Death ot I. 0. foudray. THE Ja< kson County Minister* Meet, PLUMBING TINNING The old pioneer* of Jackson County The County .Ministers A**< ciation met yy ill lx* mi r prised and shocked to learn of hi Ashlaml, Nov ‘Jlnl. flierc yyrrv pre* the death of Hon. E D. Foiidrav who cut lint t« vii minister* of th«- County. for the jxist fifteen years ha* resideil In Then were present as visiting munbcrx. Phoenix, this comity. R< v G. L- Tutt*. I'll D. and l ant. I, D file topic for Illi ilay was. Mr. Foudray yy-a. om of the pioneer* Mallollv of the county, ami there i* scarcely an “JackMin County whut i* being dom­ old pioneer either in JackMtn. Josephine. ami yy lint ought to lx- done.” Tile sub­ Klamath or Lake who is not acquainted ject was pre*cnt««l by Rev \\ F Shield* and gonoral ropalr with E. D. Foudray. He came to Ore of Medford, with the use of th« map of work dono promptly gon in the early fifties ami han resided Jackson County prewired by him. The in tin* county ever since arriving here next meeting of th«* \**n will li< and at a roasonablo For a time hr pros|tei'te«l ami mined in in Medford, the tirsi Mond.iX in Jan . ami privo Siskiyou county California at Yreka and the subject for that meeting is: "M« tinsi* at other milling camp« in that state, and the Most Succesdul in Evangelisti« learning of the rich strike tin '«• in the Work.” Thi* stibj«ci will lx presented vicinity of Jacksonville he with other* by the R< v. J. T U i I h H ol Ashland, .«ml left that county ami came to Jacksonvilie. the Rev. E \ Chihl ot Medfonl will In the early history of the county In ojien the ( th«- County iiiov «- for always considered, He yva* born hi the the shutting of th« saloon out of |.n k*on south in Kentucky ati«l inlu rit< <1 his County. Resolution. in regard lo tip democratic tendencies, The writer of dea t li of thè Rev. T. I. k rami.ili Mete thi* artical lias heard him recite remin- adopte«! and urdí reti apre.««! tljioii tllc iscences of Henry Clay, |x-r*oii'il remiti minute* <>f tltc A* mk iation a* a tn.iik r> tile lx st of In lH"tl Mr. Foundray was nominated Point, Meilford. Jacksonville ami \.h- .-JEGISTCREO for County Clerk on the intvd lo ar et anti was elected, and lie was reiiotn- cange for lei-ture* in thè countv oli thè inated in lM7fi and reeleclcl, serving in " i«re of < trvgon,” hy John B that cajMcitv for a jx-ri«xl of four year*. Horncr, A M Liti. D of tln- State Ini He has tilled other p«>sitioiis in the versiti ot Oregon. Tlii* th< Profe** >r county in the capacity «>f deputy ami al­ Ila* agre« il to «lo. ami tln collimiti««- wlll ways with efficiency. Mr. roudrav’s arrange witb Inni a* to thè tini«' imi genial, hospitable disposition an«l his place. power of attractive, reminiscent recital will always lx- rcmeinl>ercm|*-inv Office one block south of Courthouse the Presbyterian church on Saturda« at Clarence Wilhite, who is working for Mm JACKSONVILLE. • • OREtiON i o’clock p. tn. Merritt & Co., of Gohl Hill came home last Saturday and returned to <>ol«l Hill I Probate Court Proceedinqs, Sundae. I p-loflatc Shop INITI-H STATUS COMMISSIONER Estate of Susan Ireland, citution t**ite Antiix-h school o|x-ne«l last Monday , Filing* an«l final proof madron honir-Mc-atts Three fine Chairs to heir* to show cause why real proja-rt« with Mr* JohtiMiu, lately from M IIIIK'* and Umber claim. Corrected plat» .bow ing should not lx* Mild. all vacant lamia (load Uortonea. Mita, ill y barge. Enro lment. Hi Estate <>f Susan Ireland; fir*’ account. NOTARY I’tHI.IC AND CONVEYANCER School in Mountain District close« I Guardianship of J. G. Broun; «inter . Legal |>ap Alt.« It Boston. J. M Mayor tt> Josephine Hargrave. Chas. P. Talent, Rvdal M. Br.uiburv. W. R. Yockev to Eiizalieth Stenn.m. "Chamlierlain** Fain Balm is consid er«d the be*t liniment on the market.” writ«- Post Jk Bli**. of Georgn, Yt. No other liniment will heal < cut or bruiM so promptly. No other afford* such quick relu f (torn rheuuiati« | m « iii <. N o other 1« mi valuable for deep *c «teaer dose is taken their action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of the medicine. Try a 25 cent Ixittle of them. For sale by City Drug Store. ness visitor to Jacksonville. Mr*. Lewis Fam -ett lieen hen-the past few fall trading. Racyclcs, Ramblers and other standard bicycles Repairs made to bicycles sewing machines, guns and all kinds oí small machines Sat­ lands. Onl) Makes a Bad Matter Morse. BICYCLE STORE REPAIR SHOP Wednesday . of Watkin* has days doing her Arthur Poe head clerk for the Boy den hardware comtMiiy of Medford was in Jacksonville Wednesday Our new Fall patterns are ready for your inspection. Measurements taK- en. Fit guaranteed or no acceptance. Nunan-Taylor Co. J. C. Whipp. propretor of a I irge marble yard in Ashlaml. stent M outlay night ill Jacksonville. To get perfect rest use one of tl|o«c Grant Rawlings, ex-county recorder silk floss or cotton felt mattresses, Thev and a prominent cattle man of Medford, are the best. C. W. Conklin. was ill Jack miii vilie Wednesday otl busi- Jake Knutzen of Steamlxiat came to ness at th«- court house. town the first of the week on business Win Deneff. G \\ Coulter and Joe and was accompanied by Robert Finney who has lieen in that part of the county Stewar* returned Tues«lay evening from (or a week assisting his father in their a hunt on th«- Applegate; They rejwirt a fine trip and saw a g«xxl deal of game. mine and visiting friends. TED KELSO MEDFORD, - OREGON CHAS. H. BASYE Will conduct a gone- rat Blacksmith busi- nous at the old CRONCMILLER STAND Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED