SENTINEL X. Vol. I Jacksonville, Jackton County, Oregon. Friday, November 13, 1903. PKtCINGl BOUNDARIES ADJUSlfD. < ounty Court in Session three Dey• mid Adjusts Votin<| Precinct» R<» wliellt some week« there at the time Patriik Clark was investigating this projerty, s|x rit a day this wack with Ju« ksonville friciwls. Mr. Brady* was en rout«* to California. J. V. fiedeton. a pioneer prosjiector im«l miner of the Elliott creek mining distric t, has la-en in town this week get­ ting supplies ami renewing old acquumt- aticcs. J Ills is Mr. Ei’deton’s first visit to Jacksonville for 11 years and In- was much impr« sm <1 by the improv nient that has taken place in that time. t’s<-those fancy oilcloth rugs under your hcutmg stove, |.7.'> ami J|.«H), at C. W. Conklin's. The court of County Commissioners met Wednesday, Nov. 4th in th« regular session, Judge Prim, Sheriff Rader, County Clerk Orth and Commissioners Rllev atld Patti rsoll la-ing pre-ent. R«q«ort «d county officers were reviewed and approv« <1. '1 lie Bill of Welch Lumber Co. for him fa r was disallowed. Prof A. P. Armstrong was grant« <1 right of way to lav water pi J*- across county road near his farm In mutter of ih tition for county road presented bv Asbury Beall and other it was ordered that County Surveyor Jmn s The Ashland Preserving Coin; anv, and W J. l-' and Grant Rawlings wbi b has 1» en <>|>erating an ext« nsive the ap|M»intrd vii si rs to lav out road. caiin« ry in that city th«- present s< awm, In matter of ioa«l petition presented by will close o|M-ratioiis for the v<-ar this J. W. B< man and others r«qx>tt of vi- w we- k Tin- segMin has I m en longer than « rs was a< ceptedaml r«»ad ordered o|K-ncd usual in d there have I ecu more jieople The following expense account was employe«! than ever 1» fore, the avetage audited and allowed i . iiiii I m 'I of «>|M*rativcs la'iiig Ix twe* n ♦<) I3X imi ami 50 Manager Charles Pi« rc< reports County Court.............................. 2»i IM) that «luring the four months’ run th«- Circuit Court................................ Justices Court.............................. 5H 95 plant has canned 15 t«.ns <.f Bartlett Siu riffs 1 >!!«««■ ......................... 333 33 1» is operating a Treasurers Office......................... X3 33 h- -of bnpt. (»t f i< «................... M3 33 placer mine on Forest Creek came to 25M 33 town this week to me t J. R. Goble and \Hscssots Office ....................... Current Exp............................... I2»i 20 T. E. Sturg« <«n both of New York, who Court House Exp....................... 34 12 ar«- >«|s<, inteiestcd in tin- pr<*|>ertv, The Jail I xp .... ............... 23 75 latt, r g< nth m* n arrive«! Wednesday and 191 40 that iifteriifMin all three were driv« n out Care of Imligent................ — _ 20 oo to tin- pro|K*rty, where thei will »pt nd Insane............................................. 90 imi several dai * in examining the progre** Reform School Commi'nu nt... Road* and Bridges..................... 2011 34 of the work air* adv done and in making plans for future operation*. «Mi Ferric», Julv I«» Oct .................. It was or«l< red that the county la? «li- While looking tor presents don’t over vidcd into 32 voting precincts i with look thi—e li.iiidsoinc- rugs. Over 40 dif Ixiunduri»« as fo'lows: (the bollini.ini » fereiit design*. C. W. Conklin*«. for the two Jacksonville precinct» were A. Johnson, a business num of Kansas print«-«! m last weeks Sentinel). City, Missouri, who is on a western tour Wntkins. No. 2*.« — Peg at m - cor tp 41 s r 3 w, w to sw cor Jackson co; n to iiw of p|< astire ’lid business combined and «•or m -<- Dtp I! s r I w: v 4 mi tosr cor se<* w|i<> is i • ‘his M<*non mi to lie cor -ec 2’» tp 39 sonville this week. He ex;« -M-tl bini s r 3 w . on tp lines to 1» ginning. Polls «•If as highlv phased with the «limati«- and other f, attires of Southern ( «regoli W itkins sch«aii lions« l'in«.n. Na. 2M — B« g s<- cor we 21 tp anil .will proliably r turn to the Rojp >x s r 2 w. e to lie cor m - c 25 tp 3X s r 2 w. s on tp line to bi gmning. Polls at Sterl ing Mine. Foots Creek, No. 12— Beg. at sc < or s«c 2-5 tp 37 s r I w am! running w 4 mis to sw cor sec 2* tp 37 s r ♦ w: n 2 mi, w 2 mi t<> w line of Jackson co; ii on w line 4 4 4 4 * 4 of said co to Rogue river, up meamlerings of sai«l river to point where s.ii quarter sec cor between secs 19 and 39 tp 3M s r 1 e; |w to W M; s to begin ning. Polls at Sherman’s ha’l. Concluded on page 4. Stoves i he best stock ever brought to Med­ ford and the cheapest to be had