Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, November 06, 1903, Image 8

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Judge and Mrs. Silas I lav sp lit last
Saturday at the Ish place guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Ish.
E. T. Staples, ot the Ashland Manu­
facturing Company, was a business visit­
or in Jacksonville, this week.
M. I.. Withington. a liwer who recent­
ly located at Medford, was in Jackson­
ville Wednesday on professional busi­
ness at the court house.
Miss Frances Nun m left Wednesday
morning for San Francisco. She will
probably spend the winter visiting friends
in that city and in traveling Southern
farming on hi* Laurelasli piiqHrti two
miles north of Jackaonvillr, his porch
used the Reynolds springs which issue
from the mountain a short distance wist
of his place. The springs arc )>crcniiial
and have a strong flow ot pure, cold
water. To utilize this the professor has
purchased right oi wax and will pi;w it
to Ills house where faucets will lie placed
at convenient places to siippli the farm
buildings, stock and |»oultri yards with
water He wil* also run pipe* over his
premise* so a* to irrigate his (Kisture
ami other lands. Prof. Armstrong pod
a liberal price for his acquisition but will
lie more than re|Mid by the practical use
which he can make so large and steady
a flow of water, the springs having run
continuously since 18,52.
At RYAN'S, Jacksonville,
Oregon, you will find
A New Line of
Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tab
While looking for presents don't over lets and becoming a favorite for stomach
balk these handaouie rugs. Over 40 dif­ troubles ami constipation. For Mik* by
ferent designs. C. W. Conklin's.
City Drug Store.
Earl Peter, who has sp-nt the past
The Window display of home made
summer working in a saw mill at Me- candies at the Hoss Candy _______
Kitchen is
___ returned home,
___ Saturday
even very attractive, especially by the gas light
ing and is now attending the Jackson­ which Mr. Learned has had placed in
ville public school.
his window.
Home-cooked meals, 25 cents at Mrs
Miss Kate B-oad, a Jacksonville young
Flory's in the brick txvarding house lady, who is teaching a tall term of s» bool
second block north of the Court House in Roxvann district, visited at home last
Miss Sarrah Law. of Forest creek, has week wh le attending teachers institute.
returned to Jacksonville Thursday from She returned Sunday evening to her
a three month's visit to friends in Taco­ school.
ma. She reports a very pleasant and
Quaker Herbs, three packages for one
enjoyable visit to the Northern city.
dollar, at the City Drug Store.
At thier business meeting last Wed­
Harvey Russell, a former Forest creek
nesday evening the Native Daughters resilient, but who for the past year has
bought the furniture belonging to the licen residing in California, returned
Native Sons organization of this city. Wednesday to Jacksonville accompanied
$150 was the reported purchase price.
by JefT Matney, another former resident
-M) inch mount vernon draper duck, i of F'rest creek. Mr. Russell has Ix-cn
wagon cover duck, 50 inch black enamel working in a raw mill a few miles from
carriage duck for sale at Nunan-Taylor , Gazelle, California.
Co., Jacksonville.
A Big Bear Captured.
I. E. Eckleson arrived home Thursday.
the supreme moment in a
Mr. Eckleson has been absent for about a
year spending much of his time in sportsman's life is the time when he can
Arizona and New Mexico in the employ come in from a long, hard tramp, leg-
of the S. P. Company, working with weary, footsore, tired and hungry, vet so
elater! that he can not take time to doff
their surveying outfit.
his bedraggled uniform and don the
Mrs. Sopha Eckelson arrived in Jack­ ordinary garb of sober citizenship before
sonville Wednesday from Seattle, she he gathers his fellows about him ami
comes for a visit with friends and relat­ safely enscom ed from the wintry wind
ives. Mrs. Eckelson will return, with and with the light of g< nius in his ey e
her children, in a few days to Seattle exclaim-- to Ins eager and breathless com
where they will reside in the future.
rade*. “I killed a bear.” And then fol­
Use those fancy oilcloth rug* under low* the story of “How?" Ami then the
your heating stove, $.75 and $1.00, at expectant hearers with ears alert and
mouths agap are carried rapidly on from
C. W. Conklin's.
i scene to scene from the time when the
Charles Hill, proprieter of the Ash- i dogs first strikes the trail and the < suit-
Ian 1 Bottling Works, was in Jacksonville , ant hunter takes up the chase, how lie
Thursday in the interests of his business. scrambles up hill and slides d >wn hill,
Call and see my Stock.
His wife and baby accompanied him as ■ how he bursts through the brush, hat less,
far as Medford and remained there to regardless of rolling rocks or woundid
visit friends while he came on to this shins until the triumphant moment when
he finds the dogs wildlv c ip ring alxnit
“Wards Funny People” Company ar­ a tree, and, marking the scratched bark
rived in Jacksonville Thursday and to as his eyes winder skyward, lie final! v
night (Eridav) will play in the U. S. locates bruin firmly hugging a limb, his
Opero hall. This company has been tongue lolling from his mouth ami his
giving their performance through the eyes warily watching the antics of his
state and is said to stage an up-to-date canine pursuers. Then the hunter re aps
anb high class vaudeville entertainment. his reward. Thereare nodreamy eyes like
The prospects are that they will have a those of the gentle doe. to look reproach­
es at him for the slaughter, but, remem­
good house.
bering the powerful resistance bruin
Largest Stock of farm Machinery in South­
One of the best selections of millinery could wage were he so minded, with slow
goods to be seen in Medford is at the and delilrerate aim he raises his trust v
ern Oregon.
store of Maud E. Wilson & Co. in Med­ fire-arm and then dances about his
ford on F street west of the S. P. depot fallen bearship with joy unsurpassed. The
Complete Line of Vehicles, embracing farm
and her prices are satisfactory to custo­ story ended the audience heaves a sigh of
and freight Wagons. Spring Wagons. Car­
satisfaction—and of envy.
Such wasthe pleasure of George Neuber
H.H. Ridell, prominent attorney of Port­
riages. Buggies. Etc.
land. and A. S. Hammond and E. B. last Wednesday evening, Mr. Neulier
Dufur, well known lawvers of Gold Hill, with Mrs. Neuber left Jacksonville last
Haying and Harvesting Machinery. Horse­
were in town Wednesday on business Monday ostensibly for a quiet outing, at
connected with the Ray-Ferguson case. his mines on Applegate, but the wrilv
forks and Wire Rope.
This case, brougt by F. M. Ferguson to hunter failed to sav that he had received
recover the value of $1(132 worth of gold
ore, found by Ferguson on property be­ seen, so when he returned Wednesday
longing to Dr. C. R. Ray and rented of evening with Mr. Bear, recently defunct,
him was tried at the September term of a surprised anil gixxl sized audience
circuit court and decided in favor of gathered at the Orth butcher shop to
witness the skinning. And in truth it
was an nnusual sight as the animal was a
Columbia river salt salmon bel­ fine large specimen of perhaps the Cinna­
lies, macKeral, Holland herring in mon species, and weighed alxnit 375
Kits and Kegs. Nunan-Taylor Co.
pounds dressed.
Mrs. J. D. Cook and daughter Iris
From the oldest, finest wixded Oregon
have returned to their home in Medford
bred flix-k. Thirty head of
after a stay of several months in Port­
Health is absolutely impossible if
land. Mrs. Cook spent much of her constipation be present. Many serious
time during her absence in a sanitarium cases of liver and kidney complaint
Second Floor, Adkins Block,
<>m to four years old; medium sized.
and her health seemed much better, but have sprung from neglected constipation.
upjxisite Postoffice.
| short jointed. Kreil for crossing with
since her return she has Ix-eti ill and is Such a deplorable condition is unneces­
leggy, loose-winded ewes. Best gleaner-
now quite indisposed with a severe at­ sary. There is a cure for it. Herbine
orchard, hop-vard or field; and most
tack of the asthma. Miss Iris attended will speedily remedy matters. C. A.
Ore self-helpful
of wool and mutton sheep.
the Holmes’ Business College during her Lindsay, I’. M., Bronson. Fla., writes,
Care taken to fill orders by mail.
“Having tried Herbine.
stay in the city and she has become a Feb. 12. ........
Corres|xmdenee wanted with voting
proficient stenographer.
She learned I find it a fine medicine for constipa-
Fine Photography a Specialty. farmers who are thinking of engaging in
the Gregg System of short hand which tion.” 50c bottle. Sold by City Drug
Special attention given to posing sheep raising, who will lx- given jioinlcrs
has become so popular in the past few­ Store.
years. She will take a position with the
of children. Jill ivork guaran­ that will lx- to their interest.
Three Pines Lumber Company of which
teed. Prices reasonable.
her father is the secretary.
The largest assortment ever in Jackson
If von want to rent a farm or have land
Prof. A. P. Armstrong, with the pro­ ville. Hand made ami factory made
to rent see T. C. Norris, Jacksonville.
gressive methixls which he adopts in his ; The Mixlei, Max Muller's old stand.
Call And see It.
The latest thing in the Bed and
Lounge line. Come and inspect,
I also lake orders for
Harness and Saddles
Photo Gallery
Minto & Wain,
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