the club house, and put in the ns Oregon Jacksonville. - • Montague, was suniinond home Momliy seinbly rixim. sleeping room», dining 1 by the serious illness of his baby. The rixrin and k tchcn, making it a throughly I equipped domii ile for club pur|s>srs. chilli has since improved. Ste|rv were also taken lixikiug toward Lester Rodgers of Sains Valiev w:w a the building of the boats, a I km I house, • JEWELER Mr. and the employment of a ke< |rk< r in tin same Mr. Wooden while here made filial proof organization, each belli meeting» tn Jai k Millville this week. (.apt. Malione. who on a timber claim which he holds. was a captain til Rix>scvi It’s Rough Next Sunday morning at 8:30 a. tn. at Ruhr» in the war in Cuba, anil who ha» Veterinary Surgeon. the Catholic church in this ¡»lace will oc lieen a wide traveler. »ses»ion were candy The finest Caromels Swiss I two inches being reported at Ruch, 8 several articles which seemed to connect express t ra a stirred Creams and BonBons a specialty. I inches at Sterling ami 9 inches on Forest him with the Talent theft Mr. Diinlat» Prompt delivery to Nuts, Fruits and Canned Goods Creek. This week the rains have been was notified and went to Montague and all parts of the city All kinds of Soft Drinks handled. i continuous and quite heavy. identified several of the articles. Gra­ ham signified his willingness to return to Our new Fall patterns arc ready for Plain Mixed Candy Chargo» Ro attonabln your inspection. Measurements tak­ Oregon, and was landed in the jail here IO Cents per Pound. en. Fit guaranteed or no acceptance. Tuesday. He also had a Ixix of jewelry ( supjxised to have Ixen stolen from a 1 Nunan-Tayior Co. store at Roseburg. Graham was given a Best Liniment on Earth. Jno. Rankin and wife, visited this preliminary hearing Wednesday before j week the formers brother-in-law, living justice W. J. Plymale of Jacksonville Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water I on Up|*r Rogue River. Mr. Rankin and held for the next term of circuit Works, Shullsburg, Wis , writes --| has recently been working with A. court. have tried many kinds of linitiieni but Manufacturer of ' Leanard learning to make candies. He I have never received much l>< nfit until I Candy. Guaraneed Pure expects to soon leave for the Northern used Ballard’» Snow Liniment for then The largest assortment ever in Jackson­ mutism and pain«, i think it tin |H »t Homemade Candy | t»art of the state where, if he can find a ville. Hand made and factory made. hniiii. nt on earth.” 25c. .'sic, <| ()n. suitable location, lie may decide to o|x*n The Model, Max Muller's old stand. a confectionery business. S>ld by City Drug Store t'NITEO STATES LAND COM MISSIONED R. NEIL A E REAMES D G. GALE. M. D WHAT’S THAT? pus NEWBURY The new hill Under­ wear at tne Toggery. SMOKING JACKETS BATH ROBES NEW EAll TIES BIC FASHIONABLE SHAPES J. H. Messner, Oregon Medford SMALL POPULAR PRICES The TOGGERY J GHAS. DUNFORD Candy Kitchen LEARNED JACKSONVILLE :: :: TRANSFER