in Jackson County for the quality is at D. H. MILLER’S I lie Pioneer Hardware Dealer. I : ! The Charter Oak and the Acorn both both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished Steel Heaters of our own make, the best low- priced airtight stove on the market. Anything in the Hardware Line. Mail Orders Promptly Filled MT7. but recently mine to the vallev from the state of Ohio. William Friedcger came out last spring and «las la-til employed jiart of the tim«-since in the Voorhees fruit ranch near Phoenix. He was so favorably nnpres-ed with Oregon tlia he sent for his father and they have pu re li­ as« d tll< Merlvy 4O.ii re r...a ll near Med­ ford. The ranch alre ady has quite a good orchard, but the new owners will con­ tinue to enlarge the on hard. The County rock ci usher has sus|iend- ed o|»-ration for this season II haslieeu woiking recently at Phoenix and a large [ < rtioii of t:-<- mck worked up «luring the last run will I»- used on the roads in that vicinity County Judge Prim says that the crusher is not an unalloyed success, as it lias cost nearly JCMl.i «.lay to o J h rate it and the .urn unt of ivork accomplished lias lieen fir from what was « kpecenl of it. '1 he crusher was lamglit supjiosedly under a guarantee that it w arid grnul up from ID to lx tons of rock an hour into pieces of from I inch to 2'j inches diame­ ter. It is said that during the run this summer it has been able to crush but little l»ett< r than !<> lolls of the 2'j indi rock per hour, the minimum limit ani even th« ti h is given trouble. I COLD WEATHER COMFORTERS Oregon All Wool Blankets Laprobes Flannels 10-4 Cotton Blankets 75c per pair Gold Seal Hip pure Gum Boots. Parker’s Hip Leather Sole Gum Boots. Boston Rubber Double Sole Gum Boots. Men’s, Boy’s and Ladies’ Knee Gum Boots Fish and Mermaid brands Oil Clothing. Our Stock is the Largest. Prices always the Lowest THE NUNAN-TAYLOR CO Christian Arnold Dies. Christian Arnold, a native of Baden, Germ it.y, agt <1 «Ml years. die«l at Salem. Saturday, Nov. 7. l!MKJ. The funeral sei vices were belli at the residence of Mrs. E Ho< kenv-ts, in Medford, last Tuesday forenoon. Rev. W. F. Shields of the Presbyterian church of that place of ', «ting, and the interment was in the Jacksonville cemetery*. Mr. Arnold was a well-known citizen of Jackson county, having rt sided near Medford for a nvmlx-r of veaas and was highly re-|> cte«l by a wide circle of acquaintances. acquaintances A!x>ut two •reeks ago In- unfortunately liecame mentally deranged and had to I be sent to the hospital at Salem, win re he died. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. E. Hock« nvos of Medford, and a brother, Jno. Arnold, of this comity, as well as his immediate family. Dr. J. W. Meserve Dead. Dr. J. W. Meserve, of Helena, a pion­ eer resident of Columbia county and father of t hrirle« Meserve. editor of the Sentinel. <'ied at 3:30 p. ni. last Friday and was buried last Sunday afternoon The funeral was conducted” under the au-pices of the Beaver Valley Grange, of which deceased wasa member. Dr. Mt serve wasa native of Vermont ami leaves a wife ami ten children to mourn his death. Later word from Chas. Meserve states that his mother was I r -strateil and in a dangerous condition at the time of her husband’s death, but has since rallied and is getting better. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. \V. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes: “Mv husliand lay sick for three months. The doctors sail! he had quick consumption. We pr »cure«! a bottle of Brllard's Horehound Syrup, and ii cure«l him. That was six years ago. Since then we have always kept a bottle in the hou.-e. We cannot do with it. For coughs an«l colds it h is no equal.” 25c, •'Mk'. fl;'M). Sold by City Drug Store. For Rent. Two fine store rooms, each 25xR0 feet in White-Thofnas brick block, Medford, i Oregon. New, well-furnished rooms, with a big warehouse in the rear. Apply to White it Trowbridge. By the new education law in the Phil- ; ippines 100 of the I k st Filipino students | are to I k - sent to the Unite«! States even year to complete their education here. Il is estimated that each student will cost a year exclusive the Government of transportation. GRAND RAFFLE A grand rafflie for #HM> in gob! is t«> take place at the Banquet sahxrn on the evening of Dei-ember 24th. The prize will be divided. #7'» going t-> the winner and #25 to the next best contestant. Tickets range from 1 cent to fl each. A fine turkey stipjier will be served after the raffle, which will I k - free to all.