3’«>u are hctijiy required to appeal ill the naught, th«- marriage contract, now TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, |X/N—NOTICE above cntitlcil court mid cioiM- ami alin­ existing lietueen plaintiff ami ileftmlant; FOR PUBLICATION. wer tile complaint now oli file therein Scroti«), lor a further ilecree awarding to against you, within Hl days from the plaint iff the care anil custody of the three lowii Lumlier co of Neb to town United States Land Office, dal«- of the service ol thin summons minor children of pla’iitiff and defendant, Luililx r fk Ito* co of Iowa, u I hiu I Roseburg, Or« gon. Sept. 12. 1903. upon you, if served within Jackson Conn and for a judgment against tin- defend 2ooo a, Jackson Vo........................... Notice is hereby giv< n that in conipli Sallic E I »It to Sojdienia J l»h ty, (lo gon, and if served within anyotlu r ant tor Plain tiff*» costs am) di»bur««-meiit» atice with the provisions of the act of County of Oregon, then within 29 «lays Gore, about 5(XMl ii in Jackson in to )x-laxeil congress / m entitled “An Congress OI of June June ;i, 3. im 1878, from the date of th«- service of this sum county..................................................... f In» htimmons 1» published in tin Jack a< t for the «ale of timlx er lands in the SopheniMj l»h Gore and liusb to mon» u|x>n you. and if »«-rved bv publica­ sonvilh Sentinel for six consecutive State i»r. g <» ill, .« Nevada, ami State «.I of U»lii..r«.m California. Or« tion tin n on or Ix-fore the last day of the weeks bv onler of the Hon. H K. Hanna Sallic E Isii, deed to life « st «tc Washington Territory," as extended to same................................................... I date prescribed in theor sec 24 tp Attorneys for Plaintiff. fice his sworn statement No 5702, for the 40 s, r I c............................................... 1 titled Cour1 for the relief demanded in purchase of the West *4 of the E'/j of the complaint to wit: Th.it but one com Iona Thomas ami hush to G W Section No |O in Township No 41 South, SUMMONS j ct« nt j « tmiii lie ap|M>mt«d as n fer* e Lan »r, prop Gold Hill ............. Range N<> 4 We-4. and will offer proof to with direction by Mc­ B< njatnin R Spalding of Bay City. of th«- N. E. quarter and (he N. E. quarter above entitled court and answer to the Nabb; 20 acres off cast end d 1 c Witn-onsir; Francis J. Sptiding of Waver­ ton of the S. E. quarter of sai«l Sec. 19. Tw p. complaint fih d against you therein with- ' ,55, tp 3d s, r 2 w................................ ly, Wisconsin; A. W. Silsbv of Grants 38 S. R. 2 W. of W. M , containing 180 j in six we< ks from the «late of the first Frank <> Krause ct d to Margaret Pass, Oregon; Sterl Walsitigham of Bras ' Krause, prop hi Jacksonville....... 132 ■«•re». That it l»e «letermined bv saiil de­ publication of tin» summons, which d « e ington, Wisconsin. cree th«it said pr«q»erty is not capable of of first publication thereof is Friday . Oct Addie A Poh y ami hush to J K Any ami ail persons claiming adver- partition except by »ale and a division of ober 9, A. D. 19113, and you are hereby st ly tlx- above -desert lx-d lands are re­ Van Sant, lot 24, 25, 28 blk p, Hl the proc«-«-r the period of her natural life; that mamh d in said complaint, to-wit: For a HI 2. 12-11 Register. by said »ale the «lower interest of said judgim nt against you for sixteen huml I»uac N Brotherton ct ux to Rrlx-cca H. Crump in sai I premise» la- red and fifty dollars, with interest then- TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878—NOTICE Beatrice L Mason; lot 28, 29. •JI Nt sold, that said deer«-«' «1« termine what on at the rat«- of Hl per cent per annum Mounlview add, Ashlami .......... FOR PUBLCATION. proportion of th«- prrx*erds arising fr<-m and for his costs and disbursements here­ Fred Langeloh ct ux to W H Mil­ said sale »hall lx- jwid Reliecca H. Crump in ler et al; prop «ec 8, tp 35 », r 4 United States Land Office, This summons is published pursuant I in lieu of her dower in said premises to an order made by Hon. Charles Prim, .. ................................................................ Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 12, 1993. That the ; roi eeds of said sale I k - applied County Judge of Jackson County, State Isaac N Brotherton et ux to Nancy Notice is hereby given that tn compli- a» follow». to-wit: M Cummoiis; lots 24 ami 25, Alt- of Oregon, made at « handlers in Jackson­ mce with the provisions of the act of First: For th«- payment of all th«- costs ville, (in gon, on the 5th «lav of Octol»er. j Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled “An 519 view add, Ashland........................... ami disbursements of thi» suit, and the PMI3. which ord« r requires that this »urn J II Sf< wait ct ux to Edward J De a< t for the sale of limiter lands in the Hart; pr >p tp », r 1 w.............. l.'NMN) Costs ami « x| eiiM-s of sai«l »a1«- and legal ; mons lx- published in the Jacksonville States ot California Oregon. Nevada, and feesam! exix-t.s«-» of said referee. William Holt» to Flank Buetlal it Sentinel, a news|mj>er of general circula­ Washington T< rntorv,” as extended to 595 Second That there I k - pd|Mirtioti of for « ]<*ril«ve V. Crump, I! II Chapman to 3 ictoria St C E F.tlie! J. Crump, t baric« J. Crump. Harv- nam««l •vlllcr ha«» nlrd notice of hi* intention to 1 th< lmd sought :s more valuable for its Mickelson; s^ *4 of »■ *4 ami Io’ to make final proof in Mipi»ort of hi* claim and « y L. Crump, Walter Runnels, Furman S. that Maid proof will be mafic before Sila* J I>av. limlx-r or stone th tn for .ig'icultnra! pur­ I. sec 17 ami lie'4 ot nc*< ami I Crump. Thom.«» A Crump, and William I’, s ConunM-iuiit-r. at Jacksonville. Oregon on poses. and to establish his claim to said lot I, sei 29, tp 39 *, r 2 c............. Xo 11**2 William E Crump, each one-eleventh of w«id re­ November II I1« k < « , z ; j Jess»- Hinkle t<> Isaac C Kent; nw M suartafager. for the SW>a NW% NW‘a SW% land I m f<>r< J. O. Booth, County Judge, at maining ; r«Hi« ds resjiectivelv. To Rcliec- Section i*. Tp MIS, R I W *4 of lot 50 Central Point Ceim- his office at Grants Pass. Oregon, on Sat­ >l<* name« thr following witne^ae* to prove hi* urday tile 12th day of Decemlier 1993. 2S ca 11 Crump, as guardian a«l litem for John terv.......................................................- F. Hammond, Edith Vivien Hammond, y*o!iti iiiioh *« residence upon and cultivation cf Ethel Walrad Patrick uml hu»b to He names as witnesses: m < h I land viz <«c*orgr C Culy of Steamboat. Carl E«lw*rd Hammond ami Clara Ali«*«- Jack*011 county Oregon Jacob C Knutxen of Kate Howell; lot 4 blk (i Ash­ Francis J. Spalding of Waverly, Wis­ 1075 Hammond, the remainder of sai«l pro­ SteanilMmt Jackson county. Oregon; Charlrn consin; Sterl Walsingham of Brasington. land......................................................... cecils t«> I«- rvccive«l l»v her as »uch guard S Swartcfagrr, of >traml»oHt. Jacksrm county. Wisconsin; A. W. Silsbv of Grants Pass Elizabe th Van Sant ami liusb to Oregon Albert U* Shearer, of Steamlmat J mck - .’25 ian for them in equal pr«qx>rtions; that in «on countv. Oregon. E T Staples; prop in \shland..... J. “ Oregon; George Culey of Grants Pass. T ........ BRIDGES llf-2 11-13 ’ the event of resistance on tin- ;»irt of any Registi-. J Poirier 1 et nx to G E Graves, Oregon; of the defendants to partition of said pre­ lot 3. ami w S of lot 2 blve entitled court, made UW2. lots 1(1 and 11, H B Carter add. fkascis j sr.yi.mx«; 320 in chambers. Octolx r 23r, of Reader, prop in Ashland............... Notice is hereby given that in compli­ Sec ion No »in Towtisliip No II South; Range of ill« first publication of this summons N<> I west, and will offer proof to show that the ance with the provisions of the act of Fred Rapp et »1 to Loin» Nicder- mver; prop near Jacksonville .... 231 Nt is Octolx r 3(1, l'.MI.I; the date of the last laml -ought is more valuable for it» timlier 01 Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An publication of this summons as prescrib- stone han for agricultural pur|H>«c» and to est­ act for the sale of timber lands in the ablish ii« claim to Mill lan«l ‘ ' J. o Booth, e«l in said order is December II, 1993. County Judge, it hi« oflic«- at before (•rant* l’a*s. Ore- States of California, Oregon, Nevada ami The «late within which you are required gon on salunlay. the 12th day d December. Washington Territory,” as extended to to ap|M*ar and answer if served bv publi­ T hor all the public laml stales bv act of Aug­ lie names as witne««e« cation is on or la-fore iJecemlier 11, 1993. A. yv Silsbv. ot Grant« Pa««. Oregon. George ust 4. 18*12, Dated at Jacksonville. Jackson County. Culey. of Grant« Pas« Oregon. Benjamin K SUMMONS. STERL M. W A I„S INGHAM Spalding of Bay City. Wisconsin; Sterl Walsing- of Brasington, county of Pierce, state of Oregon, Octolx-r :J0. 11MI3. liam.of Brasington; Wisconsin In the Circuit Court of the Stale of A. E REAMES, Any atnl all persons claiming adversely the Wisconsin, has this day filed in this of­ Oregon, for Jackson County. C. L. REAMES, il«ove described liiinls are r«-que«ted to file their fice his sworn statement No. 5708 for the claims in this office on or lxrfore said 12th day of purchase of the SE *4 of Section No. 2 in Attorneys for plaintiffs. Rcliecca H. Crump, John II. August IfflW. J T Bridge». ■; Crump, Township No 41 South. Range No 4 West Crump, J. Frank 10-2 12-11 Register. SUMMONS and will offer proof to show that the laml Ethel 1. (Hive V. Crump, C I IMBKR LAND AC I JUNE 3. 1X7» NOTICE sought is more valuable for its Charles J. Crump, Harvey I. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ FOR PUBLICATION timlier or stone than for agricultural pur­ John Frank Crump ami egon, for Jackson County. United States Laml office. Edith Vivian poses, and to establish his claim to said I lammond, Roseburg, Oregon Sept 12. 190CI Weston F. Shields, plaintiff / lid ward land lieforv J. (). Booth. Countv Judge, Carl I lammond, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with vs. vs- 1 the . rovisions of the act ot Congress of June 3. at his office at Grants Pass, Oregon. Sat­ Hammond ami Clara Alice Lillian Shields, defendant. ’ t»7X, entitled "An Act for th«- Sale ol Timlier urday. the 12th day of December. 1903. Hammond, minor heirs ami Lands in the States of California. Oregon. Neva- To Lillian Shields, Defendant: He names as witnesses: children of Clara Alice Ham­ In the name of the State of Oregon: la and Washington Territory." as extcinled to ill the public laud sales by act of August I. 1X92. A. W Silsbv, of Grants Pass, Oregon; mond, deceased, daughter of You are hereby required to appear and Margaret E Spalding, of Bay City, county of Summons George Culey, of (»rants Pass. Oregon; Josiah Crump by Rebecca H. answer the Complaint tiled against you Pierce, stale oi Wisconsin, ha« this dav filed in Crump, their next of kin office her «worn statement No. .i/u.» for the William Spalding, of Maiden Rock. Wis­ in the above entitled suit within ten days this purchase of the «Wy4 of Section No. Ill ill Town­ consin; Benjamin R. Spalding, of Bay and friend, ami Walter Run­ from the date of the service of this Sum­ ship No. II South. Range No I West, and will City, Wisconsin. nels, husband of Elmira V. mons upon you, if served within this offer proof to show that the laml sought is more Anv and all persons claiming adverse­ Crump, deceased daughter, vain ible for its timlx-r or stone than tor agricul ­ County, or if served within any other tural purposes. an«l to establish her claim to said ly the above described lands are request- of Josiah Crump, County of this State, then within twenty land before J. |~LECAL NOTICES. |-»|]